Uyar›: Bu broflürde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve ba


Uyar›: Bu broflürde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve ba
UyarÝ: Bu broߟrde yer alan
bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve
baÛÝmsÝz raporlara dayanan
bilgilerde meydana gelebilecek
farklÝlÝklar nedeni ile olußabilecek
deÛißiklikler iin ECE TŸrkiye ve
SUR YAPIÕnÝn hukuksal bir
sorumluluÛu yoktur. Bu broߟrdeki
bilgiler 2016 Mart ayÝna ait olup,
deÛißmeye aÝktÝr. Bu broߟr tanÝtÝm
amalÝ hazÝrlanmÝß olup, bir
sšzleßme niteliÛi taßÝmaz.
Disclaimer: ECE TŸrkiye and
SUR YAPI do not claim any legal
responsibility for any variations on
information obtained from
independent sources or for technical
reasons. All the information
contained in this brochure is based
on knowledge and data as of
March 2016 and is therefore subject
to change. This brochure is made
for marketing reasons and does not
constitute a contractual document.
With its high-end and
prestigious brands, elegant
restaurants and cafŽs,
colorful activities and
privileged social opportunities,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping
Center and Residence, the
new favorite of Bursa, invites
you to the heart of a great
shopping and entertainment
BursaÕnÝn yeni gšzdesi,
Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß
Merkezi ve Rezidans, sekin
ve prestijli markalarÝ, ßÝk
restoran ve kafeleri, renkli
aktiviteleri, ayrÝcalÝklÝ sosyal
olanaklarÝ ile BursalÝlarÝ
alÝßveriß ve eÛlencenin
kalbine davet ediyor.
UygarlÝÛÝn mimarÝ Sur YapÝ ile
alÝßveriß merkezi yšnetiminde lider
ECE TŸrkiye, gŸlerini birleßtirerek
eßsiz bir projeyi hayata geiriyor.
Konut ve AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕnden
olußan bu karma proje, BursaÕnÝn en
prestijli projesi ve ÒlŸksӟn BursaÕdaki
simgesi olacak.
Yeni BursaÕnÝn kalbi NilŸferÕde,
ayrÝcalÝklÝ bir alÝßveriß deneyimi vaat
eden Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß
Merkezi, sekin maÛazalarÝ, kafe ve
restoranlarÝ, eÛlence ve sosyal yaßam
alanlarÝyla trendleri belirleyecek;
BursaÕda ilkleri yaßatacak!
Üki bŸyŸk gŸcŸn bir araya gelerek
BursalÝlar iin yarattÝÛÝ bu gšrkemli
proje, alÝßveriß ve eÛlence deneyimini
zirveye taßÝyacak!
The architect of civilization Sur YapÝ and
the leader of shopping center management
ECE TŸrkiye are joining their forces
for a unique project.
This mixed-use project which consists of a
shopping center and residences is going to
be the manifestation of ÒluxuryÓ and the
most prestigious project of Bursa.
Located at the new heart of Bursa - NilŸfer,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center promises
an exclusive shopping experience with its
luxury brands, cafŽs and restaurants,
entertainment and social living spaces.
Sur YapÝ MARKA will be the groundbreaking
trendsetter of the city!
Two great powers joined forces for this
magnificent project created for the people of
Bursa. It is going to elevate the shopping and
entertainment experience to new heights.
TŸrkiyeÕnin dšrdŸncŸ bŸyŸk kenti Bursa, otomotiv ve tekstil endŸstrileri ile ticaretin
kalbinin attÝÛÝ, Ÿlke ekonomisinin en šnemli lokomotiflerinden biri. DoÛal ve tarihi
zenginlikleri, kayak merkezleri, parklarÝ, gemißten gelen geleneksel arßÝlarÝ,
Ÿniversiteleri ve renkli sosyal yaßamÝ ile dšrt mevsim canlÝ, refah bir ßehir.
