ECE Türkiye Proje Yönetimi


ECE Türkiye Proje Yönetimi
ECE TŸrkiye Proje Yšnetimi A.Þ.
Defterdar Yokußu No:3 Tophane
34425 Karakšy / ÜST.
T+90 (212) 377 77 00 F+90 (212) 377 77 01 /
UyarÝ: Bu broߟrde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve baÛÝmsÝz raporlara dayanan bilgilerde meydana gelebilecek farklÝlÝklar nedeni ile olußabilecek deÛißiklikler iin ECE TŸrkiye ve SUR YAPIÕnÝn hukuksal bir sorumluluÛu yoktur.
Bu broߟrdeki bilgiler 2015 MayÝs ayÝna ait olup, deÛißmeye aÝktÝr. Bu broߟr tanÝtÝm amalÝ hazÝrlanmÝß olup, bir sšzleßme niteliÛi taßÝmaz.
Disclaimer: ECE TŸrkiye and SUR YAPI do not claim any legal responsibility for any variations on information obtained from independent sources or for technical reasons. All the information contained in this brochure is
based on knowledge and data as of May 2015 and is therefore subject to change. This brochure is made for marketing reasons and does not constitute a contractual document.
Þehre atÝlan
en parlak imza...
ÜstanbulÕun tarihi semtlerinden biri olan EyŸpÕte ofis ve
alÝßveriß merkezinden olußan yepyeni bir yaßam alanÝ
yŸkseliyor. Gemißin gelecekle birleßtiÛi, yeni konut alanlarÝ
ve ticaret merkezlerinin gelißtiÛi bu bšlgede, modern ve
konforlu ofislerin yanÝ sÝra yaßam kalitenizi yŸkseltecek,
alÝßverißten eÛlenceye, teknolojiden sosyal aktivitelere kadar
hayatÝnÝza renk katacak tŸm noktalar, Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß
Merkezi ve OfisÕte birleßiyor!
UygarlÝÛÝn mimarÝ Sur YapÝ ve Hayat HoldingÕin ortaklÝÛÝndan
doÛan projede, ECE TŸrkiye, AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕne sektšrdeki
tecrŸbesi ve gŸvenilirliÛi ile imza atÝyor. Axis Üstanbul
AlÝßveriß Merkezi, her zevke hitap eden marka karmasÝ,
yeme-ime ve eÛlence alanlarÝ ile hem yakÝn evresindeki
ofis alÝßanlarÝna, hem de ailelere ve her yaßtan ziyaretiye
konforlu bir alÝßveriß deneyimi sunuyor.
The brightest signature on the cityÉ
A living space consisting of offices and a shopping center is rising in one of the historic districts of Üstanbul, EyŸp. At the junction
of past and future where the new residential areas and trade centers are developing, in addition to modern and comfortable office
spaces, all the points that will enliven your life and improve its quality from shopping to entertainment, technology to social
activities, are joining together in Axis Istanbul Shopping Center and Office.
With its experience and reliability in the shopping center sector, ECE TŸrkiye puts its signature on this project that is realized
by an alliance between the architect of civilization, Sur YapÝ and Hayat Holding. Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center, with its
branch & tenant mix appealing to every taste and food court and entertainment options, will present a comfortable
shopping experience to office employees working nearby, to families, and to visitors from all ages.
EyŸp Sultan Camii
EyŸp Sultan Mosque
Pierre Loti Tepesi
Pierre Loti Hill
Gemißin izleri,
geleceÛin projesi...
Gšrkemli medeniyetlerin beßiÛi ÜstanbulÕun, tarih boyunca
daima manevi bir ekim merkezi olmuß, sŸrekli deÛißen ve
gelißen semti EyŸp, AltÝn Boynuz HaliÕten Karadeniz kÝyÝlarÝna
kadar uzanÝyor.
OsmanlÝ ÜmparatorluÛu zamanÝnda, Üstanbul surlarÝ dÝßÝnda
kurulan ilk semt, adÝnÝ sÝnÝrlarÝ iinde tŸrbesi bulunan
Ebu Eyyub el-EnsariÕden alÝyor. Gšrkemli EyŸp Sultan
CamiiÕnden nefes kesen manzarasÝyla Pierre Loti Tepesine,
her zaman renkli, neßeli FeshaneÕden eski Üstanbul surlarÝna
kadar tarihe tanÝklÝk eden EyŸp, son yÝllarda iß hayatÝnÝn da
kalbinin attÝÛÝ šnemli bir ticaret merkezi haline geliyor.
