Abstract Europe for Citizen_Comune di Prato


Abstract Europe for Citizen_Comune di Prato
Dear partner,
Municipality of Prato (Comune di Prato, Italy) would like to apply for Europe for Citizens
programme, Strand2 Democratic engagement and civic participation, Action 2.2 Network of
Towns, under the Call for Proposals 2015, within the deadline 1st of September 2015.
We would like to invite you to be our partner in the project:
“I like your moving”
General Objective of the project is to raise awareness about sustainable mobility
alternatives among citizens, through exchange of local experiences and definition of
common promotion and participation strategies.
The goal is to explain the challenges that cities and towns are facing in order to produce
behavioural change and progress towards creating a more sustainable transport strategy for
All the involved partners from 4 countries will carry out local activities aimed at promoting
sustainable mobility policies, their application and the participation of citizens in their definition
and implementation.
They will share experiences (in terms of policies and concrete projects) in the European
context and reach final definition of a common strategy based on best practices and the
involvement of civil society.
1) Giving citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in constructing an inclusive,
more democratic Europe, united and enriched by its cultural diversity, thus developing
active citizenship of the European Union.
2) Developing a sense of European identity, based on common values, history and culture.
3) Encouraging interaction between citizens and civil society organisations from all
participating countries, contributing to intercultural dialogue.
4) Giving citizens the chance to explore what the role of city streets really is, and to
explore concrete solutions to tackle urban challenges, such as air pollution
Target groups
Main target of the project are people involved in the process of developing future actions.
Target groups identified as representative stakeholder of the society are:
• Politicians - to define, plan and implement sustainable actions inside Public
• Planners & Technicians (Craft Association) - to improve quality of strategy design and
planning in an open way and to involve specialists who are working on this topics with
• University & Schools - to involve young generation and teachers to define the right way
to promote sustainability;
• Non Governmental Organisations (NGO) - to promote sustainable mobility, awareness
in wider society through organisation of public events/campaign;
• Citizens and Youth Associations – to involve them in the project and to give it a wider
Definition of the programme
DURATION: Start 01/02/2016 - End of the project 30/06/2017 – 18 months
The work programme consists of 6 different events.
First event - will be a-two-day kick-off meeting where project partners will discuss the original
action plan and will define some common practices: evaluation tools, dissemination outputs
and administrative-financial management procedures. This will be followed by a set of 4
international events that, having the same structure, will address four different themes and
targets. The final event will be an evaluation and follow up meeting.
Involvement of participants
Two participation levels are foreseen.
In the context of public events, participants representing partner municipalities will present
local experiences to a public audience. All project participants will actively participate in project
groups that will be held in every single event.
Hosting organisations will organize just study visits aimed at presenting local experiences in
the context of every event.
European Dimension
It is ensured by a partnership representing 4 different countries in wich the project will spread
awareness at different levels of society. The exchange of practices resulting from this
networking project is expected to provide common solutions, ideas and projects applicable in
other European countries.
The project will be developed during international meetings where different activities will be
organised, to provide participants with the opportunity to improve their knowledge about what
has been realised (in terms of policies and concrete projects) at European, national and local
level, this in order to raise awareness and make citizens active in the implementation of
sustainable mobility strategies in their everyday lives.
Furthermore, these international meetings will provide the opportunities for the final realisation
of a common strategy that, based on local dimension, will represent a set of common,
transnational solutions for making citizens aware and active in sustainable mobility policies,
especially improving their behaviour.
To become a partner
s.caminiti@comune.prato.it and fill in the information about your organization in the file
attached by 19th of July 2015.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Francesca Silipo
Prato City Council