Study English - Fort Hays State University


Study English - Fort Hays State University
The FHSU ESL program is different from other
learning experiences. It is designed to provide
maximum listening, speaking, reading and
writing skills in a loving and supportive learning
environment. You will have fun in the FHSU campus
with fellow students from around the world. The
ultimate outcomes are for you to become fluent in
spoken and written English, to succeed in passing
English competency exams, and to be prepared for
undergraduate or graduate study at FHSU. You will
also enjoy learning about other cultures and traditions
as well as contributing your own experiences.
A1: Elementary
A2: Pre-intermediate
B1: Intermediate
B2: Upper-intermediate
C1: Advanced
Each level is 8 weeks long; and students receive 6
credit hours per level.
*Levels offered are those for which there is the most demand.
A1: Temel Baslangic
A2: Orta seviyeye baslangic
B1: Orta seviye
B2: Ust seviye
C1: Ileri duzey
Her seviye 8 hafta surer ve ogrenciler
seviye basina 6 kredi alirlar.
*Acilicak olan kurlar, en cok talep edilen olanlardir.
Schedule of Sessions
1st 8 weeks: August - October
2nd 8 weeks: October - December
3rd 8 weeks: January - March
4th 8 weeks: March - May
5th 8 weeks: June - July
Sezonu Seviyelerin Takvimi
1. Donem: 8 hafta, Agustos - Ekim
2. Donem: 8 hafta, Ekim - Aralik
3. Donem: 8 hafta, Ocak - Mart
4. Donem: 8 hafta, Mart - Mayis
5. Donem: 8 hafta, Haziran - Temmuz
*All students must take an entrance exam. Some
students might be required to take additional ESL
*Bütün Öğrenciler Ingilizce seviye tespit giriş
sınavını almak zorundadırlar. Sinav sonucu kişinin
Ingilizce hazırlık okuyup okumayacaklarını
Daha detayli bilgi almak icin:
Mehran Shahidi, Program Director
(785) 628-5485
(785) 365-6304
Amanda K. Ergun, Assistant Director
(785) 639-3497
Study English
as a Second Language
About Fort Hays State University
Fort Hays State Universitesi Hakkinda
About Hays
Hays Hakkinda
Intensive English Language Program
Yogunlastirilmis Ingilizce Dil Programi
Students build strong listening, speaking, reading and
writing skills, while they are given the opportunity
to practice grammar and vocabulary skills through
conversation in a dynamic university classroom
environment. FHSU prepares international students to
improve their English for academic purposes. Students
are in classes four sessions a day (20 sessions per
week), complete several hours of homework each day,
attend weekly tutoring sessions, and participate in
group discussions when available.
Dinamik bir universite sinifi ortaminda ogrencilere
konusarak gramer ve kelime kullanma pratigi yapma
firsati sunulurken dinleme, konusma, okuma ve
yazma becerileri kazandirilmaktadir. Bu vesileyle
ogrenciler akademik ingilizcelerini gelistirme firsatini
yakalayabilirler. Ogrenciler gunde 4 ayri seansta
siniflara devam edip (haftada 20 saat), ayrica istege
bagli her hafta belirli saatlerde yardimci dersler verilip,
dil gelisimini katkida bulunucak tartisma toplantilari