Laqve (wry mouth) considered in Avicenna`s renowned treatise the


Laqve (wry mouth) considered in Avicenna`s renowned treatise the
2008; 19: 267-271
Laqve (wry mouth) considered in Avicenna’s renowned treatise the Canon of Medicine
A. Aciduman; B. Arda*; A. Gunaydin and D. Belen**
Ministry of Health Etlik Ihtisas Hospital, Neurosurgery Department. *Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Ankara University
School of Medicine. **Ministry of Health Diskapi Educational and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery Department. Ankara, Turkey.
Hemi-facial spasm, facial paralysis, and trigeminal
neuralgia are prevailing signs and symptoms with which
physicians have been coping for thousands of years. Ibn
Sina (known as Avicenna in the West), who was among
the leading figures during medieval ages and influenced the upcoming periods in the Eastern and Western
hemispheres for long time, focused also on these crucial
problems. In his principal medical work, the Canon of
Medicine, Avicenna underlined the significance of wry
mouth-related disorders and wrote a precise chapter
over this topic with the heading “Laqve.” However, the
term “laqve” is usually accepted only as facial paralysis
in most of historical texts. Further detailed analysis of
the text reveals that, all the abovementioned signs and
symptoms are considered under the same heading. Therefore, the descriptions articulated by famous physician
Avicenna pose great merit from the point of historical
view of neurological sciences. The main aim of this article is to reintroduce essential parts of the text by adding
comments over specific descriptions, and consequently,
to make the text more comprehensible for today’s scientists.
también prestó gran atención a estos problemas. En su principal trabajo médico, el “Canon de la Medicina”, destacó
el significado de la “cara torcida” y escribió un capítulo
especial sobre estos procesos con el título de “Laqve”. Sin
embargo, el término “laqve” sólo se acepta como tal, en la
mayoría de los textos históricos, cuando se refiere a la parálisis facial. El análisis detallado del texto revela que todos
los signos y síntomas mencionados se incluyen en el mismo
título. Por consiguiente, las descripciones articuladas por
el famoso médico Avicena poseen un gran mérito desde el
punto de vista histórico de las ciencias neurológicas. La
finalidad principal de este artículo es reintroducir partes
esenciales del texto, añadiendo comentarios sobre descripciones específicas y, como consecuencia, hacer el texto más
comprensible para los científicos de hoy.
KEY WORDS: Avicenna. Laqve. Facial paralysis. History
of neurosurgery.
Laqve (cara torcida), considerada en el famoso tratado
de Avicena: el canon de la Medicina.
Hemiespasmo facial, parálisis facial y neuralgia del
trigémino son signos y síntomas a los cuales se han enfrentado los médicos durante milenios. Ibn Sina, (conocido
como Avicena en Occidente), que fue una de las figuras
más importantes de la Edad Media e influyó tanto en
Oriente como en Occidente a lo largo de muchos siglos,
Recibido: 8-04-07. Aceptado: 2-05-07
Figure 1. A portrait of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) (from, Krueger,
H.C.: Avicenna's poem on medicine. Springfield, Illinois;
Charles C Thomas, 1963; p 52a).
Aciduman and col
Figure 2. Frontispiece of the Latin Version of the Canon of
Medicine, printed in Venice in 1595 (from, Il Canon medicinae di Avicenna nella tradizione ebraica: Le miniature
del manoscritto 2197 della Biblioteca Universitaria di
Bologna. A cura di Giuliano Tamani. Padova; Editoriale
Programma, 1988; p 21. [italian]).
PALABRAS CLAVE: Avicena. Laqve. Parálisis facial.
Historia Neurocirugía.
History of medicine indisputably resembles history of
human-being. In this way, noticing the authenticity of medical
historical texts and elucidating their real meaning will add
valuable contribution and information to related sciences.
