P re ss re le ase - European Parliament


P re ss re le ase - European Parliament
European Youth Prize 2011 - apply now
Press release
Are you aged between 16 and 30? Have you been part of a project that encouraged a
better understanding between Europeans? The European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize are searching for projects that foster a
shared sense of European identity and cooperation. The 'You are Here' book project,
submitted by John Holten from Ardee, Co. Louth, came second in 2010.
Entries for the 2011 prize can focus on the organisation of youth events, youth exchanges
or internet projects with a European dimension. The deadline for applications is 23 January
A national winner will be selected at the beginning of March 2011. A jury will then examine
the 27 national winners and select the overall first, second and third prize winners. All
national winners will be invited to the award ceremony in Aachen (Germany) on 31 May
2010, where the awards will be presented by the President of the European Parliament and
representatives of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize.
In 2010, the first prize of €5,000 was awarded to the German project 'European CNC Network - Train for Europe'. The project brought together 24 vocational schools to build a smallgauge locomotive and wagons.
The second prize of €3,000 went to the 'You are Here' project, a book which included
contributions from 14 young people across Europe. 'You are Here', which was submitted
by John Holten from Ardee, Co. Louth, brought together young people born after 1980,
'who enjoy freedom of movement in Europe and work in a country they did not grow up in.'
These young people have grown up without the shadow of the Berlin Wall.
The third prize of €2,000 went to the Bulgarian project, 'Best Engineering Competition BEC'.
Further information and application forms are available at the website (see link below).
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Directorate for the Media
Director - Spokesperson : Jaume DUCH GUILLOT
Reference No.: 20101027IPR90638
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