Taner Akçam Associate Professor, History The


Taner Akçam Associate Professor, History The
Taner Akçam
Associate Professor, History
The Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Clark University
950 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01610
phone: 508-421 3863
fax: 508-793 8827
email: takcam@clarku.edu
May 2010
58 Waterford Drive
Worcester, MA 01602
Associate Professor,
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Department of History
Clark University
Hanover University (Germany), 1996
Middle East Technical University (Turkey), 1975
Turkish (native), German, Ottoman Turkish
Major: Armenian Genocide and the Theory of Genocide, Late Ottoman
and Modern Turkish History, Social and Political History of the Modern
Middle East, Sociology of Violence
Minor: History of Islam, Social Movements, Sociology of Religion, Social
Change, Comparative Historical Sociology, Race and Ethnic Relations,
Political Sociology
Until 2008
Professor of Record for accreditation by University of Minnesota,
Genocide and Human Rights University Program, International Institute
for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
Member of Faculty, Genocide and Human Rights University Program,
International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies
Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Visiting Scholar, Armenian Research Center
University of Michigan, Dearborn
Research Scientist in Sociology
Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung
Teaching Assistant
Middle East Technical University
Consultant to MacArthur Foundation
I. Books
‘Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the
Ottoman Empire, Princeton University Press, 2012
Judgment at Istanbul: The Armenian Genocide Trials, with Vahakn Dadrian, Berghahn Books,
New York 2011.
“Essays on 1915” (1915 Yazıları), İletişim Publishing House, January 2010 (in Turkish)
“Deportation and Massacres, Protocols of Military Tribunal, Trial of Union and Progress Party
(1919-1922)” (Tehcir ve Taktil Divan-ı Harb-i Örfi Zabıtları / İttihad ve Terakki'nin Yargılanması
(1919-1922) With Vahakn N. Dadrian, Bilgi University Publication, Istanbul 2009 (in Turkish).
“Armenian Problem is solved” The Policies towards Armenians during the War Years According
to Ottoman Documents (“Ermeni Meselesi Hallolmuştur” Osmanlı Belgelerine Göre Savaş
Yıllarında Ermenilere Yönelik Politikalar) İletişim Publishing House, January 2008 (in Turkish)
A Shameful Act: Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility. New York:
Metropolitan Books, November 2006.
From Empire to Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide. London: Zed Books,
Dialogue Across an International Divide: Essays Towards a Turkish-Armenian Dialogue. Toronto:
The Zoryan Institute of Canada, 2001.
The Armenian Taboo Exposed (Ermeni Tabusu Aralanırken). Ankara: Su Yayınları, 2000
Europe and Turkey (Europa und die Türkei). Hamburg: Green Party Publications, 2000
The Armenian Question and Human Rights in History: From the Party of Union and Progress to
the Turkish War of Independence (İnsan Hakları ve Ermeni Sorunu –İttihat ve Terakki’den
Kurtuluş Savaşına). Ankara: İmge Yayınları, 1999 (in Turkish; English translation in progress).
The Armenian Question in History: The Turkish National Movement and the Istanbul Trials,
1919–22 (Armenien und die Völkermord. Die Istanbuler Prozesse und die türkische
Nationalbewegung). Hamburg: Verlag Hamburger Edition, 1996 (in German).
Re-envisioning the Republic of Turkey (Türkiye’yi Yeniden Düsünmek). Istanbul: Birikim Yayınları,
1995 (in Turkish).
The Boundaries of Tolerance in Islam (İslamda Tolerans ve Sınırı). Ankara: Başak Yayınları, 1994
(in Turkish).
The Armenian Question and Turkish National Identity (Türk Ulusal Kimliği ve Ermeni Sorunu).
İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1992 (original in Turkish; Russian edition in 1995, Armenian in 1996,
and Arabic in 1997).
Torture and Violence in Turkish Political Culture (Siyasi Kültürümüzde Zulüm ve İşkence).
İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 1991 (in Turkish).
Marxism and Human Rights (İnsan Haklari ve Marksizm). Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 1991
II. Articles and Book Chapters
“The Young Turks and the Plans for the Ethnic Homogenization of Anatolia”, in: "Borderlands:
Peoples, Nations, and Cultures in the Shatterzone of Empires since 1848," ed. Omer Bartov and
Eric D. Weitz. 2012
“The Roundup of Intellectuals and the Beginning of the Armenian Genocide: The Murder of Dr.
Rupen Sevag Çilingiryan”, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Volume 25, Issue 1 Pp. 127-143.
