Brief Bio Hatice Çelebi Hatice Çelebi, born in 1979 in Turkey


Brief Bio Hatice Çelebi Hatice Çelebi, born in 1979 in Turkey
Brief Bio
Hatice Çelebi
Hatice Çelebi, born in 1979 in Turkey, graduated from Middle East Technical University
(METU) in 2000 with a B.A. degree in English Language Teaching. She obtained an M.A. in
English Literature in 2003 from METU. She got granted with Luise H. Bronner Scholarship at
the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), Boston for an M.A. in Applied Linguistics at the
University of Massachusetts (UMASS), Boston, in 2003 and successfully finished it in 2005. In
2012, she completed her doctoral studies in English language teaching at METU, where she
wrote a dissertation entitled Extracting and Analyzing Impoliteness In Corpora: A Study Based
on The British National Corpus and the Spoken Turkish Corpus.
Çelebi started her career as a teaching assistant at METU in 2000 and taught various introductory
courses to prospective English teachers until 2003. She moved to Boston and worked as a
teaching assistant and taught Academic English to the Nursing School at UMASS as she studied
towards finishing her M.A. in Applied Linguistics. After moving back to Turkey in 2005, she
worked as an English Instructor at Istanbul Bilgi University and Kadir Has University and at Koç
University. Currently, she is an assistant professor at MEF University, Education faculty in
English language Teaching Department.
Çelebi has presented at national and international conferences and has received awards and
grants with her PhD dissertation and teaching projects. Her interest areas are teaching and
learning languages, pedagogy, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and impoliteness.
Languages: Turkish (native), English (advanced), Spanish (intermediate)
Curricula Vitae
Name: Hatice Çelebi
Title and Affiliation:
Assist. Prof.
MEF University
Education faculty
English Language Teaching
Date of Birth: 21 March 1979
Citizenship : Turkish
Office: MEF University
Ayazağa Cad. No 4 Maslak
34396 Sarıyer /İstanbul/Turkey
2012: Ph.D., English Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University
Title of dissertation: Extracting and Analyzing Impoliteness In Corpora: A Study Based on The
British National Corpus and the Spoken Turkish Corpus
2005: M.A., Applied Linguistics, University of Massachusetts/Boston
2003: M.A., English Literature, Middle East Technical University
Title of thesis: Structural and Functional Analysis of Henry James’s Novel The Portrait Of A
Lady with a Comparison of Jane Campion’s Adaptation of the Novel
2000: B.A., English Language Teaching, Middle East Technical University
2003: CELTA, University of Cambridge
2003: TESOL Certificate, School for International Training/Boston
2015-present: Assist. Prof., Education faculty, English Language Teaching, MEF University
2010-2015: Instructor/Teacher Trainer, English Language Center, Koç University
2008-2010: Instructor, Academic English Dept., T. C. Kadir Has University
2005-2008: Instructor, Preparatory School, Bilgi University
2003-2005: Teaching Assist., Academic Writing, University of Massachusetts
2000-2005: Teaching Assist., ELT Dept., Middle East Technical University
September 2011 - 2015: Teacher Trainer, English Language Center, Koç University
September 2008- 2010: Curriculum Planner, Academic English Dept., Kadir Has University
Language teaching, teacher training, impoliteness theory, corpus linguistics, discourse analysis
and pragmatics
Spring 2013: Koç University Innovative Teaching Grant, Project Member
Fall 2012: ETS TOEFL English-language Researcher/Practitioner Grant, Project Manager
Fall 2011: Koç University Innovative Teaching Grant, Project Manager
Fall 2003-Spring 2005: Luise H. Bronner Scholarship
2012 METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation PhD Thesis Award
Project Manager: The Interplay between Intergenerational Solidarity, Family and School.
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST): Intergenerational Solidarity (IS 1311)
INTERFASOL:, (June 2016- January 2019)
TUBİTAK Project No: 116K225. Funding: 280.000 TL.
