Ayşe Yasemin DEMIR WEUSTEN Born


Ayşe Yasemin DEMIR WEUSTEN Born
Personal demographics:
Family status:
2 May 1970, Elazığ, Turkije
Married (with L.Weusten)
and mother of two sons (15y and 11y) and a daughter (9y)
Dutch and Turkish
Diamantweg 5
3817GG Amersfoort-The Netherlands
0031-33-7539487 (privé)
0031-6-54611920 (cell)
Academic Degrees:
Medical Doctor, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey
Ph.D. Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Antalya,
Conducted Thesis (Prof. Dr. Gültekin Yücel):
The distribution of fibronectin and matrix metalloprotienases in human placenta:
Their role in tissue regulation and trophoblast invasion
Dr.Med, “Doktor der Medizin” RWTH, Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Anatomy, Aachen,
Conducted Thesis (Prof. Dr. Peter Kaufmann):
Extrazellulaere Matrices in der reifen menschlichen Placenta: Verteilung von
Fibronektin-isoformen und Matrixmetalloproteinasen
The contents of this thesis is largely similar to the Turkish thesis.
Ph.D. Maastricht University, Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Gynecology and
Pathology, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Conducted Thesis (Prof. Dr. Hans Evers):
The pathogenesis of endometriosis: the endometrium-mesothelium dialogue
Clinical Chemist, University Medical Center, Department of Clinical Chemistry and
Haematology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Associate Professor for Clinical Chemistry, The Council of Higher Education, Ankara,
2008- Present: Stafmember / Director Clinical Laboratory-Endocrinology Specials, Meander
Medical Center, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, Amersfoort,
The Netherlands
Resident Clinical Chemistry (Specialisation in Laboratory Medicine), University
Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ph.D. programme, Maastricht University, Faculty of Medicine, Departments of
Gynaecology and Pathology, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Ph.D. programme, RWTH, Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Anatomy, Aachen,
Ph.D. programme, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Biochemistry, Antalya, Turkey
Scholarschip and awards:
2011: Poster award, Dutch Society of Blood Transfusion, Annual Symposium, Category Case
2011: Meander Master Works QualitySymposium, Award for the Best Practice in Quality, Meander
Medical Center
1995-1998: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (NATO A2 Scholar)
Memberschips of Scientific Organizations
Turkish Biochemical Society
Netherlands Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
American Association of Clinical Chemistry
Dutch Endocrine Society
The Endocrine Society
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
1. Coene KLM, Demir AY, Broeren MAC, Verschuure P, Lentjes EGWM, Boer A-K.
Subclinical hypothyroidism: a ‘laboratory-induced’ condition? European Journal of
Endocrinology 2015 (accepted).
2. Mwangi MN, Roth JM, Smit MR, Trijsburg L, Mwangi AM, Demir AY, Wielders JPM, Mens
PF, Verweij JJ, Cox SE, Prentice AM, Brouwer ID, Andang’o PEA, Verhoef H. Effect of
daily antenatal iron supplementation on Plasmodium infection in Kenyan women: a
randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2015 (accepted)
3. Gichohi-Wainaina WN, Melse-Boonstra A. Feskens EJ. Demir AY, Veenemans J, Verhoef
H. Tumor necrosis factor allele variants and their association with the occurence and
severity of malaria in African children: a longitudinal study. Malar J. 2015 Jun 20; 14(1):
4. Mwangi MN, Maskey S, Andang O P, Shinali NK, Roth JM, Trijsburg L, Mwangi AM,
Zuilhof H, van Lagen B, Savelkoul H, Demir AY, Verhoef H. Diagnostic utility of zinc
protoporphyrin to detect iron deficiency in Kenyan pregnant women. BMC Med. 2014 Nov
5. Pasricha SR, Atkinson SH, Armitage AE, Khandwala S, Veenemans J, Cox SE, Eddowes
LA, Hayes T, Doherty CP, Demir AY, Tijhaar E, Verhoef H, Prentice AM, Drakesmith H.
