Çukurova Üniversitesi Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans


Çukurova Üniversitesi Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans
Çukurova Üniversitesi
Enstitüler Yüksek Lisans Başvurusu
Yabancı Dil Sınavı
Deneme Sınavı 5
Bu testte 80 soru vardır.
Her soru 1,25 puan değer taşımaktadır.
Yanlış cevap doğru seçeneği götürmeyecektir.
Sınavın toplam süresini 180 dakikadır
Söz konusu derleme toplam 5108 kelimeden oluşmaktadır ve Irmak
Oyman ve Mehmet Mamger tarafından derleme ve özgün yazım şeklinde
Çoğu kişi maalesef sınava hazırlanmanın önemli bir parametresi olan deneme çözmeyi ciddiye almaz ve onu
alıştırma ile karıştırır. Oysa deneme bir konuda ustalaşmak için kullandığımız alıştırmalardan çok farklıdır. Amacı
gayet nettir:
1. Seviyenin tespiti
2. İlerleme olup olmadığının tespiti
3. Eksikliklerin tespiti
4. Gerçek sınav için sağlam bir teknik ve yöntem geliştirme
Ben bir deneme çözümünde şu altı kıstasın olmazsa olmaz olduğunu düşünenlerdenim:
TEK OTURUM, TAM SÜRE: Bir sınav tek oturumda ve araya mola verilmeden çözülmeli. Sınav
esnasında bir şey yenilip içilmemeli, tuvalet ve sigara molası da dâhil, araya mola konmamalı. Zira
gerçek sınavda bunları yapma şansımız yok. Her mola, denemedeki puanımızı yükseltecek ve
durumumuz hakkında gerçekçi olmayan fikirlere sahip olmamızı sağlayacaktır. Eğer İKİ BUÇUK
SAATLİK TEK OTURUM yapma şansımız hiç yoksa, verilen her mola için toplam süreden tam 5 dakika
kısaltılmalıdır. Üç defadan daha fazla mola verilmiş ise eğer, artık o sınav bir DENEME SINAVI değildir.
SINAV BİTMEDEN KONTROL YOK: Tüm sorular bitmeden yapacağınız her kontrol, netinizi yukarı
çıkaracak ve durum tespitini imkânsızlaştıracaktır. Oysa gerçek sınavda, mesela 50. sorudayken bile, 3.
soruda verdiğimiz seçeneğin doğru olup olmadığı fikri beynimizi yemeye devam eder. Kuşku ve
belirsizlik, neti aşağı çeker.
kişini A puanlarına ulaşabilmesinde en önemli etkendir. Basit nedenlerle, okuduğu seçenekte çabuk bir
doğru cevap bulmazsa işaretleme yapmadan geçen bir kişi, daha sonra aynı seçeneğe baktığında
doğruya ulaşacaktır:
Uğraştığınız seçenek BOYUNUZUN ÜZERİNDE ve hatta iptal edilecek bir YANLIŞ SORU
olabilir. Onunla uğraşmanız zamanınızı yer ve kendinize inancınızı bitirir. İkisi de size en
lazım olan şey. Oluşan zaman baskısı ve hüsran duygusu, çözülecek ve muhtemelen daha
kolay pek çok sorunun yanlış cevaplanmasına yol açacaktır.
Uğraştığınız seçenek çözebileceğiniz zorluktadır ama o anda cevabı hatırlamıyorsunuz veya
doğru açıdan bakmıyorsunuzdur. Israr etmeniz size yardımcı olmaz. Ama başka sorularla
uğraşırken, beyniniz zaten bu soru için de yeter miktarda mesai sarf edecek ve bir daha
baktığınızda soruyu gayet kolaylaşmış olacaktır: Beyniniz problemi çözmüş veya soruya
yeniden bakarken bakış anızı değiştirmişsinizdir.
Uğraştığınız sorunun cevabı ya doğrudan veya modelleme mantığına göre okuyacağınız diğer
sorularda gizli olabilir. Siz diğer soruları okurken, beyniniz buradan doğru bilgileri kodlayacak ve
yeniden boş bıraktığınız soruya geldiğinizde, tercihiniz büyük ihtimalle doğru olacaktır.
Unutmayın en büyük kopya, soru kitapçığınızın bizatihi kendisidir.