“The Relationship between Historians and Archival Records: A Critique of Single Source
Scholarship on the Armenian Genocide”, Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, 2011
“Facing History: A Threat to National Security, The Relationship between Turkish and American
National Security Concepts and Armenian Genocide”, in: Armenian Weekly, Special Edition,
April 2009
“Denial as a Security Concept”, Cardoza Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 10, No: 1, Fall
“Guenter Lewy and new trends in Genocide Denial” Genocide Studies And Prevention. An
International Journal Official Journal of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, 3:1
(2008), pp. 111-145
“Review of Guenter Lewy, ‘The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey: A Disputed
Genocide’,” Journal of Genocide Research, 9: 1 (2007), pp. 135-41.
“Deportation and Massacres in the Cipher Telegrams of the Interior Ministry in the Prime
Ministerial Archive (Başbakanlık Arşivi).”Genocide Studies And Prevention An International
Journal Official Journal of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, (January 2007):
‘‘The Ottoman Documents and the Genocidal Policies of the Committee for Union and Progress
(Ittihat ve Terakki) toward the Armenians in 1915.’’ Genocide Studies and Prevention, no. 2
(September 2006): 127–148
“Gündüz Aktan ve Soykırımda Saik Meselesi” [Gündüz Aktan and the Question of Motive in
Genocide Definition]. Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal), 201, January 2006
“Anatomy of Genocide Denial: Academics, Politicians, and the ‘Re-Making’ of History.”
Occasional paper. University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 2005.
"Soykırım Suçunda Kasıt Unsuru Konusunda Bazı Notlar" [On Criminal Intent in the Genocide:
Some Observations]. Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal),199, November 2005.
“Turks and Armenians” (with Belinda Cooper). World Policy Journal 22, no. 3 (Fall 2005).
“Bir Skandal: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin Mektubu ya da Şükrü Elekdağ ve Justin McCarthy
bu Ülkeyi Nereye Sürüklüyorlar?” [A Scandal: The Letter of the Turkish Grand National
Assembly, or, What Are Şükrü Elekdağ and Justin McCarthy Dragging This Country Into?]
Birikim, no. 193-4, May 2005.
“Anatomy of a Crime: The Turkish Historical Society’s Manipulation of Archival Documents.”
Journal of Genocide Research 7, no. 2 (June 2005).
“Bir Kitap Ya da Bir Cinayetin Anatomisi” (A Book, or, Anatomy of a Crime). Birikim (Turkish
Social Science Journal), no. 191 March 2005.
“Vahakn N. Dadrian: Ermeni Soykırımında Kurumsal Roller,” [The Role of Institutions in the
Armenian Genocide]Virgül (Turkish review of books) 76, September 2004.
“Türkishe Leugnung des Völkermordes and den Armeniern im Europäischen Kontext” (Turkish
Denial of Armenian Genocide within European Context) in Huberta von Voss, ed. Porträt einer
Hoffnung Die Armenier. Lebensbilder aus aller Welt (Portraits of Hope: The Armenians. Pictures
of Lives from all over the world). Berlin: Verlag Hans Schiler, 2004.
“A New Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Turkish National Identity: Norbert Elias’s
Approach in Comparative Perspective” (Norbert Elias’ın “Almanlar Üzerine Çalışmalar”ının Türk
Ulusal Karakterini Anlamak için Sunduğu İmkanlar). Toplum ve Bilim (Science and Society):
Spring 2000.
“Secularism in the Turkish Nation-Building Process” (Der türkische Nationalisierungsprozess und
der Laizismus). In Core and Periphery: Turkish Religious Minorities in Germany (Kern und Rand,
Religiöse Minderheiten aus der Türkei in Deutschland), ed. Gerdien Jonker. Berlin: Berliner
Verlag, 1999 (in German).
“Sanctioned Historical Themes in Turkey” (Zur Tabuisierung geschichtlicher Themen in der
Türkei). In The Republic of Armenia and Switzerland 1896–1923 (Schweiz und die Armenien
1896–1923), ed. Hans-Lukas Kieser. Zurich: Chronos-Verlag, 1999 (in German).
“Genocide Charges against the Turks and the Turkish National Movement” (Die türkische
Nationalbewegung und die Bestrafung der Türken wegen des Völkermordes). In The Republic of
Armenia in Difficult Straits: From Past to the Present (Armenien, Geschichte und Gegenwart in
schwierigem Umfeld), German-Armenian Association, ed. Frankfurt a.M.: GAA Verlag, 1998 (in
“Causes and Consequences of Censoring Turkish History” (Tarihimizi Tabulastirma Nedenleri ve
Sonuçları). Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 107, March 1998 (in Turkish).
“An Alternative Historical Narrative of the Sevres and Lausanne Treaties on the 75 th Anniversary
of the Turkish Republic” (Cumhuriyetin 75. yılında Sevr ve Lozan’ın Bir Başka Tarihi). Birikim
(Turkish Social Science Journal) 115, November 1998 (in Turkish).
