Vision Based Hand Puppet


Vision Based Hand Puppet
Vision Based Hand Puppet
Cem Keskin, İsmail Arı, Tolga Eren, Furkan Kıraç, Lukas Rybok, Hazım Ekenel, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Lale Akarun
Abstract— The aim of this project is to develop a multimodal interface for a digital puppetry application, which is suitable for creative
collaboration of multiple performers. This is achieved by manipulating
the low- and high level aspects of 3D hierarchical digital models in
real–time. In particular, the hands and the face of multiple performers
are tracked in order to recognize their gestures and facial expressions,
which are then mapped to kinematic parameters of digital puppets. The
visualization of the puppet is provided as a feedback for the performer,
and as an entertainment medium for the audience. Possible uses of this
system include digital theaters, simplified animation tools, remote fullbody interaction and sign-language visualization.
The application consists of two separate hand tracking modules aimed
at different shape and motion parameters, a facial feature tracker, a hand
gesture and facial expression classification module, an XML based lowbandwidth communication module and a visualization module capable
of handling inverse kinematics and skeletal animation. The methods
employed do not depend on special hardware and do not require high
computational power, as each module runs on separate computers.
Puppetry is an ancient form of art and performance, which is
known by most cultures in slightly different forms. Puppeteers either
use sticks and ropes, or their bodies, as in hand puppetry, to animate
the puppets. The forms of puppetry that do not require special devices
are quite intuitive, and allow even a first time performer to succeed
in animating a puppet in a visually pleasing manner.
Creative collaboration is common among most art forms, and
puppetry can also be performed by multiple performers. Generally,
multiple puppeteers manipulate separate puppets in order to form a
theater play, but for some advanced puppets, several performers may
be needed for a single puppet.
In digital puppetry, traditional puppets are replaced by 2D or 3D
models that usually consist of several limbs, which can be manipulated separately and concurrently. In this work, we are concerned
with 3D models that have a hierarchical skeleton with a high degree
of freedom. Unless some high level animation parameters are defined,
which act on several joints at the same time, these models are hard
to manipulate using only low level parameters. This process is akin
to digital animation, where animators create animations by carefully
constructing the sequence frame by frame by manipulating each joint,
which are then interpolated to form a fluent motion. This is a hard and
time consuming process. Our aim is to create an intuitive interface,
which allows non–expert performers to collaboratively manipulate a
complex 3D model in real time.
Recent developments in technology allowed using motion capture
devices to render moving humanoid models in a realistic manner.
This technology is mainly used for commercial applications such as
games and movies, and therefore, involves special worn devices and
sensors. This method of capturing animation parameters is expensive
and clumsy. In this work, we are interested in estimating animation
parameters using basic sensors without using markers and without the
help of special devices. Previous work in this area includes CoPuppet,
a system developed by Bottoni et. al, which makes use of gestures
and voice and allows multiple users to act on a single puppet in
a collaborative manner [Bottoni]. Whereas CoPuppet captures hand
C. Keskin, İ. Arı, F. Kıraç, and L. Akarun are with Boğaziçi University,
Turkey. T. Eren is with Sabancı University, Turkey. L. Rybok, H. Ekenel and
R. Stiefelhagen are with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
gestures using a special device, we use simple cameras and also allow
facial expressions and head movements.
The main objective of this project is to design and implement
a real-time vision-based digital puppetry system that does not rely
on special sensors or markers. This work involves tracking of
both hands, shape parameter estimation, motion tracking, gesture
recognition, facial parameter tracking, expression classification, and
also provides a graphical output that can give feedback about the
efficiency and correctness of all the related modules in an eye pleasing
and entertaining manner.
This report is structured as follows. In Section II we briefly
describe the framework and its modules. In Section III, we give
details of each module of the system. Particularly, in Section IIIA we describe the stereo–vision based hand tracking module. In
Section III-B, we provide the details of the facial expression detection
and tracking module. Hand pose estimation module is described in
Section III-C, and the recognition module is explained in Section IIID. The network protocol is given in Section III-E, and finally,
the visualization module is explained in Section III-F. We provide
discussions and mention our future work in Section IV.
This system is designed to allow multiple performers to collaborate
in an intuitive manner. The only sensors used are cameras, and
performers do not need to wear special markers. The number of
puppeteers to perform is not limited, and they are not restricted to be
at the same place. Each performer can communicate with the puppet
over the network and get visual feedback at the same time.
