Curriculum Vitae Utkun Aydın, Ph.D. MEF Üniversitesi Eğitim


Curriculum Vitae Utkun Aydın, Ph.D. MEF Üniversitesi Eğitim
Curriculum Vitae
Utkun Aydın, Ph.D.
MEF Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi
Ayazağa Cad. No:4 34396 Maslak Sarıyer, İstanbul Turkey
Phone: +90 212 395 36 16 Fax: +90 395 36 92
A. Name Surname
: Utkun AYDIN
B. Date of Birth
C. Citizenship
: 26 November 1979
: Turkey
D. Research Interests
Mathematical Thinking
: Geometric Knowledge
Test Development and Validation
Structural Equation Modeling
Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
E. Education:
Secondary Science and
Mathematics Education
Secondary Science and
MS.c. with Thesis
Mathematics Education
Secondary Science and
MS.c. without Thesis
Mathematics Education
Elementary - Secondary Science and Mathematics
Middle East Technical University
Middle East Technical University
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Ankara University
TED Zonguldak College
F. Employment
Secondary Science and
Research Assistant
Mathematics Education
Secondary Science and
Research Assistant
Mathematics Education
Secondary Science and
Research Assistant, PH.D.
Mathematics Education
Elementary Mathematics
Assistant Professor
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Middle East Technical University
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
MEF University
G. Theses
G.1. MS Thesis
A structural equation modeling study: the metacognition-knowledge model for
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Behiye UBUZ
G.2. Dissertation
A multilevel structural model of mathematical thinking in derivative concept
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Behiye UBUZ
H. Publications
H.1. Articles in Refreed Journals
H.1.1. Aydın, U., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., Birgili, B., & Özcan, M. (2016, In
Press). Impacts of a university-school partnership on middle school students'
fractional knowledge. The Journal of Educational Research. (SSCI)
H.1.2. Aydın, U., & Ubuz, B. (2015). The Thinking-About-Derivative Test for
undergraduate students: Development and validation. International Journal of Science
and Mathematics Education, 13(6), 1279-1303. (SSCI)
H.1.3. Aydın, U., & Ubuz, B. (2014). Predicting undergraduate students’
thinking about derivative concept: A multilevel analysis of personal
and institutional factors. Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 80-92. (SSCI)
H.1.4. Aydın U., & Ubuz, B. (2010). Structural model of metacognition and
knowledge of geometry. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(5), 436-445. (SSCI)
H.1.5. Aydın U., & Ubuz, B. (2010). Turkish version of the Junior Metacognitive
Inventory: An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
Education & Science (Eğitim ve Bilim), 35(157), 32-47. (SSCI)
H.1.6. Erbaş A. K., Çakıroğlu, E., Aydın, U., & Beşer, Ş. (2006). Professional
development through technology-integrated problem solving: From Intermath to TMath. The Mathematics Educator, 16(1), 35-46.
H.2. International Conference Papers Published in the Proceedings
H.2.1. Aydın, U., Birgili, B., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., & Özcan, M.
(2016).Improving fifth grade students’ fractional knowledge through universityschool partnership. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association
Meeting. April 8-12, Washington, DC, USA.
H.2.3. Aydın, U., & Özgeldi, M. (2016). Prospective elementary mathematics
teachers’ contextual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge: Analysis of selected
items from the PISA. Presentation at the International Conference on Education in
Mathematics, Science & Technology. May 19-22. Muğla, Turkey.
H.2.3. Ubuz, B., & Aydın, U. (2016). Multilevel modeling of undergraduate students’
mathematical thinking about the derivative concept. 13th International Congress on
Mathematics Education (ICME). July 24-31, Hamburg, Germany.
H.2.4. Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., Birgili, B., Aydın, U., & Özcan, M. (2016).
Academicians as teachers: Nurturing teacher experience. 13th International Congress
on Mathematics Education (ICME). July 24-31, Hamburg, Germany.
H.2.5. Taylan, R. D., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Birgili, B., Aydın, U., & Özcan, M. (2016).
Influence of a number line based model of instruction on 5th grade students’ use of
mathematical language during clinical interviews. National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics, Research Conference, April 11-13, San Fransisco, USA.