Soruların hepsini bitirdikten sonra boş bıraktığınız sorulara yine sırayla birkaç defa dönüp, her doğru
cevap çıkmadığında yeniden boş bırakıp geçmeyi unutmayın. Böylece belirli bir süpürme-tarama
yöntemiyle aynı sorulara birkaç kez bakmış olacaksınız. Son 10 dakikada ise artık atma vakti gelmiş
olabilir. Hilelere dikkat.
SINAV BİTİNCE TAHMİN: Sınavdan sonra kaç net alacağınızı ±5 hata ile bilmeniz, durumunuzu tespitte
çok önemlidir. Bu tahmin bir müddet sonra hangi seçeneği bilerek, hangisini ise sallayarak yaptığınızı
bilmeniz hususunda size olağanüstü bir yetenek kazandıracak ve böylece hangi seçeneği hemen
işaretleyeceğinizi, hangi seçeneği boş bırakıp sonra bakmanız gerektiğini ve hangi seçenekte aslında
atmak durumunuzda olduğunu ve dolayısıyla hile-hurda kullanabileceğinizi bilmenizi sağlayacak.
YANLIŞLARI BİR DAHA ÇÖZ – TURLAMA: Cevapları başkasına kontrol ettirip, yanlış cevaplarınızı bir
daha çözmeye çalışmanız, bir sonraki denemenizde NET ARTIRABİLMENİZ neredeyse en garanti
yoludur. Beyniniz (a) iki şık arasında hangisini seçmeniz gerektiğini öğrenecek, (b) yanlış yaptığı soruyu
bir daha çözdüreceğinizi anladığından, ilk hamlede doğruyu görmeyi başarabilecektir. Turlamayı illaki
tüm soruların cevabını kendiniz buluncaya kadar yapınız. Ama İLK TUR, en öğretici olandır.
KELİME ÖĞREN: Sınavın bir kısmından keklime öğrenmeyi ihmal etmeyin. Bir limitiniz olsun, mesela
100. O sınavdan tam 100 adet bilmediğiniz kelime öğrenmeye bakın. Sadece paragraflardaki kelimelere
bakmanız bile yeterli olacaktır.
4. The view of the strange city with its peculiar
architecture, such as he had never seen before,
filled Napoleon with the rather ---- and uneasy
curiosity men feel when they see an alien form of
life that has no knowledge of them.
1. - 6. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Dean had never sought a ---- between himself and
Cynthia’s first husband.
A) fight
B) discussion
A) nervous
B) envious
C) argument
D) comparison
C) furious
D) happy
5. Diazoaminobenzene crystalizes in golden yellow
laminae which melt at 96 C and ---- at a slightly
higher temperature.
2. In the future, if you don’t recognize someone,
don’t ---- at them.
A) pond
B) bay
A) checks in
B) gets away
C) wave
D) ocean
C) blows up
D) deals with
3. They were all exhausted because they had been
working ---- since the morning.
A) hard
B) well
C) quickly
D) hardly
6. People have always had the drive and the ability
to build, create, ----, and explore.
A) break down
B) hang up
C) go over
D) find out
10. Ian took Sasha ---- a few times, but they didn't
really get ----.
7. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
7. Normally, people ---- quickly from the flu, but so
far this year many people ---- as a result of it.
A) for / by
B) with / along
C) out / on
D) over / across
A) are recovering/had died
B) had recovered/are going to die
C) have been recovering/died
D) recover/have died
8. You --- for three months by the time you leave for
your holiday, so you --- quite a lot of weight.
11. To be honest ---- you, I am not sure what I feel ---the situation.
A) have been dieting/will be losing
B) will have been dieting/will have lost
A) with / about
B) about / with
C) to / for
D) from / on
C) had dieted/lost
D) were dieting/had lost
12. You should not panic in an exam ---- there are
some questions you do not think you can answer
at first.
9. For most of the time throughout the picnic, the
boys ---- football while the girls ---- flowers.
A) will play / have been picking
A) Otherwise
B) are playing / will be picking
B) Moreover
C) have played / are picking
C) Whereas
D) were playing / were picking
D) Even if
13. They seem to be friends ---- the violent argument
they had last week.
A) however
B) since
C) despite
D) as
15. ---- so many people have e-mail and mobile
phones, there is no excuse for friends not
keeping in touch.
A) Since
B) Therefore
C) In spite of
D) However
16. Alan angered his father by deciding to become a
lumberjack ---- going into the family business.
14. Few people are still alive who can remember the
time ---- Turkey first became a republic.
