Çukurova Üniversitesi Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans


Çukurova Üniversitesi Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans Başvurusu
Yabancı Dil Sınavı
Deneme Sınavı 3
Bu testte 80 soru vardır.
Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır.
Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği götürmeyecektir.
Sınavın toplam süresini 180 dakikadır
Bu deneme toplam oluşmaktadır ve Tuba Yıldırım, Kevin Walle, Irmak Öymen ve
Mehmet Mamger Yücel’in katkılarıyla derlenmiş ve oluşturulmuştur.
Gerekli itina gösterilmeye çalışılsa da, herhangi bir zorluk ayarına tabii tutulmamış
olduğundan, büyük ihtimalle sınavda alacağınız notu gösteremeyecektir.
Ancak durumun ne olduğunu kabaca görmek isteyenler ve toplu deneme yapan
çalışma arkadaşlarım için bir kaynak olarak faydalı olabilir.
Mehmet Mamger
Çoğu kişi maalesef sınava hazırlanmanın önemli bir parametresi olan deneme çözmeyi ciddiye almaz ve onu
alıştırma ile karıştırır. Oysa deneme bir konuda ustalaşmak için kullandığımız alıştırmalardan çok farklıdır. Amacı
gayet nettir:
1. Seviyenin tespiti
2. İlerleme olup olmadığının tespiti
3. Eksikliklerin tespiti
4. Gerçek sınav için sağlam bir teknik ve yöntem geliştirme
Ben bir deneme çözümünde şu altı kıstasın olmazsa olmaz olduğunu düşünenlerdenim:
TEK OTURUM, TAM SÜRE: Bir sınav tek oturumda ve araya mola verilmeden çözülmeli. Sınav
esnasında bir şey yenilip içilmemeli, tuvalet ve sigara molası da dâhil, araya mola konmamalı. Zira
gerçek sınavda bunları yapma şansımız yok. Her mola, denemedeki puanımızı yükseltecek ve
durumumuz hakkında gerçekçi olmayan fikirlere sahip olmamızı sağlayacaktır. Eğer İKİ BUÇUK
SAATLİK TEK OTURUM yapma şansımız hiç yoksa, verilen her mola için toplam süreden tam 5 dakika
kısaltılmalıdır. Üç defadan daha fazla mola verilmiş ise eğer, artık o sınav bir DENEME SINAVI değildir.
SINAV BİTMEDEN KONTROL YOK: Tüm sorular bitmeden yapacağınız her kontrol, netinizi yukarı
çıkaracak ve durum tespitini imkânsızlaştıracaktır. Oysa gerçek sınavda, mesela 50. sorudayken bile, 3.
soruda verdiğimiz seçeneğin doğru olup olmadığı fikri beynimizi yemeye devam eder. Kuşku ve
belirsizlik, neti aşağı çeker.
kişini A puanlarına ulaşabilmesinde en önemli etkendir. Basit nedenlerle, okuduğu seçenekte çabuk bir
doğru cevap bulmazsa işaretleme yapmadan geçen bir kişi, daha sonra aynı seçeneğe baktığında
doğruya ulaşacaktır:
Uğraştığınız seçenek BOYUNUZUN ÜZERİNDE ve hatta iptal edilecek bir YANLIŞ SORU
olabilir. Onunla uğraşmanız zamanınızı yer ve kendinize inancınızı bitirir. İkisi de size en
lazım olan şey. Oluşan zaman baskısı ve hüsran duygusu, çözülecek ve muhtemelen daha
kolay pek çok sorunun yanlış cevaplanmasına yol açacaktır.
Uğraştığınız seçenek çözebileceğiniz zorluktadır ama o anda cevabı hatırlamıyorsunuz veya
doğru açıdan bakmıyorsunuzdur. Israr etmeniz size yardımcı olmaz. Ama başka sorularla
uğraşırken, beyniniz zaten bu soru için de yeter miktarda mesai sarf edecek ve bir daha
baktığınızda soruyu gayet kolaylaşmış olacaktır: Beyniniz problemi çözmüş veya soruya
yeniden bakarken bakış anızı değiştirmişsinizdir.