H.2.6. Dorantes, D., Küçükaydın, H., Özlem, Ş., Bulgan, G., Aydın, U., Turan Son,
S., Karamollaoğlu, N., & Fialho, F. (2015). Improved business model representation
of innovation concepts. Paper presented at the World Conference on Technology,
Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. May 28-30, İstanbul, Turkey.
H.2.7. Ubuz, B., Aydın, U., & Eryılmaz-Çevirgen, A. (2013). Preservice Teachers’
Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices in the Context of Teaching Function with
Analogies. The 8th Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
(CERME), Antalya, Turkey.
H.2.8. Ubuz, B., Eryılmaz, A., Aydın, U., & Bayazıt, İ. (2008). Pre-service TeacherGenerated Analogies for Function Concepts. The 6th Conference of European
Research in Mathematics Education (CERME), Lyon, France.
H.2.9. Erbas, A. K., Cakiroglu, E., Ersoy, Y., Aydın, U., & Beser, S. (2006).
Mathematics teachers’ professional development through technology-integrated
problem solving. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on the Teaching of
Mathematics at the Undergraduate Level, Istanbul, TURKEY, June 30- July 5, 2006
(paper 397). İstanbul, Turkey: TMD [Turkish Mathematical Society]. Available
H.2.10. Cakiroglu, E, Erbas, A. K., Beser, S., & Aydin, U. (2005). On-line
mathematics dictionary. In A. İşman and F. Dabaj. (Eds.), Proceedings of V.
International Educational Technologies Symposium, Sakarya, Turkey, September 2123, 2005. Vol. II (pp. 598-601). Sakarya, TURKEY: Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology [TOJET].
H.2.11. Erbas, A. K., Cakiroglu, E, Aydın, U., & Beser, S. (2005). T-Math project
and technology integration in elementary and secondary mathematics teacher
education in Turkey. In A. İşman and F. Dabaj. (Eds.), Proceedings of V.
International Educational Technologies Symposium, Sakarya, Turkey, September 2123, 2005: Vol. II (pp. 809-813). Sakarya, TURKEY: Turkish Online Journal of
Educational Technology [TOJET].
H.4. National Conference Papers Published in the Proceedings
H.4.1. Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, D., Aydın, U., Birgili, B., Özcan, M., Akbal, K., &
Mermer, A. (2015). Okulda Üniversite Modeli çerçevesinde matematik öğretimi:
Öğrencilerin derse katılımının artırılması [Teaching mathematics through University
within School Model: Enhancing student participation]. Eğitimde İyi Örnekler
Konferansı [Best Practices in Education Conference]. Eğitim Reformu Girişimi
[Innovation of Education Reform]: Sabancı University. April 11, İstanbul, Turkey.
H.4.2. Aydın, U., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, D., Birgili, B., & Özcan, M. (2016).
Okulda Üniversite Modeli-Temelli öğretimin 5. Sınıf öğrencilerinin kesir bilgisini
geliştirme üzerine etkisi [The effect of University within School Model-based
instruction on 5th grade students’ fractional knowledge]. Paper accepted to be
presented at 12. Ulusal Fen ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi [National Science and
Mathematics Education Congress] [UFBMEK], September 28-30, Karadeniz
Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey.
H.4.3. Taylan, R. D., Tunc-Pekkan, Z., Birgili, B., Aydın, U., & Özcan, M. (2016).
Beşinci sınıf öğrencilerinin kesir bilgisinin sayı doğrusu üzerinde gösterimi ile ilgili
düşünüş biçimlerinin araştırılması [Investigating fifth-grade students’ conceptions of
fractions on the number line]. Paper accepted to be presented at 12. Ulusal Fen ve
Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi [National Science and Mathematics Education
Congress] [UFBMEK], September 28-30, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon,
H.5. International Conference Short Communications Published in the
H.5.1. Cetinkaya, B., Oren, D., Aydin, U., & Erbas, A. K. (2009). 6th grade
mathematics teachers’ concerns about a reformed mathematics curriculum. In
Tzekaki, M., Kaldrimidou, M., & Sakonidis, H. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd
Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education,
1, 353. Thessaloniki, Greece: PME.
