Mobile Media and Radio Industry - International Conference on


Mobile Media and Radio Industry - International Conference on
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
Mobile Media and Radio Industry: A Research about the Use of Mobile
Technology for Radio Companies in Turkey
Mihalis Kuyucu
İstanbul Aydın University
Mobile technologies changed the communication and the distribution of media. The developments of internet and web 2.0
technologies created a new radio listener. This new radio listener became an internet oriented listener. With the help of
the mobile applications radio became mobile and endless. The audience found a chance to have their radios at their hands
in their mobile, smart phones or tablets. According the statistics the 52% of radio listeners preferred to listen radio from
internet, 49 % from mobile platforms and 34% from traditional radio in 2013. This is an evidence that radio is becoming
more popular in mobile platforms. The aim of the study is to find out the existence of mobile applications for Turkish
national radio stations and to make determination for the way these radio stations use mobile applications for interaction
with their audience. In the first part of the paper there is a theorical research for mobile media in terms of previous
studies. This qualitative research found out the existence of national radio stations in mobile platforms based on
Feldmann’s mobile media theory. There has been done a content analysis for the IOS applications of the radio stations
and the specifications of the applications were coded to make a determination how national radio stations use mobile
media in Turkey. At the end of the research there has been done a determination that the national radio companies do not
use mobile media for efficient communication between their corporate structure and their audience.
Keywords: Mobil Media, Radio, New Media, Radio Management, Mobile Application
Nowadays, mobilization of internet which is being used in almost every area and provides great convenience for
information access, in other words ability to use internet through mobile devices like cell phones created a more flexible
usage area. Therefore, consumers may access any data they need from any point without needing any wire connection
through mobile devices or cell phones. Especially smart phones and tablet computers having Wi-Fi Access increased the
usage experiences of consumers. Within this concept, mobile technologies gained importance and expanded their scope
because they cover all features of present mass communication devices. Mobile applications became a different
communication medium after the media getting involved in smart phones and tablet computers. Like radio medium, other
mediums have also started to use mobile applications for communicating their audience.
Mobile Media Concept
The mobile concept covers services enabling mobile individuals or groups to access information and functions offered by
mobile, last-user electronic devices and technologies providing communication between each other. (Özel, 2013: 216).
Mobile media which is being considered as a sub-branch of new media, defines content provided by devices starting with
smart phones and tablet computers enabling internet access independent from time and place. Especially after internet
becoming popular, mobile media came to the forefront because entertainment factor became the first prioritized demand
of individuals.
Considering services offered via mobile media, those services can be described as informing users about certain topics
through news and information platforms and operating different activities like games, entertainment, advertisement and
promotion. Mobile media has also been reflecting power of the users and providing its users to actively take place in that
area as themselves and their brands. (Endeş 2010: 78).
Mobile media devices enabling content sharing are usually pocket computers, mp3 players, mobile media players, pocket
computers with telephone features, smart phones, tablet computers, laptops and netbooks. On the other hand, it is
suggested that researches conducted on those devices do not adequately reflect the importance of mobilization concept.
According to Ishi, mobilization should not be recognized as physical motion only. Mobilization should be understood wider
by means of at least three inter-connected dimensions of human interaction; those dimensions are spatial, time-wise and
situational mobilization. Spatial mobilization reflects physical motion in other words initial effecting face of mobilization.
Time-wise mobilization represents consequences of spatial mobilizations like accelerating and time saving. Those two
dimensions also show functional efficiency originated from mobilization. (Özel, 2013: 235)
Development of Mobile Media
Communication devices or channels used for transferring and storing of information, knowledge or data are called media.
Media concept which has been degraded to mass communication devices through traditional media has been regaining its
real meaning, communication devices by conceptualizing new media. By saying new media concept, communication
devices and channels having multimedia structure - in which numeric-based, simultaneous and high-capacity, mutual and
multi-layered interactions are used – are meant different from traditional media. (Büker, 2013: 137). Mobile
communication covering mobile media represents 7. Era of mass communication history. (Köroğlu, 2010: 14):
Press End of 1400’s
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
Recording 1800’s
Cinema 1900’s
Radio 1910’s
Television 1950’s
Internet 1990’s
Mobile Communication 2000’s
Most important impulsive force in development of mobile media is of course swift growth of smart phone market. As we
can see the graph below, according to forecasts smart phone sales will exceed 1 billion in 2015.