EyŸp՟n bu yeni siluetinde yŸkselen Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß
Merkezi ve Ofis projesi, bšlgedeki kentsel dšnŸßŸme katkÝ
saÛlayarak geleceÛin kapÝlarÝnÝ aÝyor.
Ebussuud SÝbyan Mektebi
Ebussuud Primary School
Golden Horn
EyŸp Sultan TŸrbesi
Eyup Sultan Mausoleum
HŸsrev Paßa KŸtŸphanesi
HŸsrev Paßa Library
Traces of the past, project of the futureÉ
EyŸp is one of the constantly evolving and developing districts and a spiritual attraction center of Istanbul, known as the cradle
of great civilizations. EyŸp extends from Golden Horn to the shores of Black Sea.
EyŸp, the first neighborhood built outside the walls of Üstanbul at the time of Ottoman Empire, is named after Abu Ayyub alAnsari, whose tomb is within the districtÕs boundaries. EyŸp bears witness to history with its magnificent EyŸp Sultan Mosque,
always alive and colorful Feshane, the walls of old Üstanbul and the breathtaking hill of Pierre Loti. Furthermore, EyŸp is becoming
an important trade center where the pulse of the business world is kept. Rising in this new silhouette of EyŸp, Axis Istanbul
Shopping Center and Office is opening the doors to future by contributing to urban transformation.
Elektronik Market
Consumer Electronics
Spor Merkezi
Fitness Center
Restoran ve Kafeler
Restaurants & CafŽsÊ
AlÝßveriß ve eÛlencenin
renkli noktalarÝ...
YapÝlan yatÝrÝmlarla yeni bir ehre kazanan EyŸpÕte, her tŸrlŸ gŸnlŸk ihtiyaca kolayca cevap
veren, modern, fonksiyonel mimarisiyle yediden yetmiße tŸm ziyeretilerine konforlu bir
alÝßveriß deneyimi yaßatacak yepyeni bir alÝßveriß ve eÛlence dŸnyasÝ inßa ediliyor.
Ülk fazda hayata geirilecek 40.000 m2Õye artÝ olarak ikinci fazda 20.000 m2 kiralanabilir alan
yaratÝlacak olan AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕnde, 4 kat Ÿzerinde 170 maÛaza yer alacak. Ziyaretilerin gŸnŸn
stresini atÝp saÛlÝklÝ yaßama adÝm atabilecekleri spor merkezi, her zevke ve bŸteye hitap edecek
zengin marka karmasÝ, ocuklar iin oyun alanlarÝ, sinema salonlarÝ, kat baheleri, restoran &
kafeleri, elektronik ve gÝda marketi ile Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß Merkezi, ok amalÝ bir yaßam
kompleksi olarak tasarlandÝ.
܍erisinde binlerce kißinin alÝßacaÛÝ, Hali ve ßehir manzaralÝ 195 A Plus lŸks ofisin de yer aldÝÛÝ
proje, ziyaretilerinin yaßam kalitesini yŸkseltecek sosyal ve kŸltŸrel donanÝmlarÝ ile 2016 yÝlÝnÝn
ilk eyreÛinde kapÝlarÝnÝ aacak.
SaÛlÝklÝ Yaßam
Healthy Living
Sinema SalonlarÝ
Cinema Halls
Oyun AlanÝ
Kids Playground
Colorful shopping and entertainment spots...
A brand new shopping and entertainment world has been realized at EyŸp, which is reinventing itself with new investments.
Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center will offer comfortable shopping experience by responding to all kinds of daily necessities of its visitors
from all ages with its modern, functional architecture.
The first phase of the shopping center will have 40.000 sqm leasable area, while the second phase will have an additional 20.000 sqm.
There will be 170 shops on 4 levels. Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center is designed to be a multi-functional living complex with its wide
branch & tenant mix appealing to every taste and affordable for everyone, fitness center where visitors could relieve stress,
kidsÕ playground, cinema halls, terraces, cafŽs and restaurants, consumer electronics and supermarket.