H.6. National Conference Short Communications Published in the Proceedings
H.6.1. Erbaş, A. K., Çakıroğlu, E., Ören, D., Aydın, U., & Gökçe, S. (2006). Çoklu
Temsil ve Teknolojiye Dayalı Matematiksel Problem Çözme [Mathematical Problem
Solving via Multiple Representations and Technology]. VII. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve
Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı [In the Proceedings of the 7th
National Science and Mathematics Education Congress], Ankara, Turkey, September
7-9, (p. 523): Gazi University, Turkey.
H.7. International Conference Poster Presentations
H.7.1. Ubuz, B., Eryılmaz, A., & Aydın, U. (2006, July). Construction of multiple
analogical models in function concept. International Workshop on Research in
Secondary and Tertiary Mathematics Education, Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
H.8. National Conference Poster Presentations
H.8.1. Erbaş, A. K., Çakıroğlu, E., Ören, D., Aydın, U., & Gökçe, S. (2006, Eylül).
Problem solving with multiple representations. VII. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve
Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi [the 7th National Science and Mathematics Education
Congress], Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
H.9. National Symposiums
H.9.1. Engin, A., & Aydın, U., & Taylan, R. D. (2015). Okulda Üniversite Modeli
çerçevesinde eş-öğretmenlik deneyimi [Co-teaching experience through University
within School Model]. 19. Sonbahar Öğretmenler Sempozyumu. Eyüboğlu Eğitim
Kurumları [19. Autumn Teachers Symposium, Eyüboğlu Education Institutions].
October 14, İstanbul, Turkey.
H.9.2. Ören, D., Aydın, U., Erbaş, A. K., & Çakıroğlu, E. (2006). Çoklu
Gösterimlerle Problem Çözmede Teknolojinin Rolü. In F. Aysan (Ed.), The Abstracts
of the 1st National Mathematics Education Graduate Students Symposium [I. Ulusal
Matematik Eğitimi Öğrenci Sempozyumu] İzmir, Turkey, September 4-6, 2006 (p.
63): Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education.
H.10. Invited/Attended Conferences, Symposiums, and Workshops
H.10.1. Aydın, U. [Invited Presenter] (2015). Okul Öncesi Çocuklarda Uzamsal
Yeteneğin Gelişimi [Development of Spatial Skills in Preschool Children]. Öğrenen
Öğretmenlerin Paylaşımı IV Sempozyumu ["Continuing Education Sharing IV" Early
Childhood Education and Implementations in a Changing World Symposium]. March,
7 MEF Schools: İstanbul, Türkiye.
H.10.2. Aydın, U. [Invited Presenter] (2015). Flipped Classroom. The Learning and
Technology Exchange Conference (LTEN). May 22, MEF International School:
İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.3. Aydın, U. [Invited Statistical Analysis Instructor] Science Education and
Research Association (SERA) Workshops II, (2012): Structural Equation Modeling
Analysis.,, Niğde University, Niğde, Turkey.
H.10.4. Aydın, U. [Invited Statistical Analysis Instructor] Science Education and
Research Association (SERA) I. Summer School (2013). Current Advances in
Science Education and Statistical Applications. Invited Multilevel Modeling
Educator,, Çanakkale
Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey.
H.10.5. Aydın, U. [Invited Speaker] Aydın Provincial Directorate of National
Education Knowledge Sharing Days, (2013). “Teaching Methods and Techniques”
Evaluation”., Aydın, Turkey.
H.10.6. Aydın, U. (2014). Attendee at the Revisiting Scientific Inquiry in the
Classroom: Towards an Interdisciplinary Framework for Science Teaching and
Learning Project Seminar. “Scientific practices: What are they and how they can be
promoted in school science?” Marie Curie Cofund Brain Circulation Scheme/ The
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey: Bosphorus University.
December 22, İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.7. Aydın, U. (2015). Attendee at the Educational Technology (Edtechist)
Conference April 18-19, MEF University: İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.8. Aydın, U. (2016). Attendee at the The 3rd. Educational Technologies
Summit. March, 5, Radisson Blu Hotel,
İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.9. Aydın, U. (2015). Attendee at the Learning & Technology Exchange Network November, 6, ENKA Schools,
İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.10. Aydın, U. (2016). Attendee at the “Sail For Good Education - Learning with
Modern Means of Technology” Finland – Turkey Education Collaboration Seminar.