Performers either use their hands or their faces to manipulate the
puppet. In both cases, low level shape parameters are tracked, which
are used to recognize certain hand gestures or facial expressions.
Known gestures and expressions are used to give high level commands to the puppet, whereas shape parameters are directly used to
manipulate certain limbs of the puppet.
Digital puppets are standardized by using a single skeleton for
every model in order to allow seamless integration of new modules
without complication. This minimizes the amount of knowledge that
needs to be passed from the visualization module to the performer, as
each puppet is virtually the same to the tracker module. Each module
can manipulate each joint, and can give any high level command.
Using a single skeleton does not constrain the shape of the puppet,
but restricts the number of degrees of freedom that can be associated
with a model. Specifically, we use a humanoid skeleton, which can
be used to animate different objects, such as humans, animals, but
also trees and buildings through rigging.
The most important criterion in choosing methodology is speed,
as all the modules are required to run in real–time. The time it takes
the puppeteer to perform and receive feedback should be minimal.
Therefore, accuracy is sacrificed to allow rapid decision taking.
System flowchart is given in Figure 1. The framework uses three
different tracking modules. The face feature tracking module uses a
single camera facing the head of a single performer, and uses an active
shape model to track certain landmarks on the face of the performer
in real time. Hand pose estimation module uses multiple uncalibrated
cameras to extract the silhouettes of the hand of the performer, and
then tries to estimate the skeletal parameters that would conform to
Fig. 1.
System flowchart
Fig. 2. Example skin-color probability map used for hand tracking and
all the silhouettes. 3D motion tracking module uses a stereo camera,
or a pair of calibrated cameras to reconstruct the 3D trajectory of the
hand. It also fits an ellipsoid on the estimated 3D point cloud for the
hand, revealing more low level parameters associated with the hand
Each of the tracking modules passes the parameter sequence to
the recognition spotter and classifier module, which looks for known
patterns in continuous streams of data. Face data is used to spot and
recognize basic facial expressions, such as sadness and happiness.
Motion data and the ellipsoid parameters retrieved from the 3D
module is used to recognize 3D hand gestures. Likewise, the pose
parameters supplied by the pose estimator module are used to spot
certain hand posture–gesture combinations.
The visualization module continuously reads data coming from
the modules and renders the puppet accordingly. The tracking and
recognition modules send commands in the form of binary XML
files over the network. The visualization module parses these and
applies all the commands.
A. Stereo–vision based hand tracking
In order to recognize hand gestures, the position of the hands first
needs to be localized. To this end, we make use of a Bumblebee
stereo camera system by Point Grey, allowing us the recovery of
the 3D position of the hands. For hand localization, first skin-color
segmentation is applied to the images captured with the left camera.
Following the results form [1], we calculate for each pixel the
probability of being skin-colored using Bayes’ Theorem:
P (Skin|x) =
P (x|Skin) · P (Skin)
P (x)
Here the class-conditional P (x|Skin) is modeled with a histogram
trained on face images. Since in our scenario the hand is assumed to
be the only visible skin-colored region in the image and is expected
to occupy only a small fraction of it, the prior is set to P (Skin) =
0.1. An example of a skin-color probability map obtained using the
described approach can be seen in Fig. 2.
For hand-detection, the skin-color map is thresholded, followed by
the application of morphological operations to smooth out noise and
skin-colored blobs are finally extracted using a connected component
analysis algorithm. Further, the hand position is estimated by the
center of the biggest blob. Finally, the area around the detected hand is
matched in the right camera image using normalized cross-correlation
and the so obtained disparity value is employed to calculate the 3D
location of the hand.
Since tracking by detection is not stable enough and therefore
results in noisy hand trajectories, the hand is tracked with a particle
filter [2]. For the observation model again both skin-color and
depth information are used. In order to achieve a low computational
complexity the hand is modeled in 3D with a fixed-sized rectangle
that is projected to the image plane for each particle (see Fig. 3) to
evaluate the likelihood function.
Fig. 3. Projected hand hypotheses (particles) of the tracker. The dot denotes
the derived final hypothesis for the hand position.
The color cue is calculated by averaging the skin-color probability
values in the region of interest defined by the projected particle
multiplied by the number of pixels in the skin-color map that exceed a
certain threshold. The multiplication ensures that particles that cover
the hand region the most get a higher score than particles associated
to a smaller region. The calculation of the depth score consists of
a comparison of the disparity value defined by the particle and the
disparity value obtained from matching the projected particle’s area
in the right camera image.