1. Conference Presentations:
Çelebi, H. ( Forthcoming, 2016) Corpus-assisted Linguistics Informing Scale Development on
Intergenerational Solidarity. Corpora and Discourse International Conference. June 3- July 2.
Pontignano (Siena), Italy.
Çelebi, H., Karaaslan, H., Vegter-Demir, S. (2016) Corpus Use in Enhancing Grammatical
Awareness Through Flipped Applications. International ELT Conference on Cultivation of
Quality Culture in ELT in Higher Education. Ege Üniversitesi, 26 May, İzmir, Turkey.
Çelebi, H. (2016) Derlem Dilbilimi Uygulamaları: Kavram Haritası Belirleme ve Ölçek
Geliştirme. Derlem Dilbilim ve Edimbilim: Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi’nin Anısına. Mersin
Üniversitesi, 6 May, Mersin, Turkey.
Celebi, H., Boudreau, G., Macfarlane, G. M, Wilkinson. R. (2015) Social Justice in the Pursuit of
Speaking Proficiency: The Question of Fluency. 16th AEA Annual Conference. 5 – 7 Nowember,
University of Glasgow, UK.
Celebi, H., Macfarlane, G. M. (2015) What is at stake? The impact of performance evaluation on
teacher identity. ATEE 40th Annual Conference. 24-26 August, University of Glasgow, UK.
Aktekin, N. Ç., Çelebi, H. (2016). University school partnership: ELT student teachers in New
Times. GlobELT 2016 Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional
Language., 14-17 April , Antalya.
Aktekin, N. Ç. & Çelebi, H. ( Forthcoming, 2016). “Teacher identity development through
reflection in the first year of teacher education”, Bahçeşehir University, IATEFL SIG, 24-25
June, Istanbul.
Çelebi, H. & Aktekin, N.Ç. (2016). “Teacher Identity Formation in Teacher Education”. ELTER
(English Language Teacher Education Research) Colloquium, Abant İzzet Baysal University,
10-11 June, Bolu.
Çelebi, H., Karaaslan, H., Vegter-Demir, S. (2016) Corpus Use in Enhancing Grammatical
Awareness Through Flipped Applications. International ELT Conference on Cultivation of
Quality Culture in ELT in Higher Education. Ege Üniversitesi, 26 May, İzmir, Turkey.
Aktekin, N. Ç. & Çelebi, H. (2016). “University school partnership: ELT student teachers in
New Times”. Paper presented at GlobELT 2016 Conference on Teaching and Learning English
as an Additional Language., 14-17 April, Antalya.
Çelebi, H. (2016) Derlem Dilbilimi Uygulamaları: Kavram Haritası Belirleme ve Ölçek
Geliştirme. Derlem Dilbilim ve Edimbilim: Prof. Dr. Şükriye Ruhi’nin Anısına. Mersin
Üniversitesi, 6 May, Mersin, Turkey.
Celebi, H., Boudreau, G., Macfarlane, G. M, Wilkinson. R. (2015) Social Justice in the Pursuit of
Speaking Proficiency: The Question of Fluency. 16th AEA Annual Conference. 5 – 7 November,
University of Glasgow, UK.
Celebi, H, Macfarlane, G. M. (2015) What is at stake? The impact of performance evaluation on
teacher identity. ATEE 40th Annual Conference. 24-26 August,, University of Glasgow, UK.
Celebi, H., Mcafarlane, G. M., Kılınç, S. (2014). The Classroom Interface: Curriculum,
Materials and Theory. The MATSDA Conference: SLA and Materials Development, University
of Liverpool, 28-29 June, Liverpool, UK.
Celebi, H., Karaaslan Bayındır, H. (2013) Exploring Classroom Conversation: The IRE
Sequence and Its Impact. The 13th BUSEL International Conference. 17-18 June, Bilkent
University, Ankara.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane, G. M. (2013). What Is Fluency: Reaching A Common Understanding.
