December 2013 Good Word for website


December 2013 Good Word for website
A monthly newsletter of Trinity United Methodist Church
Volume 13, Issue 12
December 2013
Trinity’s Chancel Choir
Come & See …
Christmas Happenings
From the DCE
Confirmation Retreat
Welcome New Members
Thank You Notes
Those Who Serve
UMC Marketplace
We Care/Prayer List
Advent Luncheons
… Go & Tell
Open Hearts,
Open Minds,
& Open Doors.
Sunday, December 15
10:30 AM
Changes in our
Worship Services for
December 1—
December 29
Fellowship Time 9:00 AM
Coffee & Refreshments Served
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Worship Service 10:30 AM
In the Sanctuary
Trinity UMW Circles cordially invite all
the women of Trinity to join us for our...
Christmas Program & Soup Supper
Monday, December 2, 2013
at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall
Join us in an evening of Christian fellowship and a
program by Beth & Bob MacNaughton (Lois
Edward’s brother), who have been in East Africa
with Water Missions International, which is a
nonprofit Christian engineering organization
providing sustainable safe water for people in
developing countries and disaster areas.
The UMW Circles focus during the season on the
mission programs locally.
In support of the Shepherd’s Table, please bring:
#10 cans of fruits (peaches, pears, fruit cocktail)
aluminum foil
gallon size zip-lock bags
Dawn liquid dish detergent (gallon size)
hot sauce (gallon size0
individual serving saltines
The church-wide
Advent breakfast
for the combined
worship service will be held on Sunday,
December 1, at 8:30 AM in the fellowship
Remember, breakfast at 8:30 AM,
Sunday School at 9:30 AM, and
Worship Service at 10:30 AM.
Christmas is just around the corner,
and we are still collecting
Walmart or Target gift cards for our
children who call Epworth home.
Our goal is 100 cards. If you prefer,
you may make a monetary donation
and the cards will be purchased for
you. Deadline is December 16.
December 24 5:00 PM Mark Your Calendars and...
Join us in worship on
December 8 as members of the
Big Fish/Little Fish/Minnows
“The Christmas Carol Special Report”
You are cordially invited to a
“Service of Remembrance”
at Hillcrest Cemetery
Saturday, December 7, at 5:30 PM
A Note From Staff
Pastor Parish
We are requesting a Christmas love gift
from the members of Trinity for our staff.
They have done a great job during 2013, and we know you
will want to join with us in showing our appreciation at this
special time of the year. You may place your gift in the
offering plate, drop it by the church office, or mail it to
Trinity, 198 Long Avenue, Conway, SC 29526.
Please label your gifts Christmas Love Gift—staff, and
have them in by Friday, December 13. We will distribute
the monies to the staff. Let’s show our staff how much we
really appreciate them.
Plan to arrive early and enjoy light
There will be collection boxes
for non-perishable foods in support of
Churches Assisting People.
A short worship service
will be held at 5:30 PM.
The service will
conclude with the
lighting of approximately
8,000 luminaries.
From the Director of Christian Education
From the DCE,
The wisdom (and wit) of God never ceases to amaze me…..The presence of a little baby in a family
changes everything! Two families truly become one. We coo and cuddle (no matter our size and age)! We
think each new “little one” is the most beautiful or the smartest or the best one we have EVER seen! We
are reduced to a puddle when they pout or frown! We can leap small buildings to get to a birthday party or
ballet performance or first T-ball game! Little ones can disarm us with a smile and brighten even the
darkest of life’s days just by being there. Little ones also teach us some powerful life lessons by reminding
us what is REALLY important!
To introduce his Son to us, God certainly could have had Him arrive in a cloud or burst of fire. He could
have come in the midst of a great storm, or appeared among us instantaneously as the earth was halted
on its axis. Jesus could have come as a fully grown conqueror or king or prophet in royal robes and a
crown atop a valiant steed or on the cover of GQ. But no………………
God sent him as a baby….the great equalizer. He came as a gentle, innocent, sweet, ordinary, poor, little
baby. And NOTHING was ever the same!
Jews and Gentiles of very different families became as one in His family. He WAS the smartest and best
that there had ever been! In a mostly patient and gentle voice, He spoke the truth of the universe. He
invited each and every one of us to be a part of His family. He encouraged and healed and mended
broken bodies and broken lives. He taught the most powerful lessons that we will ever learn.
