iF concept award 2009


iF concept award 2009
2 | iF concept award 2009
3 | Categories, Evaluation criteria
4 | Application, logistics
5 | Jury, Dates and deadlines
6 | Materials to be submitted
7 | Services for award winners
8 | Sponsors
9 | Contact
page 2 | iF concept award 2009
iF concept award 2009
The competition is open to students worldwide
with any design and architecture major as well as
students with marketing and engineering majors.
Young professionals from the mentioned fields
who have graduated within the last two years are
also welcome to compete.
Group projects are also eligible to compete in the
categories “Time to market“, Industrial design,
Fashion, Communication/Multimedia design,
Architecture and Interior design and universal
The projects submitted must not be older than two
years and must have originated during the period
of student enrollment. There is no limit to the
number of entries per participant, and participation is free of charge. However, every entry can
only be sumitted once and in one category only.
There is no charge for participating.
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Evaluation criteria
1. Time to market
You can submit entries from the
fields of design an architectur, which
are focusing on thourough elaboration as well as ease of implementation and feasibility . Apart from
being based on a good design idea,
these projects must as well make
statements on engineering and offer
the basis for a successful marketing
4. Communication- and
multimedia design
Digital media
Print media
The following criteria are valid for all
competition categories:
5. Architecture & Interior design
Public spaces and buildings
Private buildings and spaces
Temporary architecture
universal design
2. Industrial design
Product design
Transportation design
Packaging design
Materials and material
applications, production processes
3. Fashion
Fashion design
Textile design
Costume design
Fashion accessories, jewelry etc.
Contestants are invited to submit
their visions and solutions for buildings, rooms, products and services,
developed in line with the principles
of universal design. The concepts
should be designed for use by the
largest number of people possible,
with all their varying capabilities and
qualifications, a design for everyone.
Design quality
Degree of innovativeness
Visualization of use/Interface
Target-group focus
Tasks and objectives
Degree of elaboration
Social relevance/Suitability
Environmental compatibility
Principles of universal design
Choice of material
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Application takes place exclusively online. After
studying the terms and conditions of participation,
please fill out one registration form per project
you wish to register.
Please ensure your concepts for the iF concept
award 2009 are delivered until January 9, 2009 to
the address below. The organizers will not pay any
delivery charges.
Application deadline: January 5, 2009
Kühne + Nagel AG & Co. KG
iF concept award 2009
Karlsruher Strasse 4
30880 Laatzen
You can register team projects as well. Any prize
awarded then goes to all team members named
on the form, although we will correspond solely
with the person who submits the registration
Reference field/number:
Entry ID: 169-xxxxx
Participation is free of charge.
Your contact partner for logistics is:
Ms. Sybille Krautwurst
T.+49.511.82 09 80 15
For participants outside the EU: Please ensure that
the value of the goods does not exceed 20 euro.
Otherwise taxes might be charged which iF will not
pay for.
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In a preselection process a first jury will put together a “shortlist” of 300 entries. This shortlist represents the most promising
entries to be recommended to the main jury for its special consideration and will be exhibited prominently. Contestants will
be advised by e-mail of the results of the preselection.
Registration deadline
January 5, 2009
The decision on awards will be made by an independent, international jury, whose decisions are final and legally binding. The
judging sessions takes place publicly during the CeBIT. The main
jury can award a prize to any entry which has arrived and
passed the screening process. The jury will then select the "Best
100" entries. Several of these "Best 100" will be picked for a
share of the prize purse. The division of the prize purse will be
determined by the jury, with the total prize purse amounting to
30,000 euro. The final results of the judging session will be communicated to contestants via e-mail after the session which is on
March 3, 2009.
Preselection jury
February 3, 2009
Each draft remains the intellectual property of the contestant
submitting it. The organizers do not undertake to realize any of
the projects
Delivery of competition entries
January 9, 2009
March 3, 2009
Notification of adjudication results
March 4, 2009
iF awards ceremony
March 7, 2009
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Materials to be submitted
After registering as well as applying for the iF concept award
2009, please send us the following materials to the address
Three presentation posters
These posters – per entry in A3 format (420 mm × 297 mm) –
should contain a short, pithy presentation of your draft design
in words and pictures. The core of the draft design should be
clear at first glance; additional details and background information should however also be included. Please do not laminate
the entries on any very thick materials. Please be sure to identify
each poster by writing the sequence number (1 of 3 etc) and
your entry ID in the lower right-hand corner. You will receive
this entry ID by e-mail after successfully registering your entry.