The project will be opened in the first quarter of 2016 which will provide employment opportunities to thousands of people and will improve
visitorsÕ quality of life with its social and cultural facilities. There will also be 195 A plus luxury offices with Golden Horn and city view.
en ekici noktasÝ!
Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß Merkezi, ÜstanbulÕda, EyŸp, Fatih,
BeyoÛlu, Zeytinburnu, Bayrampaßa ve Gaziosmanpaßa
semtlerinin kesißim noktasÝndaki konumuyla geniß bir ekim
alanÝna hitap ediyor.
AdÝnÝ, Aksaray-HavaalanÝ metrosu ve TopkapÝ-Habibler tramvay
hattÝ duraklarÝnÝn tam arasÝnda olußturduÛu geiß aksÝndan alan
proje, gŸnlŸk ortalama 400.000 yolcunun rotasÝnda gšrŸnŸr
bir unsur haline geliyor. Yeni hayata geirilen ulaßÝm yatÝrÝmlarÝ,
Axis ÜstanbulÕa, sadece evre ilelerden deÛil, ÜstanbulÕun tŸm
merkezi noktalarÝndan kolaylÝkla erißilmesini saÛlÝyor. Bu
šzellikleriyle, Üstanbul nŸfusunun geniß bir bšlŸmŸne hitap
edecek Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕnin ekim alanÝnda
yaklaßÝk 6 milyon kißi yaßÝyor.
0-5 dakika
70.000 kißi
Zone 1
0-5 min.
70.000 inhabitants
5-15 dakika
1.600.000 kißi
Zone 2
5-15 min.
1.600.000 inhabitants
15-30 dakika
2.930.000 kißi
Zone 3
15-30 min.
2.930.000 inhabitants
30 dakika
1.200.000 kißi
Zone 4
30 min.
1.200.000 inhabitants
Toplam ekim alanÝ
5.800.000 kißi
Total catchment area
5.800.000 inhabitants
Üstanbul il nŸfusu1
14.160.467 kißi
Üstanbul population
14.160.467 inhabitants
EyŸp ile nŸfusu
361.500 kißi
EyŸp district population
361.500 inhabitants
The attraction point of Istanbul!
Axis Istanbul Shopping Center attracts a wide catchment area with its location at the intersection of EyŸp, Fatih, BeyoÛlu,
Zeytinburnu, Bayrampaßa and Gaziosmanpaßa districts of Üstanbul.
The project gets its name from the transition axis in between Aksaray-Airport metro line and TopkapÝ-Habibler tramline stops.
It stands out on the route of approximately 400.000 passengers per day. Newly built transportation investments of the city make
Axis Istanbul very accessible not only from neighboring districts but also from all central locations of Istanbul. Axis Istanbul
Shopping Center, which will serve wide range of Istanbul population with all these features, will have an approximately 6 million
inhabitants in its catchment area.
Kißi / Inhab.
Kißi / Inhab.
Kißi / Inhab.
Kißi / Inhab.
Kißi / Inhab.
Kißi / Inhab.
Halk Ekmek
Semt PolikliniÛi
Shopping Center
New Roads
Metrobus Stop
Subway / Tram Stop
Subway / Tram Line
New Subway / Tram Line
AlÝßveriß Merkezi
Yeni Yollar
MetrobŸs DuraÛÝ
Metro / Tramvay DuraÛÝ
Metro / Tramvay HattÝ
Yeni Metro / Tramvay HattÝ
2. MatbaacÝlar
Axis ÜstanbulÕun yanÝ baßÝnda yer alan Bayrampaßa metro
istasyonundan EyŸp MeydanÝÕna yapÝlacak olan fŸnikŸler ile
alÝßveriß merkezine ok daha rahat ve kolay bir ulaßÝm saÛlanacak.
Hizmete giren, TŸrkiyeÕnin ilk metro kšprŸsŸ olan Hali Metro
KšprŸsŸ ve Anadolu ile Avrupa yakasÝnÝ birleßtiren Marmaray
sayesinde sadece evre ilelerden deÛil, ÜstanbulÕun ana
merkezlerinden de Axis ÜstanbulÕa kolayca ulaßmak mŸmkŸn!
Geniß metro ulaßÝm aÛÝ ile AtatŸrk HavalimanÝ, Taksim Mecidiyekšy - Levent, Aksaray - YenikapÝ - Sultanahmet - Sirkeci,
†skŸdar - KadÝkšy - Kartal gibi ßehrin merkezi noktalarÝndan
alÝßveriß merkezine kÝsa sŸrede ulaßÝlabilecek.