“The Rapid Process of Turkification” (Hızla Türkleşiyoruz). In Identity and Democracy in the
Turkish Republic (Cumhuriyet Demokrasi ve Kimlik), ed. Nuri Bilgin. Istanbul: Bağlam Yayınları,
1997 (in Turkish).
“The Concept of ‘the Other’ in the East and the West” (Doğu’da ve Batı’da Yabancı Kavramı).
Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 102, October 1997 (in Turkish).
“The Genocide of the Armenians and the Silence of the Turks.” In Problems of Genocid, ed.
Zoryan Institute. Toronto: ZI Press, 1997.
“A Macro Analysis of the Ottoman-Turkish Westernization Process” (Osmanisch-Türkischer
Verwestlichungsprozess, eine Makroperspektive). In Bridge Across Civilizations (Brücken
zwischen Zivilisationen). Hans Peter Waldhoff, Dursun Tan, Elçin Ahlers, eds. Frankfurt a.M.:
Verlag der Kulturen, 1997 (in German).
“The Causes of the Turkish Silence on the Armenian Genocide” (Der Völkermord an den
Armeniern und die Gründe des türkischen Schweigens). In Phoenix from the Ashes: Armenians
80 Years After the Genocide (Phonix aus der Asche, Armenien 80 Jahre nach dem Genozid).
German-Armenian Association, ed. Frankfurt a.M.: GAA Verlag, 1996 (in German).
“Reflections on the Concept of Collective Identity” (Kollektif Kimlik Üzerine Bazi Tespitler).
Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 71/72, March–April 1995 (in Turkish).
“The Armenian Genocide (Der Völkermord an den Armeniern).” Journal of the Hamburg Social
Sciences Institute (Mittelweg 36) 4, April–May 1995 (in German).
“Turks and Armenians: Toward a discussion of the Armenian massacres” (Wir Türken und die
Armenier. Plaedoyer für die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Massen Mord. In Armenians and the
Republic of Armenia: Homeland and Exile (Armenier und Armenien: Heimat und Exil). Tessa
Hofmann ed. Hamburg: RoRoRo Verlag, 1994 (in German).
“Reasons for the Weak Tradition of Liberal and Democratic Thought in Turkey” (Türkiye’de
Demokratik ve Liberal Düşüncenin Zayıflığı ve Nedenleri). In Socialism and Human Rights (Insan
Haklari ve Sosyalizm). İnönü Alpat, ed. Ankara: Su Yayınları, 1993 (in Turkish).
“The Eurocentric Historical Analysis of Minorities (Avrupa Merkezli Tarih Anlayışı ve Azınlıklar
Sorunu).” Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 45/46, January-February 1993 (in Turkish).
“Approaching Nationalism through the Concept of Collective Identity” (Ulusal Meseleye Bir
Kollektif Kimlik Sorunu Olarak Yaklasmak). Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 45/46,
January–February 1993 (in Turkish).
“Reflections on the Relationship between Civilization and Violence” (Şiddet ve Medeniyet İlişkisi
Üzerine Çeşitlemeler). Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 38/39, June–July 1992. (in
“Methodological Issues in Researching the Social Act of Torture: A Critical Reflection on
Objectivity.” (Untersuchung der Folter. Ein Erfahrungsbericht). Journal of the Hamburg Social
Sciences Institute (Mittelweg 36) 1, January 1992.
“Normalizing Torture: The Perception of Violence in Turkey” (Die Normalität der Folter. Die
Wahrnehmung von Gewalt in der Türkei). In Torture as the Enactment of State Power (Folter.
Zur Analyse eines Herrschaftsmittel), Jann Philipp Reemtsma, ed. Hamburg: Junious Verlag,
1991 (in German).
“Crises of the Turkish Republic: Kurds and the Concept of the Nation-State” (TC’nin Krizi, Ulusal
Devlet ve Kürtler). Birikim (Turkish Social Science Journal) 24, April 1991 (in Turkish).
“Marx, Engels and Lenin on Asian Societies” (Marks, Engels ve Lenin’in Asya Toplumlarına
Bakışları). Defter (Record of Turkish Social Issues) 8, Winter 1989 (in Turkish).
(Many essays and pamphlets on European racism in general and German hostility to immigrants
in particular; references upon request.)
I. Completed Works
“Ottoman Documents and the Genocidal Intent of Union and Progress Party”, Paper given at
the annual meeting of Armenian Studies 35th Anniversary Conference, March 26-28, 2009 LA
The Policies of the Committee for Union and Progress [Ittihat ve Terakki] towards Armenians in
1915 as Seen through Ottoman Documents (a paper presented at the “Istanbul Conference,”
“Ottoman Armenians during the Decline of the Empire: Issues of Scientific Responsibility and
Democracy,” organized by Boğaziçi University, Bilgi University and Sabancı University, 24­25
September 2005)
“A new Assessment of the Ottoman Archival Materials”(paper presented at a Panel Discussion:
“Three Turkish Voices on the Ottoman Armenians,” University of California at Los Angeles,
November 6, 2005.)