B. Vision based Emotion Recognition
The digital puppet is aimed to perform seven different emotion
states in real time synchronously with the human performer. The
chosen states are the six universal expressions (surprise, anger,
happiness, sadness, fear, disgust) and the neutral facial expression.
With the promising results achieved in face and facial landmark
detection research, emotion recognition started to attract the researchers especially in the last decade. Facial expression recognition
and emotion recognition are used as overlapping terms by vision
researchers since facial expressions are the visually apparent presences of internal emotions. Some surveys on the subject are available,
such as Fasel and Luettin’s review [3] on automatic facial expression
analysis and Pantic and Rothkrantz’s work [4] that examines the state
of the art approaches in automatic analysis of facial expressions.
Different approaches have been tried in facial expression analysis
systems. All approaches share a common framework starting with
face and facial landmark detection, facial feature extraction and
expression classification. The main focus seems to be using static
images whereas some papers discuss emotion recognition from image
sequences, i.e. videos. For details, the reader may refer to Arı [5].
In this work, a similar method to Busso et al. is followed, where
the authors report that they use commercial software for landmark
tracking, partition the face into five regions of interest, create a
histogram using PCA coefficients of these regions of interest and
finally assign the video to one of the four expression classes using
3NN [6]. The whole system is run fully automatically and real time.
First, we track the facial landmarks in face videos using Active
Shape Model (ASM) based tracker which is modified from Wei’s
asmlibrary on Google code [7]. The landmark locations are used for
the computation of high level features which is fed to the distancebased classifier which is an extended version of the nearest neighbor
1) Facial Landmark Tracking: ASMs are one of the state-ofthe-art approaches for landmark tracking [8]. The ASM is trained
using the annotated set of face images. Then, it starts the search
for landmarks from the mean shape aligned to the position and size
of the face located by a global face detector (in our case ViolaJones face detector). Afterwards, the following two steps are repeated
until convergence (i) adjust the locations of shape points by template
matching of the image texture around each landmark and propose
a new shape (ii) conform this new shape to a global shape model
(based on PCA). The individual template matches are unreliable and
the shape model improves the results of the weak template matchers
by forming a stronger overall classifier. The entire search is repeated
at each level in an image pyramid, from coarse to fine resolution
using a multi-resolution approach. In the case of tracking, the model
is initiated from the shape found on the previous frame instead of
using the mean shape.
ASM performs better when person-specific model is trained. In
this work, we had a generic model involving different subjects and a
person-specific model which is trained from the face images of the
test subject.
2) Feature Extraction: ASM-based tracker provides 116 facial
landmarks which are seen on the left of Figure 4. Using the locations
of the landmarks directly as feature seems not to be a good choice
since the tracker works fine for many parts of the face such as
eyebrows, eyes, chin, and nose, but not very robust for detecting
the exact movements of the lips which is the most non-rigid part of
the face. This phenomenon results from the fact that ASM models the
face holistically and the small variations in the lips may be discarded
during constraining by PCA. Moreover, the intensity difference on
the lip boundaries are not as obvious as the other parts as seen in
Figure 4. Thus, the landmark locations are used for computing 7 high
level features seen on the right of Figure 4 as follows:
1) Average eye middle to eyebrow middle distance
2) Lip width
3) Lip height
4) Vertical edge activity over the forehead region
5) Horizontal edge activity over the lower forehead region
6) Sum of horizontal and vertical edge activity over the right cheek
7) Sum of horizontal and vertical edge activity over the left cheek
The first three features are computed using the Euclidean distance
between the related landmarks. For the remaining features, the image
is blurred with a Gaussian kernel and afterwards filtered with a Sobel
kernel on horizontal and vertical axes separately. Then the average
absolute pixel value is computed in each region. The vertical edge
activity image is shown on the right of Figure 5 for surprise state. For
example, the average pixel value residing in the forehead quadrilateral
in the vertical edge activity image is found as the 4th feature.
In the setup we used, the test subject starts with neutral expression
and waits in neutral state for about two seconds. The average values
for the features are computed and the features in the remaining frames
are normalized.
Fig. 4. Facial landmarks (on the left) and the regions of interest (on the
right) used for feature extraction.
Fig. 5. A snapshot of surprise state (on the left) and corresponding vertical
edge activity image (on the right).
3) Emotion Classification: Since the facial expressions vary with
the subject and with the conditions of the environment such as illumination, we aimed a training setup which can be easily configured
for a specific subject in a specific environment. During the training
period, the subject starts by waiting in the neutral state and afterwards
repeats each state five times. The interface records the feature vectors
for these states, which are a total of 35 different vectors belonging
to seven classes.