With only a silent star to announce His birth, He slipped into our world and changed the course of history
for every race and nation- forever.
Why a baby…? Because that’s where each one of us begins and God knew that beginning as a baby
made him believable, real, and just like us. A baby is something we accept without question as the
essence of humanity. He was human like us…..and yet divine. He was born human and lived a divine life.
He showed us how to have hope that we might become a better people. He taught us about love. And
through word and by example, he taught us how to order our lives in preparation to accept God’s other
gift…..the gift of grace.
Yes - our God is so wise….and has wit(ty) insight. WIT? Yes, WIT = Whatever It Takes! God knows us
so well. He knew what we could accept and were ready to learn. Just like a good Daddy! Thank you, Dear
God, for knowing us so well! And teaching us in a way we would understand and love to celebrate! Thank
you for our greatest Christmas gift of all!
I hope you and yours have a joyous Christmas!
December 1 we start a new Sunday School Quarter in the United Methodist
Church. So, if Sunday School has not been on your Christmas list, give yourself a gift of fellowship and growth and preparation for discipleship by trying
out one of our Sunday School classes! We meet at 9:30 AM during Advent,
so please come join us! You will be happy that you did!
Our Credo
I believe in one true God, creator of everything, who loves me like a Father.
I believe that God sent His only son, Jesus Christ,
to teach us and to die on the cross,
so that I might be saved from my sins.
I believe that Jesus was fully divine and fully human
and that I am His disciple.
I believe in the Holy Spirit that completes the Trinity
and that He is my guide and my comforter.
I believe that the church is a holy place that draws me closer to God;
and that this community of believers, called church,
is my family who loves me and accepts me
and helps me live as a Christian.
I believe that it is my responsibility to love others as God loves me
and that I am called to be the hands and feet of Jesus
in the world today.
Confirmation Class of 2013
Thomas and Linda Scott
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Jordyn Grace Barnes
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Melanie Custon
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Chloe Nikole Brown
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Olivia Grace Browning
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Savannah Jean Carnes
Jaeda Marie Custon
Anderson Mark Davis
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
George Manning Feldner
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Robert Gage Fortson, Jr.
Tanner Ellis Guyton
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Patricia Hope Harper
Elizabeth Cassidy Hewitt
Caroline Henry Owens
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Steven Seth Skipper
Olivia Danielle Suggs
William Thomas Suggs
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Thomas Jordan Suggs
Karley Drew Watts
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Welcomed into membership
Sunday, November 24, 2013
A Mighty Message
When Charles Wesley wrote “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” in 1739, he had the angels proclaim: “Glory to the newborn King; peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and
sinners reconciled!”
And what did Wesley think should be the consequences of that message?
“Joyful, all ye nations, rise.” The Prince of Peace had come.
“Light and life to all he brings.”
“Born that we no more may die; born to raise us from the earth, born to give us second birth. Hark! The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn King!”
When Wesley wrote that hymn, England was going through a desperate, hopeless
time. Unemployment, poverty, illness, alcoholism and crime were widespread. Wesley and his brother, John, believed
the answer for their nation was Christ’s life-changing message. Changed lives would bring a changed nation.
Wesley’s Christmas song rang true: “Light and life to all he brings.” Some historians have written that England didn’t
have a revolution (as did France) mainly because of the message the Wesleys preached and sang.
