Asst. Prof. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal


Asst. Prof. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal
Name, Last name
Nationality / Gender
: Turkey & Belgium / Female
Date/ Place of Birth
: 23.05.1980/Ankara
: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 06100
Sıhhiye, Ankara, Turkey
Phone Number (work)
E-mail Address
: 0090 312 3119649 – ext: 122
: 0090 537 625 04 70
: ;
Career Summary
She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics in 2003 at the School of Health
Sciences, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey). There, she obtained a student success award as
well as a İhsan Doğramacı superior success award realized by Hacettepe University. While
studying as a MSc student, she worked as nutritionist in the Acıbadem Hospital in Istanbul, and
later worked as a research assistant at Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Hacettepe University.
In 2006 she received her master’s degree and continued to work as research assistant in the same
department. In August 2007 she received a fellowship as talented PhD student from the Council of
Higher Education of Turkey (YÖK). With this fellowship, she worked as PhD student in the
Department of Biochemistry at the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM) of
Maastricht University. The research performed was supervised by Prof. Dr. J.W.M. Heemskerk.
She obtained the status of Article 9 expert according to the Netherlands Law on Animal
Experiments. Recenty, she visited congresses in Birmingham (United Kingdom), Wittenberg
(Germany), Boston (USA) and Nürnberg (Germany), Kyoto (Japan), Vancouver (Canada),
Maastricht (Netherlands), St Petersburg (Russia) and obtained several prices. As a Post-doc and
lecturer she has scientific projects and undergraduate/postgraduate students. The field of interest is
nutritional sciences, nutritional biochemistry and metabolism. From August 2012, she is employed
as Assistant Professor by Hacettepe University, Turkey.
Work Experiences
 Nutritionist and Dietitican – Acıbadem Hospital
İstanbul, Turkey
 Research Assistant - Hecettepe University
 PhD fellow/student - Maastricht University
Maastricht,The Netherlands 2007-2011
 Postdoc fellow - Hacettepe University
 Assistant Proffessor - Hacettepe University
2012- until now
BSc Degree, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 1998-2003 - GPA: 3,42 (over 4)
MSc Degree, Institute of Health Sciences, Division of Nutritional Sciences,
Hacettepe University, Ankara, 2003-2006 GPA: 3,64 (over 4)
PhD Degree, Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Sciences, Department of Biochemistry
CARIM, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands , 2007- 2011
Language profiency
 Turkish: native language
 English: excellent , TOEFL Certifaced
 Dutch : elementary/intermediate
Fultext Articles (SCI indexed international papers)
1. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Pelin Bilgiç, Nurcan Yabancı. High tendency to the substantial concern
on body shape and eating disorders risk of the students majoring Nutrition or Sport Sciences.
Nutrition Research and Practice. 2014 Dec;8(6):713-8. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2014.8.6.713. Epub
2014 Nov 5.
2. Yeliz Angin, Robert W. Schwenk, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Nicole Hoebers,
Johan W. M.
Heemskerk, Kuijpers MJ, Coumans W.A., Marc A. M. J. van Zandvoort, Arend Bonen,
Dietbert Neumann, Jan F.C. Glatz and Joost J.F.P. Luiken. Calcium signaling recruits substrate
transporters GLUT4 and CD36 to the sarcolemma without increasing cardiac substrate uptake.
The American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014 Jul
15;307(2):E225-36. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00655.2013. Epub 2014 Jun 3.
3. Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Susanne de Witt, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Roger van Kruchten, Suzanne
J.A. Korporaal, Peter Verhamme, Maria Febbraio, Marc Tjwa, Peter J. Voshol, Marc F.
Hoylaerts, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans and Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Supporting Roles of Platelet
Thrombospondin-1 and CD36 in Thrombus Formation on Collagen. Arteriosclerosis,
10.1161/ATVBAHA.113.302917. Epub 2014 Mar 27.
4. Atilla Güleç, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Aslı Akyol, Jale Acar. Phenolic content and ascorbic acid
are major contributors to antioxidant capacity of fruits and vegetables commonly consumed in
Turkey. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 10/2013; 11(3&4):463-468.
5. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Susanne de Witt, Sylvia Heeneman, Marion A.H.
Feijge, Sonia C. Garcia Caraballo, Erik A.L Biessen, Guido R.M.M. Haenen, Judith M.E.M.
