Newsletter March 2015


Newsletter March 2015
The Communicator
Knights of Columbus
Immaculate Conception Council 11991, Goose Creek, SC
Volume 17, Issue 09
Editor: SK Steve Ekhaml, Lecturer
March, 2015
Table of Contents
1-2 Message from Grand Knight & Active Military
2- Good of the Order; Birthdays/Anniversaries/Lenten Calendar
2-3 Announcements/Directors Messages
4- Knight & Family of the Month
4-8 Knights in Action
5- Insurance Update
6-9 Fourth Degree/Respect Life
9- First Degree Team/Prayer of the Month/Bonus Article
11- List of Officers and Directors
GK Steven P. Gearhart
Greetings Brother Knights,
It really didn’t matter whether or not Punxsutawney Phil
saw his shadow or not on February 2nd, we still have
another 6 weeks of bone chilling weather in front of us so
we might as well take advantage of it. As we enter the
Lenten season, I first must reflect on the events of
February. On the 5th of February we conducted a First
Degree Exemplification for three new Knights. We
welcome to our order Brothers William Starnes, Brock
Burdyl and Father Binil. Welcome to the Knights of
Columbus and especially Council 11991. Please get
involved we need your help. Contact your sponsor for
assistance in finding an assignment.
On Wednesday the 18th, we celebrated Ash Wednesday
which of course signifies the beginning of Lent and
traditional Knights of Columbus activities.
Many thanks to Larry Roberts and Russ Whited to
championed the Valentines Dinner and Dance on February
14. A great crowd enjoyed the evening filled with the
music from Brother Alex Batu. A delicious banquet was
prepared by our Council culinary experts Brothers Remi
Silva, Nazario Yangco and Frank DeAsis. Thanks to all
that helped prepare, serve and of course clean up
On February 19th Brothers Howard Jackson and Wayland
Moody prepared a delicious steak and chicken dinner to
show our appreciation to the wives of the Council. It was
the largest contingency of Knights belonging to Council
11991 assembled together ever. I was overwhelmed when
our group photo was taken to see so many Knights. Again,
many thanks to those that prepared the meal, served the
meal, and of course stayed to clean up.
As we say goodbye to February there are many events
schedule where all hands will be required in March. I ask
you to circle your calendars on March 20th and 27th as
Council 11991 will again be hosting the annual
PERSONNEL: Mohse E. Alcantara, USN; Sgt Bruce Gene
Alexander, Jr, USMC; SSgt Mary Ault, USAF; David B. Blom,
USN; MSgt Jason Brown, USAF; LCDR Samuel N. Caoile MD,
USN; MSgt Thomas J Cardno, USMC; LTC Oscar K. Diano, USA;
PV2 Carlos B. Eraula, USA; PO2 Francisco B. Eraula, USN; PFC
Milton Grant, Jr, USMC; SGT John Paul Karabees, USA; Private
Michael Luker, USAR; SGT William Lynch, USA; EDMC Scott
MacFarlane, USN; Wilfredo Martell, USA; TSgt James McLarty,
Army National Guard; SGT Arbie Ignatius Melendrez, USA; David
& Zita Merrick, USAF; PFC Ken Mitre, USA; SGT Chris Moody,
USA; SSG James Munro, USA; Kevin J. Nicastle; Capt. Melissa K.
Opheim, USAF; Capt. Chris Pearson, USAF; Seaman Joseph F.
Petrus, IV, USN; Anthony Dainell Pettigrew II, USA; LCpl Chris
Schneider, USMC; SGT William H. Stasiek, USA; Saji Thomas;
SSgt Randy Treadway, USAF; SPC David J. Turner, USA; TSgt
Wilsen B. Villareal, USAF; Matt Winters, USAF; PO1 Michael
Worthem, USN; SGT Charline Yangco Gallegos, USA; PO1
Robert W. Zahrn.
“Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform on our behalf. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord
and Savior. Amen”
If you have a family member in the active military and would like
them added to the list, email me at:
Gearhart - Continued from page 1….
Lenten fish fries. To our new Knights please take time to
help. Volunteering takes a new perspective as these fish
fries require a lot of man hours doing a lot of things out of
their normal comfort zone.
This tradition must be passed down because our Council
serves the best fish in the Low Country during the Lenten
season. Please get involved, watch the process, and be
prepared to work.