YŸzyÝllardÝr AnadoluÕnun en šnemli merkezlerinden biri ve Üpekyolu ticaretinin geiß
noktalarÝndan olan Bursa, OsmanlÝ ÜmparatorluÛuÕnun ilk baßkenti olmasÝ sebebiyle
kuruluß dšnemine ait birok tarihi esere ev sahipliÛi yapÝyor. Ulu Camii, Yeßil TŸrbe,
Üznik inileri, dŸnyaca bilinen Üskender KebabÝ ile bu tarihi ßehir, gemißi, kŸltŸrŸ,
sanatÝ ve farklÝ lezzetleri bŸnyesinde barÝndÝrÝyor. …te yandan kentin en bŸyŸk parkÝ
olarak planlanan ve adÝnÝ ßehrin eski isminden alan muazzam ÒHŸdavendigar ParkÝÓ
projesi, ŸnlŸ kayak merkezi ÒUludaÛÓ ve TŸrkiye futbol liginin beß bŸyŸk takÝmÝndan
biri olan BursasporÕun yeni ve ihtißamlÝ stadyum projesi Timsah Arena ile Bursa, her
geen gŸn gelißerek yepyeni renklere bŸrŸnŸyor.
Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß Merkezi Ônin yŸkseleceÛi, BursaÕnÝn batÝsÝnda yer alan
ÒNilŸferÓ ilesi, hÝzlÝ ßekilde gelißen yeni konut alanlarÝnÝn odak noktasÝnda bulunuyor.
ÒNilŸferÓ, hayata geirilen lŸks konut ve otel yatÝrÝmlarÝnÝn yanÝ sÝra gelißen kentsel
altyapÝnÝn da merkezinde yer almasÝ dolayÝsÝyla ÒgeleceÛin BursaÕsÝÓ olarak akÝllara
kazÝnÝyor. Bu gelißmelere paralel olarak modern perakende de NilŸferÕde canlanÝyor.
360.000 kißi nŸfusu ile ÒNilŸferÓ BursaÕnÝn yeni yŸzŸ iken Sur YapÝ MARKA, bu bšlgede
yapÝlan ilk bŸyŸk šlekli ve ßehrin en prestijli AlÝßveriß Merkezi projesi!
Ulu Camii / Ulu Mosque
Yeßil TŸrbe / Green Mausoleum
Üznik GšlŸ / Üznik Lake
Üznik ‚ini / Üznik Pottery
Bursa, as Turkey's fourth largest city and the heartland of trade with automotive and textile
industries, is one of the most important driving forces of the economy. All year round, the
city is alive and prosperous along with its natural and historical riches, parks, ski centers,
traditional markets, universities and a colorful social life.
On the other hand, Bursa keeps developing and blending in new colors every day, thanks
to numerous different attractions such as the famous ski resort UludaÛ, the astounding
HŸdavendigar ParkÓ project which is named after the cityÕs old name, and the all-new
Timsah Arena of Bursaspor - one of the five major teams of Turkish Premier Football League.
Bursa has been one of the most important centers of Anatolia and a crossing point of the
Silk Road trade for centuries. As its first capital, Bursa houses many historical monuments
from the Rising Period of the Ottoman Empire. This historic city embodies the past, culture,
art and different tastes with its world-famous Üskender Kebab, Üznik pottery, Green Tomb
and Ulu Mosque.
NilŸfer district, where Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center will rise, is located on the west side
of Bursa and is in the focus of rapidly developing new residential areas. NilŸfer marks its
name as the ÒFuture of BursaÓ, not only because of the already realized high-end residential
and hotel investments, but also because it is located in the center of the developing urban
infrastructure. In line with these developments, modern retail is also developing in NilŸfer.
While NilŸfer has been the new face of Bursa with its population of 360.000 inhabitants,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center will be the first big scale project in this region and the
most prestigious shopping center in the city!