Uğraştığınız sorunun cevabı ya doğrudan veya modelleme mantığına göre okuyacağınız diğer
sorularda gizli olabilir. Siz diğer soruları okurken, beyniniz buradan doğru bilgileri kodlayacak ve
yeniden boş bıraktığınız soruya geldiğinizde, tercihiniz büyük ihtimalle doğru olacaktır.
Unutmayın en büyük kopya, soru kitapçığınızın bizatihi kendisidir.
Soruların hepsini bitirdikten sonra boş bıraktığınız sorulara yine sırayla birkaç defa dönüp, her doğru
cevap çıkmadığında yeniden boş bırakıp geçmeyi unutmayın. Böylece belirli bir süpürme-tarama
yöntemiyle aynı sorulara birkaç kez bakmış olacaksınız. Son 10 dakikada ise artık atma vakti gelmiş
olabilir. Hilelere dikkat.
SINAV BİTİNCE TAHMİN: Sınavdan sonra kaç net alacağınızı ±5 hata ile bilmeniz, durumunuzu tespitte
çok önemlidir. Bu tahmin bir müddet sonra hangi seçeneği bilerek, hangisini ise sallayarak yaptığınızı
bilmeniz hususunda size olağanüstü bir yetenek kazandıracak ve böylece hangi seçeneği hemen
işaretleyeceğinizi, hangi seçeneği boş bırakıp sonra bakmanız gerektiğini ve hangi seçenekte aslında
atmak durumunuzda olduğunu ve dolayısıyla hile-hurda kullanabileceğinizi bilmenizi sağlayacak.
YANLIŞLARI BİR DAHA ÇÖZ – TURLAMA: Cevapları başkasına kontrol ettirip, yanlış cevaplarınızı bir
daha çözmeye çalışmanız, bir sonraki denemenizde NET ARTIRABİLMENİZ neredeyse en garanti
yoludur. Beyniniz (a) iki şık arasında hangisini seçmeniz gerektiğini öğrenecek, (b) yanlış yaptığı soruyu
bir daha çözdüreceğinizi anladığından, ilk hamlede doğruyu görmeyi başarabilecektir. Turlamayı illaki
tüm soruların cevabını kendiniz buluncaya kadar yapınız. Ama İLK TUR, en öğretici olandır.
KELİME ÖĞREN: Sınavın bir kısmından keklime öğrenmeyi ihmal etmeyin. Bir limitiniz olsun, mesela
100. O sınavdan tam 100 adet bilmediğiniz kelime öğrenmeye bakın. Sadece paragraflardaki kelimelere
bakmanız bile yeterli olacaktır.
4. When does their new album ---- ?
1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The new light bulbs ---- less electricity.
A) spring
B) weep
C) consume
D) reckon
2. I have never seen such a ---- room in my life. How
do you ever find anything in here?
A) powdery
B) tidy
C) filthy
D) messy
B) deal
C) peak
D) sight
A) give off
B) like to
C) go on
D) come out
5. Though Arabic is the national language
everywhere from Morocco to Iraq, English and
French are also ---- spoken in these countries.
A) initially
B) intentionally
C) widely
D) offensively
6. Don't ---- all the milk, we need some for breakfast
3. The steel mills reached their ---- of production in
A) currency
A) shift into
B) use up
C) yield up
D) look after
10. Carrots ---- to be good for your eyesight.
7. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
7. While I ---- some money from a cash machine, a
man ---- it all out of my hand.
A) are believed
B) have believed
C) believe
D) will believe
A) was withdrawing / snatched
B) withdrew / snatches
C) am withdrawing / has snatched
D) have withdrawn / was snatching
8. By the time the work on their house is finished,
they ---- the painters, decorators and carpenters
a total of £8,000. They ---- a beautiful new kitchen,
11. If I were you, I ---- a new car instead of struggling
with this old one.
A) are paying / have had
A) have bought
B) was buying
C) had bought
D) would buy
B) paid / are having
C) had paid / were having
D) will have paid / will have
12. I've brought two newspapers. You can have --one you like.
9. I ---- travel by coach to Istanbul last week
because the airline pilots were on strike.