In March, I want to conduct a membership blitz especially
during the Service Sunday week. We are in competition
for Double Star award so why not try. Make sure you have
in your possession an application to become a Knight,
Form 100. Talk to the men in the parish that do not have
the blue name badge, share your experiences and recruit.
The Trustees continue their search for prospective
Officers for Fraternal year 2015-2016. If you have the
time and desire to become a leader of men, the Trustees
are looking for you. Please do a self-check on what you
have contributed this past year to support the Council and
what you might like to do next year to insure the
continuation of 11991.
Yours in Christ,
Steve Gearhart, Grand Knight
Good of the Order
Let us continue to pray for the complete healing of Past State
Deputy Richard Koehler, Deacon Joe Anonie and his wife Carolyn;
Thomas Karabees, PGK; Brother John Sheil and his wife Wilma;
Brother John Mallon and his wife, Cheryl; SK George Barber,
PGK, Council 6726; Jean Tenney; Lynn Cousino wife of Brother
FN Mike Cousino, PGK; Sherry Flinn; Brother Joshua T. Lowe;
SK Tony Baiocco, PGK, Eugene Alaura, PGK, Brother John Vohs,
Violet King, Jane Kubasko, Catalina Wilson mother of Brother Joe
Schepisi, Warren Schepisi son of Brother Joe Schepisi; Charles
Spigelmire; Anne Snyder, wife of Brother Ron Snyder, PGK;
Lynnette Bunton, wife of Brother Windell Bunton.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
March Birthdays: 1 – David Pappas, Jr; 4 – John Sheil; 5 –
Ernesto Guadalupe; 10 – Ivan Miguel-Gutierrez; 11 – Alan Miles;
13 – Gilles Rossignol; 14 – Christopher Calso; 15 – Joseph L.
O’Saben; 16 – Jon Allen; 17 – Michael Boone; 18 – Deacon Daniel
McNerny; 19 – Jonathan Fischer; 21 – Kenneth Kosobud; 23 –
Michael Showers; 24 – Robert Dunigan; 25 – Gustavo Cobena; 28
– Gustavo Cobena Macas; 31 – Joshua Hunt, Abe Merriam.
March Anniversaries: 22 - Jack & Joanne Collier; 25 - Mark &
Donita Haught, Robert & Maty Lopez.
Lenten Calendar
Second Sunday of Lent (Sunday, March 1, 2015)
DGK Frank Strunk
Greetings Brother Knights,
Habitat for Humanity
Feast of Saint Patrick (Tuesday, March 17, 2015)
Feast of Saint Joseph (Thursday, March 19, 2015)
Third Sunday of Lent (Sunday, March 8, 2015)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Sunday, March 15, 2015)
This year Habitat for Humanity is scheduled to build two
new homes for disadvantaged families in Berkeley
County. Both projects are located in Moncks Corner with
each having a project name. The “Community Build” is
located at 211 Cooper Street and the “Circle of Faith” is
located at 213 Cooper Street. This year, my intentions are
to get the Knights of Columbus Council 11991 involved
with the Habitat for Humanity. These homes are built by
volunteers like you and I to provide a safe and warm
habitat for families who can’t afford this comfort. You are
not required to be a licensed contractor, electrician or
plumber because there are professionals to lead the
construction process. Habitat for Humanity is one of three
hot items that the Supreme Council recognizes for
Community Service so why can’t we as a Council get
involved. There is always a
Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion) (Sunday, March 22,
Palm Sunday (Sunday, March 29, 2015)
Holy Thursday (Thursday, April 2, 2015)
Good Friday (Friday, April 3, 2015)
Holy Saturday (Saturday, April 4, 2015)
Easter (Sunday, April 5, 2015)
Strunk - Continued from page 1….
job for you.
The following is a schedule for each project:
Community Build
Circle of Faith
March 4,5,7 Siding and interior walls
Interior walls and cabinets
March 11,12,and 14: Cabinets and trim
Wood Trim, A/C installation, shelves
March 18,19,and 21: Trim, A/C installation
Assorted Shelves, landscaping.
The Adorno Fathers Lenten Mission Concert
March 12th, Thursday at 7PM, in the Church
Lenten Fish Fry’s
Hopefully, I will see you on the site and always remember
that if you physically unable to work on the construction
site, the ReStore in Goose Creek can use your assistance.