…n girißinde Bayrampaßa metro istasyonu, arka girißinde
DemirkapÝ metro istasyonu ve yakÝnÝndaki evreyollarÝyla tam
anlamÝyla bir ulaßÝm aksÝ olußturan Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß
Merkezi, metrobŸs hattÝna da yalnÝzca 600 metre uzaklÝkta!
Axis Üstanbul, ßehrin šnemli ticaret bšlgesinin kalbinde, ana
arterler ve baÛlantÝ yollarÝnÝn kesißiminde yer alÝyor. Vatan
CaddesiÕnde yer alan AnÝt MezarÝn tam karßÝsÝndaki paha
biilmez konumu ve šnemli toplu taßÝma duraklarÝna olan
yakÝnlÝÛÝ, Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß MerkeziÕni ziyaretiler iin
kolayca erißilebilir ve bilindik kÝlÝyor.
UlaßÝmÝ kolay nokta!
Üett Genel MŸd.
Easily accessible point!
Axis Üstanbul is located at the heart of an important commercial area of the city and at the intersection of main and connection
roads. Thanks to its priceless location right across the Mausoleum on Vatan Street and its closeness to major public transportation
stops, Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center becomes very accessible and well-known point for its visitors.
Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center has an easy access from all approaching main ring roads and very well served by the public
transportation network. It is only 600 meters away from metrobus line! Bayrampaßa metro station is located at the front entrance,
and DemirkapÝ metro station is just at the rear entrance of the project.
The shopping center will have more convenient access after Bayrampaßa metro station will be connected to EyŸp Square by the
new funicular system. It is possible to access Axis Üstanbul not only from all surrounding districts but also from all main centers
of Istanbul by taking the first metro bridge of Turkey, Hali Metro Bridge, and by Marmaray which connects European and Asian
sides of Istanbul. With the wide metro network, the shopping center will be accessible in minutes from many central locations
such as AtatŸrk Airport, Taksim - Mecidiyekšy - Levent, Aksaray - YenikapÝ
Sultanahmet - Sirkeci, †skŸdar - KadÝkšy - Kartal.
Axis Üstanbul
AlÝßveriß Merkezi...
Toplam kiralanabilir alan
‚ekim alanÝ yaklaßÝk olarak
MaÛaza sayÝsÝ
Kat sayÝsÝ
Restoran ve kafeler
Yeme ime alanÝ oturma kapasitesi
Elektronik market
‚ok katlÝ maÛaza / BŸyŸk maÛaza
‚ocuk eÛlence alanÝ
Sinema salonlarÝ
Spor merkezi
Otopark kapasitesi
40.000 m2 1. Faz
20.000 m2 2. Faz
5.800.000 kißi
4 kat + 3 otopark katÝ
YaklaßÝk 1.400 kißi
2.000 m2
1.500 m2
7.000 m2
1.000 m2
10 salon / 3.600 m2
1.700 m2
1.000 ara
Axis Üstanbul Shopping Center in figures...
Total leasable area 40.000 m2 I.Phase + 20.000 m2 II. Phase
Catchment area approximately
5.800.000 inhabitants
4 floors + 3 parking floors
Restaurants and CafŽs
Food court seating capacity
1.400 people
2.000 sqm
Consumer Electronics
Department store / Large shops
Kids playground
Cinema halls
Fitness center
Parking capacity
1.500 sqm
7.000 sqm
1.000 sqm
10 halls / 3.600 sqm
1.700 sqm
1.000 cars
birlikte yarattÝÛÝmÝz
sinerjiden doÛuyor!
Our strength rises
from the synergy we
create together!
AlÝßveriß dŸnyasÝnÝn
yatÝrÝm ve yšnetim
Expert in
shopping center
development and
1992 yÝlÝnda gayrimenkul sektšrŸnde faaliyete baßlayan Sur YapÝ, kurulußundan
itibaren birok prestijli projeyi baßarÝ ile tamamlamÝß ve kÝsa zamanda yaptÝÛÝ
ißlerle sektšrde šncŸ bir kimlik kazanmÝßtÝr. Sur YapÝ, proje aßamasÝndan
baßlayarak, gelißtirme, mimari, yapÝm-Ÿretim dahil anahtar teslimi, yŸksek
kalitede iß yapan bir inßaat firmasÝ olarak faaliyet gšstermektedir.