A) ought to
B) need to
A) whenever
B) whichever
C) had to
D) should
C) however
D) whoever
13. I can't remember how many people wanted to be
in the play, ---- ?
A) did you
B) do they
C) can you
D) can't I
15. The farmer ---- crops were damaged by the police
during the search for a body wants
B) neither
C) also
D) too
A) whose
B) who
C) which
D) that
16. The airline only allows 20 kilos of baggage per
person, ---- you should pack your bags carefully
so as not to exceed the limit.
14. My mother keeps complaining that she doesn't
feel well; and I don't ---- .
A) either
A) so
B) unless
C) because
D) though
17. -21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) has become
B) becomes
C) is becoming
D) became
One important discovery in the middle of the 1850s
made it possible to build modern skyscrapers (17)
---- the Industrial Revolution, brick and stone walls
carried the weight of buildings. (18) ---- each floor
was very heavy, it was impossible to build very high
houses. In the middle of the 19th century steel
(19) ---- an important building material. This metal
was (20) ---- and light. Architects could now construct
a steel skeleton to support very tall buildings.
Chicago’s Home Insurance Company Building was
ten stories tall and the first skyscraper (21) ---- such
a steel construction.
A) After
B) Before
C) During
D) While
A) weak
B) cheap
C) strong
D) tiny
A) As
B) Yet
C) Although
D) So
A) using
B) to use
C) used
D) use
22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Therefore
B) However
C) Moreover
D) Hence
Petroleum, or crude oil, is one of the world's (22) ---natural resources. Plastics, synthetic fibres, and
(23) ---- chemicals are produced from petroleum. It is
also used to make lubricants and waxes. (24) ----- ,
its most important use is as a fuel for heating, for
(25) ---- electricity, and (26) ---- for powering
A) as important
B) most important
A) generated
B) to generate
C) so importantly
D) less importantly
C) being generated
D) generating
A) much
B) a lot
A) decisively
B) exclusively
C) plenty
D) many
C) especially
D) favourably
30. Due to the rise of new media technology, ---- .
27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) many people predict newspapers will soon be
27. It led into a further room, windowless and very
small ---- .
B) people started to learn how to use computer
C) it is now very easy to have an opinion on a
A) but equipped with a ceiling light
B) or filled with joy and happiness
D) newspaper began to be very popular among
internet users
C) so happened to be very beautiful
D) when located in the middle of the house
28. Arrogant by nature, Jones spoke very little ---- .
31. Darwin’s theory of evolution was based on ---- .
A) however he passed his final exams
A) that all individuals of the same species are not
B) but he finished all the cake left
B) while gathering evidence for many years in
support of it
C) even to his own family members
D) although he was not feeling well
C) whether his insight really was revolutionary
D) why some birds were oversized and some were
29. ----, the former term actually refers to a
particular group of insects
32. The company will need fewer office workers
---- .
A) as long as the sales continues to increase
A) However, science is not only focused on insects
B) when the computer network has been installed
B) Also, insects may carry some poisonous
C) since some were looking for jobs with other
C) When most people find bugs disgusting animals
D) because it is trying to expand
D) Although, some think the terms bug and insect
are interchangeable
33. Dramatic cultural changes have been taking
place in the US ---- .
35. Although global environmental trends over the
past few decades have generally not been
favourable, ---- .
A) ever since non-European immigrants began to
pour into the country
A) the build up of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere would have been reduced
B) as soon as World War II ended
B) some positive developments are nevertheless
beginning to emerge
C) until new regulations concerning immigrants
were introduced.
C) future generations would not have been
deprived of the opportunity to support
D) Some of which would have been regarded as
D) deforestation proved to be the lesser of the two
36. Cars entail a great many expenses, ---- .
34. ----, but it is not the only one.
A) so long as one doesn't use them excessively
A) Newspaper prices have risen dramatically in
recent years
B) unless one could get a sufficient loan from the
B) Most diseases are caused by germs and bad
C) in case a number of people cannot afford them
C) Technological competition is a serious problem
for the book industry
D) so it's worth thinking carefully before buying
D) They rebuked the witnesses for their
disrespectful behaviour during the trial
39. Finding a vaccine against HIV has been very
difficult because the proteins on the surface of
the virus are continually mutating.