A) who
B) when
A) instead of
B) since
C) why
D) which
C) besides
D) therefore
17. -21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) have been exposed
B) expose
C) were exposed
D) are being exposed
Scientists believe that today the number of people
(17) ---- are carrying defective genes is increasing.
Part of the explanation (18) ---- this is that more
people (19) ---- to damaging radiation, chemicals
and other environmental hazards from the sideeffects of technology. Another (20) ---- may lie in
generations of poor nutrition. Medical advances,
(21) ----, have made it possible for those people
with inherited diseases and other deciencies to live
longer, marry and to produce children.
A) who
B) which
A) disorder
B) reason
C) when
D) where
C) resear
D) information
A) to
B) from
A) thus
B) however
C) for
D) of
C) therefore
D) in spite of
22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
The geological formation of the Victoria Falls of the
A) unlike
B) however
C) in case
D) despite
A) happening
B) enjoying
B) approaching
D) supporting
Zambezi River (22) ---- it one of the world's most
unusual cataracts, the term for a giant waterfall. Situated
(23) ---- Zambia and Zimbabwe, it spreads over a mile in
width. (24) ---- most rivers upcoming a cataract, the
Zambezi has no rapids to warn the river traveller of the
(25) ---- cliff. A shallow, broad river the Zambezi
continues to move slowly up to the brink of the falls.
(27) ---- it spills abruptly over the 355-foot precipice with
a thunderous roar.
A) will make
B) have made
C) made
D) makes
A) between
B) over
C) near
D) at
A) if
B) whenever
C) before
D) then
30. ---- by the time you have unpacked.
27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
We were all in the living room watching
We have just run out of hot water
until she bought some special soap powder
You haven't had time to take a shower
since she shrank her favourite wool cardigan
The water will be hot enough for a bath
even when her mother offered to wash it for
because she thought it was better to
handwash it
27. She hasn't washed anything delicate in the
washing machine ---- .
31. He qualified as a pilot just three months ago, but
since then ---- .
28. ---- we will probably have eaten, but I'll keep your
dinner warm in the oven.
Until we move the office to the city centre
he has flown across the Atlantic several times
While you were travelling to Edinburgh
he was fulfilling a lifetime ambition
As soon as he had got the job as a chef
he usually works as a co-pilot
By the time you get home from Carlisle
he probably won't have any financial
29. ---- suddenly, he had a great idea how to make
the farm profitable.
32. ---- as soon as they find out the exact weight of
the shipment..
A) Until he has obtained the loan from the bank
We suspected that they had overcharged us
C) While he was milking the cows
They had been asking us for some business
for weeks
D) Ever since his son told him he wanted to be a
Perhaps they have delivered our goods
They will let us know the precise cost of
B) When he hires two new farm workers
33. Until the manager dropped the football star from
the team, ---- .
35. Write your names on top of your paper ---- .
A) when you had practised tenses and conjunctions
for weeks
A) he really believed that he was indispensable
B) he has scored more goals than his team mates
this season
B) before you start answering the questions
C) he won't play for them in the future
C) by the time you are able to write good, clear
D) he expects to get an offer from a European club
D) while the teacher was checking the attendancy
34. Although he is paralysed from the waist down ,
---- .
36. Because his eyes are very red and he cannot
stop siniffing ---- .
A) A specially modified car enables hime to travel
A) he has just learned that he has failed his driving
B) He has decided to pay in instalments
C) The police aren't doing enough to help the
citizens with disability
B) it is easy to see he has been crying for so long
D) I don't think he will go for a swim
D) his parents realised that he is not in his room
C) he entered the living room with his broken toy car
39. Because of his knee injury, our best player won't
be able to play in next week's critical match.
37. - 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
A) Gelecek haftaki kritik maçta en iyi oyuncumuz
oynayamayacak çünkü dizini çok kötü incitti.
B) En iyi oyuncumuzun gelecek haftaki kritik maçta
oynayamayacak olmasının nedeni dizindeki
37. The artifacts from the tomb of the Egyptian
pharaoh Tutankhamen, including the magnificent
golden mask, are on display at the Egyptian
Museum in Cairo.
C) Dizindeki incinme yüzünden en iyi oyuncumuz
gelecek haftaki kritik maçta oynayamayacak.
A) Kahire'de Mısır Müzesi'nde gösterime sunulan
Mısır Firavunu Tulankamen'in mezarından
çıkarılan ve altın maskeyi de içeren sanat eserleri
D) Dizindeki incinme, en iyi oyuncumuzun gelecek
haftaki kritik maçta oynamasını imkansız kılıyor.
