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here - GPoT, Global Political Trends Center
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A majority of Israelis believe that Israel should take action in order to improve
relations with Turkey, including the issuing of an apology on operational
mistakes that took place during the flotilla takeover, as part of an agreement
between the two countries. Most Israelis think that the Israeli government is not
doing enough to improve relations with Turkey, and believe that doing such will
assist Israel’s international campaign against Iran.
The following are the results of a public opinion poll of MITVIM – The Israeli Institute for
Regional Foreign Policies, conducted by the Rafi Smith Institute between August 23rd and 26th
among 500 men and women, as a representative sample of the Israeli adult population (Jewish
and Arab sectors). Margin of error is 4.5%. The poll was carried out prior to a policy summit
between MITVM and the (Turkish) Global Political Trends Center that will take place in Turkey
in September 2012.
The summit will deal with the consequences of the Arab Spring, the crisis in Syria, and relations
between Turkey and Israel, as well as prospects for mending the ties between the two
countries. It will be an extraordinary opportunity for policy dialogue between Israeli and Turkish
think tanks, at a time in which many dialogue channels between the countries have been put on
The following are the man findings of the public opinion poll.
1) Approximately 8 out of 10 Israelis (79% of those with an opinion) think that Israel
should take action in order to improve ties with Turkey in light of the instability in the
Middle East, specifically in Syria.
In light of the recent instability in the Middle East in general, and in Syria in particular, the
suggestion for Israel to take action towards improving relations with Turkey has once again
been voiced. Are you in favor or against Israel taking action towards such an improvement?
In favor
Did not state an opinion
Among those with an opinion (89%)
2) A majority of the public (59% of those with an opinion) thinks that the Israeli
government is not doing enough in order to improve Israeli-Turkish relations. About onethird of the respondents did not state an opinion.
In your opinion, is the Israeli government doing enough or not doing enough in order to improve
the relations between Israel and Turkey?
Doing enough
Doing, but not enough
Doing almost nothing
Did not state an opinion
Among those with an opinion (68%)
3) A majority of the public (54% of those with an opinion) would support an agreement
that will include an Israeli apology regarding the flotilla incident, as well as the renewal of
full diplomatic ties, the renewal of security coordination between Israel and Turkey, and a
Turkish commitment to refrain from filing lawsuits against IDF soldiers.
Would you be in favor an agreement between Israel and Turkey that will include the restoring of
full diplomatic relations, the restoring of security coordination, and a commitment to refrain from
filing lawsuits against IDF soldiers, in return for an Israeli apology for operational mistakes that
took place during the takeover of the Turkish flotilla?
In favor
Did not state an opinion
Among those with an opinion (84%)
4) A majority of the public (60% of those with an opinion) thinks that improving the
relations with Turkey will assist Israel in its international campaign against Iran. Almost
one-quarter of the respondents did not state an opinion.
Do you think that an improvement in Israel-Turkey relations will assist or not assist Israel in its
international campaign against Iran?
Not assist
Did not state an opinion
Among those with an opinion (78%)
5) A majority of the public (53% of those with an opinion) will be ready to return and visit
Turkey if relations with Israel will be mended (49% of the Jewish population will be ready
to visit, and 84% of the Arab population).
Will you be ready to visit Turkey should its relations with Israel be mended?
I will not visit Turkey regardless of the
nature of Israel-Turkey relations
Did not state an opinion
Among those with an opinion (97%)
6) Between 48% and 67% of the Arab population did not state opinions regarding IsraelTurkey relations. Those with an opinion significantly support improving relations,
including an Israeli apology. In contrast to the Jewish population, there is a slight
majority among Arabs that think that improving relations with Turkey will not assist
Israel in its international campaign against Iran.
According to Dr. Nimrod Goren, Chairman of MITVIM, the results show that “the Israeli public
is not willing to take Israel’s growing regional isolation for granted anymore, and believes that
despite the efforts to portray Turkey as a radical regional player, Israel can and should act to
improve its relations with it, in light of the changes in the Middle East.”
“The willingness to apologize to Turkey as part of a reconciliation agreement,” claims Dr. Goren,
indicates a growing understanding in Israel that foreign-policy should be determined by national
interests, and not by considerations related to pride, as claimed last year by the Foreign
Minister. We currently face a genuine opportunity to mend relations with Turkey, based on the
reconciliation agreement that was drafted in 2011. According to the poll’s result, the content of
this agreement is currently supported by a majority of the Israeli public. This was not the case a
year ago.”
Dr. Goren concluded by stating that “Israel should identify the opportunities posed by the Arab
Spring, take part in the reshaping of the Middle East, and change its pro-status quo policy
towards the Arab Spring. Israel should maintain, and even expand, its ability to engage in
dialogue with its surrounding region. Mending ties with Turkey, as well as making progress in
the Israeli-Palestinian track, will play a major role in enabling this to happen.”
Mr. Kamal Hassan, a Policy Fellow at MITVIM, responded to the fact that most of the Arab
respondents did not state an opinion regarding Israel-Turkey relations, and claimed that “the
poll’s results reflect a growing tendency of Israel’s Arab sector to detach itself from Israeli public
affairs. This is a worrisome trend. Israel’s Arab population is usually one that is involved and
opinionated. I think that the responses in the poll reflect a basic unwillingness to take part in the
debate, rather than a lack of opinion. The Arabs in Israel do not have a sense of belonging to
the Israeli discourse, and do not feel that they are given the space to make an impact and to be
involved. This is especially true in the field of foreign policy.”
“Today, there are no prominent public figures in the Arab sector which are involved in the
shaping of Israel’s foreign policy,” claims Mr. Hassan, “and there is a need to change this. The
Arabs in Israel can play a central role in the rebuilding of Israel’s relations with the Arab and
Muslim worlds, due to their cultural background and their status as citizens of Israel. There is
huge potential here, which has yet to be fulfilled, and which can be of genuine value to Israel’s
foreign-policy and to increasing the Israeli understanding of developments taking place around
the Middle East.”
MITVIM – The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies is an independent think tank that
envisions a fresh start for Israel among the nations. It was established in 2011 with an aim to
reshape Israel's relations in the Middle East, Europe and the Mediterranean, by promoting new
paradigms for Israel's foreign policies, enhancing Israel's regional belonging, and advancing
Israeli-Arab peace. MITVIM’s current focus is put on the identification and analysis of the
opportunities for Israel in the Arab Spring, on Israel-Turkey relations, and on launching new
channels of policy dialogue between Israel and the Arab world.