Vivat Jesus,
SK Frank Strunk, DGK
March 20, Fish Fry, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
March 27, Fish Fry, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Located in the Community Center
Highway Clean Up
March 14th, meet 7:30am at the Community Center
Service Sunday
March 15th , 9:30am Mass
March Blood Drive
March 15th, Community Center
Your help is needed, due to the recent severe weather many
of the scheduled blood drives have been cancelled and the
supply has been severely affected. Can you help?
Daryl J. Lareau, Warden
Warden’s Message
The Taste of Goose Creek
To assist in facilitating our monthly meetings, here are a
couple of reminders:
Saturday, April 18th
1. All Knights must possess a current and signed
membership card. You will be asked to produce your
membership card by the Warden, the Inside Guard, or
the Outside Guard.
2. During the business meetings and O&D meetings,
please be respectful when a brother knight has the
floor. It can become distracting and confusing when
there are other conversations on different subjects in
different areas of the room.
If you have any questions about these two items, you can
talk with me at church, the business meeting, or the O&D
Your Brother Knight,
Daryl J. Lareau, Warden
Did you know that you can also view the
Communicator and the Calendar on the K of C
website: http:/ or via UKnight on the “”
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Knights in Action
Worthy brothers you have done extremely well this year
in recruiting. I am asking that you don’t stop now, but
continue to recruit. We have an opportunity to be a
double star council and I know that we can do it. I ask
that you think about your family members, friends and
people sitting next to you in church. Ask someone and tell
them why you joined the Knights and what you have
experienced since joining. The worst things that can
happen is they say no thanks, but you have the knowledge
that you asked them and they won’t be one of the people
that say the only reason I was not a knight is because no
one asked me.
Knight of the Month
SK Edward Cavadias
We are now working on our 131st gallon of tabs. We
have averaged 10 gallons a year for the past 13 years.
I hope that we can do even better. Remember to
remove the tabs from beer, soda, or any can with a
tab. Here again you can help our number grow by
asking people to save them for you (us). Tabs can be
left at the community center, put in the stamp box,
given to me any time or we can make arrangements
to meet.
We are also doing a great job here also. I will be sending
out our 6th box of stamps with the next week. Please
continue to collect and drop off stamps to me or leave
them in the box in the church vestibule.
I (WE) need your help. 40 Days for Life is ongoing and
we are having trouble filling all of the time slots. In the
past we have had a lot of seniors that would fill in
position, but they are not able to do the things they once
did and being out in the night and early morning is not
possible. I ask each knight and their family members to
think and pray about being able to do something. You do
not have to do 2, 3, or 4 hours, but you can if you would
like too, a single hour would help. What you do is pray.
We are there to peacefully interact with individuals that
may want information for themselves or others. You must
sign a sheet that states you will peacefully be there. For
more information you can ask anyone on the ICC Respect
Life Committee, John Flinn, Michael Cousino, Tim
Kenefick, Jerry Caoile, Larry Roberts, Annette Griebsch,
Helen Hernandez, John Mallon or Lily Henley.
Your Brother Knight,
John Flinn, PGK, Membership Director
Family of the Month
The Harold Phillips Family Receiving
Their Award from GK Steve Gearhart
KOC Council 11991 Sunday
Breakfast for Charity
Insurance Update
Knights of Columbus Council 11991sponsored a
Breakfast on Sunday (8 Feb 2015) from 730AM to
1100AM. The Knights served up a delicious meal of
scrambled eggs, French toast, hash browns, buttered toast,
ham complete with pineapple slices and assorted
beverages. The Knights served more than 90 meals and
generated $448 dollars which will be donated to Bishop
Robert E. Guglielmone for the Bishops Guatemalan
Ultrasound Program! Thanks to the generosity of the
parishioners and the hard work of our Knights, Council
11991 has been successful in reaching its assigned goal in
this very worthy Charity!!! The Knights will continue to
sponsor monthly breakfasts for charity one Sunday each
month. Please watch the Sunday Bulletin or go to the
KOC Council 11991 Website for dates. Special thanks to
Deacon Larry Roberts and his 'Sunday Breakfast Team'
for a job well done! Next month DGK Frank Strunk and
his 'Sunday Breakfast Team' will host the breakfast.
Christopher Brennan, Fraternal Agent
Dear Brother Knights,
Only Having Insurance “Through Work” Doesn’t Work !