Cosemans, Johan W.M Heemskerk. Atheroprotective effect of dietary walnut intake in ApoEdeficient mice: involvement of lipids and coagulation factors. Thrombosis Research, 2013 May
131 (5): 411-7.
6. Paola E. van der Meijden, Marion A Feijge, Frauke Swieringa, Karen Gilio, Reyhan NergizUnal, Karly Hamulyák, Johan W. Heemskerk. Key role of integrin α(IIb)β (3) signaling to Syk
kinase in tissue factor-induced thrombin generation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
(CML). 2012 Oct;69(20):3481-92. doi: 10.1007/s00018-012-1033-2. Epub 2012 Jun 6.
7. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Roger van Kruchten, Joost J. F.P. Luiken, Judith
M.E.M. Cosemans, Jan F.C. Glatz, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Signaling
role of CD36 in platelet activation and thrombus formation on immobilized thrombospondin or
Sep;9(9):1835-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2011.04416.x.
8. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Timo Rademakers, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk.
CD36 as a multiple-ligand signaling receptor in atherothrombosis. Cardiovascular &
Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2011 Jan;9(1):42-55. Review.
9. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Marion A.H. Feijge, Paola E.J. van der
Meijden, Robert F. Storey, J.J.J. (Hans) van Giezen, Mirjam G.A. oude Egbrink, Johan W.M.
Heemskerk, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers. Stabilizing role of platelet P2Y12 receptors in sheardependent thrombus formation following plaque rupture. Plos One. 2010 Apr 12;5(4):e10130.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010130.
Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Karen Gilio, Sietse Reitsma, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Lenneke
Prinzen, Sylvia Heeneman, Esther Lutgens, Marc A.M.J. van Zandvoort, Bernhard Nieswandt,
Mirjam G.A. oude Egbrink, Johan W.M Heemskerk. Complementary roles of platelets and
coagulation in thrombus formation on plaques acutely ruptured by targeted ultrasound
treatment: a novel intravital model. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2009
Jan;7(1):152-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2008.03186.x. Epub 2008 Oct 7.
Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Emine Akal Yıldız, Gülhan Samur, H. Tanju Besler, Neslişah
Rakıcıoğlu. Trends of fluid consumption and beverage choices among adults point ayran and
black tea in the middle side of Turkey. Under revision, Nutritition and Dietetetics. 2015.
Fultext Articles (national):
1. Armağan Aytuğ Yuruk, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal. The Effect of Maternal Fructose Intake in
Terms of Triglyceride and Free Fatty Acid Levels in Mother Rats and Pups. Turkish Journal of
Nutrition and Dietetics, accepted, Epub Ahead of Print. April, 2015.
2. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal. Food Safety - II. Nitrate-Nitrite: Risk-Benefit and Metabolic Effects.
KATKI Journal of Pediatrics, 2014; 36 (2): 165-173.
3. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal, F. Gülhan Samur. Effect of Pica behaviour on health. Turkish Journal of
Nutrition and Dietetics, 2012; 40 (2):155-162.
4. Neslişah Rakıcıoğlu, Reyhan Nergiz, Şerife Özkan. Evaluation of nutritional status and
dietary hadits of patients under hemodialysis. Turkish Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics,
2005; 32(1):13-25.
Book and Book Chapters (international/national)
1. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal, H. Tanju Besler. Importance of milk in human nutrition. Turkish
Ministry of Health. (ISBN: 975-590-181-7) Ankara, Turkey, 2006.
2. Reyhan Nergiz Ünal. Platelets in atherothrombosis: Roles of CD36 and P2Y12 receptors.
(ISBN: 978-90-817320-0-0), Palme Publications, Maastricht, Thhe Netherlands, 2011.
Abstracts (SCI indexed international)
1. Susanne M. de Witt, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marion A.H. Feijge, Wiese A., Jupe, S., Prins
M.H., Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Genes in arterial thrombus
formation: a comparison of in vivo and in vitro studies.
Journal of Thrombosis and
Haemostasis. Volume 11 Supplement 2, pages: 352-353, Special Issue: SI, July 2013.
2. Yeliz Angin, Robert Schwenk, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Nicole Hoebers, Johan Heemskerk,
Benoit-Gilles Kerfant, Willl Coumans, Marc Zandvoort, Dietbert Neumann, Jan Glatz, Joost
Luiken. Calcium signaling recruits substrate transporters GLUT4 and CD36 to the sarcolemma
without increasing substrate uptake. FEBS Journal Supplement. Volume 280, Issue Supplement
s1, pages 1-661, July 2013.