The Founding and Operation of the Ottoman Military Tribunals (Divan-ı Harbi Örfi) 1919-1922
and the List of Cases on Armenian Genocide (conference presentation at the Fourth TurkishArmenian Workshop, “Ideologies of Revolution, Nation, and Empire: Political Ideas, Parties, and
Practices at the End of the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1922.” Salzburg, Austria
April 15-17,
“Moral Claims and Historical Truths: The Turkish Government and the Armenian Genocide”
(conference presentation, “Markets as Sites of Interdisciplinary History,” Social Science History
Association, Chicago, November 18–21, 2004).
“The Ittihadist Solution to the ‘Armenian Issue’ and the Question of Republican Turkish
Identity” (conference presentation, “In History and Beyond History, Armenians and Turks: A
Thousand Years of Relations,” Venice and Europe Institute, Venice, Italy, October 28–30, 2004).
“Where are the Borders of Turkey?” (conference presentation, “Borderlands: Theories,
Perspectives, Histories,” University of Minnesota, September 30–October 3, 2004).
“A New Approach to the Assessment of the Ottoman Documents Regarding the Armenian
Genocide” (conference presentation, “Contextualizing the Armenian Experience in the Ottoman
Empire: From the Balkan Wars to the New Turkish Republic,” University of Michigan–Ann Arbor,
March 8–10, 2002).
“The Construction of Collective Identities in Armenian-Turkish Relations” (conference
presentation, “Armenians Before and After the Genocide: History, Culture, and Memory,”
University of Minnesota, September 2002).
“The European Parliament’s Decisions Regarding the Armenian Genocide and Suggestions for a
Possible Resolution” (conference presentation, “Genocide Decision of the European Union and
Turkey,” Copenhagen, May 2002).
II. Works in Progress
Documentation of the Yozgat and Trabzon Trials in 1919 in Istanbul in Ottoman Newspapers
(book manuscript, in Turkish and English).
Eyewitnesses of the Genocide: Documentation of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman
Newspapers, 1918–1922 (book manuscript, in Turkish and English).
III. Honors and Awards
Candidate for Arthur Ross Book Award, Council on Foreign Relations. 2008.
Minnesota Book Award for A Shameful Act, General Nonfiction. May 2006.
American Film Institute honor Golden Apricot Film Festival (Armenia) and Arpa International
Film Festival for appearance in the critically acclaimed 2006 cinema documentary
Hrant Dink Award. Armenian Bar Association. April 2006.
Massachusetts State House. Distinguished Scholar – for outstanding work in human rights and
fighting genocide denial. April 2006.
State of Minnesota; City of Duluth, and City of Rochester recognized the “groundbreaking work
of Turkish Scholars such as Taner Akçam” in official proclamation of Armenian Genocide
Remembrance Day April 24, 2005
Appearance in the Emmy Nominated PBS documentary Armenian Genocide: 90 Years Later (for
Middle East Studies Association Academic Freedom Award to scholars engaged in the TurkishArmenian Workshop in recognition of a successful collective effort, to initiate and
implement a project that overcame political divisions in society and in the academy. 2005.
I. Course in Planning:
Forced Population Movements, Deportations, Ethnic Cleansing, Massacres and Genocides in
Eastern Mediterranean area
II. Courses Taught
History of Armenia/Lecture, Discussion (Clark University)
The History of the Modern Middle East/Lecture, Discussion (Clark University)
History of the Armenian Genocide/Seminar (Clark University)
Genocide, Denial, Facing History and Reconciliation/Seminar (Clark University)
Problems of Genocide/Seminar (Clark University)
Modern History of Middle East and Turkey (University of Minnesota)
History of Modern Turkey (University of Minnesota)
Emergence of Nationalism in the Middle East (University of Minnesota)
History of Islam in the Early Period (University of Minnesota)
History, Memory and Conflict Resolution (University of Minnesota)
International Conflict Resolution: The Armenian-Turkish Case, Possibilities and Obstacles to a
Turkish-Armenian Dialogue (University of Michigan)
The Economic and Political History of Modern Turkey (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Statistical Methods (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
Political Economy (Middle East Technical University)
Introduction to Turkish Economy (Middle East Technical University)
II. Courses which could be offered (syllabi available upon request)
Islam and the West: Westernization in the Islamic World
Turkish-Armenian Relations and the History of the Armenian Genocide
Ethnicity, Ethnic Relations, and the Nation-State
Sociology of Genocide

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