Expression of the iron hormone hepcidin distinguishes different types of anemia in african
children. Sci Transl Med 2014 May 7;6(235)
6. Gijzen K, Moolenaar DL, Weusten JJ, Pluim HJ, Demir AY. Is there a suitable point-ofcare glucose meter for tight glycemic control? Evaluation of one home-use and four
hospital-use meters in an intensive care unit. Clin Chem Lab Med 2012 50 May;
7. Boven LA, Kemperman H, Demir A. A comparative analysis of the Iris iQ200 with manual
microscopy as a diagnostic tool for dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine. Clin Chem Lab Med
2012 Apr;50(4):751-3.
8. Veenemans J, Milligan P, Prentice AM, Schouten LRA, Inja N, van der Heijden AC, de
Boer LCC, Jansen ESS, Koopmans AE, Enthoven WTM, Kraaijenhagen RJ, Demir AY,
Uges DRA, Mbugi EV, Savelkoul HFJ, Verhoef H. Effect of supplementation with zinc
and other micronutrients on malaria in Tanzanian children: a randomised trial. PLoS Med.
2011 Nov;8(11):e1001125. Epub 2011 Nov 22.
9. De Vooght KM, Demir AY, Folman CC, Schutgens RE, van Solinge WW, Kemperman H.:
Successful transfusion care for a patient with the Rhesus -D- phenotype and antibodies
against Rh17 and two additional alloantibodies. Ann Hematol 2012 Jun;91(6):963-4.
10. Veenemans J, Jansen EJ, Baidjoe AY, Mbugi EV, Demir AY, Kraaijenhagen RJ,
Savelkoul HF, Verhoef H. Effect of alpha+-thalassaemia on episodes of fever due to
malaria and other causes: a community-based cohort study in Tanzania. Malar J.
11. Veenemans J, Mank T, Ottenhof M, Baidjoe A, Mbugi EV, Demir AY, Wielders JP,
Savelkoul HF, Verhoef H. Protection against diarrhea associated with Giardia intestinalis
Is lost with multi-nutrient supplementation: a study in Tanzanian children. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis. 2011 Jun;5(6):e1158. Epub 2011 Jun 7.
12. Demir AY, van Solinge WW, van Oirschot B, van Wesel A, Vergouwen P, Thimister E,
Maase K, Rijksen G, Schutgens R, van Wijk R. Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency in an elite long-distance runner. Blood. 2009; 113:2118-2119.
13. Gerritsen KGF, Meulenbelt J, Speiering W, Kema IP, Demir AY, van Driel VJHM. “An
unusual cause of ventricular fibrillation”, Lancet, 373, 1144 (2009).
14. Demir AY, van Solinge WW, van Oirschot B, van Wesel A, Vergouwen P, Thimister E,
Maase K, Rijksen G, Schutgens R, van Wijk R. “Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase
deficiency in an elite long-distance runner”, Blood, 113, 2118-2119 (2009).
15. Sati L, Demir AY, Sarikcioglu L, Demir R. ”Arrangement of collagen fibers in human
placental stem villi”, Acta Histochem, 110:371-379 (2008).
16. Sati L, Seval Y, Yasemin Demir A, Kosanke G, Kohnen G, Demir R. “Cellular diversity of
human placental stem villi: an ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study”, Acta
Histochem, 109:468-79 (2007).
17. Demir-Weusten AY, Seval Y, Kaufmann P, Demir R, Yücel G, Huppertz B. “Matrix
metalloproteinases-2, -3 and -9 in human term placenta”, Acta Histochem, 109, 403-12
18. Demir, A.Y. van Solinge W.W. Kemperman, H. Handling of and direct sampling from
primary barcode-labeld pediatric tubes on Vitros Clinical Chemistry Analyzers integrated
into an enGen Work Cell. Clinical Chemistry, 51, 920-921 (2005).