Poinsettias Given to the Glory of God & In Memory of…
Frank Spires, by Lynn Spires
Carlisle & Frances Floyd, by Luke, Adrianne, Calista & Eleanor Anderson
Billy Dillard, by Luke, Adrianne, Calista & Eleanor Anderson
Terry Long Anderson, by Elbert & Athene Long
John’s father, Jamie Stewart, by John & Anne Stewart
Patrick Henry, by Pat & Marvis Henry
Her parents, Willie & Bonnie Cantrell, by Dorothy Dietrich
G.C. & Virginia Butler, by Billy & Betsy (daughter) Wishert
Neita B. & Percy Inabnit, by the Rick Hussey family
His parents, Ambrose & Lena Dietrich, by Larry Dietrich
Frank Carroll, by Jim & Dale Carroll
Percy & Neita Inabnit, by Neita & John Denny
Clyde Nelson Booth, by Richard Booth
Inez G. Booth, by Richard Booth
Carson Jerome Ham, by Carla Booth
Lida S. Ham, by Carla Booth
Brenda’s mother, Dorothy McLaughlin, by Ed & Brenda Plaugher
Their parents & son, by Saundra & Joe Parler
Jerry’s Dad, Rev. Wilson W. Parker, by Jerry & Linda Parker
Linda’s parents, Raymond & Betty Chastain, by Jerry & Linda Parker
Dennis McLain, by Alanda & Jimmy McLain
Carolyn McLain, by Alanda & Jimmy McLain
Debbie Cooper, by Alanda & Jimmy McLain
Elmer Calhoun, by Alanda & Jimmy McLain
Lanier McLain, by Alanda & Jimmy McLain
Their parents, by Chap & Nila Hutchinson
Chuck Mayers, by Janet Mayers
Margaret Nixon, by the Nixon/Gosselin family
Billy & Nancy Dillard, by the Angel family, Pam, Austin, & Nancy Ann
Patrick Henry, by D. J. Hucks & family
Billy Dillard, by D. J. Hucks & family
Bertie McDowell, by D. J. Hucks & family
Thomas Eugene Platt, by Tiffany, Wayne, Olivia & Will Suggs
Their son, Charles Fox, by Bill & Alta Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Webster, by Kellah & David Webster
Captain & Mrs. Nelson Fortson, by Kellah & David Webster
Charlie & Phyllis Moore, by Pam & Erik Reis & family
Tab Spivey (Daddy), by Page & Bailey Spivey
Christmas Music Given to the Glory of God
& In Memory of...Her loving parents, O. Raymond and Opal Russell,
Her husband, Marvin August
& In Honor of…Rev. Dr. Sandra Stevens Poirel & Rev. Jim Hyatt
By Jane Russell August
Poinsettias Given to the Glory of God & In Honor of…
Merilyn Holcombe, by Lynn Spires
Wayne & Karen Nobles, by Calista & Eleanor Anderson
Their parents, by John & Anne Stewart
Their children, by B.G. & Jenny Gantt
Their grandchildren, by Davis & Libbey Inabnit
Her children, Debbie, Patti, Gary L., Karen & Mark, by Iva Finkenbiner
Rev. Dr. Sandra Stevens Poirel, by Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hudson
Their grandchildren, Cal, Annie & Lucy, by Joyce & Malcolm Macphee
Jerry’s Mom, Flossie Parker, by Jerry & Linda Parker
Richard Nixon, by the Nixon/Gosselin family
Their “Mom”, by Rebecca & Margaret Harper
Barbara Davis, by Lynn Spires
Ann Bedwell, by Lynn Spires
Their seven grandchildren, by Charles & Margaret Jordan
Bryan, Marie, Kaitlyn & Kendall, by Bill & Alta Fox
Lana & Bob Fortson, by Kellah & David Webster
Gage and Grace Fortson, by Kekkah & Uncle David
Nicholas Webster, by his mother and daddy
Jimmy Johnson, by Nicholas Webster
Mission Donations Given to the Glory of God & In Memory of…
Patrick Henry, by John & Anne Stewart
Their grandparents, by John & Anne Stewart
Her parents, Jack & Lillian Martin, by Martha M. Cline
Billy Dillard, by Nicholas Webster
John Spivey, by Annie Lou Spivey, Gloria & Mike Moyer
Ken Spivey, by Annie Lou Spivey, Gloria & Mike Moyer
Mission Donations Given to the Glory of God & In Honor of…
Their son, Jase McLain, by Jamie & Helen McLain
Their granddaughters, Ellie & Emery, by Rich & Phyllis Eisenman
Bret, Lana Craven & Lilly Ginn, by Kellah & Davis Webster
Rev. Dr. Sandra Stevens Poirel & Rev. Jim Hyatt, by Annie Lou Spivey &
Gloria S. & Mike Moyer
Rev. Gene Norris & Carolyn Norris, by Annie Lou Spivey
Gloria S. & Mike Moyer, by Annie Lou Spivey
Trinity Choirs, by Annie Lou Spivey, Gloria & Mike Moyer
Trinity Staff, by Annie Lou Spivey, Gloria & Mike Moyer
The Ladies Fellowship Class, by Annie Lou Spivey
The Master’s Class, by Annie Lou Spivey
Dear Trinity Family,
I want to thank you all for the loving support you have
provided during this difficult time. I have appreciated every
card, every phone call, each visit to my mother, the delicious
meal, and overwhelming Christian love that accompanied all
those kindnesses. Everything you do has been in the name
of our Heavenly Father. God bless you all.