Planned to be opened in spring of 2017,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center will completely
change the shopping mentality in Bursa!
There will be 30 restaurants & cafŽs,
9 cinema halls, a hypermarket and a consumer
electronics market on 70.000 square meters of
leasable space on five levels.
2017 yÝlÝ ilkbaharÝnda tamamlanmasÝ
planlanan Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß
Merkezi, BursaÕda alÝßveriß anlayÝßÝnÝ
tamamen deÛißtirecek! 5 kata yayÝlan,
70.000 m2 kiralanabilir alan
Ÿzerinde, 30 farklÝ restoran & kafe,
9 sinema salonu, gÝda market ve
teknoloji marketi bulunuyor.
†st ve orta segmente hitap edecek, farklÝ
beÛeni ve ihtiyalarÝ, BursaÕda tek atÝ
altÝnda toplayacak, ßehre ilk kez gelecek
ulusal ve uluslararasÝ markalara ev
sahipliÛi yapacak olan bu šnemli proje,
sunacaÛÝ ayrÝcalÝklÝ hizmetlerle BursalÝlarÝn
yeni yaßam merkezi olacak.
Bir Sur YapÝ projesi olan Sur YapÝ MARKA
AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕnde dŸnyaca ŸnlŸ moda
markalarÝnÝn yanÝ sÝra teraslÝ kafe &
restoranlar, sinema salonlarÝ ve eÛlence
alanlarÝyla ziyaretilere kendilerini šzel
hissettirecek, benzersiz bir sosyal yaßam
ve alÝßveriß deneyimi yaratÝlÝyor. BursaÕda
moda, trendler, eÛlence ve sosyal
yaßamÝn kalbi burada atacak!
By appealing to upper and middle socioeconomic
segments, by gathering different tastes and needs
under a single roof, and by housing national and
international brands which will be introduced to
the city for the first time, the project will be the
new living space of the people of Bursa by
offering them privileged services.
In Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center, a project
of Sur YapÝ, in addition to world-famous fashion
brands, a unique way of shopping and social
living space will be created with cafŽs and
restaurants with terraces, cinema halls and many
other entertainment options. It will be the unique
spot where the heart of fashion, trends,
entertainment and social life beats!
Restoran ve Kafeler / Restaurants & CafŽs
Sinema SalonlarÝ / Cinema Halls
SŸpermarket / Supermarket
‚ocuk Oyun AlanÝ / Kids Playground
Toplam ekim alanÝ
Bursa il nŸfusu
NilŸfer ile nŸfusu
Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß Merkezi,
BursaÕnÝn batÝsÝnda, son 20 yÝllÝk dšnemde
hÝzla bŸyŸyen ve gelißen, 350.000 nŸfuslu
ve ßehrin en deÛerli noktalarÝndan biri olan
NilŸfer ilesinde yer alÝyor. Bursa il nŸfusunun
tamamÝnÝ kapsayan ekim alanÝnda yaklaßÝk
2.75 milyon kißi yaßÝyor. FarklÝlÝk olußturacak
ve bšlgeye deÛer katacak bu šnemli proje,
sadece BursalÝlar iin deÛil, kšrfez illeri ve
Marmara BšlgesiÕnin bŸtŸnŸ iin bir ekim
noktasÝ olacak.
Bšlgedeki hÝzla gelißen ticaret, konut ve
konaklama yatÝrÝmlarÝ ile ekim alanÝ her
geen gŸn daha da bŸyŸyerek katlanÝyor.
Þehrin ana toplu taßÝma aracÝ olan ve
gŸnde 350.000 yolcu taßÝyan BursaRay
hattÝnÝn tam ortasÝnda bulunuyor.
Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß Merkezi, sekin
ve zengin maÛaza karmasÝ, her kitleye
hitap edecek kafe ve restoranlarÝ, eÛlence
ve sosyal yaßam alanlarÝyla bu ekim
merkezinin odaÛÝnda yer alÝyor.