19. Demir, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Dunselman, G.A.J. Schurgers, L. Evers, J.L.H. de Goeij,
A.F.P.M. “Molecular characterization of soluble factors from human menstrual effluent that
induce epithelial to mesenchymal transitions in mesothelial cells”, Cell Tissue Res, 322,
299-311 (2005).
20. Demir, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Nap, A.W. Punyadeera, C. de Goeij AFPM, Evers, J.L.H.
Dunselman, G.A.J. “Menstrual effluent induces epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in
mesothelial cells”, Human Reproduction, 19, 21-29 (2004).
21. Demir, A.Y. Demol, H. Puype, M. de Goeij, A.F.P.M. Dunselman, G.A.J. Herrler, A.
Evers, J.L.H. Vandekerckhove, J. Groothuis, P.G. “Proteome analysis of human
mesothelial cells during epithelial to mesenchymal transitions induced by shed menstrual
effluent”, Proteomics, 4, 2608-2623 (2004).
22. Nap, A.W. Groothuis, P.G. Demir, A.Y. Evers, J.L. Dunselman, G.A. “Pathogenesis of
endometriosis”, Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 18, 233-244 (2004).
23. Demir, R. Kayışlı, Ü.A. Seval, Y. Çelik-Özenci, C. Korgun, E.T. Demir-Weusten, A.Y.
“Sequential expression of VEGF and its receptors in human placental villi during very
early pregnancy: differences between placental vasculogenesis and angiogenesis”,
Placenta, 25, 560-572 (2004).
24. Nap, A.W. Groothuis, P.G. Dunselman, G.A.J. Maas, J.W.M. Demir, A.Y. de Goeij,
A.F.P.M. Evers, J.L.H. “Tissue integrity is essential for ectopic implantation of human
endometrium”, Human Reproduction, 18, 30-34 (2003).
25. Demir, R. Kayışlı, U.A. Çelik-Özenci, C. Korgun, E.T. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Arıcı, A.
“Structural differentiation of human uterine luminal and glandular epithelium during early
pregnancy: An ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study”, Placenta, 23, 672-684
26. Gaus, G. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Schmitz, U. Bose, P. Kaufmann, P. Huppertz, B. Frank,
H.G. “Extracellular pH modulates the secretion of fibronectin isoforms by human
trophoblast”, Acta Histochem, 104, 51-63 (2002).
27. Alıcıgüzel, Y. Özdem, S. Demir, A.Y. Ünal, F. Kumbul, D. Özdem, S.S. Perry, G. Smith,
M.A. “Effect of the herbicide 4-CPA on human erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in vitro”,
Redox Rep, 6, 153-154 (2001).
28. Koks, C.A. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Dunselman, G.A. de Goeij, A.F. Evers,
J.L. “Menstruum induces changes in mesothelial cell morphology”, Gynecol Obstet Invest,
50, 13-18 (2000).
29. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Dunselman, G.A. de Goeij, A.F. Arends, J.W.
Evers, J.L. “Morphological changes in mesothelial cells induced by shed menstrual
endometrium in vitro are not primarily due to apoptosis or necrosis”, Hum Reprod,
15,1462-1468 (2000).
30. Huppertz, B. Kertschanska, S. Demir, A.Y. Frank, H.G. Kaufmann, P.
“Immunohistochemistry of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), their substrates, and their
inhibitors (TIMP) during trophoblast invasion in the human placenta”, Cell Tissue Res,
291,133-148 (1998).
31. Gümüşlü, S. Yücel, G. Aydın, M. Yeşilkaya, A. Demir, A.Y. Aksu, T.A. “The role of
antioxidants in the prevention of t-butyl hydroperoxide-induced chemiluminescence”, Int J
Clin Lab Res, 26, 119-123 (1996).
32. Demir, R. Demir, A.Y. Yinanç, M. “Structural changes in placental barrier of smoking
mother. A quantitative and ultrastructural study”, Pathol Res Pract, 190:656-667 (1994).
Non- SCIE Journals.
1. de Haar-Holleman A, Musson REA, Eelkman Rooda, Wielders JPM, Demir AY.