Figure 1. Smart Phone Sales Around the World (Ada and Tatlı, 2013:2)
According to a research published in Business Insider, demand ratios in devices having internet connection show
significant increase in tablet computers and smart phones in comparison with PCs. This increase will rapidly continue and
number of tablet computers will reach to 2,5 billion by 2015 according to forecasts. (Büker, 2013: 148). Besides tablet
computers and smart phones, high-resolution contents become easy to access and produce through mobile devices thanks
to increasing number of users using 3G and 4G connections. (Büker, 2013: 148).
Mobile Media Report published in 2010, is important in terms of showing the power of mobile media of our age in 2011.
According to results of report, mobile phones users of USA are representing %44 of smart phone users, previous year this
ratio has been recorded as %18. Other remarkable aspects of report are as follows: (Nielsen, 2011: 3)
Ratio of smart phone users having mobile internet has exceeded % 45 in 2010.
Great majority (%62) of smart phone users has downloaded at least one application in last
month and those applications are mostly games.
Young people between ages 25-34 and 18-24 continues to represent the age group using smart
phones at most.
Great majority of the users prefer Apple IOS and Android operating systems.
One of the aspects having influence on development of mobile media is mobile advertisements. As we can see the graph
below, mobile advertisement revenue has increased up to %82 all around the world between the years 2011 and 2012.
Increase of mobile advertisement revenues vary according to regions. As we can see the table below, mobile
advertisement revenues has been shown including projection of 2016. (Stamford, 2013):
Table 1: Mobile Advertisement Revenues (Million Dollars)
North America
Western Europe
Asia/Pacific Japan
Other Regions
After usage of mobile devices becoming popular, companies started to attach more importance to mobile commerce and
mobile advertisements. Considering advertisement expenses in USA, it can be seen that mobile technologies is in a swift
growth. Mobile advertisement expenses of 2013 in USA represents %22 of total advertisement expenses. While this ratio
was %3 in 2010, mobile expenses have shown an increase of %19 in last 3 years. (Oypan, 2013b:133).
In order to observe the point advertisement revenues of mobile media reached, Facebook sets an important example.
Within advertisement revenues published in 2013, mobile ad revenues reached %53 of total revenues. In addition to this,
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
social network webpage having 680 million active mobile user in the last quarter of 2012 has increased this number up to
945 million as of last quarter of 2013 and got close to 1 billion level. Average daily active mobile user count has increased
by %40 and reached 556 million in comparison with previous year. (Küstür, 2014:12).
According to 2013 final quarter report results of Madreport which publishes numbers about mobile in the world and
Turkey, number of mobile users in Turkey has exceeded 25 million. Between the years 2013 and 2019, mobile data traffic
is expected to increase 10 times. According to same report results again, 5, 6 billion smart phones will be used around the
world with respect to forecasts. Within the parts of the report regarding Turkey, %76 of smart phone users in Turkey
stated that they don’t left their houses without their smart phones and %42 of them expressed that they may even
abandon TV’s instead of abandoning their smart phones. Usage ratio of smart phones during watching TV has been
published as %85. (Oypan, 2014).
Features of Mobile Media
Mobile media consisted of the cooperation of Internet and media has a technology feature which may be reached via
multiple devices and interfaces because it involves features of many mass communication devices. Thanks to the
developments in internet technology, mobile phones enabled a time- and spatial-independent communication by covering
internet access within their bodies. Consequently, both companies offering content via internet and traditional companies
have started to offer data services grounding on communication model through smart phones and tablet computers.
Mobile media is consisted of 5 dimensions. All these dimensions create mobile media. According to that (Feldmann,
Networks, hardware and software ( Technology Dimension)
Connection ( Mobility Dimension)
Integration (Content Dimension)
Interactivity (Interactive Dimension)
Content Production (Organizational Dimension) create mobile media.
Aguado ve Martinez (2008: 220:221) summarize the opinions of experts about characteristic features of mobile
media content as follows:
Important Dominance of Visual Aspects: Although sound is the main factor of communication via mobile
phone, it is less valuable for mobile media content. Mobile media is a media mainly based on visual images.