37. - 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
A) HIV virüsüne karşı bir aşı bulunması çok zor
olmuştur cunku virüsün yüzeyi üzerindeki
proteinler sürekli olarak mutasyona uğruyor.
37. School psychologists are uniquely qualified
members of school teams that support
students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to
B) HIV virüsüne karsi henüz bir tedavi yöntemi
bulunmamasi virusun sürekli mutasyona
ugramasindan kaynaklanir.
A) Okul ogretmenleri ve ogrencileri ogrenme ve
ogretmede psikolojik bir destege ihtiyac
C) HIV virüsüne karsi geliştirilen asi virisun
mutasyona ugramasini engelleyecek proteinler
B) Okul psikologlari ogrencilerin ogrenme
yetenegini ve ogretmenlerin ogretme yetenegini
destekleyen okulun benzersiz nitelikli uyeleridir.
D) Yuzeyindeki proteinler yardimi ile sürekli
mutasyona uğrayan HIV virüsü için acilen asi
C) Nitelikli psikolog aday uyeleri ogretmenlerine ve
okuldaki ogrenciilere destek vermeye calisirlar.
D) Ogrencilerin algilayabilme kabilliyeti ve
ogretmenlerin ogretme kabiliyeri okul
psikologlarinin verdigi nitelikli destek ile
40. Radyo antenleri yalnızca belirli frekanstaki
yayınları almak üzere ayarlandığı için geri kalan
radyo dalgalarını algılamaz.
38. The role that the Great Wall played in the
growth of Chinese economy was an important
A) Cin Seddi Cin ekonomisine buyuk katki saglar.
A) An antenna is an electrical device which
converts electric currents into radio waves.
B) Cin Seddinin Cin ekonomisinin buyumesinde
oynadigi rol cok onemliydi.
B) Radio antenna is set in order to receive only the
broadcast of specific frequencies does not
recognize the rest of the radio waves.
C) Cin Seddi Cin ekonomisinde rol oynasin diye
onemli biri tarafindan yapilmistir.
C) An antenna can be used for both transmitting
and receiving radio waves.
D) Ekonomik yonden Cin Seddi cok onemlidir ve
nufusun buyumesinde onemli bir rolu vardir.
D) Early radio systems relied entirely on the
energy collected by an antenna to produce
signals for the operator.
41. Omega-3 yağ asidinin beyin ve sinir sisteminin
sağlıklı şekilde çalışmasındaki etkileri yapılan
pek çok araştırmada ortaya konmuştur.
42. İnsanlar tarih öncesi çağlardan beri yaşamak
için hep nehir kıyılarını ve deniz kenarlarını
tercih etmiştirler.
A) Effects of Omega-3 fatty acid on the brain’s and
nervous system’s healthy operation have been
demonstrated in many studies done.
A) People have traditionally lived and worked by
rivers or oceans.
B) Anticipating floods before they occur allows for
precautions to be taken and people to be
B) There is some evidence that omega-3 fatty
acids are related to mental health including
C) Since prehistoric times people have always
preferred to live in riverine and marine edges.
C) Epidemiological studies suggest that
consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce
the risk of dementia.
D) Periodic flooding was essential to the well-being
of ancient communities along the riverine and
marine edges.
D) Eating a diet high in fish that contain long chain
omega-3 fatty acids does appear to decrease
the risk of stroke.
44. We can conclude from the passage that to be
successful at judo a person must ---- .
43. - 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) be bullied by someone much stronger
Judo, which means 'the gentle way’, is a perfect
example of how skill can overcome force. So,
although a woman may feel intimidated by a taller
male opponent, with the skillful technique of throws
and holds, she can overpower him. It's easy to see
why this sport gives a person self-confidence. The
sport of judo was invented in Japan in 1882 to stop
bullying in schools. Jigoro Kano founded a judo
academy after years of studying other martial arts.
Initially judo was not accepted by other martial
artists, but in 1886, Tokyo's police had a martial arts
tournament and judo was a big success. Recently,
judo has become a very popular martial art even
outside of Japan and China.
B) be stronger than someone else
C) be skilled in the techniques of the sport
D) be very tall
45. We can infer from the passage that judo gives a
person self-confidence because ---- .
