Çorba Kazanımızdan / Soups Meze tepsimizden seçmeler Peynir


Çorba Kazanımızdan / Soups Meze tepsimizden seçmeler Peynir
Çorba Kazanýmýzdan / Soups
Tarhana Çorbasý
Tarhana, et suyu ve tereyað ile
Sun dried yoghurt, tomato and pimento dough, made for soup
5.00 Ytl.
Sebze Çorbasý
Süzme mevsim sebzeleri ve krema ile
Vegetable Soup
Seasonal vegetables with cream
5.00 Ytl.
Çatal Aþý
Mercimek, dövme buðday ve fasulye çorbasý
Lentil, grain and beans soup
5.00 Ytl.
Helle Aþý
Yeþil mercimek ve kýrmýzý biber çorbasý
Green lentil and red papper soup
5.00 Ytl.
Meze tepsimizden seçmeler
Special selections from our authentic ‘meze’s
Beher çeþit
Every single plate
Meze Tabaðý
Special Selection of Meze plate
2.50 Ytl.
9.00 Ytl.
Peynir / Cheese
Peynir Çeþitlerimiz (1 kiþilik)
Ceviz ve kraker ile
Selection of Turkish cheeses (for 1 person)
with walnuts and crackers
2 kiþilik peynir tabaðý -Chesee plate for 2 person
7.00 Ytl.
10.00 Ytl.
Ana yemekler / Main course
Ispanak Kökü Kavurmasý
Bitkisel yaðlar ile sote edilmiþ taze ýspanak kökleri, ev yapýmý özel soslar ile
Sautéed Spinach Roots
Fresh chopped spinach roots, sautéed with onions and delicately seasoned
with our homemade spices
Sebzeli Güveç
9.00 Ytl.
Güveçte piþirilen mevsimin taze sebzeleri gretine edilmiþ taze kaþar ile,
Vegetables Stew in Casserole
Mixed vegetables delicately seasoned, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant,
green-red bell peppers, green beans and onions delicately baked to
perfection sprinkled with cheese.
9.00 Ytl.
Tavuk Sultan Sarma
Antep fýstýðý, özel baharatlar ile doldurulmuþ fýrýnda tavuk göðsü, geleneksel
garnitürler ve kremalý mantar sos ile
Sultan Stuffed Chicken
Chicken breast, stuffed with pistachio and our homemade spices with
traditional garnish and creamy mushroom sauce on top
9.00 Ytl.
Safranlý Piliç
Safranla sote edilmiþ tavuk göðsü, püre yataðýnda
Saffron Chicken
Chicken breast sautéed with saffron on mashed potatoes.
9.00 Ytl.
Pazý Sarmalý Ýncik
Pazýya sarýlmýþ fýrýnda kuzu incik, þehriye pilavý ve sote edilmiþ sebzeler ile
Lamb Shank wraped in Chard
Lamb shank baked in it's own juices, delicately seasoned and served with
vegetables, wrapped in chart.
12.00 Ytl.
Hünkar Beðendi
Dana eti, Bostan patlýcaný, un, tereyaðdan hazýrlanan beðendi ile
Veal meat, with buttered eggplant, flour and milk puree
12.00 Ytl.
Ayvalý Yahni
Dana eti, taze ayva parçalarý ve baharatlar ile
Veal meat with fresh quince and spices,
12.00 Ytl.
Patlýcan Kebabý
Kuzu eti ve bonfile tavada patlýcan dilimleri ve baharatlar, pilav ile
Patties of ground lamb and beef and slices of eggplant served with rice
13.50 Ytl.
Eriþteli Kuzu Yahnisi
Kuzu yahnisi iki çeþit ev yapýmý eriþte ile
Sautéed Lamb Special
Marinated and delicately seasoned lamb, roasted with white onions,
tomatoes, and our special house spices sprinkled with two kind of home
made noodles
12.00 Ytl.
Koyun Kol Sarmasý
Antep fýstýðý, özel baharatlar ile doldurulmuþ fýrýnda kuzu kol, geleneksel
garnitürler ve kremalý mantar sos ile
Stuffed Lamb Shoulder
Lamb shoulder boneless, stuffed with pistachio and our homemade spices
with traditional garnish and creamy mushroom sauce on top
12.00 Ytl.
Köfteli Yoðurtlu Kebap
Köfte, pide ekmeði üzerinde yoðurt ve tereyað ile
Lamb meatballs kebab with yoghurt sauce over pita bread served with
rice and souteed vegetables.
Þiþ Kebap
13.50 Ytl.
Þiþ kebap, pilav ve sote edilmiþ sebzeler ile
Shish Kebab
Lamb on a skewer served with rice and sauteed vegetables.
Çömlek Kebabý
13.50 Ytl.
Çömlekte bonfile fýrýnda karýþýk mevsim sebzeleri ve baharatlar ile
Beef cubes, mixed with, seasonal potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant,
green-red bell peppers, green beans, okra, garlic and onions with spices
delicately baked to perfection.
13.50 Ytl.
Balýk / Fish
Papaz Yahnisi
Levrek, tavada sýzma yað, sirke karabiber ve mantar mevsim yeþillikleri ile
Seabass, Pan fried with olive oil, vineigratte, black pepper and mushroom
with seasonal greens.
