Deputy Principal`s Message


Deputy Principal`s Message
Issue14– November 2011
Primary Newsletter
Eastmeadows Campus
Goulburn St, Broadmeadows, 3047
Ph : 9309 0388
Fax : 9309 0377
Deputy Principal’s Message
.Dear Parents & Friends,
I trust that everybody enjoyed the Eid festivities
at school last Friday and during the weekend with
families. I’d like to personally thank all the volunteers and staff for all their efforts during the
College Qurban Carnival. It gives me immense joy
to see so many people working hard all for a good
It’s that time of the year again when we know the
end is far too close. This means that there will be
an array of things on the agenda including assessments, concerts and reporting. Mrs Arman, the
Arts team leader, will soon be providing details of
all the concerts and graduations. Be sure to keep a
look out for that notice. If you wish to offer some
help with your child’s class performance feel free
to talk to the teacher.
I feel quite privileged to have the opportunity to
meet and talk to lots of different people in my
role. I’d like to share two such stories. At a recent
ICT training session, I met a very bubbly person
who stated she was dyslexic as a student. Despite,
the fact that she came across some people in her
life who assumed she would ‘not get very far in life’
I can assure you she is an amazing robotics trainer
(who ventured in many different pathways before
that)! I am confident that any person who has a
can-do attitude will succeed no matter what difficulties they might have. Naturally, I also have the
chance to talk to some parents, sometimes in the
corridors or my office, sometimes a quick note or
reminder and at other times a more lengthy open
discussion. If you do have concerns, please take
the time to meet with the right person – it might
be the class, teacher LOTE, REV or pastoral care
teachers, coordinators, counsellors, nurse, speech
therapist, the principal and myself. When I have
someone approach me after a talk or I receive an
email from someone I work with it gives me immeasurable satisfaction. I put it into my ‘feel good’
folder even if the outcomes might not be desired.
Be assured I will try to advocate in some ways. I
love the community and challenges at Isik!
There might be some of you wondering what factors are considered regarding class formation.
Connectedness and belonging is important in building relationships, especially where we develop social skills and learn together. We recognise opportunities for student to student, student to teacher
and teacher to parent relationships. However, this
is not a matter of choosing teachers as the school
management team considers such allotments.
I'm also very excited about the Parent Workshops running over the next 4 weeks. The sessions are aimed to enable parents and build positive partnerships between home and school life.
Each session is from 9am-10am and childcare
will be available. Please join us in the library
after you drop off the kids at school.
Kind regards,
Ms Evla Han
Financial Assistance for Families
EMA – The Educational Maintenance Al-
lowance (EMA) is an allowance for low
income families to help with educational
costs provided to families who hold a
Pension or Health Care card. The allowance is split in between two – for the
school and family and is paid in two instalments. In 2012, the total allowance
is $235 for primary and $470 for secondary students.
School Start Bonus – The Victorian government provides low income families
support with the cost of starting Prep
and Year 7. This is a one off payment
of$300. For more information visit
Education Tax Refund – This is a Commonwealth government initiative to help
parents with educational costs such as
computers, software, textbooks and stationery. Eligible parents can be reimbursed half the costs of such items. For
more information visit
Happy World Teachers Day (28 Oct)
‘A hundred years from now it will not matter
what my bank account was, the sort of house I
lived in or the kind of car I drove...but the
world may be different because I was involved
in the life of a child.” –K. Davis
Important Dates
Mon 7 Nov : Eid-ul
Adha Holiday
Tues 8 Nov : Gr 4 @
Thurs 10 Nov : Parent
Partnership Workshop
part 1 9am-10am
Mon 14 Nov : 2012
Prep Transition day 1
Mon 14 Nov : Gr 3 @
Toolongi Forest
Wed 16 Nov : Gr 2 @
Thurs 17 Nov : Parent
Partnership Workshop
part 2, 9-10am
Fri 18 Nov : 2012 Prep
Transition day 2
For those who like to plan
Thurs 24 Nov : Parent
Partnership Workshop
part 3, 9-10am
Thurs 1 Dec : Prep-2
Fri 2nd Dec : Parent
Partnership Workshop
part 4, 9-10am
Q. Why did the jellybean
go to school?
A. To become a smartie!
Q. Why did 6 hate 7?
A. 7 8 9.
Q. What did the maths
book say to the other
maths book?
A. "I've got problems."
Last week some students in graded 3-6 had a special morning tea with Mr Goru
and Ms Evla. We had orange
juice, donuts, toast and of
course the typical Turkish
olives & cheese! The morning tea was to celebrate the
achievements of some our
very talented students in the
UNSW International Competitions & Assessments for
Schools (ICAS).
Student name
In recognition of...
Prep A
Mira Mistopha
Sonawar Shakeel
For showing improvement in all areas of learning
Prep C
Eslem Bardan
Improvement in all areas of her work
Grade 1A
Sarah Allzahalsi
Rusafa Tasneen
Omer Faruk Albayrak
Tuana Golbasi
Nisa Saka
Ismet Dervis
Elis Baykan
Habib Haddard
For showing confidence and resilience during our swimming program
Grade 2B
Taha Altun
For showing improvement in all areas of learning
Grade 2C
Zeynep Demir
For eating a healthy lunch on most occasions
Grade 3A
Hazal Icbudak
Sara Moussa
Murat Caliskan
Imran Turkmen
Berkan Sancaktaroglu
Kenan Ozbelli
Dilara Zeybek
Taliya Sezgin
Muhammed Apak
Imran Eren
Adem Ocal
Eda Sahin
Gorkem Cakirli
Gulsum Aslankoc
Aleyna Sezgin
Mahmut Solak
Feyza Ozgun
Eren Himmetoglu
For showing some improvement in her work
For getting along well with her friend
For getting along well iwith his friend
For showing confidence in all areas of school work
For showing improvement and concentrating on his class work
For getting along with all his friends
For her persistence with her work
For getting along well with her friends
For getting along well with his friends
For getting along well with his peers
For persisting with his maths work
For trying very hard to complete all the set tasks on time
For showing improvement in her work
For showing improvement in all learning areas
Yasin Cetin
Yasemin Sarak
For showing improvement in all learning areas of learning
Neslihan Toplu
Dilara Ilhan
Displaying leadership role when required
For always giving a helping hand
Prep B
Grade 1B
Grade 1C
Grade 2A
Grade 3B
Grade 3C
Grade 3D
Grade 4A
Grade 4B
Grade 4C
Grade 5A
Grade 5B
For showing improvement in confidence and persistence to complete work
For always getting along with friends
For showing confidence and resilience during our swimming program
For being confident and trying hard in reading
For showing great improvement and becoming more organised
For getting along with friends and showing respect
For getting with friends and always being respectful to friends and teachers
Grade 5C
Grade 6A
Grade 6B
Grade 6C
Grade 4’s last week have been on camp to the Melbourne Zoo. What an experience they’ve had! Sleeping in tents, going on a night walk observing animals
and staying up late enjoying each others company.
Thanks to all the teachers who have helped make it
possible and accompanied the students.
On Friday 4th November we celebrated Eid-ul Adha with our friends, teachers and families. Some students dressed in
traditional clothes while others opted for sportswear. The sun came out eventually and everybody appeared to have a
good time according to the smiles. There were art and craft activities, sports games, toys & gifts, face painting, henna
and lots of food. We couldn’t have done it without our kind teachers and our generous volunteers..some who were in so
much demand that they didn’t have the chance for lunch! We raised over $5,600. A big thanks to everybody who
helped us before, after and on the day.
Eid means a feast or a festival. It
mainly refers to religious holidays, most primarily Eid-ul-Adha
and Eid-ul-Fitr.
Eid is generally characterized by
special prayers and sermons, family gatherings, visits of extended
family and friends, special charitable acts and distribution of Eid
gifts and sweets.
Eid-ul Adha is celebrated at the
end of the pilgrimage to Mecca on
the 10th day of Dhu al-Hijjah.
Unblemished animals are sacrificed in commemoration
of the ram substituted by God when Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, as a test of faith.
Only a portion, usually one-third, of this animal’s meat
is to be consumed by the family offering the sacrifice.
The rest should be given to others or to the poor as Eid
gifts. For those not on pilgrimages, the celebration includes visits to the mosques and to the graves of relatives. It lasts for three days and includes the distribution
of sweets as well as receiving and visiting extended family.
Eid is generally greeted by saying two words that is ‘Eid
Mubarak.’ These two words bring joy and excitement to
kids and adults.