With love,
Sara Newton
On November 11, Post 111 held a Veterans Day Award
Banquet. Steve Robertson was the keynote speaker and
was honored as the recipient of the Distinguished Citizens
Award, one of the organization’s top awards.
Jerry Sanders, Post 111 Commander, presented
certificates of appreciation to several groups and
Epworth Children's Home has achieved the coveted FOUR
STAR RATING for sound fiscal management and
commitment by Charity Navigator, America's premier charity
evaluator (evaluating approximately ten times more charities
than their nearest competitor). Receiving four out of four
stars indicates that the organization adheres to "good
governance and other best practices". The notice revealed
that approximately a quarter of the charities they evaluate
have received this "exceptional" rating - indicating that
Epworth Children's Home outperforms most other charities in
THANK YOU, TRINITY, as a United Methodist
congregation in the SC Conference, for your
continued support of these "our" children and
the place they call "HOME."
THANK YOU! The Confirmation Class of 2013 wish to thank
you - families, mentors, members and friends of Trinity United
Methodist Church for making this faith journey step so
meaningful and special. Thank you for nurturing and guiding
each of them. Your prayers, support, encouragement, and
generosity helped make this experience so meaningful. The
confirmation retreat at Lake Junaluska was fun, educational,
and inspiring. Thank you for helping provide this awesome
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! We love and appreciate our
Church Family!
Thank you to all who participated in our UMYF Sponsored
Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit CAP and The Shepherd’s
Table. Many will be blessed with a good meal as a result of
your love and concern.
Other honorees included Sara Newton, Janet Mayers,
Charles Gidney, and Rick Dusenbury, for providing
beautiful music by singing at the banquet.
Post 111 members with 30 or more years of American
Legion service were also honored including George
Hubbard – 40 years; John Winn – 39 years; and Elbert
Long – 30 years.
The Post also remembered those who had died since the
last banquet in November 2009 including Ken Spivey.
Annie Lou Spivey, a Blue-Star Widow, also attended the
December 1, 2013
December 22, 2013
Sound System: Bryan Hopkins
Greeters: Joy Class
Ushers: Reggie Daves, Omar Ortiz, Jim Carroll, Duane Raymor
Acolyte/Crucifer: Austin Suggs/Thomas Suggs
Count Committee: Jo Rush, Diane Fouquet
Children’s Church: Jessica Rogers, Brooke Howle
Flowers: In loving memory of her husband, Marvin August,
by his wife Jane
Landscape: Jenny Gantt
Altar Guild: Marti Hubbard, Dale Carroll, Carrie Raymor
Sound System: Bryan Hopkins
Greeters: Men’s Fellowship Class
Ushers: Malcolm Macphee, Milton Gantt, Bruce Johnson,
Terry Hyman
Acolyte/Crucifer: Leigh-Catherine Hewitt/Cassidy Hewitt
Count Committee: Marti Hubbard, Steve Butler
Children’s Church: Diane Tufts, Merilyn Holcombe, Steve Butler
Flowers: Poinsettias
Landscape: Dick Rush
Altar Guild: Marti Hubbard, Dale Carroll, Carrie Raymor
December 8, 2013
Sound System: Bryan Hopkins
Greeters: Master’s Class
Ushers: Darry Watts, D. J. Hucks, Harold Hardwick, Bill Parker
Acolyte/Crucifer: Savannah Wright/Gavin Reis
Count Committee: Carolyn Norris, Genie Peterson
Children’s Church: Kellah Webster, Melanie Murdock
Flowers: In loving memory of their parents, Joe & Florence Darby, &
Carlyle & Merle Rush, by Jo & Dick Rush
Landscape: Carolyn Floyd
Altar Guild: Marti Hubbard, Dale Carroll, Carrie Raymor
December 29, 2013
Sound System: Bryan Hopkins
Greeters: Y’ALL Class
Ushers: Mike Prosser, Britt Feldner, Tom Silk, Rick Morehouse
Acolyte/Crucifer: Savannah Wright/Meghan Cornelison
Count Committee: Margaret Henry, Mary Shellam Hill
Children’s Church: Diane Tufts, Merilyn Holcombe, Steve Butler
Flowers: In loving memory of their parents Ed & Sydney Ferdon, by
their sons, Geoffrey & Ed Ferdon
Landscape: Carolyn Norris
Altar Guild: Marti Hubbard, Dale Carroll, Carrie Raymor
December 15, 2013
Sound System: Bryan Hopkins
Greeters: Faith Class
Ushers: Peggy Christie, Dale Carroll, Charles Jordan, Pete Byrdic
Acolyte/Crucifer: Taylor Reaves/Lane Rogers
Count Committee: Diane Fouquet, Mary Shellam Hill
Children’s Church: Kellah Webster, Melanie Murdock
Flowers: Poinsettias
Landscape: Dale Timbes
Altar Guild: Marti Hubbard, Dale Carroll, Carrie Raymor
Given in memory of…
Mary Alice VonCannon
Jane Ramseur
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gantt
Kathleen McCracken
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Clonts
Rev. & Mrs. J. Leon Newton
Mr. & Mrs. John Winn
Merilyn Holcombe
Catherine Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Davis
Merilyn Holcombe
Interested in sharing your gifts
and talents??