Do you know anyone whose life or career has drastically changed
during these years of economic downturn? It’s very likely that
someone in your immediate or extended family or group of friends
is facing financial uncertainty. Maybe there’s a possibility that you
(or your spouse) could lose your job or change employers.
Too many people have often relied on group term life insurance as
their only safety net. Often, this insurance is an employee benefit
provided at low or no cost. The existence of this coverage might
convince someone that personally-owned life insurance is not
necessary. But only having “through work” insurance can leave you
and your family vulnerable. Most group life insurance policies are
limited in amount, which may be tied to salary or some other
benchmark. These numbers are often capped, and this cap may be
dangerously low when compared to your family’s actual needs. In
fact, a detailed needs analysis that evaluates your specific situation,
will likely show that any employer-provided coverage fails.
In addition, the amount of group insurance offered is almost always
reduced, sometimes dramatically, when you retire. You could one
day find yourself without coverage, and if your health has changed
(which it will as you age), you might also find yourself unable to
secure individual protection. At the very least, it will definitely be
more expensive.
Your Brother Knight,
Donald Bailey Community Director
While group life insurance can help, it does not replace the need for
individually owned life insurance. I’ll be happy to meet with you
and provide a no-cost needs analysis, so you’ll know exactly where
you stand.
Chris Brennan
Knights of Columbus
Field Agent
Valentines’ Day Dance
KOC Council 11991 held its annual Valentines Dance on
Saturday evening February 14th. The attendance was great
with more than 70 Knights, their spouses or dates
attending. In many cases the Knights brought their
children and made it great family night out! The food was
plentiful and delicious and included a choice of several
main courses, side dishes, an abundance of appetizers and
assorted deserts and beverages. The event was filled with
song and dance as well as games, door prizes, and
drawings for gifts.
SK Michael P. Cousino, PGK
We are now approaching the final half of the Fraternal Year, and it
seems that time doesn’t slow for anyone or anything. Several of
the Assembly Knights and I had the pleasure and privilege of
observing and participating in the 69th Exemplification of the
Fourth Degree held at Our Lady of the Hills in Irmo. SK Steve
Ekhaml, SK Steve Gearhart and I participated as part of the Honor
Guard and candidate escorts. Also in attendance was SK Tom
Gasparich, SK Christian Leblanc from the Charleston Assembly),
and SK Frank Strunk with his wife, Carol, who welcomed sixty
new Sir Knights into the Patriotic arm of the Knights. We extend
congratulations and consider it an honor to now address our newest
Sir Knights – SK Francisco Bautista (Lydia), and SK Raymond
Dohm. The Honoree for the Degree was Fr. Matthew Gray,
parochial vicar at St. Joseph’s Church in Columbia, who had the
pleasure of Knighting four members of his parish, including his
The Assembly continues to pour out in charity to those in most
need. At the February meeting, the Assembly approved a donation
of $500 to the Felician Sisters in Walterboro to help restock their
barren food pantry shelves, and also donated $250 to Fr. Robert
Higgins to support his work at the VA Hospital and Charleston Port
Seafarer Society.
Your Brother Knight,
Donald Bailey Community Director
Knights proud of their membership will
wear their name badges anytime they are at
We conducted a Patriotic Rosary at Immaculate Conception which
was attended by about fifteen of the members of the Youth Ministry
and Youth for Life programs, and about twenty parishioners. There
were enough students that it was conducted as a Living Rosary
where each of them presented a Hail Mary during each decade, and
they thoroughly enjoyed it. I heard several talking about inviting
friends the next time. Sir Knights, I can’t answer why this
prayerful service keeps drawing me back, but believe God has a
direct hand in it. Every time we conduct the Patriotic Rosary, it
seems to have a greater spiritual meaning. We ask that Our Lady
would accept our prayerful offering and lay it at the feet of her
Divine Son. I would suggest we as an Assembly conduct another
Patriotic Rosary around the next holiday and as always extend an
invitation through our respective Councils to all of our district
parishes. (Note to self: Next time conduct the Patriotic Rosary
outdoors with dogs, chips and refreshments to follow. ICC has a
fairly good sized picnic area and grill, as does Hanahan Council
NOTE THE MEETING CHANGES: The March 11th meeting will
be a Pot Luck family social hosted at the Summerville Council
Home, 205 Eagle Drive, Summerville, SC 29485 starting at 7 pm to
“Stand for Those Who Cannot
Stand for Themselves”
PGK John Flinn proudly represents KOC Council 11991
as the Council liaison with the Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church ‘Respect Life Committee’ which is
Chaired by Mrs. Marie Annette Griebsch. Currently the
‘Respect Life’ Committee is working day and night to
focus attention on abortion by holding silent vigils at the
‘Abortion Mill’ located in St. Andrews in the ’40 Days for
Life Campaign’. Brother Knights, your help is needed.
