
Winners of the various competitions at the 22nd International Golden Boll Film
Festival were announced at a press conference on Saturday 19 September 2015
at Adana’s Divan Hotel. The Festival began on 14 September.
The Best Film award in the National Feature Film Competition went to Abluka
(Frenzy), a drama directed by Emin Alper and produced by Nadir Öperli, Enis
Köstepen and Cem Doruk.
The Yılmaz Güney Award was given to Kar Korsanları (Snow Pirates), a film
produced and directed by Faruk Hacıhafızoğlu, while the Adana People’s Jury
voted for Abluka (Frenzy), the feature directed by Emin Alper. Tolga Karaçelik
picked up the competition’s Best Director award for Sarmaşık (Ivy), and Best
Screenplay went to Senem Tüzen for her drama, Ana Yurdu (Motherland).
The winner of this year’s inaugural Adana Themed Screenplay Competition was
named as Hikmet Ozan Sihay for his feature script, Tepebağ Çıkmazı (Tepebağ
The results of all the various competitions at this year’s 22nd International Golden Boll
Film Festival, which ran from 14-20 September 2015, have been unveiled. The
competitions included the National Feature Film Competition, the Adana Themed
Screenplay Competition, the National Student Film Competition and the Mediterranean
Short Film Competition. The results were announced at a press conference on
Saturday 19 September at Adana’s Divan Hotel.
The press conference was attended by the Mayor of Adana, Hüseyin Sözlü, and Halil
Avşar, chair of the Altın Koza S.A. board of directors, as well as the Festival Director,
Candan Yaygın and Director of the Festival Film Programme, Kadir Beycioğlu. Also in
attendance were: director Ümit Ünal, who chaired the jury for the National Feature Film
Competition, and his fellow jury members, Deniz Akçay, a writer-director, actors Ali
Düşenkalkar and Selen Uçer, cinematographer Gökhan Atılmış, Eurimages
representative for Turkey Mehmet Demirhan and musician Rahman Altın; Hilmi Etikan,
coordinator of the Festival’s short film competitions; and Işıl Özgentürk, a member of
the Adana Themed Screenplay Competition jury.
The results of the Festival’s National Feature Film Competition were announced as
follows (all decisions were unanimous except where otherwise indicated):
Best Film - Abluka (Frenzy), dir. Emin Alper, prod. Nadir Öperli, Enis Köstepen, Cem Doruk
Yılmaz Güney Award - Kar Korsanları (Snow Pirates), dir. and prod. Faruk Hacıhafızoğlu
Adana Audience Award - Abluka (Frenzy), dir. Emin Alper, prod. Nadir Öperli, Enis
Köstepen, Cem Doruk
Best Director - Tolga Karaçelik for Sarmaşık (Ivy)
Best Screenplay - Senem Tüzen for Ana Yurdu (Motherland) - by majority vote
Best Actress - Nihal Koldaş for Ana Yurdu (Motherland)
Best Actor - Nadir Sarıbacak for Sarmaşık (Ivy)
Best Music - Demircan Demir for Kasap Havası (Kasap Dance) - by majority vote
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Best Cinematography - Vedat Özdemir for Ana Yurdu (Motherland) - Türksoy Gölebeyi for
Kar Korsanları (Snow Pirates)
Best Art Director - İsmail Durmaz for Abluka (Frenzy)
Best Film Editing - Osman Bayraktaroğlu for Abluka (Frenzy)
Best Supporting Actress - Hülya Böceklioğlu for Yarım (The Half)
Best Supporting Actor - Özgür Emre Yıldırım for Eksik (Lack)
Türkan Şoray Most Promising Young Actress - Ece Yüksel for Nefesim Kesilene Kadar
(Until I Lose My Breath)
Most Promising Young Actor - Berkay Ateş for Abluka (Frenzy)
Jury Special Mention for Acting Performance - Ece Atay for Yarım (The Half)
SİYAD* Best Film Award - Ana Yurdu (Motherland), dir. and prod. Senem Tüzen
Film-Yön† Best Director Award - Senem Tüzen for Ana Yurdu (Motherland)
* SİYAD: Turkish Film Critics’ Association
Film-Yön: Turkish Film Directors’ Guild
The jury explained its decisions as follows:
Best Film: A unanimous vote was cast in favour of naming Abluka (Frenzy) Best
Film, reflecting the film’s universal perspective in handling a contemporary, local
subject and its both striking and masterful cinematic language.
Yılmaz Güney Special Award: Kar Korsanları (Snow Pirates) was unanimously
chosen to receive this award for successfully reproducing a critical and painful period
of Turkish history on screen with both simplicity and depth of narrative.
Best Director: Tolga Karaçelik was unanimously voted recipient of this award for
Sarmaşık (Ivy) given his accomplished portrayal of the psychological breakdown of
people enclosed within a confined space over an extended period of time and of the
masked and unmasked violence accompanying this downward spiral. The jury also
cited Karaçelik’s impressive direction of actors and the insightful metaphorical
dimension of his narrative.
Best Screenplay: It was decided by majority vote to award Best Screenplay to Senem
Tüzen for Ana Yurdu (Motherland) given her courageous and subtly observed portrayal
of the mother-daughter relationship as a collision between the modern and traditional.
Best Actress: This award went by unanimous vote to Nihal Koldaş, the co-star of Ana
Yurdu (Motherland), for a lucid and powerful performance in which she gives a
nuanced, natural and multi-faceted portrayal of a conventional mother figure that
chimes with the original style of the screenplay.
Best Actor: A unanimous vote was cast for this award to go to Nadir Sarıbacak for his
nuanced and extraordinary performance as the lead in Sarmaşık (Ivy).
