Yrd. Doç. Dr. Stephen R. GOODWIN


Yrd. Doç. Dr. Stephen R. GOODWIN
1. Adı Soyadı
İletişim Bilgileri
: Stephen. R. Goodwin
: (0216) 578 2662
: stephen.goodwin@gmail.com
2. Doğum Tarihi
: 13 Ağustos 1959
3. Unvanı
: Yard. Doç. Dr.
4. Öğrenim Durumu
: Yeditepe Üniversitesi 26 Ağustos Yerleşkesi Kayışdağı Ataşehir İstanbul
Yüksek Lisans
Religion and Philosophy
Balkan History and
Nation building and peace
building and reconciliation
in post-war BosniaHerzegovina
Nyack College
University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh
5. Akademik Unvanlar
6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri
6.1. Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
6.2. Doktora Tezleri
7. Yayınlar
7.1. Uluslar arası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
2016. Forthcoming. ‘Memory, Meaning, and the Restoration of Civil Society’ in Religion, State and Society, no. 2 (April-­‐June). 2014. Forthcoming, Summer. “Unity, Plurality and the Requirements of the Social Contract”, from paper given at International Symposium: Balkans and Islam, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, TURKEY 2011, October. “Towards an encompassing perspective on nationalisms: the case of Jews in Turkey during the Second World War, 1939–45”, in Nations and Nationalism (17/4, pp. 843-­‐862), co-­‐authored with Şakir Dinçşahin. 7.2. Uluslar arası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeding) basılan bildiriler.
7.3. Yazılan Uluslar arası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler.
2010. Book Review: ‘Religious Cohesion in Times of Conflict: Christian-­‐Muslim Relations in Segregated Towns’ by Andrew Holden (Continuum, 2009) for Studies in World Christianity, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University. 2009. ‘The Contributions of Religion to Peace-­‐Building’ in Zbornik Radova Trauma i Pomirenje [Compendium of works Trauma and Reconciliation], Sarajevo: HKO, Kruh sv. Ante (Franciscan publication). 2009. Editor, World Christianity in Local Context, London and New York: Continuum. 2009. Editor, World Christianity in Muslim Encounter, London and New York: Continuum. 2009. ‘The Central Role of Religion on Europe's Periphery: Christian-­‐Muslim-­‐Muslim Relations and State Viability in Bosnia-­‐Herzegovina’, in World Christianity in Muslim Encounter, Stephen R. Goodwin, editor, London and New York: Continuum, pp. 287-­‐300. 2009. ‘Introduction’ in World Christianity in Local Context, Stephen R. Goodwin, editor, London and New York: Continuum, pp. xiii-­‐xxi.
2007. ‘Religion and Supra-­‐National Identities in the Context of Peace-­‐Building Efforts of Post-­‐War Bosnia-­‐Herzegovina’ in Religion and European Integration: Religion as a Factor of Stability and Development in South Eastern Europe” Edition Weimar: European Academy of Arts and Sciences, Maria Eder and Felix Unger, eds., pp. 191-­‐209. 2006. Fractured Land, Healing Nations: A Contextual Analysis of the Role of Religious Faith Sodalities
Towards Peace-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag
der Wissenschaften. Publication of PhD thesis as a monograph.
2004. “From UN-­‐Safe Havens to Sacred Spaces: Contributions of Religious Sodalities to Peace Building and Reconciliation in Post-­‐War Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Studies in World Christianity 9(2): 171-­‐188. 7.4. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
7.5. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
7.6 Diğer Yayınlar
2014. 7-­‐9 March. Participant: Theologisches Forum Christentum-­‐Islam, sponsored by Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-­‐Stuttgart. Theme: Zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft. 2013. 13-­‐14 September. Paper given: “Memory, Meaning, and the Restoration of Civil Society”. Consultation of FBOs. Sponsored by Center for Advanced Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Sarajevo, BOSNIA-­‐HERZEGOVINA 2013, 12 November. Paper given: ‘Kosovo as a Precedent for Syria? Security Issues of Humanitarian and Military Intervention’ at International Congress on Security and Strategic Studies: “Working Together Toward Better Turkish-­‐US Relations”. Sponsored by: Istanbul Aydın University and National Security and Strategy Research Center (NSSRC). Istanbul, TURKEY 2013, March. Invited Scholar-­‐in-­‐Residence, University of Edinburgh. Lectures focusing on Responsibility to Protect in regard to Libya, Syria, Bosnia-­‐Herzegovina. Edinburgh, UK. 2010. 3-­‐6 November. Paper given: “Unity, Plurality and the Requirements of the Social Contract” at International Symposium: Balkans and Islam, Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale, TURKEY 2009. 15 May. Paper given: “The Dayton Accord and Constitutional Change: Barriers to Social Reconstruction” in Tuzla, BOSNIA-­‐HERZEGOVINA. 2008. 6 December. “Between Aggression and Secession: Human Rights in the Balkans”, Yeditepe University Department of International Relations Symposium on Human Rights, on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Istanbul, TURKEY. 2008. February. Lecture: “The Role of Religion for both Conflict and Peace in the Balkans” Lund University, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, Lund, SWEDEN 2008. March. Lecture: “Recent developments in inter-­‐religious efforts towards peace and social reconstruction in the Balkans” Institut für Theologie und Frieden, Hamburg, GERMANY. 2007. 26-­‐28 April. Din ve Dünya Barışı, Uluslararası Sempozyum, Istanbul University, Ilahiyat Fakültesi, Istanbul, TURKEY 2005. December. “Rome and her Bishop: Imperium and Emporium on the World Stage”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Ilahiyat Fakültesi, Izmir, TURKEY 2005. October 6-­‐8. University of Maribor, SLOVENIA. Invited speaker to International Symposium: Religion and European Integration: Religions as a Factor of Stability and Development in South Eastern Europe, sponsored by the European Academy of Arts and Science; University of Maribor; Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices, Ljubljana and Sofia; ISCOMET Network for Democracy, Human Rights and the Protection of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in South Eastern Europe. 2005. November 22. Yeditepe University, Istanbul, TURKEY. Department of Sociology. “From Other to Brother? Reflections on Peace-­‐Building efforts of NGOs in post-­‐war Bosnia-­‐
Herzegovina”. 2005. June 1-­‐2. Budapest, HUNGARY. “Towards a Pluralist Society: Reconciliation as the Meeting Point of Parallel Paths.” 2004. Consultant and moderator on Balkan conflicts for NGOs working toward societal security and restoration. Belgrade, SERBIA -­‐MONTENEGRO. 2003. Edinburgh, UK. Reconciliation Conference sponsored by BIAMS. Paper Given: “Reinvigorating the Meta-­‐Narrative: Supra-­‐National Approaches to Overcoming Exclusivist National Mythologies”, Edinburgh University, UK. 2002. Dubrovnik, CROATIA. Conference on Reconciliation in Bosnia-­‐Herzegovina. Paper given: “Reservoir or Resolve: Can Partisan Religious Communities Contribute to Peace-­‐Building in Bosnia-­‐Herzegovina?”. Sponsored by Joan Kroc Foundation for Peace, German Bishop’s Conference, and Notre Dame (Indiana) University. 8.Projeler
9.İdari Görevler
10.Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikleri
12.Son iki yılda verdiği lisans ve lisansüstü düzeyindeki dersler
Akademik Yıl
Dersin Adı
Central Issues in
International Politics
Theories of International
* İşaretli dersler, yüksek lisans dersleridir.
Haftalık Saati

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