Please contact Annette or Brother John and find out what
you can do to end the tragedy that is abortion. Call today
and volunteer to pray the Rosary in a silent peaceful vigil
to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Brothers,
this is your chance to stand for those who cannot stand for
welcome the new Sir Knights and their families. Since it is near St.
Patrick’s Day, I encourage an Irish theme. Time and schedule
permitting, I have asked (actually begged is more accurate) SK
Tom Gasparich to provide his tasty corned-beef and cabbage
casserole that was a hit last year, and Lynn and I will provide a
shepherd’s pie. She also has a very good recipe for Guinness
chocolate cake. I ask all attendees to provide any recipe that would
fit in well with a St. Patrick’s Day theme, and as is customary,
don’t forget to wear the GREEN.
The Trustees have been appointed as the Nominating Committee to
prepare a slate of officers for the next Fraternal Year. It is not too
early to consider stepping into a position of leadership for our
Assembly and all positions are available. If you recognize a Sir
Knight who you believe would be a good candidate for an officer
position or would like to self-nominate, you are encouraged to talk
with any of the Trustees or to me. The slate of officers needs to be
posted by the April 8th meeting for voting at our May 13th
The Color Corps continues to remain busy. Special thanks to
Commander SK Jerry Tenney, SK Orlando Cabading, SK Adrian
Maravilla, SK Steve Gearhart and SK Steve Ekhaml for providing
the Honor Guard at the Immaculate Conception Confirmation for
58 confirmed, as well as all the Sir Knights who attended as
observers. We will have another opportunity at Divine Redeemer
in April and have already received a request to provide an Honor
Guard at Immaculate Conception on Holy Thursday to escort the
Eucharist from Church to the Adoration station in the Community
Center. Last year’s ceremony was extremely moving and I invite
all Sir Knights to participate knowing that you may also have
events planned at your respective Parish.
Please continue to reach out to our Third Degree Knights and
strongly encourage them to join our ranks. We need our patriotic
Catholic Americans! The next Fourth Degree Exemplification will
be held on June 13th.
Chairwoman Ms. Marie Annette Griebsch
I ask that all continue to bring toiletry articles to any of our
meetings and socials throughout the year. These items will be
collected and shared with the Walterboro Veteran’s Victory Home,
the VA Hospital and the Charleston Port Seafarer Society (Fr.
Higgins). Also, the good Sisters in Kingstree humbly ask for help
in replenishing their food pantry. At each meeting, social or
gathering we will have a box available in which to put any type of
non-perishable canned, bulk or paper goods. These we will then
deliver to the Felician Sisters in Kingstree.
From: Anne Hobday, Executive Director, 40 Days for Life,
Charleston SC
PGK John Flinn
The Lenten edition of 40-DAYS FOR LIFE is now in full swing
and will conclude on Palm Sunday, March 29th. I know each
Council will be actively involved with this critical and prayerful
silent vigil, although I have been receiving email notices that many
of the hours during the week remain vacant! It is my hope that
members of our Assembly will find additional time, even an hour
or two…sufficient time to pray a Rosary…to inspire an end to the
murder of the unborn, for the closure of this clinic, and to pray for
the conversion of hearts and of souls.
Patriotic Rosary
Thank you for your continued dedication to the cause!”
Immaculate Conception Church
Knights of Columbus and Youth Ministry
See: &
Find us on Facebook!
From: Brian Fischer, Co-founder and President, Online for Life
February 2015
“Most Americans are vehemently opposed to taxpayer dollars being
used to fund the killing of innocent lives in the womb. But many
Americans think that government-funded Planned Parenthood is too
big and too entrenched to take a stand against. We at Online for
Life think differently. Because we believe that every life is
precious, we are compelled to make our voices heard and tell the
government to stop using our tax dollars to fund abortions.