43. We are told in the passage that judo ---- .
A) was invented by a Japanese policeman
A) one can enter tournaments every year
B) was designed to fight bullying in Japanese
B) the philosophy of judo is easy to gain
C) it is possible to beat someone who is bigger
and stronger
C) was developed outside China and Japan
D) was never liked by any martial artists
D) the practice in judo makes one bigger
46. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Judo’s meaning
B) The history of Judo
C) Judo techniques
D) Self-confidence
48. According to the figures in the passage, in
1999, ---- .
47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) 20 percent of British people had access to the
The internet was originally used for military research
in the USA. Uni versities were the next group to
start using the system. The internet started to be
used by the public in the late 1980s and by the mid1990s, home users were able to connect in large
numbers. The United States still leads the way in
internet usage, but Europe is catching up. It is
difficult to predict such a fast-growing area, but at
the end of 1999, around 13 and 14 million people in
the UK were using the internet. About one fifth of
the population. Email is the simplest application of
the internet, and it is also the most popular. At the
moment, the computer is the most common way
people connect to the internet but, in the future, all
televisions will have internet access.
B) the internet became a tool for the public
C) most businesses used emails for
D) Europe passed America in the number of
people using the internet
49. The author predicts that in the future ---- .
47. According to the passage the internet was first
used ---- .
A) everybody will be connected to the internet
A) by the American army to search for information
B) email messages won’t take as long to send as
they do now
B) to do research at American universities
C) television sets will all be used to connect to the
C) to gather information from televisions
D) by businesses to gain customers
D) the military will start to use the internet less
50. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Military internet use
B) Internet use in the UK
C) Television internet
D) The rise of the internet
52. According to the facts in the passage ---- .
51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) the steps of the museum are used by boxers to
train for fights
More money is spent on art in Philadelphia than in
any other American city. In fact, about one percent
of the total city budget is spent on art. Phliadelphia’s
art museum has an unmatched collection from the
middle ages onward. It has exhibits from all around
the world. The museum is the city’s number one
tourist attraction and you would be right for thinking
that this has something to do with it’s collection of
500,000 paintings. However, the museum’s
popularity has more to do with films. During the film
“Rocky” Sylvester Stallone runs up the front steps of
the building while he was training for a fight. Many
tourists arrive in bus loads only to see the steps.
B) the art museum has the largest collection in the
C) more tourists visit Philadelphia than any other
D) for every dollar spent of the city budget, one
cent is spent on art
53. It’s stated that in the passage that
Philadelphia’s art museum is ---- .
51. We learn from the passage that the museum is
very popular with tourists because ---- .
A) Sylvester Stallone runs their every day
A) too expensive to enter
B) it has a wonderful collection
B) overshadowed by famous actors
C) it has over 500,00 paintings
C) visited by more tourists than all the other
attractions in the city
D) the steps in front were used as a film set
D) the most elaborate and rich building in the city
54. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Art in Philadelphia
B) Philadelphia
C) Art museums of the world
D) Actor city
56. It is mentioned in the passage that the person
being described ----.
55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) has powers that a human doesn’t
The first officer of the starship “Enterprise” was born
in the 23rd century on the planet Vulcan, to a
Vulcan father and a human mother. Like all Vulcans,
he has pointed ears and green blood as well as
superhuman strength and intellect. From early
childhood, he was taught how to suppress all
emotion, which was hated by the Vulcans because
they thought it was the main reason for violence.
Following his Vulcan heritage, he does not wish to
be happy, but only wishes to serve. Dedication to
your job and personal honour are his beliefs and a
life full of loyalty.
B) is hated by the other Vulcans on the planet
C) is better at intellectual than physical activities
D) is often violent because of his hatred for
57. We learn from the passage that the person
being described was raised ---- .
55. It is obvious from the passage that the person
being described is ---- .