Saving Time: The code ‘Think short’ is important in production time of mobile media content. First
entertainment series designed for mobile phones in 2005 was consisted of chapters lasting 1-3 minutes.
Segmentation and limited serialization: Segmentation and publishing in series are widespread strategies
providing convenience for applying mobile media to television standards.
Visual Simplicity: Transforming images significant chapters for small, portable devices like mobile phones or
pocket computers may be different from other media. Series and other video clips prepared for mobile phones
almost every time have a visual in which close-ups and easy display compositions are dominant and thus, use of
traditional film and video visual composition has changed.
Participation of User: Characteristic features of digital media like interaction and user participation are
especially important for mobile media because of their strong cooperation with user identity and privacy.
Besides advantages of mobile devices enabling use of mobile media, there are also some disadvantageous features.
Limitations like smaller screen sizes, inadequate screen resolutions for some applications or user-hostile applications
become prominent amongst them. In addition to this, some services are accepted more appropriate for presentation in
mobile devices. For instance, local-based services are much more attractive to use for mobile devices. (Çakır and Arslan,
2013: 26).
Influence of Mobile Media on Traditional Media
Technological developments of latest years caused an overall convergence between information, communication and
media sectors and new communication environment has arisen in consequence of this convergence.
Development of mobile communication technologies and popularization of applications about mobile media caused
important alterations and transformations in journalism area. Mobile phones adding ‘being accessible every time,
everywhere’ feature to the news lie at the bottom of this alteration and transformation. While every time, everywhere
journalism understanding influenced production practices of professional journalists and organization structure of new
bureaus, they also provided new medium to consumer for consuming news.
The concepts mobile media and mobile life especially became popular by the beginning of 2000’s. Considering
applications, it can be seen that smart phones may directly or indirectly affect social relationships and interactions of
consumers in their daily lives. In many studies, the way of young people seeing themselves and perceiving the others via
smart phone has been determined as related to smart phone behaviors. (Demir, 2013: 110).
In addition to all of those, mobile communication also had influences on radio and television broadcasting. Two important
factors have influenced the convergence between mobile media and radio and television broadcasts. Those are cell phones
gradually becoming more smart and talented and increased usage of mobile broad bands (3G and beyond) (Büker, 2013:
Mobile Content and Its Features
Any content which is produced, converted or formatted to be watched, listened, read or used in mobile communication
hardware and/or softwares, is mobile content. All kind of contents, text, sound, mobile-stationary-sectoral graphics and
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
video, games formatted according to mobile communication hardwares are mobile contents. As content type, mobile
contents may be messages like SMS or MMS. They may be e-book or document. And they even may be applications like
pictures, video, software or games (Köroğlu, 2010: 15).
Mobile media is consisted of mobile content and mobile content is usually categorized as follows : (Köroğlu, 2009: 50–51)
Downloadable Content: Mobile communication hardware melodies, logos, wallpapers, games (personalization
Browsable Contents: News, sports, weather forecast, guides, electronic books, stock certificate information,
flight information etc. (knowledge acquisition requirement), electronic shopping, recipes, chat and friendship
webpages/softwares (lifestyle).
Productivity tools: E-mail, instant messaging (communication).
Banking and finance (financial transactions).
Mapping and Routing (Location content).
Corporate Applications: Mobile product or services, or mobile communication or information based mobile
contents other than hardwares. That information is transmitted through three communication types : first,
between two mobile devices; for example mobile communication hardwares, second, between mobile devices and
computers having internet connection; for example during uploading pictures to instagram, third, between mobile
device and any compatible electronic hardware; for example paying the toll during transit pass of toll booths.
Mobile content is actually the name of information product and services and is consisted of text, sound, picture
and/or video.
Considering the content offered in mobile media, we see that, following concepts have important roles during the
representation of contents (Ala, 2010: 79):
Mobile content should not be mistaken for content accessed via internet or cable; this medium is different. There are
significant differences in technical requirements enforcing user interface, user behavior and limitations. Mobile medium
also provides new opportunities in terms of content. Internet content accessed via cable could not be appropriate for
mobile medium and vice versa. (Köroğlu, 2009: 52).