3. Susanne M. de Witt, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Reyhan Nergiz, Frauke Swieringa, Erik Westein
E, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Platelet receptors in thrombus formation
on spotted microarray surfaces. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Volume 9, Issue
Supplement s2, pages 251–498, July 2011.
4. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Roger van Kruchten, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans,
Joost J. F.P. Luiken, Jan F.C. Glatz, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Signaling
role of CD36 in platelet adhesion and spreading. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Volume 9, Issue Suppl 2, pages 1–250, July 2011.
5. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Jan F.C. Glatz, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Johan
W.M. Heemskerk. Role of CD36 in platelet activation and thrombus formation on immobilized
thrombospondin and oxidized LDL. Hämostaseologie. 2010; 1/2010.
6. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Paola E.J. van der Meijden, Marion A.H.
Feijge, Mirjam G.A. oude Egbrink, Johan W.M. Heemskerk, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers. Thrombus
stabilization by P2Y12 contributes to atherothrombosis and is restricted to high shear flow
conditions. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2009; Volume 7, Issue Suppl 2: Abstract
Number AS-TU-029.
7. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Imke C.A. Munnix, Jan F.C. Glatz, Johan W.M
Heemskerk. Outside-in signaling induced by thrombospondin-1 enhances thrombus formation:
involvement of CD36. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2009; Volume 7, Issue Suppl
2: Abstarct Number PP-TH-012.
Proceedings at International Congress
1. Armağan Yürük, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal. High fructose intake with maternal diet associated
with obesity-preliminary look to fetal programming. 15th International Nutrition &
Diagnostics Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. September 2014. (Oral presentation)
2. Armağan Yürük, Reyhan Nergiz Ünal. High fructose intake with maternal diet resulted in
elevated plasma and liver triglycerides in mother rats and pups. IX. International Nutrition
and Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2014 (Oral presentation)
3. Nurcan Yabancı, Alev Keser, Esma Asil, Reyhan Nergiz Ünal, Pelin Bilgiç. Eating
Disorders Risk of Students at the Department of Nursing: A Pilot Study. IX. International
Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2014 (Poster presentation)
4. Aylin Ayaz, Hazal Küçükkaraca, Enes Bahadır Kılıç, Gökçen Kınay, Aysun Göktürk, Arife
acit, Ezgi Bellikçi Koyu, Aslı Akyol, Reyhan Nergiz, Zehra Büyüktuncer Demirel, H.
Tanju Besler. Evaluation of Meal Habbits in Adolescents. IX. International Nutrition and
Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2014 (Poster presentation)
5. Aslı Akyol, Reyhan Nergiz-Ünal, Firdevs İnce, Emine İyiol, , Hacer Kabukbelen, Selin
Karaer, Merve Betül Karakuş, Özge Mengi, Merve Nur Mertaslan, Elmas Önde, Yıldız
Çisem Özarslan, Aysu Çalılşır Özden. Does body perception affect snack consumption in
adolescencents? IX. International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April
2014 (Poster presentation)
6. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Eray Albayrak, Melis Agma, Tuğba Alkan, Seray Akalın, Kübra
Işgın Burcu Aksoy, Aslı Akyol, Aylin Ayaz, Zehra Büyüktuncer Demirel ve H. Tanju
Besler. Relationship between abdominal fatness, energy and macro nutrient intake in
adolescents: A pilot study. IX. International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Ankara,
Turkey, April 2014 (Poster presentation)
7. Yeliz Angin, Robert Schwenk, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Nicole Hoebers, Johan Heemskerk,
Benoit-Gilles Kerfant, Willl Coumans, Marc Zandvoort, Dietbert Neumann, Jan Glatz,
Joost Luiken. Calcium signaling recruits substrate transporters GLUT4 and CD36 to the
sarcolemma without increasing substrate uptake. 38th Federation of European Biochemical
Societies (FEBS) Congress. St. Petersburg, Russia, July, 2013 (Poster presentation)
8. Susanne de Witt, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marion Feijge, Anna Wiese, Steve Jupe, Martin
Prins, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Genes in arterial thrombus
formation: A comparison of in vivo and in vitro studies. International Society on
Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), XXIVth ISTH Congress, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, July, 2013 (Poster presentation)
9. Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Susanne de Witt, Roger van Kruchten,
Suzanne J.A. Korporaal, Maria Febbraio, Marc F. Hoylaerts, Marc Tjwa, Peter J. Voshol,
Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Subtle role of platelet thrombospondin1 interaction with CD36 in murine thrombus formation on collagen. 1st EUPLAN Platelet
Conference Maastricht, The Netherlands, September, 2012 (Poster presentation)
10. Yeliz Angin, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, N.T.H Hoebers. J.W.M Heemskerk. Jan F.C Glatz.,
Joost F.P. Luiken. Interactions between membrane fatty acid transporter CD36 and Ca2+
signaling in cardiomyocytes.10th Congress of the International Society for the Study of
Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). Vancouver, Canada, May 2012 (Poster presentation)
11. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Berat Nursal-Tosun, Atila Güleç, H.Tanju Besler. Effect of
Different durations of traditional heat treatment on amino acid and nitrogen content of raw
milk. VIIIth International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Antalya, Turkey, April, 2012
(Poster presentation)
12. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Nur Gülsüm Coşkun, Yağmur Küçükaşçı, Ayşe Özbilir, Özge
Yılmaz, Nesrin Çelik, Dilek Kaçaranoğu, Şeyda Uzun, Beyza Yılmaz, Hande Yılmaz, Aslı
Akyol. Inappropriate complementary feeding practices are contributing to the high sodium
intakes of infants at 6-12 months. VIIIth International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress.
Antalya, Turkey, April, 2012 (Oral presentation)
13. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Pelin Bilgiç, Nurcan Yabancı, Hülya Akko, Şeyma Nur Ece,
Meryem Saban, İbrahim Salman, Gönül Tolan, Gamze Turhal. Assessment of Tendency to
Eating Disorders and Substantial Body Shape Perception in Students at the Departments of
Sport Sciences and Nutrition and Dietetics. VIIIth International Nutrition and Dietetics
Congress. Antalya, Turkey, April, 2012 (Oral presentation)
14. Aslı Akyol, Nesrin Çelik, Nur Gülsüm Coşkun, Dilek Kaçaranoğu, Yağmur Küçükaşçı,
Ayşe Özbilir, Şeyda Uzun, Beyza Yılmaz, Hande Yılmaz, Özge Yılmaz, Reyhan NergizUnal. Contribution of complementary feeding to the sugar intake of 6-12 month old
infants. VIIIth International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Antalya, Turkey, April, 2012
(Oral presentation)
15. Pelin Bilgiç, Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Nurcan Yabancı, Hülya Akko, Şeyma Nur Ece,
Meryem Saban, İbrahim Salman, Gönül Tolan, Gamze Turhal. Sociocultural approach to
physical appearence in students at nutrition and dietetics and sports science departments.
VIIIth International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Antalya, Turkey, April, 2012 (Poster
16. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Sylvia Heeneman, Marion A.H. Feijge, Sonia
C. Garcia Caraballo, Erik A.L Biessen, Guido R.M.M. Haenen, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans,
Johan W.M Heemskerk. Effect of dietary whole walnut or walnut oil on atherothrombosis
in ApoE-deficient mice. 1st American Society of Nutrition Middle East Congress
(Nutrition in Health & Disease) Istanbul, Turkey, February, 2012 (Poster presentation)
17. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Sylvia Heeneman, Marion A.H. Feijge, Sonia
C. Garcia Caraballo, Erik A.L Biessen, Guido R.M.M. Haenen, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans,
Johan W.M Heemskerk. Effect of dietary grape seed extract on plaque development and
coagulant state ensuing atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice. 1st American Society of
Nutrition Middle East Congress (Nutrition in Health & Disease), Istanbul, Turkey,
February, 2012 (Oral presentation)
18. Susanne M. de Witt, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Reyhan Nergiz, Frauke Swieringa, Erik
Westein ,Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Johan W.M. Heemskerk. Platelet receptors in thrombus
formation on spotted microarray surfaces. International Society on Thrombosis and
Haemostasis (ISTH), XXIIIrd ISTH Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2011 (Poster presentation)
19. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Roger van Kruchten, Judith M.E.M.
Cosemans, Joost J. F.P. Luiken, Jan F.C. Glatz, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Johan W.M.
Heemskerk. Signaling role of CD36 in platelet adhesion and spreading Signaling role of
CD36 in platelet adhesion and spreading.