Demand that Congress withdraw the more than $500 million in tax
revenue that the U.S. government sends to Planned Parenthood
each year.
Only when we stand together will we force Washington to listen.
Thank you for all you do to stand up for Life!
So Every Child Makes Their Mark!”
Please also mark your calendars for:
Third Saturday of every month – Priests for Life Prayer Vigil, 8 am
– Pray the Rosary in front of the abortion mill.
Friday, April 3rd from 8 AM to noon - Good Friday Event - in front
of the clinic (more details to follow later)
More important dates to enter into your calendar!
March 7, 2015, the 2nd South Carolina Men’s Conference will be
held at St. Philip Neri Church featuring nationally known speakers,
Mass with Bishop Robert Guglielmone, Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the
day. The theme is “Building Men of God.” It is now an annual
conference sponsored by the South Carolina State Council Knights
of Columbus in support of the Diocese of Charleston. Cost is
minimal compared to the benefits gained. $32 with the Knights of
Columbus discount. Register at:, or contact State
Treasurer Ed Griffin at (864) 962-5295 or email Preregistration is $42 ($32 with a KofC
discount), or $52 at the door. I will be leaving about 5:00pm Friday
evening, March 6 and will have room for one additional person at
the hotel room. I will return Saturday, March 7th following the
conference (and dinner with my grandson who attends Winthrop
University). Call me if you would like to travel with me.
A Weekend of Discovery…..
A Lifetime of Love!
Give your spouse a special gift that keeps on giving! For more
information call (803) 810-9602. You can also apply online at:
Please consider becoming an active member of the First
Degree team and be the first to welcome new members
into our Fraternal Order.
All positions require a backup and currently there are too
few extras other than the original team member.
Positions are as follows:
Grand Knight - Lengthy vocal position. Opens the degree
from the podium.
Warden - Minimal vocal lines. Leads the candidates to the
Council Chamber and presents them to the Chancellor.
Inside Guard - Starts the proceedings.
Chancellor - The degree is centered about this position.
Deputy Grand Knight - Mainly in the middle of the
Aids/ Guards - Escorts the inductees in. No vocals
These positions are very rewarding in spirit and
What are the requirements to be a Degree Team member?
Be a Third Degree Knight. All positions have a written
to follow.
Please consider volunteering to participate in this vital
function for OUR Council 11991.
Be part of our Team.
E-mail - - - -
SK Frank Strunk
DGK Council 11991
Faithful Outer Sentinel Assembly 1900
Vivat Jesus!
SK Michael P. Cousino, PGK
FN Assembly 1900
March 2015:
1 – Scout Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist,
11:15am. All Scouts welcome with Class A
Uniform. Arrive by 10:45 am. Point of contact: Hilda Szwast
(843) 364-1713
7 – South Carolina Catholic Men’s Conference, Ft. Mill, SC
8 – Daylight Saving’s Time begins
11 – Assembly 1900 Welcoming Social (with a St. Patrick’s Day
theme) 7 pm at Summerville Council Home
23 – Knights of Columbus Day of the Unborn Child
29 – Palm Sunday; Knights of Columbus Founders Day
April 2015:
2 – Holy Thursday
3 – Good Friday
4 – Holy Saturday
5 – Easter
8 – Assembly 1900 O&D Meeting, 7:30 pm, Business Meeting 8
pm at Summerville Council Home
27 – Confirmation at Divine Redeemer, 6 pm (Will confirm if a
Fourth Degree Honor Guard is required)
Question: What Are the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit?
Lenten Prayer for Spiritual Renewal
“God, heavenly Father, look upon me and hear my prayer
during this holy Season of Lent. By the good works you
inspire, help me to discipline my body and to be renewed
in spirit.
Without You I can do nothing. By Your Spirit help me to
know what is right and to be eager in doing Your will.
Teach me to find new life through penance. Keep me
from sin, and help me live by Your commandment of love.
God of love, bring me back to You. Send Your Spirit to
make me strong in faith and active in good works. May
my acts of penance bring me Your forgiveness, open my
heart to Your love, and prepare me for the coming feast of
the Resurrection of Jesus.
Answer: We all should know the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, but
few are familiar with the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit which
are: charity (or love), joy, peace, patience, benignity (or kindness),
goodness, longanimity (or long suffering), mildness, faith, modesty,
continency (or self-control) and chastity. All of these should be
goals to strive for during this Lenten period and always.
