i̇ngi̇li̇zce a i̇ngi̇li̇zce - DÖRTYOL


i̇ngi̇li̇zce a i̇ngi̇li̇zce - DÖRTYOL
Upturn in English – Teog Test 5
6- Atakan: Do you know that we can access our
facebook account without internet connection in
the near future ?
Choose the correct answers
1-Dad: What’re you doing on the net, Arda?
Gözde: That’s impossible. ……………………….. ?
Atakan: Of course not ! Let’s open a web site and
search for the details of it.
Arda: I am ………….. about my english project,dad.
Dad: What is it about ?
Arda: It’ s about ‘‘ Simple Past Tense’’.
A) What do you mean
B) Are you kidding me
C) Is it fun and easy
D) How about sending an e-mail
A) practicing my Frech.
B) searching for information
C) making new friends
D) listening to music
7-Elif: What’s the best thing about the net,Cemre ?
2- Taylor: What do you usually do online ?
Kübra: I listen to music and use the internet phone.
……………………………………………………….. ?
Taylor: Me ? I read magazines and watch some videos
Cemre: ………………… . You can access it at
home,at school, even at cafes on the street.
A) It’s very expensive and dangerous.
B) It’s everywhere now.
C) It has some disadvantage
D) It makes you internet addict.
A) Why don’t you use your mobile phone
B) How do you access the internet
C) What about you
D) How do you keep in touch with your friend
8- Batuhan: ………………………… ?
Buse: About 7 – 8 hours a day.
Anlam akışını bozan cümle hangisidir ?
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I- There are some reasons why I always use the
II- For instances; ıt helps me to make friends.
III- I also watch movie through the net.
IV- It has some abbreviation such as B4N,LOL.
A) I
Hatice: …………………………………………… ?
Azra: She usually keeps in touch with her relatives.
5- Görseli en iyi ifade eden seçenek hangisidir ?
A) How often do you contact with your friends
B) How much money do you pay for using the net
C) How many hours a day do you use the net
D) How do you access the internet
Teacher: How do you use the internet ?
Emir: I access the net to check sport score.
4-Hatice: Who uses the net most in your family?
Azra: My mum.
A) How many hours a day does she use the net
B) How often does she use the net
C) What does she usually do online
D) Does she a website
Batuhan: Is it too much ?
Buse: Yes,I know but I love being online.
Hazal: I only do my homework thanks to net.
Demet: I practice my English through the net.
Furkan: I use the net to make new friends.
According to student’s answers,
who can be more soical than the others ?
A) Emir
B) Hazal
C) Demet
D) Furkan
10- Mert: Are you always online ?
Yağmur: ………………….. ? I don’ t understand.
Mert: I mean are you connected to the net all the
time ?
Yağmur: Ok. Got it now.
A) She’s doing shopping from the internet.
B) He’s reading a newspaper.
C) She’s fixing her desktop pc.
D) She’s checking the connection cable first.
Mehmet Akif Ortaokulu
A) Do you mean I’m offline
B) What do you mean
C) Do you think I am an web site designer
D) What do you think about internet safety
Upturn in English – Unit – 5
11- I use a …………….. to connect to the internet.
16-Jack: My city homes a book fair this week and
I’m going to go there this afternon. Would you like
to come with me ?
A) telephone line
B) cable modem
C) wireless modem
D) connection cable
Emel: ………………… . My aunt came from abroad
and she’s going to visit us today. I can’t leave
home. Maybe later. Thanks anyway.
12- If you’re an internet addict, ………………………
A) That sounds terrific.
B) Why not ?
C) I’d love but I can’t.
D) That’s a good idea.
Boşluğa hangisi getirilemez ?
17- Merve: Could you give me your dictionary ?
A) You spend a lot of time on the net.
B) You check your e-mail very often.
C) You play online games everyday.
D) You’re good at face to face interaction.
Ayça: ……………………………………………..
Merve: Thank you. I’II give it back to you soon.
13- Jennifer: You look sad.What happened,Selin?
Selin: I learnt that my son is an internet addict and
I don’t know what can I do ?
Jennifer: Don’t worry. First, talk to his teacher and
go to ………………………. . They’ll surely help you.
B) exhibition
C) technlogy store
D) book fair
14- Abby: I want to download this file but I can’t.
…………………………………….. , my buddy ?
Kaan: Ok. Let me look. Hmm! Your software
programme doesn’t allow you to download it
because ıt’s risky.
Abby: Oh.my God ! Thanks for warning.
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A) school counselling service
A) I am afraid, I can’t.
B) Sure,here you are.
C) No way
D) I’m sorry, I need it.
18- When I am online, I post my picture on my
website,…………..I practice my English.
A) and
B) but
C) because
D) so
19- Mete: What is the total number of internet
users in the world?
Onur: ……………………………………..
Mete: Wow ! Right guess. Congratulations.
Onur: Not important,but I searched it before.
A) Around 2-3 hours
B) At 5.45 p.m
C) Aproximately 3 million
D) 10000 safety website
A) Can you pick me up at 6 p.m
B) Can you help me
C) Could I ask who’s calling
D) Can you post my photo to the website
15- I – Use safe sites.
II- Create a password and never share it with
III- Don’t tell your parents ıf you see bad behaviour
IV- Be careful what you share.
V- Be rude while using the net.
The problem is about the……………………of the
laptop and he is trying to fix it.
Güvenilir bir şekilde internet kullanmak isteyen birisinin
yukarıdakilerden hangisini ya da hangilerini yapması
önerilmez ?
A) I
Dörtyol - HATAY
C) II - IV
D) III – V
A) system unit
C) printer
B) speaker
D) monitor
Prepared by Ramazan Demir