During testing, the subject again starts with neutral expression
for normalization (and adaptation to environment). In the succeeding
frames, the feature vector is computed for each frame and then its
average distance to the training feature vectors are computed for each
class. Let di , i = 1, , 7 be the average distance computed for each
class. The distances represent dissimilarity whereas si = e−di can be
used as a similarity measure. Finally, si values are normalized such
that their sum is one and they can be regarded as likelihoods. This
method is superior to nearest neighbor (NN) classification or kNN,
since it performs soft assignment instead of hard assignment.
4) Extension for Unseen Subjects: For the training of ASM, 25
face images are gathered from the test subject. A generic model is
used for automatic landmarking of the faces instead of annotating
them from scratch. Then the locations of the landmarks are fine-tuned
and the person specific model is trained from them. As mentioned
in the previous subsection, the training of the classifier can be
done easily for a specific subject under the current environmental
conditions. This process can be followed for extending the system to
work for new subjects.
5) Results: The results of the emotion recognition system can be
seen in Figure 6. The likelihoods of the related emotional states are
drawn on the user interface. A core2duo 1.2 GHz laptop computer
with 3GB RAM can process about 15 frames per second with 320240
pixels resolution. The built-in laptop webcam is used.
The proposed system gives promising results for handling partial
occlusions as seen in Figure 7.
1) Training Set Generation: The ground truth hand silhouette
images for both cameras are generated by rendering a 3D hand model.
”Poser” software’s 3D hand object is manipulated through a Python
script. The silhouettes are extracted and saved as PNG image files
which then are loaded into Matlab for further training. An example
of a hand silhouette taken from left and right cameras are shown in
Figure 9.
Fig. 6. Results of emotion recognition (neutral, surprise, anger, happiness,
sadness, fear, disgust).
Fig. 9. An example of hand silhouettes as taken from left and right cameras
Fig. 7.
Results of emotion recognition with partial occlusion.
The system is successful at discriminating seven different emotional states from a specific subject’s video in real time. It is
translation and scale invariant. The rotation invariance, on the other
hand, depends on the performance of the tracker where ASM-based
tracker provides the landmarks successfully for up to 20-30 degrees
of rotation. The proposed system is open for improvements such as
introducing more high level features on demand and extension for
pose change.
C. Hand Pose Estimation Module
This module tracks the pose of a hand using silhouettes of the
hands taken from two different cameras. Features are selected as
silhouettes of a two camera setup. Dimensionality reduction is done
by optimizing a Gaussian process latent variable model (GPLVM).
For speeding up the optimization process Sparse GPLVM formulations have been used. Flowchart of the hand pose tracking module is
shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 8.
Flowchart of the hand pose tracking module.
2) Dimensionality Reduction Using GPLVM: The proposed hand
tracking algorithm determines the hand pose from two silhouette
images without ambiguity. Hand silhouette images are 80x80 pixel
resolution images. Normally a feature extraction scheme would be
applied to the silhouettes. However, in this case the pixels themselves
are treated as features and given directly to GPLVM for dimensionality reduction. This provides an opportunity to test the quality of
GPLVM’s reduction. If GPLVM is able to capture the essence of the
factors generating the silhouettes, then it will be able to capture a
low dimensional manifold in the low dimensional latent space.
Considering each pixel as a unique feature of the hand, we
have a 6400 dimensional feature vector per camera. Since two
cameras are used the feature space is in 12800 dimensions. GPLVM
requires an initialization step, a choice of a non-linear function for
producing covariance matrices. Then a global search algorithm is
applied to optimize the non-linear mapping. GPLVM is initialized
with Probabilistic PCA (PPCA) and a radial basis function (RBF)
kernel is used as the non-linear covariance function generator.
The captured manifold is represented in the latent space as in
Figure 10. Red crosses represent the silhouettes captured by the
left camera and the green circles are the silhouettes captured from
the right camera. 40 silhouette images per camera are used in the
reduction phase.
As can be seen the silhouette manifolds for both of the cameras
are extracted in a meaningful manner where there is only one
ambiguious point in 2D latent space. The tracking algorithm can be
designed in a way to handle this kind of ambiguities. Since GPLVM
finds a mapping from latent space X to the feature space Y but
not the other way around, for tracking the hand pose, we have to
generate new silhouettes from the generative model captured by the
GPLVM and match the generated model with the captured silhouette.