Best Music: This award went by majority vote to Demircan Demir for his balanced
original score to Kasap Havası (Kasap Dance), which showcases a consistent and
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skilful combination of international film music qualities and vernacular musical
Best Cinematography: Joint winners were named for this award, which went to
Türksöy Gölebeyi and Vedat Özdemir for their work in Kar Korsanları (Snow Pirates)
and Ana Yurdu (Motherland) respectively. Both cinematographers stood out for the
visual atmosphere they each successfully created, but also for the technical proficiency
and innovative flair.
Best Art Director: A unanimous vote for the award went to İsmail Durmaz in
recognition of his creative and meticulous approach to the role of art director in Abluka
(Frenzy), which resulted in convincing and naturalistic landscape designs.
Best Film Editing: Osman Bayraktaroğlu was unanimously voted recipient of the
award for his provocative manipulation of time and reality in the editing of Abluka
Best Supporting Actress: The award was given to Hülya Böceklioğlu for her
humorous, realistic and layered performance in the film, Yarım (The Half).
Best Supporting Actor: Özgür Emre Yıldırım received the award for his exceptional,
almost surreal performance of the character, Devrim, in Eksik (Lack).
Türkan Şoray Most Promising Young Actress: Despite it being a relatively small
role, Ece Yüksel’s highly memorable and versatile performance in Nefesim Kesilene
Kadar (Until I Lose My Breath) earned her a unanimous vote for Most Promising
Most Promising Young Actor: The award was given to Berkay Ateş for his
performance in Abluka (Frenzy) and particularly for his sensitive, multi-dimensional
portrayal of a character in the throes of a difficult breakdown.
Jury Special Mention: The jury gave a Special Mention to newcomer Ece Atay, star
of Yarım (The Half), for her powerful performance and compelling on-screen persona
despite her relatively young age.
Film-Yön Best Director Award: The jury of the Turkish Film Directors’ Guild voted
unanimously in favour of giving its Best Director Award to Senem Tüzen’s Ana Yurdu
(Motherland), citing the director’s mature and coherent cinematic language in
narrating a simple story, as well as her multi-layered and realistic portrayal of the
SİYAD Best Film Award: The film critics’ jury based its majority-vote decision to
award Best Film to Senem Tüzen’s Ana Yurdu (Motherland) on the picture’s
balanced, courageous and affectionate portrayal of the mother-daughter relationship
and a woman determined to survive in a community characterized by rampant
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This year saw the Adana Themed Feature Length Screenplay Competition held for
the first time among the Adana International Golden Boll Film Festival competition
sections. The winners of this inaugural edition have now been revealed.
Interest in the screenplay competition was significant and a total of 63 submissions
were received. The pre-selection committee, comprising Dr S. Haluk Uygur, Faruk
Karaçay and Hakan Haksun, then drew up a shortlist of eight entries from the original
63 and these were reviewed by the main jury. This five-person jury was made up of
Erden Kıral, Füruzan, Abdurrahman Keskiner, Işıl Özgentürk and Muzaffer İzgü.
For the first prize of the competition, the jury cast a majority vote in favour of Hikmet
Ozan Sihay’s Tepebağ Çıkmaz (Tepebağ Drive), citing the strong characterization
and finely woven dramatic structure. Built around a handful of young people who
follow their film festival dreams to the very end, the screenplay tells a tale of tenacity
and solidarity. Second prize went to Gökhan Karahaner’s İnsancıklar (Poor Folk) for
its engaging depiction of two different lives. Constructed on two levels, Karahaner’s
story tracks the spiritual journey of the main character in search of a calm, safe
haven. Finally, the third prize was awarded to İsmail Doruk’s On Adım (Ten Steps),
a drama that portrays the despair and frustration of an elderly couple unable to tell
the truth when they visit their children, scattered all over Adana.
The Mediterranean Short Film Competition is an event that has come to be closely
watched by all Mediterranean film circles, and above all young directors. This year’s
jury, which comprised film critic Dubravka Lakic, academic Prof Dr Şükran Kuyucak
Esen, documentary director Dr Habib Nasry, actress Ülkü Duru and animation
director Ayce Kartal, announced its decisions as follows:
Best Fiction Film
Ave Maria, dir. Basil Khalil (Palestinian Authority-France-Germany)
Best Animation Film
Fuligem, dir. David Doutel (Portugal)
Best Documentary Film
Şarkı Başladığında (When A Song Begins), dir. Yannis Pothos (Greece)
Best Experimental Film
Savaş Bölgesi (War Zone), dir. Oğuzhan Kaya (Turkey)
Special Jury Prize in the Fiction Category
Üçüncü El (The Third Hand). dir. Hicham Elladdaqi (Morocco)
Special Jury Prize in the Documentary Category
Dioni, dir. Thanos Psichogios (Greece)
Open to students enrolled at the film and television departments of universities
around Turkey, the National Student Film Competition was presided over this year by
a jury made up of director Murat Şeker, actress Ekin Türkmen, documentary director
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Sadık Arslankara, art director Ziya Ülkenciler and animation director Sinem Sakaoğlu.
The competition winners were as follows:
Best Fiction Film
Cemalettin Was Here, dir. Mert Özel (Istanbul University)
Best Documentary Film
Godesbana (The Diligent Housewife), dir. Nursena Şimşek (Akdeniz University)
Best Animation Film
Kök (Root), dir. Osman Çubukçu, Önder Menken (Anadolu University)
Best Experimental Film
Renklerin Düşüşü (The Fall of Colours), dir. Karis Deniz Kara (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts
Special Jury Prize in the Documentary Category
Afro Türk (Afro Turk), dir. Betül Usta (Akdeniz University)
For further details, please contact:
Bilge Oğuz - +90 533 466 67 40 -
Duygu Ela Özcan - +90 507 484 47 77 -
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