Mobile Media in Turkey
Mobile communication field of Turkey is shared by three companies having 3G license. After Turkcell starting business in
1998, Vodafone has entered to Turkey market by purchasing Telsim. As third of those companies Avea is consisted of
Telecom Italia Mobile, İşbankası and Aycell GSM company owned by Turk Telekom (Sözeri and Güney, 2011: 80).
In parallel with this increase in user count of mobile broad bands, mobile applications and services are also diversified and
their popularization is being rapidly increased. Therefore, traffic passing through mobile networks is also swiftly increased
(Büker, 2013: 154). According to 2011 research data of Nielsen, tablet pc owners tend to buy mobile contents more than
smart phone owners. Although this can change country to country, mostly bought mobile content types are music, books,
cinema and news and television programs (Büker, 2013: 154).
Mobile advertisements in Turkey have been continuing to increase in recent years. Investments made in mobile
advertisements in Turkey reached to 36 million TL by showing %44 increases in 2011-2012. While number of mobile users
in Turkey increased by %35 in 2012, mobile internet access has showed an increase of %71. Considering second quarter
of 2013, number of internet users has reached to 14,3 and mobile internet utilization has exceeded 25 TB according to
researches. In this research, mobile utilization of women and men has also been revealed as quite different. While male
users prefer smartphones and consider battery duration and operating system, females mostly give importance to
features like Wi-Fi, touch screen and 3G. While women in Turkey mostly use tablet computers for watching videos, male
users mostly prefer to access social networks. (Oypan, 2013). The growth of Turkey which was the 6th biggest internetusing population of Europe in 2012 is expected to exceed the average growth rate of the world and by 2016 internet will
become second biggest medium after television. According to research done by Oypan, %99 of mobile users in Turkey
connect to internet via their mobile devices at least once a day.
Purpose of this research is to make an assessment about the mobile media adaptations of national licensed radio
companies of Turkey in their transition period from traditional media to new media. In this research, mobile application
presence and features of 38 radio channels having official national terrestrial
broadcasting permission have been
analyzed in accordance with records of RTUK (Supreme Board of Radio and Television). Within this scope, IOS applications
(Iphone-Ipad) of radio organizations having national (R1) license and content analysis have been made for mobile
applications of radio organizations having mobile applications. In research, five dimensions used by Feldmann (2005) in
defining mobile media have been taken as reference and presence of radio organizations in mobile media has been
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
explained according to integrity this five dimensions created. IOS applications of radio organizations having mobile
applications have been subjected to content analysis and features of applications were coded. Applications coded in six
different categories have been developed with additions made in accordance with mobile media content pattern defined by
Köroğlu (2009).
Additions made were created by connection between mobile media and social media and relationships between mobile
media and electronic commerce. The sample size of this qualitative research is all of 38 national (R1) licensed radio
channels in Turkey and its limitations are IOS-based (Iphone and Ipad) mobile applications. National radio stations
broadcasting via direct transmission and similar methods by taking advantages of gaps in Turkish law and legal gaps
provided by terrestrial broadcast frequency tender - not lodged as yet – have been excluded from this research because
they have no official R1 license according to RTUK records. President of RTUK Davud Dursun announced in his press
conference made in 2014 that, there are 38 recorded official terrestrial radio stations in Turkey (Yeni Şafak,2014).
Table 2: Radios in Turkey Having Official National Terrestrial License (RTÜK)
Number One Fm
Power Fm
Alem Fm
Best Fm
Show Radyo
Radyo D
Metro Fm
Radyo Seymen
Radyo Viva
Kral Pop
Radyo Turkuvaz
Radyo 7
Pal Fm
Radyo Müzik
NTV Radyo
Metereolojinin Sesi Radyosu
Kanaltürk Radyo
Moral Fm
Semerkand Radyo
Radyo 35
Radyo Mega
Meltem Fm
Akra Fm
Burç Fm
Radyo Mehtap
Polis Radyosu
Radyo Cihan
Number One Türk
In evaluation of mobile applications of 38 Turkish radio companies broadcasting on terrestrial environment with national
license, it has been seen that, 30 radio companies have applications on Apps Store owned by Apple and 8 radio stations
have no application. Applications of radio stations have been downloaded and analyzed whether they are suitable for
Feldmann’s five dimension definition or not and it has been determined that all of radio stations having applications are
suitable for this definition. Two radio stations, Number One Fm and Number One Türk have been using mobile versions of
their internet pages instead of mobile applications.
