problem definition methodology decision support system result


problem definition methodology decision support system result
Project Team: Aslı Nur ACARÖZ, Nihan ÇELEN, Elif ERDEM ,Tuğba TUTAR Project Advisor: Özlem TÜRKER BAYRAK Project Partner Organization: ENERJİSA BAŞKENT ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION A.Ş MOVING CENTERLINE EWMA CHART COMPANY PROFILE During the process of privatization of the distribution regions by TEDAŞ, Başkent Electricity Distribution A.Ş. joined to Enerjisa Company Union in 2009. Total Number of Customers : 3 million Market Share in Turkey: % 8.57 SYMPTOM High electricity loss rates that in Başkent Electricity Distribution Company in 2011, 2012 and 2013, even it’s bigger than the rates that is determined by government DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM PROBLEM DEFINITION In general, technical and nontechnical electricity losses are detected by Başkent EDAŞ during the field visits. In computer environment, analyses of technical and nontechnical electricity losses are performed manually and take a lot of time. This process results in higher costs for the company. The major part of the electricity losses is occurred by the customers who have high rate of consumption. Purpose: To develop a system that detects electricity losses due to customer intervention on counter and counter breakdowns as early as possible . The purpose of the Decision Support System is to give warning at the time of detecting electricity loss based on statistical computing and by plotting graphs considering the consumption of certain installation numbers. METHODOLOGY SAP
Data are taken from the firm DATA SELECTION
Selection of installations with 600 kWh and above installed power
Duplication, overlapping and wrong entry data are corrected, daily zero consumptions are deleted Usage of the Quality Control Charts DETECTION
Examination of changing installed power and conversion factors LOSS LIST
Loss list is created Result Screen
RESULT The established system detected 14 installations with illegal usage among 33 uncorrelated data. Considering the result, system detected electricity losses at the rate of % 42,42. In addition, loss detection duration is reduced from 11 days to 1 day. QUALITY CHARTS EXPONENTIALLY WEIGTED MOVING AVERAGE (EWMA) QUALITY CONTROL CHART Aslı Nur ACARÖZ