Please call the church office at 248-2194 to
There’s a place for you!!
Charlotte Gibson
Helen Cullinan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Moyer
Bill Hennis
Mr. & Mrs. John Winn
Gordon Lipscomb
Brenda Allen
Gary Finkenbiner
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gantt
Merilyn Holcombe
Lt. Gen. James B. Vaught
Merilyn Holcombe
Bill & Nita Brown
William Brown
Dennis McLain
Merilyn Holcombe
Joseph Faulk
The Chancel Choir
Merilyn Holcombe
Christine Lewis
Merilyn Holcombe
David Pettit
The Chancel Choir
It is not too late to join
us for….
The Journey: Walking the
Road to Bethlehem
This DVD-supplemented study is designed to help us better
understand the events that led up to the birth of Jesus and to
see more clearly the theological significance of the Nativity, as
well as to guide our reflection on the meaning of these events
for our lives. Come join with us as we prepare our hearts to
receive our Lord and Savior.
Sundays November 24 – December 22
Meeting Time: 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM
Sandra Stevens Poirel
The 2013 closing meeting of the UMM
was very motivational with Robert
Harper as our speaker for this month.
In fact, he motivated us so much that
2014 is starting off fast.
On Saturday January 11th starting at
7:30 am, we will have a pancake
breakfast. Then we are going to roll right into February with
a Ladies Appreciation Steak Dinner on February 15th.
Hubbies we did not want to interfere with your Valentine
plans (hint hint). ALL the ladies of Trinity UMC are invited to
attend this February 15th dinner in honor of all their
contributions to our church family.
We invite and encourage ALL men of Trinity join us on our
2014 journey of service. There is no better way of getting to
Did you ever wonder...
Who are these
Why do we do that in
What do Methodists believe
Super Typhoon Haiyan, a category 5 storm—
and perhaps the strongest storm ever
recorded—swept through the Philippines on
Friday, November 8, causing extensive damage,
displacing at least 670,000 people, and affecting
a total of 11.3 million people. Initial estimated
numbers of those killed and injured by the super
storm are expected to climb.
Since the days that we offered an Orientation Class for new
members (Trinity 101) last year and especially during the
recent Confirmation Class when 17 adult mentors
participated in some of the classes with the youth…..many of
you have suggested and even asked that we offer a class or
learning experience for all adults similar to what was offered
in these two experiences.
SO - beginning January 5, Sandra will lead what we are
calling “Methodism 101” for six weeks during the “Closer
Walk” time frame. She will address a history of Methodism
and introduce the main shapers of our denomination, the
history of our “United” name, the basics of the Christian
Calendar and why we worship the way we do, some of the
primary missions and ministries of the UMC and
opportunities for engagement at TUMC, the sacraments of
our faith, answer your questions about our beliefs and the
This informal “class” will be offered in the Chapel from 5:00
PM – 6:00 PM for six weeks beginning January 5, 2014. You
do not need to sign up. There will be no meal following this
learning experience.
Just come join us and bring your questions, as well as,
anyone that wonders and wants to know more about
discipleship as a Methodist!
The United Methodist Committee on Relief
emergency food, water, and water purification
To make a contribution:
please mark your donation "UMCOR." OR
You may make a contribution through our website
at by going to the drop
down menu "About Us" and selecting "Donate
Now." Fill in the amount you would like to give
and designate "UMCOR" as the recipient.
