March - Colonel By Secondary School


March - Colonel By Secondary School
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011
Attendees: Raja Alani, Alan Alani, Linda Bergeron, Mandy Brady (IB Parent Volunteer Coordinator), Dan Burke (Community Rep), Charlie Costain (Secretary), Marlene Dobson, Janet
Evans (Co-Chair), Frances Graff, Lewis Harthun (IB Co-ord), Sandeep Hemmady, Catherine Holt,
Delia Kecskemeti, Nicolas Kecskemeti, Jane Mahoney, Sharmila Michael, Jenny Ong, Lise Pennie
(OCASC Rep), Jeanne Percival, Heather Pierscianowski (IB Parent Rep & Volunteer Coordinator), Liz Stanich (Co-chair), Louise Stephens, Alison Weir (Communications), Marcella
Zikmund (Secretary) (25 attendees)
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by School Council Co-chair Liz Stanich at 7:00 p.m.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion (J. Percival/A. Weir) to approve the agenda was carried.
3. Approval of Minutes of February 15th, 2011 meeting
Dan Burke had requested a slight change to the section 4.6 of the minutes; the second bullet point
should read “- it was suggested that a 1 day workshop for school councils on the consultation
process be held”
Motion (L. Stephens/A. Weir) to approve the CB School Council minutes of February 15th, 2011
as amended was carried.
4. Reports
4.1 Student Council Report - no report
4.2 Principal's Report (M.Bada)
Principal Mary Bada thanked the School Council for the funds to purchase the two additional
smartboards; they are already installed. The option sheets have been submitted and are being
Students taking chemistry 3U have had a number of different teachers this year, due to illness.
Now Ms. Burgess has been hired for the remainder of the year, and extra support is being
offered for students who feel they need assistance.
The student survey has come back from the Privacy Commissioner with only minor changes;
this will be administered later in the school year, and there will be a mechanism for students to
opt out of the survey with their parents’ permission.
A secondary school review will be taking place over the next 4 year period.
The Principal reports on the following Student activities:
- spaghetti dinner was held March 3
- there were a number of events held in February related to Black History Month
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Colonel By presented The Creature Creeps on March 10th, 2011; this is part of Canada's
Capital Cappies, and as such will be reviewed by high school critics and written up in the
Ottawa Citizen
Ms. Bada gave a report on the enrolment patterns for next year, which shows a projected
decline in enrolment at the Grade 9 level. Some of the figures presented included:
- In the current year there are 1156 students at Colonel By
- the school currently has options sheets in hand for 1064 students for next year – this
includes only 55 students in the regular Grade 9 stream at present
- the numbers projected for 2011-12 are a total of 1126, which includes a total of 227
students in Grade 9 (156 in the IB stream, 71 in the regular Ontario program), compared
with a total of 256 this year
- Colonel By has a limit of 20 transfers permitted by the School Board (50 requests were
- if projection holds, Colonel By will be down about 1.5 teachers for 2011-12 – this will affect
the options available for students (elective courses)
Upcoming events
- March 25 there will be a coffee house in the evening – parents and guests welcome
- March 31 the Grade 10 literacy test will take place
- April 7 –C-flats concert will be held in the evening
- April 19 interim marks will be sent out – this is not a report card, but the marks will be sent
home as part of the credit counselling summary.
- The next school dance will take place April 29; due to some unfortunate occurrences at the
last dance, the school will administer breathalysers for all students attending the dance.
- Final exams will be held June 14-27
- Commencement ceremonies will take place June 30 at the Adult High School
4.3 Staff Representative - no report
4.4 IB Representative (Mr. Harthun)
Mr. Harthun gave an overview of some upcoming dates relating to the IB program
- IB1 students are to have annotated bibliographies in to Ms. Moffat-Watson by the end of
this week.
- IB2 students have their final CAS meetings in the first week of April.
- IB Predicted Grades will be coming out around the same time as the credit counselling
summaries are given out to students (mid-April).
- Getting close to exam time – students have schedules and is posted on website
4.5 Treasurer's Report (M. Dobson)
Treasurer Marlene Dobson reported that a cheque of $3,500 had been given to Colonel By for
the purchase of 2 smart boards as approved at the previous meeting. The opening balance for
the month of March was $10,296, and the closing balance (as of this meeting) was $6,796.24
4.6 OCASC Report (D. Burke)
Dan Burke reported on discussions at the last OCASC meeting:
- There was an open discussion on the upcoming secondary school review
- The design of the consultation will take place from April to June of this year, with
implementation in the fall
- There are two committees associated with the review: one management committee made
up of OCDSB staff personnel and trustees, and a second advisory committee also made up
of staff, trustees and one OCASC representative – a concern was raised that there is not
enough parent involvement on these committees
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Dan Burke suggested to OCASC that they hold a one day workshop to prepare parents for
the consultation process – OCASC was not very supportive, as they were not sure if there
would be a market for it.
5. New Business
No new business was raised.
6. Correspondence
- School Council received a thank you card from the science department for the funds to
purchase their smart board
- OCASC updates on upcoming presentations:
– information session on The IPRC: Supporting Your Child’s Special Education Needs
at Woodroffe High School, Saturday April 9th from 10:00 to 12:30
– presentation on Parenting the Net Generation given by Matthew Johnson, Director
of Education at the Media Awareness Network, at Knoxdale Public School library on
Tuesday April 5th at 7 pm
– panel discussion on alcohol and drug abuse on April 12th from 7-9 pm at Osgoode
Township High School.
7. Questions
Qu – We know that the food service provider at Colonel By will be compliant with the Ontario
School Food and Beverage Policy which will come into effect in September, but has any thought
been given to having advance communication on the new menu, and possibly a trial period this
year to test the students’ reactions.
A – Mary Bada said that the new menu will be available later this year, but it will be a real reduction
in what is available and likely in what kids like (such as fries and poutine).
8. Adjournment & Next meeting
Motion (A Alvares/J Mahoney) to close the February Meeting was carried at 8:10 pm.
The Next School Council Meeting will take place Tuesday, April 19th @ 7:00 p.m. the English
department will be making a presentation to Council.
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