Sur YapÝ started its operations in the real estate sector in 1992.
Since its establishment, the company has completed numerous
prestigious projects successfully and has quickly become a leader
in the sector. Sur YapÝ operates as a construction company that
produces high quality turn-key work; including the design phase,
development, architecture, manufacturing and construction.
Üstanbul merkezli ÒECE TŸrkiyeÓ, Ekim 2000Õde, AlÝßveriß
Merkezi sektšrŸnde Avrupa lideri olan Alman ÒECEÓ tarafÝndan
kurulmußtur. Bir yatÝrÝm ve hizmet firmasÝ olan ECE TŸrkiye,
AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinin gelißtirilmesi ile ilgili olarak mimari
ve konsept planlama, proje yšnetimi, kiralama, AlÝßveriß Merkezi
yšnetimi, bŸteleme hizmetleri ile finansal ve hukuki
hizmetlerin tŸmŸnŸ aynÝ atÝ altÝnda toplamaktadÝr.
Headquartered in Istanbul, ECE TŸrkiye was founded in
October 2000 by ECE, the European market leader in the field
of inner-city shopping centers. As an investor and full service
provider, ECE TŸrkiye gathers all competences of the shopping
center development, such as architectural design, conceptual
planning, project management, leasing, center management,
budgeting, finance, and legal services under one roof.
TŸrkiyeÕnin en prestijli AlÝßveriß Merkezlerinden olan
ÜstanbulÕdaki Marmara Park, Maltepe Park, MetroCity
ve BeylikdŸzŸ Migros AlÝßveriß Merkezi, AnkaraÕda ANKAmall,
ACity ve Park Vera, EskißehirÕde Espark ve AntalyaÕdaki TerraCity
ile Antalya Migros AlÝßveriß Merkezi, ECE TŸrkiye tarafÝndan
baßarÝyla yšnetilmektedir. ECE farklÝ ve etkin yšnetim anlayÝßÝ
ile perakende dŸnyasÝna yšn verirken ECE TŸrkiye de yeni
yatÝrÝmlarÝ, gelißtirmekte olduÛu projeler ve yenileme projeleri
ile TŸrkiye pazarÝnda bŸyŸmeye devam etmektedir. FirmanÝn
inßaat ve planlama aßamasÝnda pek ok projesi de mevcuttur.
ÜstanbulÕdaki Axis Üstanbul ve Akasya Park, BursaÕdaki Sur YapÝ
Marka ve AfyonkarahisarÕdaki Park Afyon bu projelerden
Being some of the most prestigious shopping centers in Turkey
Marmara Park, Maltepe Park, MetroCity and BeylikdŸzŸ Migros
Shopping Center in Istanbul, ANKAmall, ACity and Park Vera
in Ankara, Espark in Eskißehir, TerraCity and Antalya Migros
Shopping Center in Antalya are successfully operated by ECE
TŸrkiye. While ECE is a leading company in the retail world with
its distinct and effective management perception, ECE TŸrkiye
continues its expansion with new investments, developments, and
refurbishments in the growing Turkish market. The company has
numerous projects in construction and/or in the planning phase.
Among these centers are Axis Üstanbul and Akasya Park in Istanbul,
Sur YapÝ Marka in Bursa and Park Afyon in Afyonkarahisar.
Kurulußundan bugŸne 3 milyon metrekareyi aßan yaßam alanÝ Ÿreten Sur
YapÝ, konut projelerinin yanÝnda, ok sayÝda endŸstriyel tesis ile uluslararasÝ
bŸyŸk ßirketlerin yšnetim merkezlerini hem proje gelißtirerek hem inßa
ederek gerekleßtirmißtir. ‚ok sayÝda A plus ofis ve alÝßveriß merkezi
yatÝrÝmlarÝ da bulunmaktadÝr.
2013 yÝlÝnÝn Haziran ayÝnda Axis K‰ÛÝthane AVMÕyi aan Sur YapÝ, 2014
EylŸl ayÝnda ise Metrogarden AVMÕyi hayata geirmißtir. Sur YapÝ, Exen
AVM, Sur YapÝ MARKA Rezidans&AVM, Üzmir Kompleksi ve Hayat Holding
ile ortak projesi olan Axis Üstanbul AlÝßveriß Merkezi & OfisÕin alÝßmalarÝnÝ
da devam ettirmektedir.