With the present work we intended to reconsider an important
historical topic introduced by Avicenna (980-1037) more than
thousand years ago and tried to explain some misinterpretations regarding certain descriptions that were enthusiastically
mentioned in the literature previously. Inducing of some
essential parts excerpted from “Laqve” and contributing com268
2008; 19: 267-271
Figure 3. The schematic peripheral nervous system described in the Canon of Medicine (from Doksat M.K.: Hekimlerin piri ve hükümdarı Ibn-i Sina. P "Tıp ve Sanat" 2002;
27: 56-65 [Turkish]).
ments will be the subject of this article.
As an influencing figure from medieval times, Avicenna
(Fig.1) played a bridging role in the history both geographically and in episodic manner. During the medieval ages,
medicine, mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry,
geology, philosophy, theology, poetry, and also music were
enriched by his invaluable works11. The ground of his medical knowledge was constructed by Hippocratic School’s
practice and Rhazes’ experimentalism2. Avicenna’s principal medical treatise the Canon was used in European
universities until the late 1600s (Fig.2 and 3)3.
An interesting part from the Canon is the “Laqve”,
which some authors studied in detail and confidently concluded that the article is related either to “trigeminal neu-
Laqve (wry mouth) considered in Avicenna’s renowned treatise the Canon of Medicine
ralgia”1 or “facial paralysis”8. In reality, the term “laqve”
means “paralysis and distortion of one side of the mouth or
face”9; thus, accepting the term only as “facial paralysis”
would not be wrong. However, when the text is analyzed
more carefully, further explanations and comments could
be deduced.
Laqve is a disease that involves the face. One side of
face is pulled to the other side; thus, the appearance of the
face changes and additionally, lips and eyelids could not be
shut on the affected side.
Underlying cause of laqve is either weakness or spasm
of eyelid and muscles of the face, which should be cautiously clarified by physicians.
In laqve, resulting from weakness, when one side is
curved, it pulls the other side to itself and it becomes loose
and changes shape. This condition usually indicates bad
prognosis. Some authors including Paul [of Aegina] concluded that drooping occurs on the healthy side; however,
that can not be the event.
In laqve, resulting from spasm-this is the condition
encountered more frequently-the contracted side pulls the
other side. When spasm is secondary to certain conditions
like stern fever, diarrhea, vomiting, epistaxis, and et cetera,
it is generally accepted as fatal.
As I mentioned before, some physicians have considered the affected side as the healthy part. Accordingly;
they have postulated that, healthy side attempts to pull the
other side for balancing facial posture, but this reflection is
not always true. The knowledge derived from dissection of
facial muscles may reveal the mechanisms underlying the
disease. People, who are presented with multiple swellings
in the muscles of neck and breathe with difficulty secondary
to obstruction of airway, will also be afflicted with laqve
and additionally their hands will become paralytic, due to
invasion of nerves by lesions at the cervical level.
Laqve, which lasting more than six months, will not cure
and it is one among the conditions difficult to treat. It is
crucial to know that, laqve may precede hemiplegia secondary to cerebral bleeding and this condition is one of the
frequent causes of laqve. Laqve may also be an earlier sign
of epilepsy. Both situations should be diagnosed before the
disease progresses to an incurable phase and an aggressive
treatment is needed. Some physicians have proposed a critical time limit for laqve secondary to bleeding in the brain
with which the period is described as 4 days. If the patient
survives beyond this period, his/her life is most likely saved!
One of the signs, which may indicate the affected side,
2008 19: 267-271
is hypoesthesia. Differentiation of the affected side can
simply be made by following examination; when pulled,
healthy side returns to its natural posture instantly, whereas affected side does not.
In weak type of laqve, saliva frequently flows out on
the affected side of face. Contraction of facial muscles is
weak and sensation of the affected side is diminished, and
muscles and skin are softened. Half of the soft palate is
droopy and wet and this sign appears with the pressure of
the finger on the tongue.
In spastic type of laqve, headache may usually accompany to the condition. In many of laqve patients sensorial
changes are not seen. The skin of forehead is stretched so
tightly that there is no wrinkling on it. Muscles of face are
stiffened and mouth water and salivation usually decrease.
The sick side is pulled towards the neck. The curve of the
skin towards the neck increases and it is very difficult to
reverse this.