Bijzondere etiologieën van hyperprolactinemie. Nederlandse Tijdschrift voor
Geneeskunde 2015 (accepted)
2. Demir, A.Y. Bonfrér J.M.G. Lentjes E.G.W.M. “Harmonisation of CEA, CA 125, CA 15.3
and CA 19.9 assay results: A pilot study within the framework of the Dutch Project
‘Calibration 2000’”, Nederlandse Tijdschrift voor Klinische Chemie, 32, 252-254 (2007).
3. Demir, R. Kayişli UA., Çelik Ç, Korgun ET. Demir Weusten, A.Y. “Ultrastructural
diversities of the human decidual granular leukocytes during early pregnancy”, Early
Pregnancy: Biology and Medicine, 6, 1537-6583 (2003).
4. Demir, R. Demir, A.Y. Erbengi, T. “Intranuclear inclusion bodies in placental septal cells
and their possible relation in placental cell degeneration”, J Obst and Gynaecol, 15, 88-97
Abstracts in SCIE Journals
1. PC Oldenburg-Ligtenberg, JA van der Valk, AY Demir. “Euthyroid Hyperthyroxinemia:
Often Misdiagnosed as Hyperthyroidism. ENDO 2009 - The Endocrine Society 91th
Annual Meeting, June 10-13, (poster), Washington, DC, USA, 2009
2. Demir A.Y. van Laar T. Ligthart P.C. Rautenberg M. Schutgens R. van Solinge W.W.
Kemperman H. “A male patient with the rare Rhesus –D– phenotype and anti-Rh17
antibodies”, 17th IFCC-FESCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory
Medicine and 60th National Congress of the NVKC, EUROMEDLAB, Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine, Special Supplement, 45, paper W028 (poster), Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, 2007.
3. Demir, A.Y. Bonfrér J.M.G. Lentjes E.G.W.M. “Harmonisation of CEA, CA 125, CA 15.3
and CA 19.9 assay results: A pilot study within the framework of the Dutch Project
‘Calibration 2000”, 17th IFCC-FESCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine and 60th National Congress of the NVKC, EUROMEDLAB, Clinical
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Special Supplement, 45, paper (oral) S69,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007.
4. Demir, A. Groothuis, P. Dunselman, G. Nap, A. Schurgers, L. Herrler, A. de Goeij, A.
“Soluble factors from shed menstrual endometrium induce epithelial-mesenchymal
transitions in mesothelial cells”, Society for Gynecologic Investigation, 50th Annual
Meeting, Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Supplement, 10, paper
(poster) 78, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
5. Demir, A. Groothuis, P. Dunselman, G. Herrler, A. de Goeij, A. Nap, A. Vandekerckhove,
J. Evers, J. “Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in mesothelial cells induced by shed
menstrual endometrium are mediated by tyrosine kinases”, Society for Gynecologic
Investigation, 50th Annual Meeting, Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation,
Supplement, 10, paper (poster) 77, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
6. Nap, A.W. Groothuis, P.G. Demir Weusten, A. de Goeij, A.F.P.M. Dunselman, G.A.J.,
Evers, J. “Vascularization of peritoneal, ovarian and rectovaginal endometriotic lesions”,
8th World Congress on Endometriosis, Fertility and Sterility, Supplement 1, 77, paper
(poster) P-8, San Diego, CA, USA, 2002.
7. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Nap, A.W. Herrler, A. de Goeij, A.F.P.M.
Dunselman, G.A.J. “Mesothelial injury factors from anterogradely shed menstrual
endometrium cells”, 8th World Congress on Endometriosis, Fertility and Sterility,
Supplement 1, 77, paper (oral) O-30, San Diego, CA, USA, 2002.
8. Nap, A.W. Groothuis, P.G. Demir Weusten, A. de Goeij, A.F.P.M. Dunselman, G.A.J.,
Evers, J. “Development and characterization of endometriotic lesions in the chick
chorioallantoic membrane model”, 8th World Congress on Endometriosis, Fertility and
Sterility, Supplement 1, 77, paper (oral) O-10, San Diego, CA, USA, 2002.
9. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Nap, A.W. Herrler, A. de Goeij, A.F.P.M.
Dunselman, G.A.J. “Anterogradely shed menstrual effluent affects protein phosphorylation
and expression in culltured human mesothelial cells”, 8th World Congress on
Endometriosis, Fertility and Sterility, Supplement 1, 77, paper (oral) O-29, San Diego, CA,
USA, 2002.
10. Demir Weusten, A.Y. “Distribution of fibronectin isoforms and marix metalloproteinases in
extracellular matrices of the human placenta”, 8th Meeting of the European Placenta
Group, Placenta (poster) A21 , Schladming, Austria, 1999.
1. Demir Weusten, A.Y. Groothuis, P.G. Nap, A.W. Herler, A. Dunselman, G.A.J. de Goeij,
A.F.P.M. Evers, J.L.H. “A proteomics approach: the induction of protein phosphorylation
in mesothelial cells by anterogradely shed menstrual effluent” Proteomic Forum 2001,
International Meeting on Proteome Analysis, Abstract Book, paper (poster) 46, Münich,
Germany, 2001.
2. Demir, A.Y. Demir, N. Erden, Y. Başaran, B. “The interaction between diabetes mellitus
3. Demir, R. Demir, A.Y., Erbengi, T. “A relationship between cell ageing and placental
delivery.” 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy (ICEM-13), 3, paper (poster)
sayfa 1135-1136 (Proceeding), Paris, France, 1993.
4. Demir, N. Demir, A.Y., Ağar A., Demir R. “The effects of Ginkgo Biloba extract (Egb) on
cortical neurons in diabetic rats.” 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy
(ICEM-13), 3, paper (poster) sayfa 91-92 (Proceeding), Paris, France, 1993.
5. Ginkgo-Biloba extract (Gbe) in the neurons of preoptic area (POA) in rats: a light
microscopic study.” 3rd European Students’ Conference of the Charité, Abstract Book,
paper (oral) 108, Berlin, Germany, 1992.
6. Demir, R. Demir, A.Y. Kosanke, G. Erbengi, T. Üstünel, İ. Demir, N. Kocamaz, E. “Fine
structure of cellular connections between trophoblast cells of blastocyst and uterinal
epithelium in rats”, 10th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, 3, paper (poster)
sayfa 829, Granada, Spain, 1992.
7. Demir, R. Demir, A.Y., Kocamaz E., Kaufmann P. “Ultrastructural properties of human
placental villi core.” 13th International Congress on Electron Microscopy(ICEM-13), 3,
paper (poster) sayfa 153-154 (Proceeding), Paris, France, 1993.
8. Demir, N. Erden, Y. Demir, A.Y. “Alterations in the structure of adenohypophysis of
alloxan and Ginkgo_Biloba extract (Gbe) treated rats”, 3rd European Students’
Conference of the Charité, Abstract Book, paper (oral) 107, Berlin, Germany, 1992.
Book Chapters
1. Contribuition to
9789085621188, Chapters: Alfa-foetoproteine & immunologische fecalel occult bloed test.
Ed. H.Hooijkaas, K. Mohrmann, L.C. Smeets, J.H.M. Souverijn, G.H.M. Tax, Prelum
Uitgevers, Houten, 2013
2. Demir AY, van den Broek D. Hoofdstuk 11, “Lipiden en hart- en vaatziekten”, Klinische
Chemie en Haematologie voor Analisten-deel 2, 2010, ISBN 9077423737, ed. Ten Boekel
& de Boer, Syntax Media, The Netherlands.
3. Duffy MJ, Demir AY, Bonfrer JMG. Chapter 3, “Biomarkers in oncology”, 2009:13-20,
European Society for Medical Oncology handbook of cancer diagnosis and treatment
evaluation, First Edition, ISBN 9780203092101, ed. Hans-Joachim Schmoll, Informa
Healthcare, NY, USA.