PRAYER REQUESTS: For the good of the order, please keep in
your prayers: SK Stephen Dunlap, PSD, SK Richard Koehler PSD
FM, SK Ron Povero PSD FM, SK Charlie Spigelmire, SK John
Vohs, SK Dr. Heinz Greibsch, SK Stanley “Marty” Kozakiewicz;
SK John and Cherie Mallon, SK John and Wilma Sheil, SK Robert
Rose, SK James Hughes, SK Jack and Sharon Walsh, Mrs. Susan
Gotheridge, Mrs. Tina Canant, Mrs. Helen Mireles, Mrs. Virginia
Blair, Ms. Katie Schaefer, Mrs. Ann Snyder, Mrs. Lynn Cousino,
Mrs. Sarah Trapp, Mrs. Kenneth Heider, Mrs. Minnie Cooper, Mrs.
Donna Barber, and for all Knights.
I ask for your continued prayers of support and encouragement for
SK Jerry Caoile and SK Robert Cox as they continue their studies
Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish me with Your
Word of life and make me one with You in love and
prayer. Fill my heart with Your love and keep me faithful
to the Gospel of Christ. Give me the grace to rise above
my human weakness. Give me new life by Your
Sacraments, especially the Mass.
Father, our source of life, I reach out with joy to grasp
Your hand; let me walk more readily in Your ways.
Guide me in Your gentle mercy, for left to myself I cannot
do Your Will. Father of love, source of all blessings, help
me to pass from my old life of sin to the new life of grace.
Prepare me for the glory of Your Kingdom. I ask this
through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.
for the Diaconate program, and for those other young men and
women progressing in their religious discernment and studies.
Continue to pray for the safe return from deployment of our
Faithful Captain SK Patrick Dermody. And continue to keep our
military servicemen and women – those who are now where many
of us once were - in your thoughts and prayers, as well as those in
public safety. Pray for all those sick and in distress, relatives,
friends and associates.
“It is a great time to be a Catholic and always a great time to be an
active Knight.” I ask all to keep actively recruiting our patriotic
Vivat Jesus!
SK Michael P. Cousino, PGK
Faithful Navigator
Immaculate Conception Parish Council 11991
Officers and Directors
Website: (
Grand Knight
Deputy Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Inside Guard
Outside Guard
Trustee 1 Yr.
Trustee 2 Yr.
Trustee 3 Yr.
District Deputy
State Deputy
Field Agent
Program Director
Church Director
Youth Director
Vocation Chairman
Community Director
Pro-Life Representative
Council Director
Public Relations
Family Director
Membership Director
Recruitment Committee
Recruitment Committee
Recruitment Committee
Retention Chairman
Charity Committee
Charity Committee
Charity Committee
Faithful Navigator
Communicator Editor
1st Degree Team Captain
Phone (843)
Rev. Jason Caganap
Steven Gearhart*/Nan
Frank Strunk*/Carol
Lawrence Roberts, PGK*/Pam
William Davis*
Joseph O’Saben/Lorraine
Windell Bunton/Bernadette
John Camp*
Daryl Lareau/Saundra
Paul Reece/Carmen
John Sheil*/Wilma
Steve Ekhaml*/Bridget
John Flinn, PGK*/Irmy
Michael Cousino, PGK*/Lynn
Russ Whited, PGK*/Mary
Patrick Davis
Frank Davis*/Sharon
Christopher Brennan/Joy
Frank Strunk*/Carol
Michael Arcady*/Cindy
Thomas Arnold
Edward Cavadias*/Teresa
Donald Bailey/Renee
John Flinn, PGK*/Irmy
Robert Ashton/Andrea
Donald Bailey/Renee
Edward Cavadias*/Teresa
John Flinn, PGK*/Irmy
Michael Cousino, PGK*/Lynn
Russ Whited, PGK*/Mary
Thomas Karabees, PGK*
John Flinn, PGK*/Irmy
Ronald Snyder, PGK/Anne
Russ Whited, PGK/Mary
Howard Jackson, PGK/Diane
Michael Cousino, PGK*/Lynn
Steve Ekhaml*/Bridget
Frank Strunk*/Carol
“An * after the name indicates a Fourth Degree Knight.”
Knights of Columbus - Council 11991
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
510 St. James Avenue, Goose Creek, SC 29445