10th Annual EALTA Conference, 4th SIG Meeting: Classroom-Based Language Assessment, 2326 May, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane, G. M. (2012) Can I speak to YOU in my essay teacher?. TESOL Greece
33rd Annual Convention, 17-18 March, 2012, Athens, Greece.
Ruhi, Ş., Çelebi, H. (2011) Identifying impoliteness in spoken corpora: A methodological
perspective. 6th International Symposium on Politeness, 11-13 July, 2011, METU, Ankara,
Çelebi,H., Macfarlane, G.M. (2011). If it’s not fun, you are not doing it right. 45th IATEFL ELT
Conference, 15-19 April, 2011, Brighton, UK.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane, G. M., Boudreau G. (2011) Getting A Grip On The Abstract: Listening to
Authentic Discourse. 1st International Doğuş University ELT Conference. 26-27 November,
2011, Doğuş University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane, G. M., Gurdere, S., (2010) What aperitif does one offer to a tea-total
friend?. 6th International ELT Research Conference, 14-16 May, 2010, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart
University, Turkey.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane G. M., (2010) Reflection in Turkish (Teacher) Education: Voices from
Insiders. 2nd Foreign Language Symposium: A Proactive Look at English Language Teaching
Programs in the Preparotory Schools of Universities. 28 May, 2010, Çankaya University, Ankara,
Çelebi, H. (2010) NESTs and Non-NEST classrooms: Practice and Input opportunities. 44th
IATEFL ELT Conference, 7-11 April, 2010, Harrogate, UK.
Çelebi, H., Bayındır H. (2010) A Contrastive Analysis of English “friend” and Turkish “arkadaş”.
Language, Culture and Mind IV, 21-23 June, 2010, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane G. M., Gürdere, S. (2009) Do our students know the difference between
“profosyonel” and “professional”?. 1st Arel University International ELT Conference. 29-30
May, 2009, Arel University, Turkey.
Çelebi, H. , Kalyancuoğlu, S. (2008) A case Study: Effectiveness of a Standardization System. 1st
Bilgi University ELT Conference, 2008, 24 May, Istanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul, Turkey.
Çelebi, H. (2006) Deconstructing the new paradigm: Feedback in writing. EARLI 10th
International Conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing, 20-22 September, 2006,
University of Antwerp, Belgium.
2. Proceedings:
Celebi, H., Karaaslan Bayındır, H. (2013) Exploring Classroom Conversation: The IRE
Sequence and Its Impact. The 13th BUSEL International Conference. 17-18 June, Bilkent
University, Ankara.
Çelebi, H., Macfarlane G. M., Gürdere, S. (2009) Do our students know the difference between
“profosyonel” and “professional”?. 1st International Arel University International ELT
Conference. 29-30 May, 2009, Arel University, Turkey, pp. 44-48.
Çelebi,H., Macfarlane, G.M. (2010). Reflection in Turkish (Teacher) Education: Voices from
Insiders. Çankaya University 2nd Foreign Language Teaching Symposium. 28 May, 2010,
Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 114-118.
Çelebi, H. (2008). Strategy-based Listening in Non-collaborative situations. IATEFL voices. MarchApril 2008, issue 201, p. 7.
3. Books:
1. Celebi, H. (2015) Impoliteness In Corpora: A Comparative Analysis of British English
and Spoken Turkish. Equinox Publishing, Sheffield.
4. Book Chapters:
1. Çelebi, H, Ruhi, Ş. (2015) Identifying Impoliteness in Spoken Corpora: A
Methodological Perspective, In Ş. Ruhi & Y. Aksan (eds.) Perspectives on
(Im)politeness: Issues and Methodologies. (pp. 216-255), Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, Cambridge .
2. Çelebi H., Macfarlane M. Gaele (2016) What is fluency? Reaching A Common
Understanding, In D. Tsagari (ed.) Classroom –based Assessment in L2 Context. (pp.
298-330) , Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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