B) Mısır Firavunu Tutankamen'in mezarından
çıkarılan sanat eserleri, muhteşem altın maske
dahil, Kahire de Mısır Müzesi'nde gösterimdedir.
C) Muhteşem altın maske dahil, Mısır Firavunu
Tutankamen'in mezarından çıkarılan sanat
eserleri Kahire'de Mısır Müzesi'nde gösterime
D) Kahire'de Mısır Müzesi'nde gösterimde olan,
muhteşem altın maske dahil, sanat eserleri Mısır
Firavunu Tutankamen'in mezarından çıkarılmıştır.
38. While the rest of Europe was still in the Stone
Age, the Minoan-Mycenaean peoples of the
Aegean region had achieved a highly organised
Bronze Age culture.
40. Çocukluğundan beri burada yaşadığı için babam
kasabada oturanların hemen hepsini ismiyle
A) Avrupa'nın geri kalanı hala Taş Devri'nde iken,
Ege bölgesinin Minos-Miken halkları son derece
örgütlü Bronz Çağı kültürünü yaratmışlardı.
A) My father knows the names of most of the
residents of the town where he lived when he
was a child.
B) Ege bölgesinin Minos-Miken halkları örgütlülük
düzeyi yüksek Bronz Çağı kültürünü yaratırken.
Avrupa'nın geri kalanı hala Taş Devri'ndeydi.
B) My father has lived here since his childhood, so
most of the inhabitants of the town know him by
C) Avrupa'nın geri kalanı henüz Taş Devri'ni
yaşıyordu, ama Ege bölgesindeki Minos-Miken
halkları daha örgütlü Bronz Çağı kültürünü
yaratma çabasındaydı.
C) As my father has lived here since he was a child,
he knows almost all the inhabitants of the town by
D) Because my father spent his childhood in this
town, he knows the names of almost all the
D) Ege bölgesinin Minos-Miken halkları son derece
örgütlü Bronz Cağı kültürünü yaratmaya,
Avrupa'nın geri kalanı hala Taş Devri'ndeyken
41. Okul müdürü, açılış konuşmasını yaparken bütün
öğrenciler ve veliler sessizlik içinde onu dinledi.
42. Bu dönem o kadar çok çalışıyorsun ki sınıf
birincisi olman kesin gibi görünüyor.
A) As the headmaster made his opening speech, the
students and the parents all listened to him in
A) You've been studying so hard this term that it
seems certain that you'll become top in the class.
B) You seem to be studying extremely hard this term
in order to become top of the class.
B) The students and parents remained silent as the
headmaster made his opening speech.
C) I wouldn't be surprised if you became top in the
class as you've been studying really hard this
C) The headmaster made his opening speech to the
students and parents, who listened intently.
D) The school opened with a speech from the
headmaster, which was listened to in silence by
all the students and their parents.
D) You're studying very hard this term, so I'm sure
that you'll become top of the class.
45. It is stated in the reading that ---- .
43. - 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) acting and costumes are secondary to music in
musical theater
Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in
Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed
to the audience as much through music, both vocal
and instrumental, as it is through the lyrics. By
contrast, in musical theater an actor's dramatic
performance is primary, and the music plays a
lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using
the primary elements of theater such as scenery,
costumes, and acting. However, the words of the
opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The
singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble
ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full
symphonic orchestra.
B) many people find musical theater more
captivating than opera
music in musical theater is not as important as
it is in opera
an opera requires a huge orchestra as well as a
large choir
46. Which is the best title of the passage?
43. It is pointed out in the reading that opera ---- .
A) people are captivated more by opera than
musical theater
A) Opera
B) drama in opera is more important than the music
C) Musical Theatre
C) orchestras in operas can vary considerably in
D) Drama in Opera
B) Opera in Europe
there is argument over whether the music is
important or the words in opera
44. We can understand from the reading that ---- .
A) has developed under the influence of musical
B) is a drama sung with the accompaniment of an
C) is not a high-budget production
D) is often performed in Europe
48. It is clear from the passage that the survivors of
the accident ----.
