Ahmet Emre Demirci - The George Washington University


Ahmet Emre Demirci - The George Washington University
Ahmet Emre Demirci, Phd Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration aedemirci@anadolu.edu.tr A.Emre Demirci was born in Eskisehir, Turkey in July, 1976. After earning is Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Anadolu University, he started to work for a leading software company as a Human Resources Specialist. He later decided to pursue his academic career at Anadolu University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. He earned his Master’s degree in Management and Organization in 2001. In 2006, he was invited to Warsaw School of Economics in order to complete his doctoral studies. His studies in Poland was supported by Polish Ministry of Education. In the same year, he earned his PhD in Management and Organization. A.Emre Demirci has diversified teaching experiences in different countries including Canada, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, United Kingdom and United States of America. A.Emre Demirci was a Fulbright Scholar at The George Washington University, Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning from July 2011 to January 2012. During his stay, he has completed a paper on entrepreneurship and worked on another article on innovation management. He also attended the Washington Business Research Forum during his stay and presented a paper about cross‐cultural differences in entrepreneurial tendencies. In the last five years, A.Emre Demirci has served in the Board of Academic Assessment and Quality Improvement as a team member responsible for the development of the University strategic plan. At the Faculty level, he has served as the representative of assistant professors in the Faculty Board. A.Emre Demirci has also coordinated the Faculty’s joint International programs including two undergraduate and one graduate program with SUNY and another undergraduate degree program with Leeds Metropolitan University. He is currently the member of steering committee of Anadolu University Entrepreneurship Training and Research Center, and deputy chair of the Deparment of Business Administration at Anadolu University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.