"Whoever gathers money little by
little makes it grow"
Proverbs 13:11
Doing some online shopping?
Pick “a little something” out for church while you”re at it.
What if you could buy the things you need online and give to your church at the same time? At no cost to you or
your church? CHA-CHING!
You’re going, “NO WAY!” But this isn’t a too-good-to-be-true type of thing. This is the UMCmarket, a shopping
portal that pays a commission of 1-9 percent to your church with zero effort on your church’s part and no increased
costs to you.
The United Methodist Church*, in partnership with some of the largest online retailers, have built a shopping tool that
provides a cash benefit for your church when you purchase through the UMCmarket -- items you'd probably be
buying anyway. The retailer does not markup the price any — you still pay what you’d pay as you did before.
How does it work? Simply create an account at and designate the church of your choosing.
Then when you're ready to buy, just log into your UMCmarket account and shop at any of the partner retailers and,
PRESTO, a percentage of the sale is given to the beneficiary you designated in your account settings.
We just blew your mind, right? Seems too complicated or you don’t want to have to remember to log into your
account every time you go shopping? Don’t worry. There’s even an add-on for your Web browser to make the
process even easier. VOILA! You’re done and ready to shop!
Buy a camera from Amazon? SAY CHEESE! Your church just got a shot of money. Book that trip at Expedia?
WHOOSH! A veritable money-postcard is delivered to your church while you’re sitting on the beach. Order that
dress you’ve been keeping an eye on at Macy’s? CYMBAL-CRASH! A virtual Thanksgiving Day Parade marches
into your church’s office like a float made of money.
TICK-TOCK. What are you waiting for? Sign up today at
If you would like to register for the UMCMarket and are having difficulty finding the
church name... Try typing in Trinity Conway in Find Your Church and click Search. It
should pop up…
Thanks for shopping and donating!
Nina Seese
Ann Long
Russ & Mary Parr
Gordon & Sara Harris
Suzanne Grove
Jimmy & Alanda McLain
Ida Smith
Don Murphy
Marti & George Hubbard
Leon & Betty Butler
Leo & Lorrie Moreau
John & Carol Bunn
Are there any among you sick?
Jerry Morehouse
They should call for the elders of
Fay & Dick Holt
the church and have them pray over
Bob Lexa
James 5:14
Bruce Johnson
Holley McMillen
Anderson Oaks
Ann Taylor
997 Hwy 90, Conway, 29526
Dawn Turner
Mike Anderson
Patsy Oliver 347-1419
Isaac Dusenbury
James Goldfinch
Libby Lane
Rolling Green Village,
George Hubbard
3 Hoke Smith Blvd Greenville, SC 29615
Eloise Smith C-105 864-631-1123, 340-8804 MEMBERS’ PARENTS
Mary Williams (Doug Williams’ mother)
Hiden Wood
Jimmy Richardson (Tamara Tindall’s father)
50 Wellesley Drive, Newport News, VA 23606
Paul Beverly (Sara Harris’ father)
Marti Hurtt (Apt. 129) 757-310-6573
Billy Joe Harrelson (Mandi Hewitt’s father)
Conway Manor
Marilyn Powell (Elaine Hyman & Joey Johnston’s mother)
3300 4th Ave., Conway, 29526
Molly & Earl Nobles (Wayne Nobles’ parents)
Angell Pettit (406 W)
A.P. Brower (Lisa Davis’ father)
Joe Johnston (Elaine Hyman & Joey Johnston’s father)
Home Bound:
Barbara & Richard Browning (Kelly Barnes’ parents)
Lillian Prohaska— 248-7098
Catherine Brown (Judy Gidney’s mother)
2501 Oak St. Ext, Apt. E-1,
Edward & Rebecca Suggs (Greg Suggs’ father)
Conway, SC 29526
Betty & Frank Cloer (Myra Heath’s parents)
Grace Johnson—365-7651
Hilda Talbert (Lana Fortson’s mother)
4196 Hwy. 319E,
Saga & Alex Strogen (Gray Strogen’s parents)
Conway, SC 29526
Mary Hopkins (Bryan Hopkins’ mother)
Barbara Thompson
Brad Sherrill (the Moreau’s son-in-law’s nephew)
Carter & Kathie Hammersla
Johnny Cail (Carolyn Floyd’s brother)
Annie Lou Spivey
Finn Brown (Sara Newton’s grandson)
Jackye & George Driscoll
Beth Harris (Sara Harris’ daughter-in-law)