Important: the presentation posters must not be laminated onto
a cardboard backing or similar! For that reason, we ask you to
select the right packaging so that posters are not damaged
during shipment. Please do not roll or fold your presentation
A CD with the following contents:
A copy of the presentation posters in PDF format (resolution
200 dpi, format A3). The PDF must be named according to the
following convention: "entry-ID_project name".
A minimum of 2 or a maximum of 3 printable, pithy digital
images of your entry as high resolution foto material in TIFF,
JPG (maximum Quality) or EPS format (300 dpi, CMYK, printed
size approx.120 mm x 120 mm) format. The images should
not contain any text. The images must also be named
according to the convention "entry-ID_project name".
A proof of your enrollment status. A photo or scan of your
student ID is sufficient. If you have already completed your
studies, please send us proof that your enrollment has only
ended within the last two years (i.e. a copy, scan or photo of
your college diploma). Should you hand in a team project,
please ensure a proof of enrollment status for each team
Please also write your entry ID on the CD.
Your complete shipment packaging must also be
labeled with the entry ID, preferably in the reference field. Naturally, you can bundle several
entries into a single shipment. In this case, please
be sure to label the outer packaging with the
entry IDs of all entries contained in the shipment.
Please also label the single entries inside the
package clearly.
Entries which do not conform to these requirements will be rejected, i.e. put aside.
The delivery deadline is January 9, 2009!
Past experience has shown that many international
shipments require a good deal of time to reach us,
so that the above deadline applies strictly to the
date of receipt, not the postmark date. Please do
not hand in your concepts personally.
The organizers do not undertake to return any of
the materials submitted.
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Service for award winners
Exhibition and awards ceremony
online exhibition
The exhibition will be staged at the “design: driving innovation“
stand at the CeBIT show, which runs from March 3 to 8, 2009.
All prizewinners will appear for an unlimited period of time on
the iF website, which registers some 2.5 million page impressions a year. The successful entries will be displayed there with
two representative photos, a short descriptive text in English
and German plus the name of the designer.
The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, March 7, 2009
at CeBIT at the “design: driving innovation” stand. All contestants on the shortlist will be invited for the award ceremony by
the e-mail with the preselcetion results. Furthermore all
prizewinners will be informed on March 4, to insure they have
time to attend the awards ceremony. At the public award ceremony it will be announced for the first time which entries will
be awarded with prize money.
Prizewinners will receive a prizewinner's logo which they can
use for an unlimited period of time for their successful entry.
This logo can be used for communication purposes on, for example, the prizewinner's own website or application materials.
Press publicity
All prizewinners will be publicized by iF within the framework
of its press and public relations activities. iF will publicize the results of the iF concept award competition directly afterwards to
around 1,000 media representatives in Germany and abroad.
All prizewinning entries will be published in a special documentation of the competition to be published at the beginning of
June. Each prizewinner will receive a free copy of this documentation. Additional copies are available for purchase.
This documentation will be mailed to selected international
media representatives by iF.
All prizewinners will receive one acrylic certificate per successful
entry and up to four additional certificates for additional team
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The prize purse as well as the costs of organizing the iF concept
awards 2008 will be borne proportionately by the main sponsors
Samsung Electronics from Seoul, Korea and Volkswagen Design
from Wolfsburg, Germany, as well as by the supporting institution BASF designfabrik based in Ludwigshafen, Germany. In
addition, Samsung Electronics is once again serving as a “Gold
Sponsor” for the iF concept awards 2009.
Sponsor GOLD
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Anna Reissert
P. +49.511.8932423
F. +49.511.8932401
International Forum Design GmbH
30521 Hannover
iF International Forum Design
Hannover I München I Taipei