One of the significant signs of laqve is severe pain in
the bones of face. Numbness in the skin or jerks and involuntary movements in the face may also be noticed in some
First of all, laqve patient should not be mobilized for
a week, while some physicians offer four-day bed rest.
Patients should eat excrement softening food such as chickpea juice and olive oil. If the patient has constipation, he
needs softening enema on the second day.
Patience is the best way in treatment. You should use
treatments that are being applied in stroke and spasm
events in accordance with the condition of the patient.
For the treatment of laqve Indian physicians proposed
a different method, which is wrapping the head with flesh
of wild animals. The suitable tissues can be taken from
rabbit, jackal, fox, male mountain-goat, deer and zebra.
Since flesh of gazelle do not provide warming effect, it is
If disease is spasmodic type, softening materials should
be used. For that purpose, let patient drink small amount
of wine, in order that the patient would not get drunk.
Applying particular herbal oils on the neck is beneficial
in the treatment of spasmodic type. If you see the sign of
blood, cut the vein under the tongue.
It is for sure that, the matter causing weak-type laqve
affects the origins of nerves supplying muscles of the face.
For that reason, agents having flushing effect on the skin
should be applied over cervical spine, through which
region the nerve fibers travel to the neck and jaw. If drugs
are useless, cauterize the vessels behind the neck!
In the case of spasmodic-type, hot topical agents should
not be used, due to aggravating effect of the heat on spasm.
Aciduman and col
I personally managed one patient, who had progressive
spasmodic-type laqve. The patient had previously been
treated by another physician with hot things and consequently, he had become tongue-tied. The patient had stayed
in this condition for a long time. I treated him with opposite
drugs and he recovered in a short period.
The patient should be trained to correct laqve through
making regular massages on the face by using a mirror.
For this training, smaller mirror is more useful. If a child
is afflicted with laqve at the end of spring season, yellow
myrobalan pasty (majoon) may be used topically and water
of chickpea is given as his/her main meal during a sevenday period, he/she surely will recover6.
Avicenna’s article conveys valuable information to present-day medicine by meanings of evolution of our medical
knowledge. Under contemporary neurological and neurosurgical concepts, it would not be wrong to say that laqve
considers definitions of more than one disease. In fact,
Avicenna analyzed laqve in two categories: 1. Weak type,
and 2. Spasmodic type. While Avicenna’s description “lips
and eyelids could not be shot”6 in weak type indicates idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (Bell’s palsy). The account
“contracting side of face pulls the other side”6 in spasmodic
type reminds us a clear definition of hemifacial spasm. In
evaluation of laqve, Avicenna emphasizes the knowledge
of anatomical dissection of facial structures and additionally accentuates the importance of examination: “One of the
signs, which indicates the affected side, is hypoesthesia on
that side”6.
To Avicenna the signs of weak type of laqve are facial
paresis, hypoesthesia, hypotonia in the facial muscles,
insensibility of lower eyelid, and relaxation of one half
of the soft palate on the affected side. Current knowledge
about the etiology underlying idiopathic peripheral facial
palsy (Bell’s palsy) emphasizes that the disease is part of a
polyneuropathy syndrome induced by the herpes simplex
virus; in this syndrome in addition to the facial nerve, the
trigeminal nerve and as well as certain branches of the
vagus nerve may be involved5,10. This statement shows considerable parallelism with those of written by Avicenna.
Avicenna’s judgment about the prognosis of the disease
is “Laqve, lasting more than six months, will not cure”6.
This opinion is not much different in contemporary texts as
stated for Bell’s palsy10.
Avicenna describes also central facial paralysis by accepting laqve as an alarming sign of cerebrovascular accident
(CVA). He additionally states that laqve can also be a preceding sign of epilepsy. It is well known that, seizure may
accompany CVA that involves particular brain regions7,12.
Likewise, Avicenna underlines the significance of early
2008; 19: 267-271
diagnosis and necessary intervention for CVA due to high
mortality rate. Sudden death following CVA usually occurs
either by cerebral edema or progressing stroke within days,
which shows Avicenna’s great talent over passionate observation; as his account regarding the early prognosis of CVA
indicates: “patient may suddenly die in four days”6.
Avicenna gives also clear description of the spasmodic
type of laqve with emphasizing that no sensory change
is seen in this type. Indeed, this is not different from the
modern definition of hemifacial spasm4. Nevertheless,
Avicenna’s determination about decreasing the saliva in
spasmodic type of laqve shows us another accurate observation but not the true knowledge. Since chorda tympani
is not involved in spasmodic type laqve, saliva secretion
do not decrease and patient normally swallows them.
Laqve also briefly touches to trigeminal neuralgia by the
definition of “pain in the bones of the face”6. However, his
narrative regarding accompanying symptoms to this form
of laqve, such as jerks and involuntary facial movements,
may indicate a description of tic convulsive.
Another appealing disorder Avicenna stresses is the
mass lesions affecting the neck and causing facial and
upper extremity paralysis simultaneously. We speculate
that, the disease may suitably be considered as sarcoidosis
because of its close resemblance clinically to tuberculosis
and other granulomatous infections. The sarcoid tubercles may be found in all organs and tissues including
the nervous system but most frequently involved are the
mediastinal and peripheral lymph nodes, lungs, liver, skin,
phalangeal bones, eyes and parotid gland. Sarcoidosis is
a rare cause of subacute or chronic polyneuropathy or
polyradiculopathy of assymetrical type13. Involvement of a
single nerve with sarcoidosis most often takes the form of
a facial palsy. In remaining cases, multiple cranial nerves
are affected successively weakness, and reflex and sensory
loss in the distribution of one or more spinal nerves or roots
may be added14. These current accounts remind kind of
granulomatous disease in the cervical region with involvement of facial and hand muscles, which Avicenna describes
in detail.
In the treatment of laqve Avicenna suggests a weeklong bed rest as the first step6, most likely to differentiate
whether the disease has a progressive course and whether
the event is a result of CVA or not. He additionally offers
excrement-softening meals with purgative medicines in
order to easy evacuation of bowels6. That is a valuable
therapy for preventing constipation and straining and eventually avoiding increase of intracranial pressure in the case
of CVA. He further gives detailed therapeutic advises based
mostly on traditional Indian medicine, which are not longer
applicable like the opulent herbal medicine receipts, dressing with various animal tissues and specific surgical interventions, such as sectioning of phrenilum of the tongue6.
Laqve (wry mouth) considered in Avicenna’s renowned treatise the Canon of Medicine
Avicenna emphasizes the importance of accurate diagnosis and meticulous management of laqve by showing
an illustrative case, which had previously been treated by
another physician, however, was not cured6. Although, the
patient recovered completely after the treatment protocol
instructed by Avicenna, we could not make any comment
over this particular case whether the reason for improvement was the natural course of the disease or not.
Last Word
Furtherance of knowledge has been eased by the great
efforts of preceding figures who dedicated their lives to the
advent of the science and technology. Avicenna was one
among these influencing teachers and conveyed valuable
medical and other scientific data to forthcoming generations. It obviously is impressive to see those immense
similarities between current knowledge and the text
‘Laqve’ written by Avicenna. This work informs us about
how a perfect observer Avicenna was and shows also the
rational aspect of his deductions. While Avicenna considers the importance of observation, he never ignores what
the paradigm has presented. Moreover, he always refers to
the knowledge or experiences acquired from other medical
schools, for instance the ancient Greek and Indian disciplines. Since Avicenna’s treatment methods based on the paradigm stemmed from the humoral doctrine by Hippocrates,
it is merely consistent with the knowledge in his time.
We thank Dt. Sehriyar Sems for his valuable contribution of translating the Persian text.
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Aciduman, A.; Arda, B.; Gunaydin, A.; Belen, D.: Laqve
(wry mouth) considered in Avicenna’s renowned treatise
the canon of medicine. Neurocirugía 2008; 19: 267-271.
Corresponding author: Ahmet Aciduman. Dögol Caddesi, No:
27-14, Mebusevleri, 06580 Ankara. Turkey.