June 1, Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul, Turkey.
H.10.11. Aydın, U. (2016). Attendee at the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
(MSCA): From Association to Participation. June, 13, Bahçeşehir University,
İstanbul, Turkey.
H.11. Book Chapters
H.11.1. Aydın, U. (2012). Umut [Hope]. In Mustafa Girgin (Ed.), Pedagojik değerler
[Pedagocical values] (pp. 170-172). Ankara: Vize Publications.
H.11.2. Aydın, U. (2013). Pisagor Felsefe ve Matematik Okulu [Phythagorean
School of Phylosophy and Mathematics]. In Mustafa Girgin (Ed.), Okul dünyası
[School world] (pp. 18-20). Ankara: Vize Publications.
H.11.3. Aydın, U. (2013). Rusya Bilimler Akademisi [Russia Academy of Sciences].
In Mustafa Girgin (Ed.), Okul dünyası [School world] içinde (s. 64-67). Ankara: Vize
H.11.4. Aydın, U. (2016, In Press). In M. Şahin & C. Fell Kurban (Eds). The flipped
approach to higher education. designing universities for today’s knowledge
economies and societies. Emerald Books.
H.12. Scholarly Work in Progress
H.12.1. Aydın, U., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., Birgili, B., & Özcan, M. (July
2016, Submitted). Okulda Üniversite Modeli-temelli öğretimin ortaokul
öğrencilerinin kesir bilgisi üzerine etkisi: İstanbul örneği [The effect of University
within School-based instruction on middle graders’ fractional knowledge: The case of
İstanbul]. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Mersin University Journal of
the Faculty of Education].
H.12.2. Aydın, U., & Bulgan, G. (July 2016, Submitted).Çocuklarda Sınav Kaygısı
Ölçeği’nin Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [Adaptation of
Children’s Test Anxiety Scale to Turkish: Validity and Reliability Study]. İlköğretim
Online [Education Online].
H.12.3. Aydın, U., & Özgeldi, M. (July 2016, Submitted). Prospective elementary
mathematics teachers’ contextual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge: A mixed
methods study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
H.12.4. Ubuz, B., & Aydın, U. (2016, Under Review). Multilevel modeling of
undergraduate students’ mathematical thinking about the derivative concept. Journal
for Research in Mathematics Education.
H.12.5. Ubuz, B., & Aydın, U. (2016, Under Review). Development and validation
of a geometry knowledge test on triangles. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
H.12.6. Aydın, U., Tunç-Pekkan, Z., Taylan, R. D., Birgili, B., & Özcan, M. (2017,
Submitted). Public and Private School Students’ Fractional Knowledge: School Type
Differences. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Meeting.
April 27-May 1, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
I. Projects
I.1. Aydın, U., Researcher. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution
(TÜBİTAK) 1001 Project (October 2015-March 2017). Bilinçli-farkındalık
(mindfulness) temelli psiko-eğitim programının öğrencilerin matematik kaygısı,
tutumları ve özyeterlikleri üzerindeki etkisi [The effect of mindfulness-based psycoeducational program on students’ attitudes towards mathematics, mathematics
anxiety, and self-efficacy] (Grant Number: 115K450 Budget: 24.000 TL) MEF
University, Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Zümra Özyeşil
I.2. Aydın, U., Scholar. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution
(TÜBİTAK) 1001 Project (2009-2011). Reform Sürecinde Öğretmenleri Anlama:
İlköğretim 2. Kademe Matematik Öğretmenlerinin Kişisel Karakteristikleri ve Reform
ile İlgili Kaygıları [Understanding Teachers in the Reform Movement: Elementary
Mathematics Teachers’ Personal Characteristics and Concerns about the Reform].
Middle East Technical University, Grant Number: 107K551. Project Manager: Asst.