This action involves a global search procedure where one needs to
instantiate numerous variations of silhouettes from the latent space.
Instantiations should be compared to the silhouette in the currently
captured frame. Then the closest silhouette’s pose can be considered
as the pose of the currently captured hand silhouette.
3) Mapping from Feature Space Y to Latent Space X: GPLVM
finds a backward mapping from latent space X to feature space Y. For
the real time application of the hand pose tracking system, a mapping
from feature space to data space is required. Since this mapping is not
provided by the GPLVM, it is infeasible to generate all the possible
Fig. 10.
Captured Manifold of Stereo Hand Silhouettes in 2D latent space
X to Y mappings by observing the generated silhouette with the
currently captured one. Therefore a mapping from Y to X is also
required. This mapping will be used as an initial point of a local
search algorithm in the latent space afterwards. An MLP with one
hidden layer with 15 hidden neurons is used for learning the mapping
from feature space to latent space.
4) Classification in Latent Space: 2-dimensional latent space has
been found in a smooth fashion by GPLVM optimization. Therefore
nearest neighbor matcher has been used in the latent space as a
classifier without applying a local search algorithm. Ground truth
angles of the hand poses are known. An exact pose match is
looked for. Any divergence from the exact angles is considered as a
classification error. For the synthetic environment prepared by poser
a classification performance of 94% has been reached in 2D latent
Changes in hand posture do not possess the characteristics of hand
motion. As the hand posture is basically the rotation parameters of
each joint in the hand skeleton, scaling and translation do not affect
the resulting feature vectors. Therefore, the absolute parameters can
directly be used. As there are more than 30 degrees of freedom
associated with each hand, most of which are either unused or
correlated, we also apply PCA to reduce the dimensionality. The
reduction matrix is learned from the training data retrieved from
Facial expressions are very different, as they represent states as
well as processes. Therefore, facial features should be used to recover
both dynamic and static aspects of the face. Also, the absolute
locations of landmarks is affected by the global motion of the head.
We first estimate this global motion and reverse it to find local
changes in face. Then we use the first derivative of the locations and
apply PCA. Each static state of the face have the same observations
this way, since each of them correspond to zero motion. By an
intelligent choice of number of states and training data, we correctly
represent each static state via the dynamic processes that lead to them.
2) Hidden Semi Markov Models: By far the most common method
used for sequence classification is by using HMMs. HMMs model
sequences with latent states, and the state durations implicitly via the
self transition probabilities of each state. This leads to a geometric
distribution of durations of each state. As the states model subsequences of gestures or expressions, modeling every duration with
a geometric distribution can have undesirable effects. The graphical
model of HMMs is given in Figure 11.
D. Gesture and Expression Classifier
The gesture and expression recognition module is mainly used to
give high level commands to the puppet. This is either achieved by
performing hand gestures or with facial expressions. Hence, performers can initiate complicated animation sequences by performing a
certain hand gesture, or they can change the appearance of the puppet
by making certain facial expressions. For instance, a certain hand
movement and posture can make the puppet jump or dance around,
and performing a happy face can make the puppet happy via changes
in textures or posture.
Since the output is an animation that is meant to be eye pleasing,
discontinuities in the animation are not desirable. Therefore, there are
no predetermined gestures, hand shapes or expressions that inform the
system about the start or end of a gesture. This means that all gestures
or expressions are performed continuously, with no indicators for
separation. Thus, the gesture classification module also needs to spot
known gestures or expressions in continuous streams.
1) Preprocessing: Each module provides a continuous stream of
data consisting of different feature vectors. Pose estimation module
uses skeleton parameters, motion tracking module uses 3D motion
parameters of the hand, and the facial landmark tracking module
uses landmark locations as feature vectors. Even though a generic
sequence classifier such as a hidden Markov model (HMM) can be
used to recognize patterns in each of these streams, the characteristics
of the feature vectors are significantly different, and require separate
preprocessing steps before using a generic recognition module.
Gestures defined with hand motions are scale invariant, and the
starting point or the speed of the gesture is not important. Therefore,
absolute coordinates of the hand location make little sense. In a
preprocessing step, we find the relative motion of the hand in each
frame, and then apply vector quantization to simplify calculations.
Fig. 11.
Graphical model of a HMM.