A) in a loving family
A) a very important man in world history
B) to be logical and unemotional
B) the most handsome man on the planet
C) to search for the secret of happiness
C) the leader of mankind in the future
D) to be a warrior
D) a character in a science-fiction work
58. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Future Aliens
B) Feelings lost
C) The Vulcan way
D) 23rd century planets
60. The main focus of the passage is……
59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) the development of houses throughout time
B) the Greek mythological figure Prometheus
The ancient Greeks considered fire to be such a
great discovery that they believed it was a gift from
the Titan, Prometheus, to humans. According to a
Greek myth, Prometheus was punished by the gods
for sharing the secret of fire with men. This myth
shows how much importance ancient people
showed towards fire. The discovery of fire was
essential to the spread of civilization. For instance,
with fire, people were able to move to colder
climates. This increased the spread of early humans
across the world. People who could control fire were
able to find shelter by living in caves for the first time
in human history. The use of fire might also have
affected physical human development. With cooked
food, large teeth were unnecessary, and teeth
slowly became smaller to resemble ours today.
C) how fire played a major role in the progress of
D) the change in human teeth
61. One physical change fire may have helped
humans with according to the passage is…..
59. According to the ancient Greek legend
described in the passage, Prometheus……
A) showed humans how to use metal
A) eating cooked food
B) was penalized for showing humans how to
make fire
B) living in colder climates
C) spreading across the World
C) was the first human ever to build fire
D) living in caves
D) gave fire to another Titan as a gift
62. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Humans and fire
B) Cave fires
C) Prometheus
D) Greek fire stories
63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
- Receptionist: Good morning. St Mark's Books.
How can I help you?
- Caller:
- Peter:
- Helen:
He's still living with his parents in
Canterbury, isn't he?
- Peter:
I don't think so. The letter I wrote
there got returned.
- Helen:
Hmmm. Why don't you e-mail his
brother and ask him?
Would you happen to have the
Lonely Planet Guide to Peru?
- Receptionist: ----.
- Caller:
Could you please put it aside for
me to come in and have a look at
A) No. Why don't you try the travel book shop in
Montague Street?
B) Why should we? Peru is all the way on the
other side of the world.
A) Do you happen to know what Andrew's home
address is?
C) It's a lovely country, isn't it? I went there myself
a few years ago.
B) What do you think about visiting Ralph during
the holiday?
D) No, I'm sorry, we're out. We have got the
Rough Guide though.
C) So, how did your meeting with your fiance's
parents go?
D) Did you happen to get a Christmas card from
Fran this year?
- Kim:
Hi, Mum. I'm at the shop now. They
haven't got any red peppers.
- Minette:
I've just seen Joan Harrison. Do
you remember her?
- Mum:
- Alfred:
- Kim:
Okay, I'll get them instead. Do we
need anything else?
- Minette:
Yes, she did, I'd forgotten that.
- Mum:
Yeah. Could you pick up a head of
lettuce as well?
- Alfred:
I seem to remember that all those
children were very intelligent.
A) I think so. She was a tall girl, with beautiful long
brown hair.
A) Well, then I can't make a salad. Why don't we
eat out?
B) I don't think I do, unless she was the girl with
the big dog.
B) That's not a problem. The green ones will do
just fine.
C) Yes, of course. She had three younger brothers
at my school.
C) Then perhaps you should try the greengrocer's
in town.
D) Yes, I saw Joan Harrison last week at my
school reunion.
D) Really? What other colours have they got in
69. We need to leave soon because the traffic will be
heavy at this hour.
- Will:
I'm thinking of taking a computer
A) The sooner they leave the better if they don't
want to get caught in a traffic jam.
- Ben:
Really? I thought you'd just done
- Will:
C) Let's wait an hour to avoid some of this heavy
- Ben:
Oh, I see. So now you want to further
increase your knowledge of
D) The roads are busy at this time of day so we
must leave now
B) We shouldn’t leave too late as the roads are
likely to be busy for the next hour.
A) I thought about them, but I didn't do anything.
B) I would, but I just haven't got the time to spare.
C) What makes you think I would have done that?
D) I did, but that was a very basic course for
70. They found only two survivors, but they searched
for a week before they quit looking for the others.
A) At the end of the week the two survivors joined
the search.
B) They were only able to save two people though
rescue work continued for a full week.
68. - 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
C) By the end of the first week there was no hope
of finding the missing two.