Table 3. Radio Stations Having No Mobile Application
Alem Fm
Number One Fm
Number One Türk
Meltem Radyo
Radyo 35
Metereolojinin Sesi Radyosu
Polis Radyosu
Radyo Seymen
Some national radio stations broadcasting in Turkey are owned by media groups sharing the same capital owner. These
radios share a common mobile application. According to this 13 of 30 radio stations having IOS applications have common
applications different from each other. Those applications have been offered to audience as a mobile radio platform.
Table 4. Mobile Media Platforms Involving National Radio Stations
Mobile Radio Platform
TRT Radio Group
Saran Radio Group
Kanaltürk TV
Karnaval Digital Platform
Involving National Radio
Total Media Sharing the Platform
Kral Fm - Kral Pop
Power Fm - Powertürk
4 Terrestrial + 5 web Radio + 1 TV
TRT 1 - TRT 2 (FM) - TRT 3 - TRT
4 Terrestrial + 8 web radio
Radyo Müzik
Kanaltürk Radyo
Süper Fm - Metro Fm - Joytürk
1 Terrestrial Radio + 1 TV
5 Terrestrial Radio + 9 web Radio
In this research, applications of radio organizations having IOS 7.0.6 have been subjected to content analysis and
contents are coded under six different headings. Applications coded according to contents and their features are stated in
table 5.
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
Content Info
Radio Content
Corporate Content
General Info and News
Table 5. Features of Radio IOS Applications
(n) Multimedia
(n) Social Media
Live Broadcast
34 Broadcast Recording Opportunity
4 Twitter Connection
Web Radio
Audience Location Info
Alarm (Timer)
E-Commerce (n)
Advertisement 10
Content Info: Information regarding broadcasts of radio station and corporate information, general news and music
news. Content of application is grouped under three sub-headings. Those are On Air Content Info, corporate information
and content regarding topics other than radio medium respectively.
Multimedia: Multi-functioned multimedia content offered to user
Social Media Connection: Link to social media platforms which is present within application of radio.
E- Commerce: Links and mobile advertisements enabling the user downloading the application to make e-commerce
via radio.
Table 6. Content Analysis of Mobile Applications of Radio Channels
Info about Radio Content
Corporate Info
Broadcast Stream
Info About Radio
Music News
Artist Biographies
E-mail Info
Video Clips
Poems and Quotes
Top 20/ Top 40
Frequency Info
Info About Broadcasted Programs
(n) Other Info
Address Info
Info About Dj’s of Radio
Send Message (Form)
Info About ‘Now Playing’ Song
Address Info on Google
Info About Program on Air
Sms Info
In the analysis it has been observed that 30 radio stations having IOS applications mostly used their application to
transmit their broadcasts according. Entire radio channels transmit their broadcasts to audience via mobile players. Radio
channels use mobile platforms for broadcasting of their streams with a ratio of %78 at most. Secondly, frequency
information of cities they broadcast are mostly published with a ratio of %33, 3. It has been seen that radio channels
provide inadequate corporate information and are not able to necessarily introduce themselves in a corporational way by
using their applications.
Corporate information of radios are only provided by %19,2 of the radios. It has also been observed that radio channels
are weak in communicating with their audience. Ratio of communication types like e-mail sending, chat and social media –
which should be existed in mobile applications – have been found very low. Amongst radios having applications, %23,1 of
them provided their phone numbers, %33,3 of them offered e-mail sending option, %29,7 of them directed their audience
to Facebook accounts and %36,3 of them directed their audience to Twitter accounts of radio station. Another remarkable
finding is that, none of the radio stations have chat or online messaging features in their applications. This kind of
inadequate communication opportunities of applications of radio channels force audience to establish a direct
communication with radio through mobile platforms like smart phones and tablet computers. This inadequacy causes radio
stations to not use the most important feature of mobile media which is direct communication and feedback.