HSMMs are extension of HMMs that can be thought of as graphical models consisting of generalized states emitting sequences, instead of states emitting a single observable [9]. For a general HSMM,
there is no independence assumption for these emitted sequences
and their durations. Also, the sequences emitted by the generalized
states, i.e. the segments can have any arbitrary distribution. Different
constraints on these distributions and assumptions of independence
lead to different types of HSMMs. For instance, each segment can
be thought of as produced from another HMM or state space model
embedded in the generalized state, in which case the HSMM is known
as a segment model. On the other hand, if the segment consists
of a joint distribution of conditionally independent and identically
distributed observations, the model becomes an explicit duration
model [10]. Other variants include 2–vector HMM [11], duration
dependent state transition model [12], inhomogeneous HMM [13],
non–stationary HMM [14] and triplet Markov chains [15]. Detailed
overview of HSMMs can be found in the tutorial by Yu [16].
HSMMs can be realized in the HMM framework, where each
HMM state is replaced with a generalized or complex HMM state
that consists of the HMM state and an integer valued random
variable associated with that state, which keeps track of the remaining
time. The state keeps producing observations as long as its duration
variable is larger than zero. Hence, each state can emit a sequence
of observations, the duration of which is determined by the length
of time spent in that state. The corresponding graphical model is
depicted in Figure 12.
this subtree corresponds to a single joint. As the system uses a
rigid hierarchical skeleton, joints only need the rotation parameters.
Translation and scaling are not allowed for joints. In order to
move the entire skeleton, the keyword global is used, which also
allows translation parameters. The anim keyword is used to trigger
predefined animation sequences, which are bound to hand gestures.
Likewise, the emo keyword is used to trigger predefined changes in
appearance in the 3D model, which are triggered by detected facial
F. Visualization Module
Fig. 12.
Graphical model of a HSMM.
3) Continuous Recognition: HMMs and also HSMMs are quite
simply applied to isolated gesture recognition problems. A separate
model is trained for each class of pattern, and each candidate sample
is evaluated against all the models. The class that corresponds to the
model, which gives the highest likelihood is selected. This process
is more complicated for continuous gesture recognition. A simple
solution is to extract many candidate sequences that end at the current
instance and have started at different instances. Using a threshold
model for non–gestures (half-gestures, coarticulations, unintentional
movements), one can determine the class of observed gestures. This
is an inefficient method, as several sequences are evaluated at each
In this work, we train a separate small HSMM for each gesture and
expression, and then combine them to form a larger HSMM. Thus,
a single (long enough) candidate sequence is evaluated with a single
large model. Using Viterbi algorithm to estimate the optimal state sequence, one can determine the gesture class from the likeliest current
state. The gestures and expressions are assumed to be independent.
Therefore, the extracted candidate sequence can be rather short, as
previous gestures have no effect on the current one.
At each frame, this module extracts the candidate sequences from
each stream and applies the Viterbi algorithm for HSMMs. If the
end of a pattern is recognized, a high level command is sent to
the visualization module, triggering the corresponding animation
sequence or posture.
E. Communication
Efficient communication between the components of the system is
a crucial task. Reducing the response time helps the performers, since
they receive feedback faster. To retain genericness and simplicity
of the system, an XML based communication protocol is used.
Visualization module accepts binary XML files from other modules,
parses them and applies parameters directly to the ongoing animation
in real–time. The XML-based protocol is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<handPuppet timeStamp="str" source="str">
<H rx="f" ry="f" rz="f" />
<ER ry="f" rz="f" />
<global tx="f" ty="f" ry="f" rz="f" />
<anim id="str" />
<emo id="str" />
Here, keywords timestamp and source are used to identify, sort and
prioritize messages received from modules. The paramset subtree
holds the low level joint modification parameters. Each item in
Visual output of this project is an animated avatar controlled by
the performers via several input methods. In order to let the users
have adequate control of this visual representation, we have utilized
a skeleton based animation technique. The skeleton consists of 16
joints and accompanying bones. Using a graphical user interface,
the user can create target poses for the skeleton as animation keyframes. Then it is possible to create an animation between these poses
using quaternion-based spherical linear interpolation. These can be
saved and then later be triggered by the modules upon recognition
of certain gestures and expressions. The humanoid skeleton can be
seen in Figure 13.
Fig. 13.
Humanoid skeleton used for rigging and verification.
The skeleton has a humanoid form, but the actual 3D model does
not need to be a humanoid model. The same skeleton can be bound
to distinct models through rigging, which may include cartoonish
creatures, or even objects with no real skeletons, such as trees or
To create a more realistic link between gesture inputs and animation output, an inverse kinematics based animation technique
is implemented. This technique allows us to define end effector
positions as well as particular rotations for each joint. In our context,
an end effector refers to a hand, a foot or the head of the puppet. By
setting goal positions for these end effectors, and applying constraints
at each joint, we were able to produce a more realistic animation for
the puppet.
