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Excelsior college.edu
Assoc. Prof. Sezgin Seymen Çebi
E-Mail:sezgin.cebi @antalya.edu.tr
May 2008
Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs
and Policy, SUNY/Albany./New York
Major Field: Political Theory;
Minor Fields: International Relations and Public Law
Doctor of Philosophy: May/2008
June 2002
Brooklyn College, CUNY, New York
Masters of Art in Political Science
August 1998
Long Island University
Completed ESL Program for Proficiency in English
The Institute of Social Research, Istanbul University
Masters of Art in European Union Law
Faculty of Law, Istanbul University
Bachelors of Art in Law
Teaching Experience
POS 103 Introduction to Political Theory (in the USA)
POS 301 History of Political Theory I (in the USA)
POS 302 History of Political Theory II (in the USA)
POS 306 Contemporary Democratic Theory (in the USA)
POS 310 Contemporary Political Philosophy (in the USA)
POS 351 European Politics (in the USA)
MLS 672 Islamic Empires (Graduate Course-in the USA)
LW 113 Philosophy (in Turkey)
LW 115 Logic (in Turkey)
LW 117 Sociology (in Turkey)
LW 213 Philosophy of Law and Sociology of Law (in Turkey)
LW 130 Phiolosopy of Science (in Turkey)
LW 133 Law, Literature and Art (in Turkey)
LW 134 Sociology (in Turkey)
LW 331 Philosophy of Law (in Turkey)
LW 332 Sociology of Law (in Turkey)
LW 104 Constitutional Law I (in Turkey)
LW 105 Constitutional Law II (in Turkey)
Papers and Meetings
-‘Politics, Contingency and Rawls's Theory of Justice’ presented in the
Political Science Association Meeting; Chicago; April 2007.
-‘The Aristotelian Principle and Rawls’s Theory of Justice’: poster presentation in
the American Political Science Association Meeting; Chicago; Sep 2007.
-‘Machiavelli, Weber and the Contingent Nature of Politics’ presented in the
Northeastern Political Science Association Meeting; Philadelphia; Nov 2007.
-‘Contingency and the History of Political Thought’ presented in the Northeastern
Political Science Association Meeting; Philadelphia; Nov.2007.
-Chair of the Panel ‘Power, Politics, and Democracy’ in the Northeastern Political
Science Association Meeting; Philadelphia; Nov 2007.
-‘The Contingent Nature of Politics and Rawls’s Two Principles of Justice’
presented in the New York State Political Science Association Meeting;
Albany/New York; April 2008.
-‘Aristotle, Nietzsche, New Values and the Localization of Politics’; paper
presentation in the Midwest Political Science Association Meeting; Chicago;
April 2009.
-Aristotle’s Civic Friendship and the Reinvigoration of Republican Citizenship;
paper presentation; Midwest Political Science Association Meeting; Chicago;
April 2009.
-Chair of the Panel ‘With and Against Habermas’; Midwest Political Science
Association Meeting; Chicago; April 2009.
-Chair of the Panel ‘General Theory’; Midwest Political Science Association
Meeting; Chicago; April 2009.
Islam and Democracy, A Comprehensive Lecture to Graduate Students,
Universitat Siegen, Cologne/ Germany, July 2009
- Roma Hukukunda ve Modern Hukukta Sorumluluk Kavramının Felsefi
Temelleri; Sorumluluk Hukukunda Güncel Gelişmeler, ( The Philosophical
Roots of the Concept of Liability in the Roman and Modern Law, in Turkish)
1. Türk-Alman Hukuk Sempozyumu (Turkish-German Legal Symposium) Kadir
Has University, Cibali Campus, İstanbul, 30 Nisan 2010,
-A Historical Introduction to Turkish Legal System, A Comprehensive Lecture,
Universitat Salzburg, Salzburg/Austria, July 10,
-İfade Özgürlüğü ve Yeni Anayasa ( Free Speech and the Prospective
Constitution, in Turkish), Yeni Anayasa Sempozyumu ( A Symposium on the
Prospective Constitution), Antalya International University, April 14, 2012.
-Kuhn ve Yeni Anayasa İdeali (Kuhn and The Ideals of the Prospective
Constitution, in Turkish), Yeni Anayasaya Doğru Toplantısı (Toward A New
Constitution Meeting),Antalya International University, May 23, 2013
Sosyal Adalet, Tarihsel ve Kuramsal Bir Bakış (Social Justice, A Historical and Theoretical
Review), Oniki Levha Yayınları, İstanbul, October, 2012, p.584
Book Chapters
Book Chapter: “Turkish Adult Guardianship Law in Perspective” in In Kim Dayton (Eds.),
Comparative Perspectives on Adult Guardianship, Carolina Academic Press, 2013, with Asst.
Prof. Ekrem Kurt
-‘Aristotle, Nietzsche and Politics of New Values’, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural’a Armağanı (
Essays in Honour of Prof. Mustafa Dural), April, 2013
- ‘Antik Yunan’da ve Modern Batı Toplumlarında Hukuk ve Bilim, Eleştirel Bir Bakış, (Law
and Science in ancient Greece and Modern Western Societies, A Critical Approach; in
Turkish) Kazancı Hukuk Dergisi, September/October, 2011 Vol.85-86 pp. 7-37
- ‘Aristotelian Notion of Personal and Civic Freindship and Reinvigorating The Idea of
Republican Citizenship’, Mehmet Akad Armağanı, (Essays in Honor Prof. Mehmet Akad), Der
Yayınları, İstanbul 2012 pp. 319-336
- ‘Müzakereci Demokrasi ve Türkiye’de Gençliğin Sanal Katilimi’ Dr. Sezgin Seymen ÇebiYelda Şahin Akilli, ‘ (Deliberative Democracy and the Participation of the Youth in
Cyberspace in Turkey; in Turkish) in Katilimin e-hali: Genclerin Sanal Alemi’ , alternatif
bilişim, İstanbul, 2011, pp. 198-232.
- The NGOs in Turkey- A Historical and Alternative Perspective, Prof. Ismail Dalay- Dr.
Sezgin Seymen Çebi ‘Politik & Gesellschaft’ of Siegen University, Universitat Siegen, BonnGermany; 2010, pp.34-60.
- ‘Contingency and the History of Political Thought’ Asst. Prof. Sezgin Seymen Çebi,
(www.e-akademi.org., October, 2010.
- ‘Liberal Teori-Toplumcu, Yurttaşlik Kavramı ve Aristotelesçi Kentli Arkadaşlık, (Liberal
Theory, The Concept of Communitarian Citizenship and Aristotelian Civic Friendship; in
Turkish) Ali Güzel Armağanı (Essays in Honour of Prof. Ali Güzel), Volume 2, İstanbul
February 2010, pp. 1595-1612.
- ‘Contingency in the Lifeworld, the Contingent Nature of Politics and Rawls’s Theory of
Justice, Asst. Prof. Sezgin Seymen Çebi ‘Politik & Gesellschaft’ of Siegen University,
Universitat Siegen, Bonn-Germany, May 2009, pp. 35-60.
- ‘Cağdaş Yurttaşlık Kavramı ve Liberal Paradigmanın Sonu’ (A Contemporary Understanding of the
Concept of Citizenship and the End of Liberal Paradigm; online article in Turkish) Birikim Yayinları,
March 2008.
Encyclopedic Entries
European Political Thought- Long Interpretative Essay’ in International Encyclopedia of Political
Science (IEPS- 2010)
Iron Law of Oligarchy- Long Interpretative Essay in IESP (2010)
Feminist Parties- Short Descriptive Essay in IESP (2010)
Conservative Parties-Long Interpretative Essay in IESP (2010)
Contagion of the Left- Short Descriptive Essay in IESP (2010)
Master thesis titled ‘Turkey’s Ba rriers to Become a Full-Member in the European Union’ as part of the
master program’s requirement in the Institute of Social Research, Istanbul University, Turkey. November
1997. (Turkish)
Master thesis titled ‘Democratization in Iran; the Future and Prospects of an Islamic Society’; Brooklyn
College, New York/NY. June 2002. (English)
PhD thesis titled ‘Politics, Contingency and Rawls’s Theory of Justice’; Nelson A. Rockefeller College of
Public Affairs and Policy; SUNY/Albany/NY May 2008. (English)
March 2012- Present
International Antalya University, Asoc. Professor of Law
Kadir Has University, Turkey; Asst Professor of Law
The Coordinator of the political science section of the Center for Research on
Turkey and a faculty member in the Political Science and International Relations
Department in Istanbul Aydın University.
Jan.2006- Jan.2008
Teaching as an adjunct professor in University at Albany, SUNY, New York; also
teaching in Excelsior College, Albany/New York
An assistant in the Office of International Programs/SUNY; worked
heavily on the educational programs and partnerships between the USA and
Turkey; did preparatory stuff for the conferences and meetings; wrote reports as
well as articles about Turkey.
Research/Teaching Assistant, Intergovernmental Solutions Program,
SUNY/Albany. Conducted several researches including the Rochester Case, a
citizen initiative local quasi-direct democracy experience and the ORPS (Office of
Real Property Services) Case, a study of recent bureaucratic- structural
transformation. Wrote a detailed report for the NY State Comptroller, analyzing
the current stage of the relationship between the Comptroller’s office and local
governments within a political, social and especially historical context.
Sep .1999- June. 2002 Worked on several projects concerning Political Theory, International Relations
and Comparative Politics, especially focusing on Turkey, Iran and Middle East, in
Brooklyn College/CUNY;
Attorney, Inanli Law Bureau, Istanbul Turkey. Represented cases ranging
from real estate to international trade. Also worked as a counselor for
provincial and public affairs for the three provincial municipalities in
Attorney, Incirlik Turkish-American Military Base. Lieutenant attorney in
the Turkish Military Headquarter; also the director of Turkish Library in
the Turkish Headquarter.
Assistant Attorney, worked in a law bureau as well as in several courts in
Istanbul to complete the legal requirement to become an attorney.
-Albert Gorvine Graduate Scholarship in Brooklyn College, 2002, a scholarship
given to top graduate students.
-GSO Award for 2007 at University at Albany
Research Interests
Constitutional Theory, Legal Thought, Critical Theory, Contemporary
Political Thought, History of Political Thought, Political Ideologies, Social Justice
Membership in Associations
American Political Science Association Meeting
Midwest Political Science Association Meeting
Northeast Political Science Association Meeting

Benzer belgeler

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