2007 yÝlÝndan itibaren Enerji yatÝrÝmlarÝna da baßlayan Sur YapÝ devam
eden 4 adet hidroelektrik santrali ve 2 adet rŸzg‰r enerjisi santrali ile
aÛÝrlÝklÝ olarak yenilebilir enerji yatÝrÝmlarÝnÝ da gerekleßtirmektedir.
Sur YapÝ, gayrimenkul, taahhŸt ve enerji sektšrlerinde 22 yÝlda 20 ßirkete
ulaßmÝß bir ßirketler grubu olarak faaliyetlerini sŸrdŸrmektedir.
TŸrkiyeÕnin en kšklŸ gruplarÝ arasÝnda yer alan Hayat Holding ise,
TŸrkiyeÕnin yanÝ sÝra, Cezayir, MÝsÝr, Üran ve Bosna HersekÕde Ÿretim
tesisleri ile faaliyet gšstermekte ve baßarÝlarla dolu hizmet veren 28 ßirketi
ile 100՟ aßkÝn Ÿlkedeki ihracat aÛÝ, rekabet gŸcŸ ve azmiyle, hizmet verdiÛi
sektšrlerde bšlgesel liderliÛe gŸnden gŸne emin adÝmlarla ilerlemektedir.
Sur YapÝ, which has created more than 3 million square meters of
living space since its establishment, has also realized many
industrial facilities and the headquarters of many large
multinational corporations in addition to its housing projects.
The company also has numerous A plus office and shopping
center investments.
After opening Axis KaÛÝthane Shopping Center in June 2013,
Sur YapÝ has completed Metrogarden Shopping Center in September
2014. Sur YapÝ continues to work on Exen Shopping Center,
Sur YapÝ MARKA Shopping Center & Residences, Izmir Complex
and Axis Istanbul Shopping Center & Offices, which is a joint project
with Hayat Holding.
Starting in 2007, Sur YapÝ has also initiated investments in the
energy sector and has a predominantly renewable energy portfolio
including 4 hydroelectric plants and 2 wind power plants. Sur YapÝ,
which has developed into a group of 20 companies in 22 years,
continues its activities in real estate, contracting and energy sectors.
Hayat Holding is among the foremost and deep-rooted companies
of Turkey. In addition to those in Turkey, it also has factories in
Algeria, Egypt, Iran and Bosnia Herzegovina. With its 28 companies
which have illustrious track records, its export network in more
than 100 countries, and its competitive power and determination,
Hayat Holding is taking firm steps towards becoming a regional
leader in the sectors it is active in.
ECE TŸrkiye, pazardaki kšklŸ tecrŸbesi, projeye šzel sunduÛu
hizmetler, yeniliki konseptler, her bir projeye gšre farklÝlaßan
marka ve kiracÝ karmasÝ, yŸksek profesyonelliÛi, uzmanlÝÛÝ,
mŸßteri odaklÝ stratejisi ve gŸlŸ performansÝ ile perakende
sektšrŸnŸn geleceÛine yatÝrÝm yapmaktadÝr.
With its longstanding experience in the market, ECE TŸrkiye invests
in the future of the retail industry with custom made services,
innovative concepts, specifically tailored branch and tenant mix,
high level of professionalism and expertise, customer-focused
strategy and a strong performance.
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar
Mall Area
Anchor Tenants
1. Bodrum Kat / 1st Basement Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar
Mall Area
Anchor Tenants
Zemin Kat / Ground Floor
Giriß KatÝ / Entrance Level
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar
Mall Area
Anchor Tenants
1. Kat / 1st Floor
Giriß KatÝ / Entrance Level
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar
Mall Area
Anchor Tenants
2. Kat / 2nd Floor
DolaßÝm AlanÝ
BŸyŸk MaÛazalar
Mall Area
Anchor Tenants
3. Kat / 3rd Floor

Benzer belgeler

Uyar›: Bu broflürde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve ba

Uyar›: Bu broflürde yer alan bilgilerde teknik nedenlerle ve ba 2 wind power plants. Sur YapÝ, which has developed into a group of 20 companies in 22 years, continues its activities in real estate, contracting and energy sectors.