Pearl & Danny Reynolds
Kathie Lee (Dianne Parker’s sister)
Iva Finkenbiner
Bill Beverly (Sara Harris’ brother)
Grace Fleisch
Caroline Robertson (Cheryl & Steve’s granddaughter)
Dale & Larry Timbes
Dean Squires (Grace Johnson’s nephew)
Ann Hyman
Michael Dozier (Guy Dozier’s cousin)
Bob & Patti Herbert
Pat & Joe Beal West (Emma Lou Johnson’s cousin)
Ruby Pittman
Jane Harper & family (Robert Harper’s sister)
Bob Calhoun
Brian Terres (Cynthis Terres’ nephew)
Eddie Dix
Larry Moreau (Leo Moreau’s brother)
Emma Lou Johnson
Ashley Myers (Randy Myers’ daughter)
Jane MacDonald
Debbie Gannon (Robert Harper’s sister)
Mary & Jim Hawkins
Don Ellis (Lib Pearce’s cousin)
Lynn Spires
Micah (Randy & Sue Myers’ great nephew)
Lloyd & Jinx Davis
Connie Terrill (Larry & Terry Hyman’s cousin)
Wally & Shirley Bunting
Will Hedgepath (brother of Cathering Dingle)
Jane Ramseur
Patsy Tincher (family member of Pam McLain)
Hazel Keiser
Ernie Gaskins (nephew of Burnett Owens)
Jo Rush
John & Ernestine Stevens (brother of Athene Long)
Richard & Carla Booth
Betsy McKee (sister of Elbert Long)
Jean & Dennis Murdock
Dorothy Losch (Mim Barshinger’s sister)
Corky Corcoran
Faye McNew (Wayne Hill’s sister-in-law)
Thom & Deb Bonner
Sarah Bland (Merilyn Holcombe’s granddaughter)
Mozelle Goldfinch
Penny Todd (Danny & Pearl Reynolds’ daughter)
Mary Ann & Jack Mehl
Iva Finkenbiner’s brother & family in Philippines
Steve LeGrand-O’Brien (BobbiDawne Inabnit’s
Patrick Sullivan (Jerry Sanders’ grandson)
Arthur Thompkins, Jr.(Danny Reynolds’
Breanna Rossow (Deborah Gainey’s niece)
Roberta McCullough ( The Moreau’s friend)
Jennette Darhower (Logan Woodle’s friend)
Mary Ann Stalvey (Jo Rush’s friend)
Dave Darhower (father of Logan Woodle’s girlfriend)
Frank McElroy (Jackye Driscoll’s friend)
Laurie Thomas (Laurie’s IGA)
Boyd Walters (Peggy Christie’s friend)
Michelle Causey (Jackye Driscoll’s friend)
Samantha “Sam” Langdon (Lisa Owens’ friend)
Jerry DeRosa (friend of Holley McMillen)
Noah Harrington (child of friends of Jeri Woodle)
Carmen Catino (Brenda Murphy’s friend)
Joanne Loggins (Bill Crowgey’s daughter)
Kingston Nursing Center/Med Star
Melvina Snipes (Robin Jordan’s aunt)
Anderson Oaks
Barbara Shepherd ( Willie Ruth Purvis & Beulah
McNeill’s sister)
Brenda Cutts (Genie Peterson’s sister-in-law)
Bobbie Davis (Barbara Davis’ sister-in-law)
Armed Forces
Kyle Murray (Gerry Holley’s nephew)
Keith Murray (Gerry Holley’s nephew)
Jonathan & Samantha Sanders (Jerry Sanders’
son & daughter-in-law)
SSG Dominic J. Budzisz (Jennifer Dozier’s cousin)
Matthew Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)
Michael Merzke (Diane Fouquet’s nephew)
Capt. Joseph O’Brien (Barbara Davis’ cousin)
Capt. Robert C. Weitzman, US Navy
(Marti Hubbard’s brother-in-law)
Jackson Schade (Genie Peterson’s cousin)
Captain Matthew Linton (Beth Linton’s grandson)
Pvt. Douglas Paul Long (Elbert & Athene Long’s
Gene Austin Norris, Jr. (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son)
Ray Davis (Gene & Carolyn Norris’ son-in-law)
Benjamin Anderson (Kathie Hammersla’s nephew)
Joshua Hardwick (son of Ernest & Janice Hardwick)
James Murray (Brenda Murphy’s friend)
Jesse Pruett (Kathie Hammersla’s nephew)
We extend our Christian
love and prayers to:
Beau Dingle & family, following the death of
his aunt, Janette Harrelson Martin
Margaret Jordan & family, following the
death of her uncle,
Gordon Lee McDonald Lipscomb
Julie Strickland & family, following the
death of her grandmother,
Mildred Cleo Graves Bowers
Lilly Reaves
Gene Johnson
Dennis & Kay Graham
Cynthia Terres
Jim Goldfinch
Garrett Johnston
Tiffany Suggs
Gladys Ortiz-Yanez
Chap Hutchinson
Daniel Arel
20 Lee Boyd
Caleb Bartelotte
Joe & Donna Lunsford
New Conway Fixed Route—Conway Connector
Key Destinations: CVS Pharmacy, BiLo, Doctors Care,
Walgreens, K-Mart, DHEC, DSS, J. Reuben Long, Farmers
Ag. Bldg., Ryans, Goodwill Store, Wal-Mart, Smith Jones Rec.