0-5 dakika
5-15 dakika
15-30 dakika
30 dakika
77.000 kißi
350.000 kißi
836.000 kißi
1.487.000 kißi
2.750.000 kißi
2.750.000 kißi
358.265 kißi
Zone 1
0-5 min.
Zone 2
5-15 min.
Zone 3
15-30 min.
Zone 4
30 min.
Total catchment area
Bursa population
NilŸfer district population
77.000 inhabitants
350.000 inhabitants
836.000 inhabitants
1.487.000 inhabitants
2.750.000 inhabitants
2.750.000 inhabitants
358.265 inhabitants
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center is placed in NilŸfer district
at the West side of Bursa, which has been constantly
developing and expanding in the last two decades. It is one
of the most valuable spots of the city with a population of
360.000 inhabitants. The catchment area of the project
consists of the whole population of Bursa, approximately
2.75 million inhabitants. This groundbreaking new project
will be the attraction center of the area, not only for the
people of Bursa but also for the cities of gulf
and the whole Marmara Region.
ProjectÕs catchment area is growing and multiplying with
developing trade, residential and accommodation
investments in the region. The project is located at the
center of BursaRay subway line, which is the main public
transportation medium of the city that carries
350.000 passengers per day.
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center is placed at the focus of
its catchment area with a wide-ranging and exclusive
branch and tenant mix, cafŽs and restaurants, entertainment
and social living spaces appealing to everyone.
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center is a
shopping and living space located in NilŸfer,
a rapidly growing new residential area, easily
accessible from everywhere in the city.
Bursa projesi, ßehrin hÝzla bŸyŸyen yeni
konut alanÝ NilŸfer ilesinde
konumlanmÝß, her noktadan ulaßÝmÝ
ok kolay bir alÝßveriß ve yaßam merkezi.
Þehrin batÝ yakasÝnda, BursaÕyÝ kuzey
ve gŸney olarak ikiye bšlen ana
evreyoluna kolayca baÛlanan
Üzmir Caddesine, kentin ilgi odaÛÝ
Timsah Arena ve HŸdavendigar
ParkÝÕna ok yakÝn mesafede,
BursaRay metro ve otobŸs
duraklarÝndan faydalanabilecek
bir konumda yer alÝyor.
…zel ve toplu taßÝma aralarÝ ve yaya
olarak ana ulaßÝm akslarÝna erißim
kolaylÝÛÝ ile Sur YapÝ MARKA AlÝßveriß
Merkezi, BursalÝlar iin
vazgeemeyecekleri bir cazibe
merkezi olacak!
Situated in the West side of Bursa,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center is close to
Üzmir Street which has an easy access to the
main ring road that divides the city in two as
North and South. It is also very close to cityÕs
new attraction centers - Timsah Arena and
HŸdavendigar City Park. The project is located
in a position to take advantage of BursaRay
subway and bus stops.
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center will be an
indispensable attraction center for the people
of Bursa thanks to the easy access it offers to
pedestrians and to the main public and private
transportation networks and mediums.
Toplam kiralanabilir alan
70.000 m2
‚ekim alanÝ yaklaßÝk olarak
2.750.000 kißi
MaÛaza sayÝsÝ
Kat sayÝsÝ
5 kat + 3 otopark katÝ
Restoran ve kafeler
Yeme ime alanÝ oturma kapasitesi
1.400 kißi
3.200 m2
Elektronik market
2.000 m2
‚ok katlÝ maÛaza
3.900 m2
Sinema salonlarÝ
9 salon / 3.000 m2
Otopark kapasitesi
1.800 ara
Total leasable area
70.000 sqm
Catchment area approximately
2.750.000 people
5 floors + 3 parking floors
Restaurants and cafŽs
Food court seating capacity
1.400 people
3.200 sqm
Consumer electronics
2.000 sqm
Department store
3.900 sqm
9 halls / 3.000 sqm
Parking capacity
1.800 cars
AlÝßveriß / Shopping
EÛlence / Entertainment
Lezzet / Taste
Teknoloji / Technology
1992 yÝlÝnda gayrimenkul sektšrŸnde faaliyete baßlayan
Sur YapÝ, kurulußundan itibaren birok prestijli projeyi
baßarÝ ile tamamlamÝß ve kÝsa zamanda yaptÝÛÝ ißlerle
sektšrde šncŸ bir kimlik kazanmÝßtÝr. Sur YapÝ, proje
aßamasÝndan baßlayarak, gelißtirme, mimari, yapÝmŸretim dahil anahtar teslimi, yŸksek kalitede iß yapan bir
inßaat firmasÝ olarak faaliyet gšstermektedir.