47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) helped one another to overcome the tragedy that
had affected them all
Naval architects never claim that a ship is
unsinkable, but the sinking of the passenger-andcar ferry Estonia in the Baltic surely should have
never have happened. It was well designed and
carefully maintained. It carried the proper number of
lifeboats. It had been thoroughly inspected the day
of its fatal voyage. Yet hours later, the Estonia rolled
over and sank in a cold, stormy night. It went down
so quickly that most of those on board, caught in
their dark, flooding cabins, had no chance to save
themselves: Of those who managed to scramble
overboard, only 139 survived. The rest died of
hypothermia before the rescuers could pluck them
from the cold sea. The final death toll amounted to
912 souls. However, there were an unpleasant
number of questions about why the Estonia sank
and why so many survivors were men in the prime
of life, while most of the dead were women, children
and the elderly.
B) were mostly young men but women, children and
the elderly stood little
C) helped save hundreds of lives
D) are still suffering from severe post-traumatic
stress disorder
49. According to the passage, when the Estonia
sank, ----.
there were only 139 passengers on board
B) few of the passengers were asleep
47. One can understand from the reading that----
there were enough lifeboats for the number of
people on board
faster reaction by the crew could have
increased the Estonia's chances of survival
A) most victims were trapped inside the boat as they
were in their cabins
B) the lifesaving equipment did not work well and
lifeboats could not be lowered
design faults and incompetent crew contributed
to the sinking of the Estonia ferry
139 people managed to leave the vessel but
died in freezing water
50. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Tragedy in Baltic Sea
Naval Architects
C) Estonian Ship
Unsinkable Ship
52. We understand from the passage that the
atmosphere of Venus ----.
51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) is thinner than the atmosphere of the Earth
Data from the Pioneer spacecraft of NASA
apparently prove the theory that the high surface
temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric
greenhouse effect caused mainly by a blanket of
carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect is created
when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes
through a planet's atmosphere, warms its surface,
and is converted to heat radiation that is then held in
by the atmosphere from top to bottom. Venus has a
relatively thin atmosphere like the Earth's, but
Venus' atmosphere consists of more than ninety
percent carbon dioxide, compared to less than four
percent in that of the Earth. Because of its higher
percentage of carbon dioxide, Venus' atmosphere
traps much more heat radiation than does the
Earth's. Thus, the Venus studies are believed to be
important to the understanding of possible adverse
effects on the Earth's agriculture that could result
from the long-term use of fossil fuels, which add
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
B) contains much more carbon dioxide than that of
the Earth
C) traps less heat radiation compared to the
atmosphere of the Earth
D) blocks out dangerous rays from the sun
53. One can infer from the passage that ---- .
A) there is no difference between the atmospheres
of Venus and the Earth
B) the atmosphere of the Earth consists of mainly
carbon dioxide
C) the more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the
warmer the world will
tend to get
51. According to the passage, data from the Venus
study can be used to ---- .
D) lack of atmosphere causes a very high surface
temperature on Venus
A) measure the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere accurately
B) increase the emission of carbon dioxide into the
C) test the efficiency of the spacecraft sent to Venus
D) predict future agricultural problems on Earth
54. What would be the best title for the passage?
A) Atmosphere of Venus
B) Atmosphere of Earth
C) History of Nasa
D) Greenhouse Effect
57. It is clearly stated in the reading that the
sheltered homeless ----.
55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
The sad situation of the homeless remains a
problem. It is difficult to estimate how many people
are homeless because the number depends on how
the homeless are defined. There are street people those who sleep in bus stations, parks, and other
areas. Many of these people are youthful runaways.
There are the so-called sheltered homeless - those
who sleep in government supported or privately
funded shelters. Many of these individuals used to
live with their families or friends. While street people
are almost always single, the sheltered homeless
include numerous families with children.
Conservatives argue that many homeless are
alcoholics, drug users, or mentally ill. In contrast,
many liberals argue that homelessness is caused by
a reduction in welfare benefits and by excessively
priced housing. They want more shelters to be built
for the homeless.
are mostly youthful runaways
B) sleep in parks or in bus stations
C) can have families with children
D) are in worse conditions than street people
58. What would be the best title for the passage?
55. We can understand from the reading that the
number of homeless people ----.
Homeless People
is not so great as many people think
Government Policies on Homeless People
is on the increase in many countries
C) Liberal’s opinion on Homeless People
C) is counted annually
D) Homeless People Worldwide
D) is difficult to know
56. According to the passage, liberals----.
think that the problem of homelessness cannot
be solved
want more shelters for the homeless
C) are of the opinion that most homeless people
are mentally ill
D) want the government to ban sleeping on park
61. We learn from the reading that----.
59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
A) clear rules which are set by the parent must be
followed by the children unconditionally
A book has just been published to help parents to
deal with their children's naughty behavior at home.