Center, The Fathers Place
Monday—Saturday 5:00 am—9:00 am & 3:00 pm—7:00 pm
Schedule posted on the bulletin board in the church office.
Call 843 488 0865 for more information.
Jim Reddick
John Calhoun
Suzanne Breese
Sue Myers
Janet Mayers
Bill Hedgepath
10 Kip Miller
Raylene Williams
Andy Altman
11 Betty Helms
Gloria Moyer
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
was administered to…
Olivia Danielle Suggs
Olivia Grace Browning
on Sunday, November 24, 2013
Congratulations to:
Jo & Dick Rush, following the birth of a greatgrandson, James Magrath. Proud parents are
Ashley & George Magrath
Merilyn Holcombe, following the birth of a
great-grandson, Walker M. Bland
12 Kay Graham
Cassidy Hewitt
John Rogers
Amy Price
13 Gene Norris
14 James & Diane Tufts
15 Joshua Hardwick
Lynn Hucks
16 Julio Fuentes
Marie Skipper
Janet Howle
Wesley Jordan
22 Lynn Long
Glenn Cartrette
Brooke Howle
Kelly Arel
Paul & Pat Smith
23 Pat Hardwick
Burnett & Geraldine
Cindy Harper
Mary Ann Mehl
Dan & Melanie Wysong
24 Ginger Jordan
Julie Strickland
26 Jill Cribb
Tina Anderson
27 Mike & Gloria Moyer
Mac Smith
28 Wayne Suggs
Nancy Hopkins
Charles Calhoun
Kathy Richardson
29 Russ Dozier
Luke Skipper
30 Jim Hawkins
Timmy & Alicia Reaves
31 Lori Jones
Jennifer Graves
Carl Hunsucker
Melanie Wysong
17 Sam Kinon
18 Stoney & Creola
19 Gwen Winn
Bill & Dianne Parker
Page Spivey
Alex & Adrienne Petkovsek
What is Christmas?
Christmas is belief in the past, courage for the
present and hope for the future. It is a fervent
wish that every cup may overflow with blessings
rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to
Please contact those listed
on their special day to let them
know you care!
Advent Luncheons
December 2
Host: First United Methodist Church
Speaker: Reverend Rhett Talbert
of Kingston Presbyterian Church
December 9
Host: First Baptist Church
Speaker: Reverend Kyle Randle
of First United Methodist Church
198 Long Avenue, Conway, SC 29526-3152
843-248-2194 phone, 843-248-4445 fax
12:00 Noon—1:00 PM
December 16
Host: Kingston Presbyterian Church
Speaker: Reverend Dr. Robert Guffey
of First Baptist Church
December 23
Host: Trinity United Methodist Church
Speaker: Reverend Dr. Sandra Stevens Poirel
of Trinity United Methodist Church
Change Service Requested
843-248-2343- parsonage, 843-995-0623- cell
DR. ANDREW FOWLER, Director of Music
843-457-9686 or
MYRA HEATH, Director of Christian Education
843-602-2820 or
CAROLYN CAUSEY, Business Administrator
843-907-0030 or
ANNE STEELE, Financial Administrator
LEVI SUGGS, Maintenance
Deadline for Good Word information is the 15th of
each month. E-mail: