Year 9 Lake Mountain Snow Trip


Year 9 Lake Mountain Snow Trip
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2008 Issue 7 - August Edition
Golden Generation
Upfield Campus
Year 9 Lake Mountain Snow Trip
Page 1:
Teacher Day Trip to Lake Mountain
Page 2:
Principal's Message
Page 3:
Fundraising For Our School
Kebab Day
Page 4:
Library News and Chess Club
Scienceworks Excursion
Page 5:
I Love Watching the Olympics
Year 12 Business Man. Swinburne
Page 6:
Supplementary Classes Timetable
CSIRO (with 2 pics)
Page 7:
Computer Programming Competition
VCE Legal Studies Court Excursion
Page 8:
Parents Association Seminar
Upcoming Events
1 September
Ramadan Fasting Starts
6 September
Parents' Iftar Dinner
18 September
Junior Debating, Years 7/8
19 September
Staff Iftar Dinner
End of Term 3
20 September
VCE English Issues Day at
Eastmeadows Campus
27 September
Practice English Exam
30 September
Ramazan Bayrami (Eid-ul-fitr)
Last day for VTAC preferences
As part of Pastoral Care, 7 year 10 students and 2 teachers set out on an expedition to
Lake Mountain Ski Resort. Before our trip up the mountain we dropped by Marysville town
centre to have lunch and prepare ourselves for the freezing cold climate up in the snow.
Once there, we went tobogganing, had snow fights, constructed our own toboggan path in
the forest and searched for lost keys.
In the end, we had a cold but very enjoyable experience. I would like to thank Mr. Kazanci
for organising the trip.
By Mr Kazim Haksever
Mustafa Okur
Managing Director
0418 315 161
Sultan Onat
0411 353 811
Dear Parents and Students,
“The most memorable moment
was when Mr. Alper Ciftci, the
Maths teacher at our
Eastmeadows Campus, said
during our snow fight , “You are
all from the Boys' Campus, but
I am the only man here!”. You
can, of course, imagine what
might have happened to him
afterwards! Lucky he is still
“Teaching is a very demanding,
yet very rewarding, profession.
When we see the beauty of our
students' character developing
we immediately forget all the
difficulties we have been
“ It was a fantastic spiritual
night highlighted by Mr. Ali
Gungor's (Coordinator of the
Selimiye Foundation) very
meaningful address.”
“ I would like to take this
opportunity to raise one of my
concerns with the mid year
exam results. These results
can put a negative impact on
our students' concentration in
two ways, overconfidence and
loss of confidence.”
Principal's message
We are half way through Term 3 and have evaluated the Semester 1 performance of our
students. Our coordinators have already contacted parents of critical students and
discussed what can be done to improve academically in Semester 2. In order to support
and encourage our students by showing them our commitment, we would like to start
supplementary classes for these students. You can find the timetable of these proposed
classes in this newsletter.
Our Parents and Friends Association organized a parents' seminar on 2nd of August in our
Conference Hall. The theme was 'Overcoming Conflicts,” and “The Danger of the Internet”.
The turnout and interest of the parents was pleasing. Ms Serife Ucar, our Counsellor,
enlightened many with some daily life experiences. Everyone agreed on the fact that what
she presented were actually two different seminar topics. I would like to thank Ms Serife
Ucar for her insightful presentation. I should also like to make a special mention of Ms
Ozlem Susler's (the President of our PFA) very precise interpretation of the presentation
into the Turkish language.
Our Pastoral Care and Staff Wellbeing Department challenged our teachers with a snow
trip on a beautiful day, the 9th August. Our braver staff members chose to ski, while the rest
decided on tobogganing. Everyone had a great time and restored their energies for the rest
of Term 3. The most memorable moment was when Mr. Alper Ciftci, the Maths teacher at
our Eastmeadows Campus, said during our snow fight , “You are all from the Boys'
Campus, but I am the only man here!”. You can, of course, imagine what might have
happened to him afterwards! Lucky he is still teaching!
Teaching is a very demanding, yet very rewarding, profession. When we see the beauty of
our students' character developing we immediately forget all the difficulties we have been
through. On the 16th August 2008, Saturday night, the Holy Night of Berat, we witnessed
one of these occasions. Many students brought food, from their homes, to share with their
Pastoral Care teachers at Iftar Dinner. They did not let us set the tables, serve the meals or
pack up. It was truly a five star service from our boys. It was a fantastic spiritual night
highlighted by Mr. Ali Gungor's (Coordinator of the Selimiye Foundation) very meaningful
On a final note, we are pleased with our VCE mid year exam results. Physics and Biology
results improved compared with last years results, however it is too early to make any
predictions for the end of year performance. I would like to take this opportunity to raise one
of my concerns with the mid year exam results. These results can put a negative impact on
our students' concentration in two ways, overconfidence and loss of confidence. Our
students should be aware of the fact that they have only completed 2 out of approximately 8
exams. Therefore, I warn our students to refrain from hasty conclusions.
Enjoy your newsletter.
Dr. Selim KURNAZ
m e d i c a l c e n t r e
182 Blair Street,
Dallas, VIC 3047
t: 03 9309 1119
f: 03 9309 4115
Fundraising for our Sister School
Dear All
I am pleased to announce that our recent fundraising achieved a total of$980.20 for the
Paradise School in Port Moresby. This money, raised by a generous school community, will
make a significant difference in Papua New Guinea.
Thank you to Saban bey, Mehmet bey and Ercument bey in the Property and
Maintainace Department. Furthermore, thanks also to Hamide Hanim and Hulya
Hanim from the Canteen.
Thanks to Administration and fellow staff for their assistance.
However, let's not forget the efforts of the following students of 9B: Abdulhai Abdu, Kadir
Altunbas, Davud Altuntas, Kutay Askin, Mustafa Cicek, Onur Deger, Aydin Demir,
Muhammed Eryilmaz, Emre Guclu, Issa Kassab, Samet Kolay, Can Kural, Nouredin Omer,
Hayri Ontemel and Selahattin Ustalar.
“It is always rewarding to be
able to make a contribution
to those who are less
fortunate in our world.”
It is always rewarding to be able to make a
contribution to those who are less fortunate in
our world.
Thank you,
Mr. Ashley Clayton
SRC Kebab Day
Döner kebab, literally "rotating kebab" in Turkish, is sliced lamb or chicken loaf that is slowly
roasted on a vertical rotating spit. It is most popularly served in pita bread, as it is best
known, with salad, but is also served in a dish with a salad and bread. Döner kebab is said to
be the best-selling fast food in Germany, Poland and Romania, as well as being popular in
Austria, the UK, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Sweden,
Finland, Italy, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia.
On July 29, due to popular demand, the SRC organized a kebab day. The day was a great
success. Crowds of students could be seen flocking to the basketball courts and following
their noses to the famous Turkish aroma that only the delicious kebab could give. Those
who missed out wished they had ordered a Kebab. While those who did order a kebab
wished they had ordered another. Close to
$250 was raised for sporting equipment on
the day. A big thanks to those SRC members
involved. We hope to have other such
occasions soon.
“The day was a great
success. Crowds of students
could be seen flocking to the
basketball courts and
following their noses to the
famous Turkish aroma that
only the delicious kebab
could give.”
Mr Ahmed Rajab
SRC Coordinator
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Library News
Halfmoon investigations Colfer, Eoin ( COL )
Lionboy Corder, Zizou ( COR )
The sleepwalker Muchamore, Robert ( MUC )
Nightmare Academy Lorey, Dean ( LOR )
The quantum prophecy Carroll,Michael ( CAR)
Nightmare Academy Lorey, Dean ( 84071 )
Mad dogs Muchamore, Robert ( MUC )
“The hobby appears to be
growing in popularity so we
have purchased more sets
to meet the demand. The
program was initiated by Mr.
Okan Alkin and is now being
led by Mr. Mehmet Akif
“This excursion was in
perfect timing with the
Science curriculum and the
topic of Astronomy that was
to follow”
The Ultimate history of fast cars: ( R 629.222 WOO )
World War II: A photographic history ( 940.5302 WIL)
Great inventions: 100 inventions that have shaped our world ( 609.034 BEH )
Earth and space: ( 520 GAN )
Animals of the world: ( 590 ANI )
Explorers: ( 910.9 LIN )
Rock and mineral: ( 552 SYM )
Ancient Egypt, the kingdom of the Pharaohs: ( 932 EGY )
Hurricanes and tornadoes: ( 551.55 HUR )
Step into the world of Ancient Rome: ( 937 ROM )
Military aircraft: ( 358 MIL )
VTAC guide 2009: a guide to university courses: ( 378 VTA)
Our Library continues to promote chess-playing during recess and lunch time. The hobby
appears to be growing in popularity so we have purchased more sets to meet the demand. The
program was initiated by Mr. Okan Alkin and is now being led by Mr. Mehmet Akif Altundal. Mr.
Agah Ilhan, our Librarian, has been busy purchasing the new sets and loaning these to students.
Given the current level of interest, ISIK College might soon have its own entrants in the
Statewide Chess Tournament. For students who would like to learn how to play, the library has
prepared a beginners' guide, which is available in booklet form. See the librarian for details.
Scienceworks Excursion
On Wednesday 13th August, the year 8
students went on an excursion to the
Scienceworks museum in Spottswood.
Students arrived at 10.30 for general
viewing of the museum including playing
with scientific gadgets, short films and 3D
presentations. This was followed by a 1
hour presentation of “Life Out There”, in
the planetarium. This was the highlight of
the day and students and teachers
enjoyed this most. This excursion was in
perfect timing with the Science curriculum and the topic of Astronomy that was to follow.
Mr Ercument Gunduz
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Why I Love Watching the Olympics
I love watching the Olympics, I always have and always will. It's an exciting moment for everyone; the
host country and it's people, the organisers, the athletes, the spectators and the millions of people
watching it on TV. I guess I enjoy it because I'm a Geography teacher - the world gets to know the
host city/country, it's people and it's culture. I think it's a great educational opportunity for everyone.
Here at ISIK College we like our sport, and as in every other school and workplace around Australia,
the main conversation in the staffroom, classrooms (although limited) corridors, canteen, out in the
yard during recess and lunchtimes and even in meetings have been the Olympics rightly so!
I also like the Olympic flag (the rings, the colours) which represents the five continents/parts of the
world and all nations without exception. The theme “One World One Dream” reflects the essence and
the universal values of the Olympic spirit, viz; Unity, Friendship, Progress, Harmony, Participation
and Dream all principles which we value dearly here at ISIK College Upfield Campus and instill into
our students (boys) every day in every lesson. I also love the Olympic Motto which is made up of three
Latin words: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). I'm sure everyone would agree Citius
without doubt goes to Usain Bolt (with all due respect, let's hope he hasn't used any drugs!), Altius
would go to Yelena Isinbayeva and Fortius goes to Naim Suleymanoglu… I mean Hossain
Rezazadeh. I think the Olympic Committee should add more words to the Latin motto i.e. Maximus
(Greatest) and this would go to Micheal Phelps (although I still think Muhammad Ali is the Greatest
sportsman of all time and I'm sure Micheal Phelps would not disagree).
My first recollection of the Olympic Games goes back to 1972, which was held in Munich, Germany. I
remember watching it on our first black and white 'His Masters Voice' brand television set. I was ten
years old. I can't recall Mexico (1968) because we did not have television in Turkey back then.
1956 Melbourne would have been very special for Australians especially Melburnians pity I wasn't
born then. 1980 (Moscow) and 1984 (L.A.) was controversial and it was a shame how politics was
involved in sports! My favourite was the 2000 Sydney Olympics held in our country.
The Olympics is an exciting event to watch. It brings the best athletes from all over the world to
compete with each other. Apparently, 10,500 athletes are taking part in Beijing. It is great to see when
an athlete (Australian or Turkish in my case) wins a gold medal and the flag is raised while the national
anthem is sung. This moment gives me pride and joy. I consider myself lucky to be living in a country
like Australia. A country where sports/athletes and athletics are valued immensely and enjoyed
passionately that's how it should be. It's a good 'Aussie thing' (character/culture).
I like watching all events, especially events where the Aussies (or the Turks) are competing. My
favourites are Archery, Boxing, Equestrian, Judo, Swimming, Weightlifting, Wrestling and
Taekwondo. Speaking of Taekwondo we would like to send our best wishes to our local hero Burak
Hasan (Jemal Hasan's son) who was my instructor and also other staff members and our students at
ISIK College. We pray that Burak brings home the Gold.
As you all know, the 2008 (the 29th) Olympics was held in Beijing, China. After 16 days of intense
competition it came to a close on Sunday, August 24th. I look forward to the 2012 games in London
already. Finally, I just like to say that I have two wishes - that one day the Olympics will be held in
Istanbul (Turkey) and Melbourne gets it again for the second time (and why not, Los Angeles and
London got it twice!). My other wish is that one of our boys from ISIK College competes in the
Olympics. Again this is not impossible our Year 12 VCAL student Ibrahim Akbay (Wrestler) will
compete in the upcoming Commonwealth Games for Australia in Delhi in 2010. So what's next for
Ibrahim… or any other student of ISIK College? London here we come!
“I also like the Olympic flag
(the rings, the colours) which
represents the five
continents/parts of the world
and all nations without
exception. The theme “One
World One Dream” reflects
the essence”
“ I think the Olympic
Committee should add more
words to the Latin motto i.e.
Maximus (Greatest) and this
would go to Micheal Phelps
(although I still think
Muhammad Ali is the
Greatest sportsman of all
time and I'm sure Micheal
Phelps would not disagree).”
“ I consider myself lucky to
be living in a country like
Australia. A country where
sports/athletes and athletics
are valued immensely and
enjoyed passionately that's
how it should be. It's a good
'Aussie thing'
“Finally, I just like to say that
I have two wishes - that one
day the Olympics will be
held in Istanbul (Turkey) and
Melbourne gets it again for
the second time”
Mr Kadir Emniyet
Deputy Principal
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VCE Supplementary Classes Timetable
“The presenter at CSIRO
was very impressed with our
boys' enthusiasm and
knowledge of content. I was
also very proud of the way
the students conducted
themselves and hope to
organize other such
excursions in the near
Year 7
Yusuf Saka
Andrew Coventry
Adrian Verga
Year 8
Ercument Gunduz
Rafael Garcia
Mustafa Kabak
Year 9
Ilker Karagozoglu
Emmanuel O.
Year 10
Emmanuel O.
Ilker Karagozoglu
Atilla Sinik
Excursion to CSIRO
An excursion was organized for the Year 12 Biology students to visit the CSIRO in Highett.
The purpose of the excursion was to undertake the experiments necessary for a Biology
SAC. Students were astonished to learn about the theories based around genetic
engineering. Some of the topics and activities that students were involved in included:
-Gel Electrophoresis
-Mendelian Genetics
-Genetic Transformation
-Other Technology and Research.
The year 12's had the chance to use enzymes in order to cut DNA and measure the pieces,
which they found particularly interesting. The presenter at CSIRO was very impressed with
our boys' enthusiasm and knowledge of content. I was also very proud of the way the
students conducted themselves
and hope to organize other such
excursions in the near future.
Mr Ahmed Rajab
Year 12 Biology Teacher
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Computer Programming Competition In Sydney
ISIK College Upfield participated in an ICT project competition for the first time in Sydney. The
two candidates from our college thought it was an excellent experience they have been bitten by
the “Competition bug” so much so that they have already started their 2009 project.
ComProCom competition is the product of two independent schools, who are sister schools.
These two schools are;
ISIK Colleges who represent Victoria
Sule Colleges who represent NSW
The heads of each ICT department of the four schools conducted a series of meetings from 14 to
17 of January 2008. The heads of the departments are:
-Bihter Seyhan Altuntas ISIK College Upfield Campus
-Zuleyha Aykan ISIK College Eastmeadows Campus
-Hasan Zugul Sule College Prestons Boys Campus
-Halil Ibrahim Yilmaz Sule College Prestons Girls Campus
As a product of these meetings, we decided to start a new competition format in Australia,
initially to compete with each other. This was organised for the first time on 15 of August at Sule
College Prestons Campus. This is considered to be the seed of big productions to come.
The competition included two categories. The first category was intended for Year 7 students to
create PowerPoint slides to teach a concept that could be taught in a classroom. The second
category was for year 8 students. Their target audience was primary students and the theme
was to teach one of the nine Australian values promoted by the Australian Department of
Education, using FrontPage software.
Our candidates, Furkan Yilmaz from 7A and Ismail Naim from 8A, worked very hard to create
extremely good projects. I would like to personally thank them for their efforts and thank their
families for their support.
The competition results came out in favour of the
ISIK College students winning five out of six
awards. Unfortunately, both our candidates
missed out on receiving awards by small margins.
Despite this we see Furkan and Ismail as winners
and wish them good luck in their future projects.
“The heads of each ICT
department of the four
schools conducted a series
of meetings from 14 to 17 of
January 2008.”
“As a product of these
meetings, we decided to
start a new competition
format in Australia, initially to
compete with each other.”
“Their target audience was
primary students and the
theme was to teach one of
the nine Australian values
promoted by the Australian
Department of Education,
using FrontPage software.”
By Mr. Bihter Seyhan Altuntas
VCE Legal Studies Court Excursion
Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies classes visited the Magistrates' and Supreme Courts
on 5 and 7 August 2008 respectively. Students saw much of the theory they learnt applied to
real life situations. They also saw the layout of the courtrooms, chatted to court personnel
and experienced some courtroom delays! Students are to be commended on their excellent
“They also saw the layout of
the courtrooms, chatted to
court personnel and
experienced some
courtroom delays! Students
are to be commended on
their excellent behaviour.”
Mr Traikovski
Head of Humanities
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Parents Association Seminar
On the evening of Friday the 1st of August 2008, I was invited by the Parents Association to
give a seminar on the internet in the post-modern era, along with a talk on teenage
behaviour, and the importance of relationships in the shaping of a teenagers' developing
brain. I would like to thank all parents, staff, students and their extended family and friends
for joining us
The main themes highlighted were;
The necessity of the internet in the post-modern age and the possible dangers. The talk
focussed on the rapid change in how we communicate, coupled with the need for today's
teenagers to become internet savvy. Parents need not shy away from taking the necessary
action if their teens are not getting enough sleep, as it is important that they have enough
study time and are ready to learn when they arrive at school.
The development of teenagers brains and how the brain is shaped by relationships with
parents and social interactions with peers and others. This part of the talk focussed on the
importance of a positive, caring and calming environment, along with clear boundaries and
responsibilities to support our teenagers in their ongoing development. Teenagers go
through a stage of pulling and pushing away from their parents in learning to become adults
in their own right. This is an important developmental stage of growing up and growing away
from the family so that they gain enough independence and social skills to form their own
families in future. While teenagers may appear to be pushing parents away, they still have a
strong need and desire for secure, positive relationships with their parents. We also
touched on subjects such as risk taking, change in sleeping patterns, the 'boring'
phenomena, the desire to stand up to authority as they learn their own independence, with a
pursuance towards values and passions of their own.
While we may focus on building bigger and better brains, research shows that it's the
relationships, connections and people in children's lives who make the biggest difference.
As adults we help provide the foundations towards their ability to form positive relationships
with ourselves and others. Our support and attention helps our young adults become
loving, confidant, better organised and successful people!
I am pleased to have had parents and friends ask questions during and after the seminar. I
hope to continue to provide future forums where there is more discussion time available for
more of us to share our responses and experiences.
I would like to extend my special thanks to Ozlem Susler for making herself available to
translate the material presented into Turkish and doing a great job!, and the members of the
association for their continued work and focus
in keeping the association alive.
With the warmest wishes to all ISIK parents,
students and friends,
Ms Serife Ucar,
Student Welfare and Counselling Services.
Mustafa Okur Director
0418 315 161
“Parents play a vital role in
assisting their teenagers
regulate the time spent
online in order to minimise
the risk of social isolation,
and exhaustion, which can
impinge on their child's
ability to function in other
areas of life.”
“I encourage parents to
provide calm, yet firm
boundaries to help their
teens find a balance in their
work, social, and online
“While peer interaction
becomes an increasing
focus in a teenager's life,
parents continue to play a
vital role in helping their
child gain a social-selfidentity by remaining calm,
supportive and loving.”
“While we may focus on
building bigger and better
brains, research shows that
it's the relationships,
connections and people in
children's lives who make
the biggest difference. As
adults we help provide the
foundations towards their
ability to form positive
relationships with ourselves
and others. Our support and
attention helps our young
adults become loving,
confidant, better organised
and successful people!”
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