epodur 1 0 4 2 b ze podur 1 0 4 2 bz


epodur 1 0 4 2 b ze podur 1 0 4 2 bz
Epoxy Grout Repair and Filler Mortar
Three component, epoxy resin based, quartz sand added, no shrinkage, fluid,
grout adhesion and repair mortar
: About 40 minutes at 20ºC, 20 minutes at 30ºC.
Contains no solvent. Highly fluid and spreadable, it can be applied on humid and
wet surfaces (provided no water accumulation), hardens after expansion, without
shrinkage. It has a high mechanical strength. It is resistant to vibrations and
shakes, requires no lining. Has a high resistance, is applied at the surface
temperature from +5ºC to +40ºC. It can be applied in layers of 6 to 7 cm
thickness on open surfaces.
Machinery foundations, vertical steel connections, screw and bolt installation,
bearings of the crane rails, bridge carrier plates, metal, concrete, stone, ceramic,
polyester, wood adhesions, repairing floor joint sides, anchoring, filling the cracks
on concrete (larger than 5 mm), heavy industrial floors, bridge supports, fixing
metal components on the concrete
The surfaces to be applied should be clean and free from any oil, dirt, dust etc.
The components A and B are mixed for 1 to 2 minutes using low speed (300 rpm)
drill mixer. To the fluid mixture so obtained, component C (quartz aggregate) is
added and mixed again for 3 to 4 minutes until obtaining a homogenous mixture.
The substance is applied by spilling, subject to the characteristics of the place of
: 2 kg/l (A+B+C mixture)
: Epoxy resin and quartz aggregate component
: Yellowish gray (mixture)
: 15 kg set (A+B+C)
: 1 lt, 2 kg for empty place of application
Compressive strength
: (+20ºC) 1 day, 70 N/mm2, 3 days 80 N/mm2,
7 days 90 N/mm2
Bending strength
: (+20ºC) 1 day 25 N/mm2, 3 days 27 N/mm2,
7 days 30 N/mm2
Adhesion strength
: (+20ºC) Concrete: 4-5 N/mm2 (exceeds concrete
strength) Steel: 15-20 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity
: 18 N/mm2
: Appr. 24 months indoor (at a temperature between
+5ºC to +30ºC)
TÜ : Report No. 02/05/062 M M dated 02.08.2002.
ODTÜ: Report No. 2002-03-03-2-0022 dated July 2002
Ensure that all of the components A, B and C are used. Wear gloves, goggles or
such other protective equipment. The age of the concrete should be at least 3 to 4
weeks. Wipe tools and equipment with a suitable cleaner. Working period at higher
temperatures is high, while its is long at lower temperatures. Wash with plenty of
water in case of skin contact. The product should not be spilled into soil or sewer
without being cured. It should be protected from water, dust or such other
harmful effects in the process of application or until it is cured. Do not forget
cleaning the surface before application. Application temperature is min. +5ºC and
max. +30ºC. The information on the product are valid for a temperature of +20ºC.
Curing periods may vary depending on varying atmospheric conditions.
Not: Teknik föydeki aç klamalar, mümkün olan en geli mi bilimsel, teknik ve pratik bilgi ve tecrübelerimize dayanmaktad r. Ancak kontrol, denetim ve tavsiyelerimiz d ndaki uygulamalarda garanti ve
sorumluluk teminat m z n d ndad r. Sat n al c lar ve kullan c lar ürünlerimizi kendi ko ullar ve ihtiyaçlar içinde de erlendirmelidirler.
E P O C O N S T R U C T I O N C H E M I C A L S / Cement and Concrete Technology
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Tel:+90216 572 02 55 Fax:+90216 572 89 88 e.mail : info@epo.com.tr www.epo.com.tr