Advertisement banners are displayed on mobile applications of radio channels with the ratio of %33, 3. While one of every
three radios having mobile applications takes ads and banners on its applications, only three radio channels (%9, 9) make
electronic trade and sales through its application. Those radios are Super FM, Metro FM and JoyTürk which are members
of a mobile platform named ‘Karnaval’. Those radio channels provide a link in their applications enabling audience to buy
the playing song from iTunes. Radio audience listening to radio from the mobile application find the opportunity to
instantly buy the playing song via iTunes thanks to this link. Other radio stations not having this feature prevent radio
medium to be integrated with mobile media and to make electronic commerce.
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
Figure 2. Application Utilization Methods of Radio Channels (Model of the Research)
Another remarkable topic of analysis made about applications of radio channels was multimedia features of applications.
While %16,5 of radio channels utilize web radios appealing different interests, %13,2 of them utilize ‘record’ feature
enabling user to record the broadcast into his/her medium. Besides those features, %13, 2 of radios provide location info
during listening, %9, 9 of them provide alarm service working with broadcast of radio channel. They used Podcast for
%23, 1 of the applications. Radio stations using Podcast provide audience to establish a comprehensive communication
with radio application by enabling them to listen older episodes of broadcasted programs. Podcast application also is an
opportunity, for introducing radio station to mobile user and provides a comprehensive and integrated experience to
Computer feature added to cell phones not only transforms them to a communication device but also a portable computer
having multimedia features. Cell phones developed with new technological features have been started to be called as
‘smart phone’ and they enable users to continue their business which was previously carried out via desktop computers
and laptops. Development of smart phones led tablet computers and mobile media concept in next level.
Feldmann stated five different dimensions of mobile media and pointed out technology, mobility, content, interactivity and
organizational dimensions of that media by defining mobile media.
Thanks to opportunities of mobile media, consumers may access internet and internet-based services via their cell phone
and tablet computers without experiencing any time or area limitations. Most important feature of mobile media is that, it
is time- and spatial-free. This opportunity enables consumer to stay connected in mobile condition.
Mobile media became popular especially after developments in smart phone technology. Mobile communication is
expected to gain much more importance in near future. Young people, especially the generation aged between 18-24
consider mobile devices as a part of their lives. As stated in researches conducted for determining mobile media user
data, almost every mobile device users connect to internet at once daily. Mobile media and mobile communication
environment it presents, offer a media specialized for especially cell phones and small mobile devices. While mobile media
can be personalized according to information and needs of users, it can be used without needing any cable or internet
connection within coverage area of mobile network. Those features of mobile media provide great opportunity for
convergence between traditional media and new media.
In this research conducted about mobile media utilization and presence of radio medium in Turkey, it has been revealed
that radio stations use mobile media mostly for transmitting their broadcasts. Radios not using adequately quick feedback,
interactive communication and electronic commerce features provided by mobile media. This creates some difficulties to
radio medium in integration with mobile media in Turkey.
In this research, it has been revealed that 8 of 38 national terrestrial radio channels of Turkey have not any IOS mobile
application according. While all of radio stations having mobile applications broadcast their streams through those
applications, many of them were found weak in taking advantage of interactive and dynamic environment of mobile
media. In conducted researches, it has been seen that radio stations do not adequately broadcast corporate information of
their stations on their IOS applications. The ratio of radio stations broadcasting corporate information on their applications
has been determined as %19, 8. Radio channels mostly broadcast their broadcast streams (%82, 5) and frequency
information of cities they broadcast and e-mail information (%33, 3) on their applications. While ratio of radios providing
information about broadcasted programs and broadcasters was found only as %6, 6, the ratio of radio stations
International Conference on Communication, Media, Technology and Design
24 - 26 April 2014, Istanbul – Turkey
establishing communication through applications with social media platforms Facebook and Twitter has been determined
lower. %29, 7 of applications of radio stations direct users to Facebook, %33, 3 of them direct users to Twitter. Those
ratios have been showing that, radio stations do not use their IOS applications as a communication bridge between mobile
media, social media and themselves (radio stations).
Findings derived from that research suggest that radio medium of Turkey can not necessarily use mobile media and
mobile applications and in future it will experience some difficulties for integration of radio medium and mobile media.
Young generations being closely interested in technology, smart phone market developing increasingly and everdeveloping mobile media concept stimulate radio channels to invest in that area. Radio organizations should maintain
their existence within a triple communication which will be established for introducing their content through mobile media,
communicating with social media through mobile media and making electronic commerce.
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