International Society on Thrombosis and
Haemostasis (ISTH), XXIIIrd ISTH Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2011 (Poster presentation)
20. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Moniek M.E. Lamers, Jan F.C. Glatz, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Johan
W.M. Heemskerk. Role of CD36 in platelet activation and thrombus formation on
immobilized thrombospondin and oxidized LDL. First Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und
Hämostaseforschung (GTH) and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Trombose en Hemostase
(NVTH) Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, 2010 (Poster presentation)
21. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Judith M.E.M. Cosemans, Paola E.J. van der Meijden, Marion A.H.
Feijge, Mirjam G.A. oude Egbrink, Johan W.M. Heemskerk, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers.
Thrombus stabilization by P2Y12 contributes to atherothrombosis and is restricted to high
shear flow conditions. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH),
XXIInd ISTH Congress, Boston, USA, 2009 (Poster presentation)
22. Reyhan Nergiz-Unal, Marijke J.E. Kuijpers, Imke C.A. Munnix, Jan F.C. Glatz, Johan
W.M Heemskerk. Outside-in signaling induced by thrombospondin-1 enhances thrombus
formation: involvement of CD36. International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
(ISTH), XXIInd ISTH Congress, Boston, USA, 2009 (Oral presentation)
Invited Speaker
1. Nergiz-Unal R. Dietary Supplements in Weight Control. V. Hacettepe Post Graduate
Training Course. Ankara, Turkey, June 2015.
2. Nergiz-Unal R. Macronutrients in Fetal Programming.V. Hacettepe Post Graduate Training
Course. Ankara, Turkey, June 2015.
3. Nergiz-Unal R. Mechanisms in Vascular Degeneration.V. Metabolic and Biochemical
Changes in Nutrition Related Diseases Course. Ankara, Turkey, June 2015.
4. Nergiz-Unal R. Is dairy consumption harmful for health? IX. International Nutrition and
Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2014.
5. Nergiz-Unal R. Mechanisms of inflamation and Immun System. IV. Hacettepe Post
Graduate Training Course. Ankara, Turkey, June 2013.
6. Nergiz-Unal R. Lipid and fatty acid biology. International Nutrition and Dietetics
Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2012.
7. Nergiz-Unal R. Effect of heat treatment on the nutritional value of milk. VIII. International
Nutrition and Dietetics Congress. Ankara, Turkey, April 2012.
1. Project owner/manager: Reyhan Nergiz-Unal
Project name: The effects of dietary carbohydrate and fat on the liver inflammation and
lipogenesis of mice
Start - finish date: 2014-2017 (ongoing)
Supporting organization: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBİTAK) Support of Scientific and Technological Research
Projects Program 1001 (Project Number: 114S726)
2. Project owner/manager: Reyhan Nergiz-Unal
Project name: Effect of maternal high fructose corn syrup or sucrose intake on insulin and
Start - finish date: 2015-2016 (ongoing)
Supporting organization: Support of Hacettepe University Scientific Research Projects
Coordination Unit (Project Number: THD-2015-5528)
3. Project owner/manager: Reyhan Nergiz-Unal
Project name: Determination the effect of maternal fructose intake in terms of lipogenesis
and some lipid parameters in rats.
Start - finish date: 2013-2014 (finished)
Supporting organization: Support of Hacettepe University Scientific Research Projects
Coordination Unit (Project Number: 013D03401001)
Lectures (2012-2015: graduate and postgraduate level)
 Introduction to Foods
 Introduction to Dietetics
 Nutritional Biochemistry
 Nutrition and Immun System
 Nutrient and Drug Interactions
1. The best oral presentation award. IX. International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress.
Ankara, Turkey, April 2014 (project owner)
2. Asian-Pacific Scholarship, Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (JSTH) at
XXIIIrd Congress of ISTH, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
3. Poster
Hämostaseforschung (GTH) & Nederlandse Vereniging voor Trombose en Hemostase
(NVTH), Nürnberg, Germany, 2010 (research assistant)
4. Young investigator award, International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) at
XXIIth Congress of ISTH, Boston, USA, 2009.
5. Fellowship for talented PhD student, Council of Higher Education (YÖK), Hacettepe
University, Ankara, Turkey, 2007-2011.
6. İhsan Doğramacı superior success award, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2003.
7. Student success award, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 2003.