The author, Dr James Bruno, says that the first
positive discipline technique is for parents to remain
calm because nervous parents don't get good
results. Parents who cannot often remain calm find
that their children stop taking any notice of them.
The second challenge is to know how to correct bad
behavior in an effective way. For instance,
punishing children by preventing them from
watching their favorite TV program is not an ideal
solution. Dr Bruno believes parents should establish
clear rules for children to follow. If children refuse to
follow these, they know they will be disciplined.
Finally, the most effective way of encouraging good
behavior is to give positive feedback as often as
possible, to show that it is not only naughtiness that
attracts attention.
B) restricting the activities that children like doing is
not useful when disciplining a child
C) giving feedback all the time is not advised when
correcting bad behavior
D) the best punishment for naughty children hasn't
been suggested in Dr Bruno's book
62. What does “these” refer to in line 13?
59. According to the article, when parents get angry
too often,----.
A) Rules set up by parents for their children to follow
A) they yell at their children to make them obey an
B) Behavioral problems in children
C) Different type of punishments for children
B) they tell them off in front of their friends
D) Parents love for their children
C) children often act as if they didn't hear them
D) they utter increasing number of verbal warnings
60. The author of the book seems to suggest that in
order to discipline children, parents first of all
A) find an effective way to correct their children's
B) treat them as harshly as possible
C) stop beating them
D) not lose their temper
63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi
- Father:
What? You crashed the car again?
- Son:
--- .
- Doctor:
Take this medicine for a week and
you'll start to feel better.
- Father:
I’m sure it wasn’t. This is the third
accident you have had this year.
- Patient:
---- .
- Son:
You’re very angry now dad. We had
better talk about this later on.
- Doctor:
Are you sure? It's the best on the
- Patiant:
A) I do apologize. I promise it wont happen again.
B) Was the car in good condition?
Yes I am. Can you please prescribe
another one?
C) But it wasn’t my fault. You’ve got to believe me.
D) Was it worth the money and time you have
A) What shall i do if unexpected side effects arise?
B) What is the ideal dosage for my weight?
C) No, it's too early to prescribe another medicine.
D) But I've used it before and it did not help at all.
- Jake:
How did you like the movie you saw last
- Karen: I can’t say it was the best I’ve ever seen.
- Jake:
- Chuck:
---- .
- Sue:
Why do you think so?
- Chuck:
Whenever we meet, she pretends not
to see me.
- Sue:
I don't thin k it's because she hasn't
got over her anger. She's having a
bad time at work nowadays
---- .
- Karen: Certainly not. Do not waste your time.
A) Then you wouldn’t recommend it, would you?
A) It seems that Martha is still angry with me.
B) Did you go alone or with a friend from work?
B) Martha will never make a good manager.
C) What do you mean by saying it depends?
C) I have never seen a smarter woman more than
D) I knew I could always count on you.
D) One thing that I really like about Martha is her
70. Adults laugh less than children, probably
because they play less.
- Tom:
---- .
- Mary:
Are you kidding? We are in June.
A) Since adults have less time playing games;
they don't laugh as much as children
- Tom:
So what? What’s wrong with June?
B) No matter how much adults play, they can't
laugh more than children.
- Mary:
The right time to trim your roses is the
beginning of winter, when they lose
their flowers.
C) It seems that adults, who don't laugh much,
didn't play much with other children when they
were young.
D) The reason why adults laugh less than children
might be that they play less.
A) Are you going to plant those roses in your
garden in June or July?
B) Can you help me prune the roses in the garden
at the weekend?
C) I didn't know your brother knew so much about
D) Are we supposed to do anything special to keep
the roses fresh?
68. - 71. sorularda , verilen cümleye anlamca en
yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
71. After failing a doping test at the Seoul Olympics,
Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal.
68. Due to the fact that the demand for tea was very
high in the 19th century, its price was
A) At the Seoul Olympics Ben Johnson and many
others were disqualified after failing a doping
A) It was not until the 19th century that the
demand for tea started to increase.
B) If Ben Johnson hadn't been tested positive for
doping at the Seoul Olympics, he wouldn't have
lost his gold medal.
B) The demand for tea was so high in the 19th
century that its price was enormous.
C) Since Ben Johnson confessed having used
doping his gold medal was taken back.
