contents - Pediatrics in Review


contents - Pediatrics in Review
Editorial Staff
Editor: Robert J. Haggerty,
University of Rochester
School of Medicine and Dentistry
Rochester, NY
Editorial Office: Department of Pediatrics
University of Rochester
School of Medicine and Dentistry
601 Elmwood Ave, Box 777
Rochester, NY 14642
Associate Editor: Lawrence F. Nazarian
Panorama Pediatric Group
Rochester, NY
Editor, In Brief: Henry M. Adam, Bronx, NY
Associate Editor, In Brief: Tina L. Cheng,
Washington, DC
Editor, Visual Diagnosis: Joseph Zenel,
Portland, OR
Consulting Editor, Online and Multimedia
Projects: Brahm Goldstein, Portland, OR
Managing Editor: Theresa Tracy,
Elk Grove Village, IL
PediatricsinReview™ Vol.22 No.10 October 2001
Editorial Board
James CM Chan, Richmond, VA
James J. Corrigan, Jr, New Orleans, LA
Patricia K. Crumrine, Pittsburgh, PA
J. Carlton Gartner, Jr, Pittsburgh, PA
Margaret F. Guill, Augusta, GA
Robert Holl, Leyden, The Netherlands
John Kattwinkel, Charlottesville, VA
Alan E. Kohrt, Tafton, PA
Danielle Laraque, New York, NY
Michael R. Lawless, Winston-Salem, NC
David S. Rosen, Ann Arbor, MI
Matthew D. Sadof, Springfield, MA
Richard L. Saphir, New York, NY
Lawrence Schachner, Miami, FL
Gail Shapiro, Seattle, WA
Mark L. Silen, Portland, OR
Mark D. Simms, Milwaukee, WI
David L. Skaggs, Los Angeles, CA
Paul N. Thiessen, Vancouver, BC
Dan Thomas, Los Angeles, CA
Surendra K. Varma, Lubbock, TX
Ellen R. Wald, Pittsburgh, PA
Editorial Assistant: Sydney Sutherland
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
Director, Division of Medical Journals:
Nancy Deal Chandler
Medical Copy Editor: Deborah Kuhlman
327 Sleep Disorders
Barbara J. Howard and Joyce Wong
343 Index of Suspicion
Randy Prescilla, Mehmet Türkmen, Gül Sağin Saylam, Ahmet Arici,
Ayhan Abaci, Anu Diwakaran
349 Peptic Ulcer Disease in Children
Gisela Chelimsky and Steven Czinn
357 What’s New:
Pediatrics in Review™
(ISSN 0191-9601) is owned and controlled by
the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is
published monthly by the American Academy of
Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Blvd, PO Box
927, Elk Grove Village, IL 60009-0927
Statements and opinions expressed in Pediatrics
in Review™ are those of the authors and not
necessarily those of the American Academy of
Pediatrics or its Committees. Recommendations
included in this publication do not indicate an
exclusive course of treatment or serve as a
standard of medical care.
Subscription price for 2001: AAP Fellow $140;
AAP Candidate Fellow $115; AAFP $155; Allied
Health or Resident $115; Nonmember or
Institution $175. Current single issue price is
$10. Subscription claims will be honored up to
12 months from the publication date.
Replacement issues must be claimed within 6
months from the date of issue and are limited to
three per calendar year.
Periodicals postage paid at ARLINGTON
HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS 60009-0927 and at
additional mailing offices.
2001. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. No
part may be duplicated or reproduced without
permission of the American Academy of
Pediatrics. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to PEDIATRICS IN
REVIEW™, American
Academy of Pediatrics, PO Box
927, Elk Grove Village, IL
The printing and production of
Pediatrics in Review™ is made
possible, in part, by an
educational grant from Ross
Products Division, Abbott
Answer Key:
Newly Approved Drugs for Children
Myles B. Abbott and Robert H. Levin
In Brief
Anaphylactoid Reactions to
Radiocontrast Agents
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Cover: The artwork on the cover of this month’s issue
is by one of the winners of our 1999 Cover Art
Contest, 8-year-old Daniel Taylor of Colorado Springs,
CO. Danny wants to be a bee keeper when he grows
up. His pediatrician is Edward Maynard, MD.
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Pediatrics in Review 2001;22;327
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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
publication, it has been published continuously since 1979. Pediatrics in Review is owned, published,
and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove
Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2001 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights
reserved. Print ISSN: 0191-9601.
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