11 5 3rd Fajr Visual Art Fest Opens ens


11 5 3rd Fajr Visual Art Fest Opens ens
Jan. 30, 2011
Imam Ali (AS):
Charity and alms are the best remedy for ailments and calamities.
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Art & Culture
News in Brief
Saba Animations for Tehran
Five productions by Saba Cultural Institute will be participating in the 7th Tehran International Animation Festival.
‘Jar’ directed by Ali Ahmadi, ‘Lady Pumpkin’ by Ahmad
Oryani and ‘Little Nurses’ by Abdolkarim Salehi will compete
in the Iranian Competition section.
Kianoush Abedi’s ‘Instrumentalist’ and ‘Working Group
13’ co-directed by Amirhossein Davoudi will be taking part in
the international section, ISNA reported.
Organized by the Institute for the Intellectual
Development of Children and Young Adults, the
festival is scheduled for March 6-10.
The festival aims to provide an opportunity
for artists to exchange ideas.
Encouraging young animators to innovate
and create and developing abilities through new techniques
and perspectives are among the other objective of the festival.
The festival is categorized in four sections: competition,
non competitive category, special Screening and panorama.
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V hd H
ll iis h
hosting ‘Stone
and Jug’ directed by Alireza
The play is based on the
incidents that happened after
Ashura, the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS).
(Photo by Bahman Sadeqi)
Turkey Screening Anti-Israel
Film on Gaza Ship
A Turkish action movie that opened in cinemas across the
country Friday begins with Israeli soldiers raiding a Turkish
aid ship and shooting at unarmed activists on deck. A Turkish
undercover agent then appears in Beit-ul-Moqaddas vowing
to hunt down and kill the Israeli commander who ordered the
attack, AP reported.
Based on the real-life May 31 attack on a Turkish ship that
tried to bust through the blockade of Gaza as part of an international flotilla, the movie “Valley of the Wolves--Palestine” could
worsen already tense relations between Turkey and Israel.
As the Turkish protagonist, Polat Alemdar,
and his two hit men chase after the villain
Moshe ben Eliezer, Israelis are portrayed as
merciless tyrants who kill Palestinian women
and children and long to take over Muslim
lands to create a “Greater Israel” spanning
from “the river Euphrates to the Nile.”
The popular TV series “Valley of the Wolves,” on which the
feature-length film is based, already caused a diplomatic dispute between Turkey and Israel last year and Israel’s ambassador Gabby Levy told Turkey’s Anatolia news agency this
week that the movie was slanderous.
It quoted Levy as saying that some “generalizations about
the Jewish people, certain anti-Semitic approaches” were
Turkey and Israel signed a military cooperation agreement
in the mid-1990s that made Turkey the closest ally of Israel in
the Muslim world. But relations between the two have strained
over the Islamic-oriented government’s increasingly critical
statements on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and reached
near collapse after the raid.
‘The Rite’ Poised to Top
Weekend Box Office
Theater marquees will be crowded this weekend as commercial titles ‘The Rite’ and ‘The Mechanic’ enter the market and
Oscar darlings ‘The King’s Speech’ and ‘127 Hours’ make
major expansions.
New Line Cinema’s ‘The Rite’, starring Anthony Hopkins,
should win the weekend and gross in the mid-to high teens.
Playing in 2,985 theaters, the horror pic -- about a skeptical
young priest who must perform an exorcism on Hopkins’
character -- hopes to capitalize on the success of August release ‘The Last Exorcism’.
‘The Rite’ should play heavily to Catholic
audiences, and especially Catholic Hispanics.
Rite is tracking well among men and women
over 25, but interest among younger females
is softer than expected, Reuters reported.
Lionsgate’s ‘From Prada to Nada’, opening in only 256 theaters, will go after young
Hispanic females. Loosely based on Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and
Prejudice’, ‘Prada’ is the first film from the Lionsgate-Televisa joint venture Pantelion Films.
Starring action favorite Jason Statham, CBS Films’ ‘The
Mechanic’ opens in 2,700 theaters. The film, which CBS Films
is distributing for Avi Lerner’s Nu Image/Millennium, is a remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film of the same name.
‘Mechanic’ is leading ‘The Rite’ in terms of interest among younger males and should gross in the high single digits or even low teens.
‘The Mechanic’ could find itself in a race for No. 2 with the
Weinstein Co.’s ‘King’s Speech’, which expands from 1,680
theaters into 2,553 on the heels of picking up 12 Oscar nominations. The film is already seeing a hearty boost from the
nominations, and it finished Wednesday with a domestic total
of $60 million.
3rd Fajr Visual Art Fest Opens
Art & Culture Desk
he Third Fajr Visual Art Festival
opens today at Tehran’s Artists
The opening ceremony will be attended
by Hamid Shahabadi, deputy culture and Islamic guidance minister for art affairs.
According to IRNA, twenty Iranian provinces will host the event simultaneously as
well as seven foreign states, namely Italy,
France, the Netherlands, Austria, Lebanon,
Ghana and Syria.
So far, 20,000 entries have been received
by the festival’s secretariat, which shows a
significant increase compared to last year’s
figure of 9,000, according to the festival or-
Rohani Conducts Tehran
Symphony Orchestra
Tehran Symphony Orchestra begins rehearsals today under the baton of guest
conductor Shardad Rohani.
Based on a decision made by the orchestra’s policy making
council, Rohani will serve as
the orchestra’s guest conductor in February and March.
According to IRNA, the
musician will also conduct
the orchestra in its performances at the 26th Fajr International Music Festival this
Rohani had well-received
performances at Tehran’s
Vahdat Hall in May and June
2010, when they featured ‘Italian Caprice
Orchestral’ by Tchaikovsky, ‘Sheherazade’ by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov as
well as Rohani’s compositions, including
‘Motherland’, ‘Epic’ and ‘Isfahan’.
The Iranian composer, who is also a
The festival will be held in categories
such as calligraphy, poster, photographs,
Book Banned by Mubarak
Predicted Egyptian Revolution
professional violinist and pianist, has
appeared as a guest conductor with a
number of prestigious orchestras such as
the London Royal Philharmonic concert
Rohani is the music director and conductor of the
COTA symphony orchestra
in Los Angeles.
He is probably most
known for arranging and
conducting the Yanni Live
at the Acropolis concert, an
open-air concert with the
London Royal Philharmonic
Concert Orchestra in the Parthenon, Athens, Greece.
The concert was acclaimed by both
critics and audience and became the most
widely viewed program ever shown on
Public Television in United States and is
the second best-selling music video of all
painting, miniature and pottery.
‘Seven Art Branches, Seven Artists’ is a
peripheral section aiming to honor veteran
Iranian artists. It features 30 calligraphy
works by Master Jalil Rasouli, inspired by
Qur’anic verses.
Miniatures by Mohammad Ali Rajabi
will be put on display in the same section,
along with 20 paintings by Gholamali
Taheri, whose works are themed on ‘Ashura’. Other works include 20 posters by
Mohammad Khazai, pottery and ceramic
works by Manijeh Armin and 20 photos by
Ali Fereydouni.
The Third Fajr Visual Arts Festival coincides with the anniversary marking the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It will
run through February 6. It aims to prepare
the grounds for artistic creations and promotion of Iranian-Islamic art.
As Egypt smolders and the country’s president grows more unpopular by the minute,
a book his regime banned in 2008, “Inside
Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the
Brink of the Revolution,” offers unparalleled insight into
the unfolding drama in the Arab
world’s most populous country.
The controversial book by
John R. Bradley, a British
expert on the Middle East,
caused an international media firestorm when it was
banned by the Mubarak regime on publication. Now
it is easy to see why it so
threatened the regime, having predicted with remarkable accuracy
the revolutionary fervor now sweeping
the Arab world’s most populous country,
according to benzinga.com.
“Inside Egypt” (New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2008) boldly argued that a
revolutionary uprising would happen
this year by pinpointing a perfect storm
that strikingly resembles what is happening in Egypt today. Bradley, who is fluent in Egyptian Arabic and
lived in Egypt during most
of the last decade, uniquely
among Western observers
of the country made such a
categorical prediction of imminent revolution.
Bradley argued that a revolution would be sparked by
a random event that no one
could foresee, but would not
come from the traditional
Egyptian opposition political parties. That event turned out to be the
Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia. He also argued that the timing of the uprising would
coincide with the final perceived push to
transfer power from President Hosni Mubarak to his widely despised son, Gamal.
Abu Dhabi