Kurulußundan bugŸne 3 milyon metrekareyi aßan yaßam
alanÝ Ÿreten Sur YapÝ, konut projelerinin yanÝnda,
ok sayÝda endŸstriyel tesis ile uluslararasÝ bŸyŸk
ßirketlerin yšnetim merkezlerini hem proje gelißtirerek
hem inßa ederek gerekleßtirmißtir. ‚ok sayÝda A plus
ofis ve alÝßveriß merkezi yatÝrÝmlarÝ da bulunmaktadÝr.
2013 yÝlÝnÝn Haziran ayÝnda Axis K‰ÛÝthane AVMÕyi aan
Sur YapÝ, 2014 EylŸl ayÝnda ise Metrogarden AVMÕyi
hayata geirmißtir. Sur YapÝ, Exen AVM, Sur YapÝ MARKA
Rezidans&AVM, Üzmir Kompleksi ve Hayat Holding ile
ortak projesi olan Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß Merkezi & OfisÕin
alÝßmalarÝnÝ da devam ettirmektedir.
2007 yÝlÝndan itibaren Enerji yatÝrÝmlarÝna da baßlayan
Sur YapÝ devam eden 4 adet hidroelektrik santrali ve
2 adet rŸzg‰r enerjisi santrali ile aÛÝrlÝklÝ olarak yenilebilir
enerji yatÝrÝmlarÝnÝ da gerekleßtirmektedir. Sur YapÝ,
gayrimenkul, taahhŸt ve enerji sektšrlerinde 22 yÝlda
20 ßirkete ulaßmÝß bir ßirketler grubu olarak faaliyetlerini
Sur YapÝ started its operations in the real estate sector in
1992. Since its establishment, the company has completed
numerous prestigious projects successfully and has quickly
become a leader in the sector. Sur YapÝ operates as a
construction company that produces high quality
turn-key work; including the design phase, development,
architecture, manufacturing and construction.
Üstanbul merkezli ÒECE TŸrkiyeÓ, Ekim 2000Õde AlÝßveriß
Merkezi sektšrŸnde Avrupa lideri olan Alman ÒECEÓ
tarafÝndan kurulmußtur. Bir yatÝrÝm ve hizmet firmasÝ
olan ECE TŸrkiye, AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinin gelißtirilmesi ile
ilgili olarak mimari ve konsept planlama, proje yšnetimi,
kiralama, AlÝßveriß Merkezi yšnetimi, bŸteleme hizmetleri
ile finansal ve hukuki hizmetlerin tŸmŸnŸ aynÝ atÝ
altÝnda toplamaktadÝr.
After opening Axis KaÛÝthane Shopping Center in June
2013, Sur YapÝ has completed Metrogarden Shopping
Center in September 2014. Sur YapÝ continues to work
on Exen Shopping Center, Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping
Center & Residences, Izmir Complex and Axis Istanbul
Shopping Center & Offices, which is a joint project with
Hayat Holding.