68. I've been out of the country for about a year, so
everything feels different here.
D) Once those two were rescued at the end of the
week, they stopped the search for the others.
A) I really feel like a stranger now that I'm back
after almost a year abroad.
B) Nearly a year abroad will make you feel
differently about your own country.
C) When I returned after almost a year, I was
amazed to see little changes here.
D) The year abroad made me feel foreign so I
don't want to go back to my own country.
71. There’s no point in learning several languages if
you won’t be able to use them.
A) You shouldn’t try to learn many languages
except the ones which are spoken
B) Unless you are going to use them, learning
several languages would be unnecessary.
C) There are several languages that are being
used and these are the ones to learn.
D) People used to learn several languages even
though they had no chance to use them.
74. Global warming doesn't just mean that the world
will slowly get warmer. ----. The latest predictions
are that northern Europe could even be plunged
into an ice age.
72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
72. Countries which had only just gained their
freedom after centuries of colonial rule were not
known as being centres of stability. ----. These
people needed money to buy political support, to
build a well-equipped and loyal army and to
ensure their personal prosperity.
A) Surprisingly, it could cause certain areas to get
a lot colder.
B) Due to rising emissions of greenhouse gases,
his ice sheet is melting at an alarming rate.
C) Unfortunately things are not so simple.
D) The reason for this concerns the Greenland ice
A) Since then, in some countries there have been
revolutions and groups have come to power
that are genuinely concerned about the poor.
B) On the contrary, many of the poorest countries
in the world are effectively trapped in poverty.
C) With tribal conflicts and no long-established
political institutions it was very easy for corrupt
leaders to take control.
D) For the developed economies this is a relatively
small amount of money.
75. The word "modern" is used in many different
contexts in many different ways. ----. For others
the modern world was the world of modern art
and music.
73. A great way to make money out of sick people is
to sell them drugs. The companies that sell them
don’t seem to worry too much about the morality
of exploiting the sick. ----. And the centre of that
business is the US.
A) This concerns the foundations of knowledge.
A) Many of the largest drug companies are
B) The modern world began in 1632 when a new
cognitive self-understanding came on the
B) It was recently estimated that sales of
prescription drugs worldwide came to 400
billion US dollars.
C) For some people modernization was
synonymous with industrialization.
C) Many people without adequate health insurance
cover simply cannot afford the medicines.
D) So, everyone should have an equal right to
have their voice heard.
D) Drugs are big business.
79. (I) There is strong evidence that spiders' coloration is
camouflage that helps them to evade their major
predators. (II) A few species of spiders that build
webs live together in large colonies and show social
behavior. (III) Many spider species are colored so as
to merge with their most common backgrounds. (IV)
This may make it more difficult for predators to
recognize the species. (VI) Moreover, most spiders
are insufficiently dangerous or unpleasant-tasting.
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
76. (I) Flood is a natural disaster. (II) A flood is an
overflow of water that submerges land which is
usually dry. (III) It is an overflow of any amount of
water that reaches land. (IV) However, floods may be
secondary effects of earthquakes. (VI) Floods occur
usually when the volume of water within a body of
water exceeds the total capacity of the formation.
A) I
A) I
78. (I) Immigration is the movement of people into a
country to which they are not native in order to settle
there. (II) Immigrants are motivated to leave their
native countries for a variety of reasons. (III) In 2013
the United Nations estimated that there were
231,522,215 immigrants in the world. (IV) Another
contributing factor may be promoting by earlier
immigrants. (VI) Immigration is a highly debated and
controversial topic in today's global community.
80. (I) Electronic-readers are superior to books because
they are environmentally friendly. (II) The average
novel is about 300 pages long. (III) An e-reader is a
device that allows you to read e-books. (IV) That's a
lot of paper! (VI) If there are about 80,000 pieces of
paper in a tree, this means it takes almost 4 trees to
make these 1000 books.
A) I
A) I
77. (I) Like nearly all other life forms, humans require
water for tissue hydration. (II) Lack of hydration
causes thirst. (III) A decline in total body water is
called dehydration. (IV) An overconsumption of water
can lead to water intoxication. (VI) Elephants draw
water into their trunks and squirt it into their mouths.
A) I