C) In the 19th century the price for tea didn't
increase despite the demand.
D) As Ben Johnson failed the doping test again at
the Seoul Olympics, he was stripped of his gold
D) It was its astronomical price which decreased
the demand for tea in the 19th century.
69. French is the only language other than English
spoken on five continents.
A) French and English are the only languages that
are spoken on five continents.
B) Unlike French, English is spoken on five
C) French and English are spoken widely in official
and commercial circles.
D) Before English, French was the only language
spoken on five continents
74. ---- . And they are certainly right. Sunscreen
protects your ski n from ultraviolet light rays. Too
much ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you
spend a long time outside without any sunscreen
on, you might get a sunburn because of the
ultraviolet rays.
72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
72. I was only 4 years old when my dad was working
with elephants, lions and tigers. ----. When I was
14, I was already taking care of and raising
baboons and lion cubs, leopard cats and other
animals. At 17, I began working professionally
with elephants. I did that for about 8 years and
then gave it up. I have been working in the
construction business since then.
Ultraviolet light can get rid of bacteria in eggs
and apple and make them safer to eat.
B) Your parents tell you to wear sunscreen when
you're outside in the summer.
C) When we are outdoors, we are exposed to
pollens and dust, and other irritants.
Elephants and many other animals are just like
D) It seems to be the safest way to make food
safer before we buy it.
B) Therefore, I always had animals around me.
C) You have to love them unconditionally.
D) But nothing would happen to elephants.
75. Archeologists have a duty, both to colleagues
and to the general public, to explain what
they are doing and why. ----. Further, their work
can also be enjoyed by the wider public which,
after all, has usually paid the bill for the work,
however indirectly.
73. You need a total of about 60 minutes of physical
activity a day. Here is the good news. ----. Five or
ten minute sessions of physical activities
throughout the day are just as good for you.
These may include walking, jogging, running,
and riding a bike.
It will give you lots of ideas for staying fit and
Basically, this means publishing the discoveries
so that the results are available to other
Up to 60% of modern excavations apparently
remain unpublished.
You should turn off that television and get
moving instead.
C) This doesn’t have to be done all at one time.
D) A programme called “The Fitness Fighters” was
C) Many projects depend on the willing hands of
amateur enthusiasts.
D) Archeologists often prefer to dig new sites
rather than devoting their time to excavation
79. (I) May 10, 1996 was the deadliest day in Everest
history. (II) A storm stranded many climbers near the
summit and killed eight people. (III) Among those
who died were Rob Hall and Scott Fischer. (IV) Both
were experienced guides and were leading paid
expeditions to the summit. (V) Everest can be
climbed without supplementary oxygen, but this
requires special fitness training.
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
76. (I) Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat Garfield,
the pet dog Odie, and their socially inept owner Jon
Arbuckle. (II) The main character is Garfield, who is a
lazy, overweight, orange cat. (III) He considers
himself to be more intelligent than humans or dogs.
(IV) He was named Garfield after his grandfather. (V)
He hates Mondays and loves lasagna apparently.
A) I
A) I
E) V
E) V
80. (I) At one time in the history of education, one had to
be wealthy to attend school. (II) At other times,
women were kept from attending school, despite
their standing in finances. (III) Financial aid was
widely available to aid those less fortunate. (IV)
Today, this is not the case because school
attendance is obligatory. (V) The law requires
students who are between six and 16 years of age to
attend school.
77. (I) With more than fifty feature films Alfred Hitchcock
remains one of the most popular directors of all time.
(II) Hitchcock's films draw heavily on both fear and
fantasy. (III) He began directing in the United
Kingdom. (IV) They often portray innocent people
caught up in circumstances beyond their
understanding. (V) The movie Rebecca, which
evokes the fears of a young bride, is a good example
of this.
A) I
A) I
E) V
E) V
78. (I) Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve sports
performance. (II) This practice is banned by sports
federations throughout the world. (III) Athletes need
to know which substances are banned in sport. (IV)
The use of drugs during athletic festivals is evident.
(V) Furthermore, they must make sure that any
product or medication they take does not contain a
prohibited substance.
A) I B) II
E) V
12 yıllık kesintisiz
alan hocası
Genel İngilizce
3 ayda Orta Seviye
+90 (322) 454 45 50
Speaking Club
Under Native
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(Atatürk cad. Groseri Arkası / Vira Resturant Üzeri)
Seyhan / ADANA

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