For inverse kinematics, we have used the cyclic–coordinate descent
algorithm. This algorithm starts the computation with the furthest
joint away from the root. Then, each joint is traversed to minimize
the difference between end effector and goal, optimally setting one
joint at a time. With each joint update the end effector is also updated.
A generic model loader had also been implemented. This model
loader accepts Autodesk FBX files as input, and associates model’s
geometric data with the underlying skeleton. When the user interacts
with the skeleton, the spatial changes are automatically reflected to
model’s geometry, utilizing the association between model surface
and skeletal bones.
In this project, we developed a multimodal interface for digital
puppetry. The design of the system allows manipulation of the lowand high level aspects of 3D hierarchical digital models in real–time.
The hands and the face of multiple performers are tracked in order to
recognize their gestures and facial expressions. Each of the high and
low level parameters estimated are mapped to kinematic parameters
of digital puppets. The puppet is then animated accordingly, using
several constraints and inverse kinematics.
Each module can run in separate workstations and communicate
over the network using an XML based packet design. Also, each
type of module can be used multiple times, and each such module
can be associated with different aspects of the puppet. The methods
employed do not depend on special hardware and do not require
high computational power. Thus, the number of performers that
can perform concurrently is only limited by the bandwidth of the
visualization computer.
Each of the modules have been developed independently, and
is shown to run in an efficient manner. Yet, the network protocol
has not been adopted by every module, and the end result has
not been demonstrated. When the modules can communicate with
the visualization module, usability tests will be conducted and the
interface will be improved accordingly. This is left as a future work.
This work is partially funded by the German Research Foundation
(DFG) under Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 588 - Humanoid Robots
- and by BMBF, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
as part of the GEMS programme. This work has also been supported
by the Tübitak project 108E161.
[16] Shun-Zheng Yu, “Hidden semi-markov models”, Artif. Intell., vol. 174,
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Cem Keskin is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer
Engineering Department at Boğaziçi University.
He received his B.Sc. in Computer engineering
and Physics from Boğaziçi University in 2003. He
completed his M.Sc. in Computer engineering in
the same university in 2006. His research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision,
human computer interfaces and hand gesture
recognition. He also took part in or contributed
to several projects and applications, such as 3D
reconstruction of buildings from multiple images,
realistic and automatic coloring of buildings on real images, machine
learning for genetic research, hand gesture based emergency control
rooms, hand gesture based video games, synthesis of musical score
from body movements and software algorithms for advanced computer
graphics. He has a 2nd degree in the best student paper contest in SIU
2003. The title of his Ph.D. thesis reads ”Generative vs. discriminative
models for analysis and synthesis of sequential data”.
[1] Son L. Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum, and Douglas Chai, “Skin
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[2] Michael Isard and Andrew Blake, “Condensation - conditional density
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[4] M. Pantic and L. Rothkrantz, “Automatic analysis of facial expressions:
the state of the art”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, vol. 22, no. 12, pp. 1424–1445, 2000.
[5] İsmail Arı, “Facial feature tracking and expression recognition for sign
language”, Master’s thesis, Boğaziçi University, 2008.
[6] S. Yildirim M. Bulut C.M. Lee A. Kazemzadeh S. Lee U. Neumann
C. Busso, Z. Deng and S. Narayanan, “Analysis of emotion recognition
using facial expressions, speech and multimodal information”, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces - ICMI
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[7] Y. Wei, “Research on facial expression recognition and synthesis”,
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[9] Kevin P. Murphy, “Hidden semi-markov models”, Tech. Rep., 2002.
[10] J.D. Ferguson, “Variable duration models for speech”, Proceedings of
the Symposium on the Application of Hidden Markov Models to Text
and Speech, pp. 143–179, 1980.
[11] Vikram Krishnamurthy, John B. Moore, and Shin-Ho Chung, “On hidden
fractal model signal processing”, Signal Process., vol. 24, no. 2, pp.
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[12] S.V. Vaseghi, “Hidden markov models with duration-dependent state
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626, 1991.
[13] P. Ramesh and J.G. Wilpon, “Modeling state durations in hidden markov
models for automatic speech recognition”, Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
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[14] Bongkee Sin and Jin H. Kim, “Nonstationary hidden markov model”,
Signal Process., vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 31–46, 1995.