Prof. Bülent Çetinkaya
I.3. Aydın, U., Researcher. Scientific Research Project (2007-2009). Pedagojik Alan
Bilgisi: Fonksiyonlarda Analoji Kullanımı [Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Using
Analogy in Functions]. Middle East Technical University, Grant Number: BAP-200705-01-02. Project Manager: Assoc. Prof. Behiye Ubuz
I.4. Aydın, U., Researcher. Scientific Research Project (2005-2007). T-Math:
Teknoloji Destekli Matematik Öğretimi ve Öğretmen Eğitimi [T-Math: Technology
Assisted Mathematics Instruction and Teacher Education]. Middle East Technical
University, Grant Number: BAP-2005-07-02-08. Project Manager: Asst. Prof. A.
Kürşat Erbaş
J. Professional Service
J.1. Section Editor:
International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (2014– )
J.2. Refree:
Education and Science (2015 – )
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (2015-)
Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty (2015 – )
Mersin University Journal of the Faculty of Education (2016 – )
Education Online (2016 – )
Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of the Faculty of Education (2016 – )
Hacettepe University Journal of Educational Sciences (2016 – )
K. Certificates Of Attendance
K.1. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution Mustafa Kemal University,
(2006). Ecology-Based Nature Education Program II. TSTRI Project. Antakya,
Coaching/Leadership” Beginning Level Workshops. Ankara, Turkey.
K.3. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution (TÜBİTAK) (2012).
2237 Project Education Activities Support Program: “Improving the Project
Development and Management Skills of the Naturalists”. Supported by the
Department of Scientific Human Support (SHS), Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University,
Muğla, Turkey.
K.4. Elsevier ScienceDirect (2012). “How to Write Scholarly Articles?” Author
Seminar. İzmir Institute of Technology, İzmir, Turkey.
L. Consulting Service
L.1. Aydın, U., Advisor. Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution
(TÜBİTAK) COST/INTERFASOL (European Cooperation in Science and
Technology) Project (June 2016-January 2019). Kuşaklararası Dayanışmanın Aile ve
Okul Bileşenleri ile İlişkisi [The Interplay between Intergenerational Solidarity,
Family and School] (Grant Number: 116K225 Budget: 280.000 TL) MEF University,
Project Manager: Asst. Prof. Hatice Çelebi
L.2. Aydın, U., Advisor. Boğaziçi University Research Fund (BAP) (2016). Nature
of Science in Science Teacher Education: A Comparative Research and Development
Project. (Grant Number 10621 Budget: 165.500 TL) Boğaziçi University, Project
Manager: Assoc Prof. Ebru Kaya
L.3. Aydın, U., Advisor. (2016). MEF University Lifelong Learning Center. Yapı
Kredi Bank Academy. Test Development.
L.4. Aydın, U., Advisor. (2016). MEF University Lifelong Learning Center. Yapı
Kredi Bank Academy.DistanceEducationMaterialsDesignCourse.
L.5. Aydın, U., Mathematics Education Advisor CITO Turkey, (2007). Doğa
Schools Scholarship Examination.
L.6. Aydın, U., Instructional Designer. Middle East Technical University
Technopolis RTB Education Solutions, (2004). Malesia Form 3: 8th Grade
Mathematics and Science Courses.
M. Memberships
M.1. Matematikçiler Derneği (Mathematicians Association of Turkey)
M.2. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
N. Awards
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institution scientific publication
encouragement awards:
2010 (2 times), 2014 (once), 2015 (once), 2016 (once)
O. Teaching
Hours per Week
2014 – 15 Spring
2015 – 16
MATH 131
Fundamentals of Mathematics
MATH 133 Calculus
MATH 231 Analytic Geometry
MATH 134 Advanced Calculus
P. Computer Skills
P.1. Statistical Packages for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
P.1.1. SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
P.1.2. LISREL (Linear Structural Relationships Software for Structural Equation
P.1.3. Mplus (Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling)
P.1.4. TESTFACT 4 (Test Development and Factor Analysis)
P.1.5. ITEMAN (Item Analysis)

Benzer belgeler

Brief Bio Hatice Çelebi Hatice Çelebi, born in 1979 in Turkey

Brief Bio Hatice Çelebi Hatice Çelebi, born in 1979 in Turkey grants with her PhD dissertation and teaching projects. Her interest areas are teaching and learning languages, pedagogy, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and impoliteness. Languages: Turkish...