13.50 Ytl.
Mevsim Balýðý
Mevsimine ve balýðýna göre ýzgara, kaðýtta, asma yapraðýnda, tavada
veya buðlama, geleneksel mevsim yeþillikleri ile
Seasonal Fish
Depending on the season and kind of fish, prepared on the grill, wraped Lütfen
in wine leaves, Pan fried or in the oven cooked by steamed with traditional fiyat sorunuz.
Please ask
seasonal greens.
for the price.
Salatalar / Salads
Yoðurt, salatalýk, sarýmsak, sirke ve sýzma yað ile
Cacýk (Cold Yogurt Soup)
Yogurt, cucumbes, garlic, olive oil, topped with
dried mint
5.00 Ytl.
Bostana Salatasý
Domates, salatalýk, kýrmýzý biber, maydanoz zeytin yaðý ve sirke ile
Bostana Salad
Chopped tomato, cucumber, green bell peppers , dill
and parsley tossed with olive oil and red wine vinegar.
5.00 Ytl.
Lahana-Havuç Salatasý
Sýzma zeytinyaðý ve limon sosu ile
Cabbage and Carrot Salat
with olive oil and lemon dressing.
5.00 Ytl.
Osmanlý Marul Salatasý
Doðranmýþ marul, viþne domates, kýrmýzý biber ve hýyar, özel sos ile.
A La Turka Salad
Chopped romaine lettuce, plum tomatoes, bell peppers,
and cucumbers tossed in our house dressing.
5.00 Ytl.
Yeþil Salata
Göbek salata, hýyar, maydanoz, kýrmýzý biber ve siyah zeytin özel sos ile
Green Salad
Boston lettuce, cucumber, parsley, red onions, dill
and black olives tossed in our in house dressing.
5.50 Ytl.
Dolmalar Sarmalar / Stuffed leaves
Pazý Dolmasý
Geleneksel dolma içi ile,
Stuffed Chart Leaves
Chart leaves stuffed with rice, pine nuts, currants, parsley, spices with a
blend of minced lamb
7.00 Ytl.
Mercimekli Lahana Sarmasý
Mercimek, bulgur baharatlar karýþýmýyla doldurulmuþ lahana sarmasý,
sarýmsaklý yoðurt ile
Stuffed Cabbage Leaves
Cabbage leaves stuffed with lentil, cracked wheat, parsley and spices
with garlic yoghurt souce
7.00 Ytl.
Börekler ve mantýlar / Boreks
Su Böreði
Oven cook fillodough stuffed with turkish feta cheese with tomato sauce
5.00 Ytl.
Çýplak Börek
Fýrýnda piþirilmiþ, çýrpýlmýþ yumurtalý mevsim sebzeleri, ýspanak püresi sosu ile.
Baked broiled vegetables and eggs with spinach puree sauce
5.00 Ytl.
Paþa Mantýsý
Kýymalý mantý, sarýmsaklý yoðurt ve acý kýrmýzý biberli tereyað sosu ile
Homemade baked Turkish ravioli stuffed with seasoned ground beef, served
in garlic-yogurt sauce topped with melted hot butter and mixed with red
6.00 Ytl.
Tatar Böreði
Kýymalý tatar usulü mantý, sarýmsaklý yoðurt ve acý kýrmýzý biberli tereyað sosu ile
Meat stuffed dough served with garlic flavoured yoghurt and melted butter
mixed with red pepper cooked in Tatar style
6.00 Ytl.
Pilavlar / Rices
Kubuni Pilavý (iç Pilav)
Koyun eti, kuþ üzümü, badem, þamfýstýk ve baharatlar ile
Rice with lamb, raisins almond, pine nuts and spices
6.50 Ytl.
Sultan Reþat Pilavý
Pirinç pilav üstünde, tavda piþirilmiþ domates soslu misket köfteler ile,
Sultan Reshads Rice
Rice, pan sauted round meatballs and tomatoes on top.
6.50 Ytl.
Kestaneli Pilav
Tavuksuyu ile piþirilmiþ haþlanmýþ kestaneyle pirinç pilav üstünde, tavuk göðsü
parçalarý ile
Chestnut Rice
Rice, cooked with chicken boillion and boiled chestnut, breast of chicken
cubes on top
6.50 Ytl.
Yeþil mercimekli soðanlý ve domatesli bulgur pilavý
Cracked wheat and green lentil pillaf, cooked with onion and tomatoes.
6.50 Ytl.
Tatlýlar / Desserts
Ayva Tatlýsý
Oven baked Quince with thick syrup
5.00 Ytl.
Ýrmik Helvasý
(Dondurma ile)
Semolina halva with home made ice cream
5.00 Ytl.
Ýncir Tatlýsý
Sun dried Figs filled with walnut and fresh cream
Light Milk Pudding
Caramelized Milk Pudding
5.00 Ytl.
5.00 Ytl.
5.00 Ytl.
Ekmek Kadayýfý (Kaymaklý)
Crumpets in thick syrup with fresh cream.
Fýrýn Sütlaç
Oven Baked Rice Puding
6.50 Ytl.
5.00 Ytl.