[15] Hulard C. Pieczynski, W. and T. Veit, “Triplet Markov chains in
hidden signal restoration”, in Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, 2003, vol. 4885, pp. 58–68.
İsmail Arı is a PhD candidate and teaching
assistant in the Department of Computer Engineering in Boğaziçi University. His research
interests include facial expression recognition,
computer vision, and machine learning. Arı has
an MS from the same department. Contact him
Mustafa Tolga Eren is currently a PhD candidate
in Computer Science and Engineering and a
research assistant at Computer Graphics Laboratory in Sabancı University. He received his B.S.
degree on Computer Science and Engineering
Program from Sabancı University in 2006. His research interests include augmented reality, virtual
environments and physically based simulations
and animation.
Furkan Kıraç received the B. Eng. degree on
Mechanical Engineering in 2000 and M. Sci.
degree on Systems and Control Engineering in
2002 from the Boğaziçi University. He is currently
a PhD candidate in Computer Engineering in
Boğaziçi University. Since 2000, he has been actively working on computer vision based software
design and has been the founder of a computer
vision firm named Proksima which developed
license plate recognition software since 2002.
He has received a number of awards for his
programming skills from TÜBTAK (The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey). He has been given the 3rd degree in
National Science Competition on Computer Science in Turkey, both in
1994 and 1995. He also has 1st and 2nd degrees in Regional Science
Competitions of Marmara Territory in 1994 and 1995 respectively. Due
to his performance in the national competitions he has represented Turkey
in ”London International Youth Science Forum ’95” on computer science.
He also has a 2nd degree in Best Paper Contest in SIU 2005 National
Conference in Turkey. He is currently continuing his PhD research on
”Human Motion Understanding” in Computer Engineering Department
of Boğaziçi University, Turkey.
Dr. Rainer Stiefelhagen is a Professor at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), where he is directing the
research field on ”Computer Vision for HumanComputer Interaction”. He is also head of the
research field ”Perceptual User Interfaces” at the
Fraunhofer Institut for Information and Data
Processing (IITB) in Karlsruhe. His research focuses on the development of novel techniques for
the visual and audio-visual perception of humans
and their activities, in order to facilitate perceptive multimodal interfaces, humanoid robots and
smart environments. In 2007, Dr. Stiefelhagen was awarded one of the
currently five German Attract projects in the area of Computer Science
funded by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. His work has been published
in more than one hundred publications in journals and conferences.
He has been a founder and Co-Chair of the CLEAR 2006 and 2007
workshops (Classification of Events, Activities and Relationships) and
has been Program Committee member and co-organizer in many other
conferences. Dr. Stiefelhagen received his Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Sciences in 2002 from the Universität Karlsruhe (TH).
Lukas Rybok graduated from the University
of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany in 2008 with a
Diploma degree in Computer Science. He is currently a Phd candidate at the Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT) working in the field of human activity recognition under the supervision of
Prof. Rainer Stiefelhagen. His research interests
include computer vision, pattern recognition and
machine learning.
Hazim Ekenel is the head of ”Facial Image Processing and Analysis” young investigator group
at the Department of Computer Science in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany.
He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical and Electronic engineering from Boğaziçi
University in 2001 and 2003, respectively, and
Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the
University of Karlsruhe (TH) in 2009. He has
been developing face recognition systems for
smart environments, humanoid robots, and video
analysis. He had been the task leader for face recognition in the European
Computers in the Human Interaction Loop (CHIL) project and he
organized face recognition evaluations within the CLEAR 2006, 2007
international evaluation campaigns. He has been responsible for face
recognition in the German Humanoid Robots project. He is currently the
task leader of face recognition in the French-German Quaero project.
He has received the EBF European Biometric Research Award in 2008
for his contributions to the field of face recognition. In addition to the
scientific work, many real-world systems have been developed based on
his algorithm. With these systems, he received the Best Demo Award
at the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition in 2008.
Lale Akarun is a professor of Computer Engineering in Boğaziçi University. Her research
interests are face recognition and HCI. She has
been a member of the FP6 projects Biosecure
and SIMILAR, national projects on 3D Face
Recognition and Sign Language Recognition . She
currently has a joint project with Karlsruhe University on use of gestures in emergency management environments, and with University of Saint
Petersburg on Info Kiosk for the Handicapped.
She has actively participated in eNTERFACE,
leading projects in eNTERFACE06 and eNTERFACE07, and organizing