TŸrkiyeÕnin en prestijli AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinden olan
ÜstanbulÕdaki MIPIM …dŸlŸ sahibi Marmara Park, Maltepe
Park, MetroCity, Aqua Florya ve BeylikdŸzŸ Migros
AlÝßveriß Merkezi, AnkaraÕda ANKAmall ve ACity,
EskißehirÕde Espark, AfyonkarahisarÕdaki Park Afyon,
ÜzmirÕdeki MaviBahe ile AntalyaÕdaki TerraCity ile Antalya
Migros AlÝßveriß Merkezi, ECE TŸrkiye tarafÝndan baßarÝyla
yšnetilmektedir. ECE farklÝ ve etkin yšnetim anlayÝßÝ ile
perakende dŸnyasÝna yšn verirken ECE TŸrkiye de yeni
yatÝrÝmlarÝ, gelißtirmekte olduÛu projeler ve yenileme
projeleri ile TŸrkiye pazarÝnda bŸyŸmeye devam
etmektedir. FirmanÝn inßaat ve planlama aßamasÝnda
pek ok projesi de mevcuttur. ÜstanbulÕdaki Akasya Park
ve Axis Istanbul ile Bursa'daki Sur YapÝ MARKA bu
projelerden bazÝlarÝdÝr.
Starting in 2007, Sur YapÝ has also initiated investments
in the energy sector and has a predominantly renewable
energy portfolio including 4 hydroelectric plants and
2 wind power plants. Sur YapÝ, which has developed
into a group of 20 companies in 22 years, continues its
activities in real estate, contracting and energy sectors.
ECE TŸrkiye, pazardaki kšklŸ tecrŸbesi, projeye šzel
sunduÛu hizmetler, yeniliki konseptler, herbir projeye
gšre farklÝlaßan marka ve kiracÝ karmasÝ, yŸksek
profesyonelliÛi, uzmanlÝÛÝ, mŸßteri odaklÝ stratejisi ve
gŸlŸ performansÝ ile perakende sektšrŸnŸn geleceÛine
yatÝrÝm yapmaktadÝr.
Sur YapÝ, which has created more than 3 million square
meters of living space since its establishment, has also
realized many industrial facilities and the headquarters
of many large multinational corporations in addition
to its housing projects. The company also has numerous
A plus office and shopping center investments.
Headquartered in Istanbul, ECE TŸrkiye was founded
in October 2000 by ECE, the European market leader
in the shopping center sector. As an investor and full
service provider, ECE TŸrkiye gathers all competences
of the shopping center development, such as
architectural design, conceptual planning, project
management, leasing, center management, budgeting,
finance, and legal services under one roof.
Being some of the most prestigious shopping centers
in Turkey the MIPIM Prize holder Marmara Park,
Maltepe Park, MetroCity, Aqua Florya and BeylikdŸzŸ
Migros Shopping Center in Istanbul, ANKAmall and
ACity in Ankara, Espark in Eskißehir, Park Afyon in
Afyonkarahisar, MaviBahe in Izmir and TerraCity and
Antalya Migros Shopping Center in Antalya are
successfully operated by ECE TŸrkiye. While ECE is a
leading company in the retail world with its distinct
and effective management perception, ECE TŸrkiye
continues its expansion with new investments,
developments, and refurbishments in the growing
Turkish market. The company has numerous projects
in construction and/or in the planning phase. Among
these centers are Axis Üstanbul and Akasya Park in
Istanbul and Sur YapÝ MARKA in Bursa.
With its longstanding experience in the market,
ECE TŸrkiye invests in the future of the retail industry
with custom made services, innovative concepts,
specifically tailored branch and tenant mix, high level
of professionalism and expertise, customer-focused
strategy and a strong performance.
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Mall Area
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar Anchor Tenants
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
Giriß KatÝ / Entrance Level
Mall Area
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar Anchor Tenants
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
1. KAT
Giriß KatÝ / Entrance Level
Mall Area
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar Anchor Tenants
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
2. KAT
Mall Area
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar Anchor Tenants
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
3. KAT
Mall Area
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar Anchor Tenants