EsmaDurugönül-Curriculum VitaeWEB - sosyoloji bölümü


EsmaDurugönül-Curriculum VitaeWEB - sosyoloji bölümü
Prof. Dr. Esma DURUGÖNÜL
March 1960
The Hague/Netherlands
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Philosophische Fakultät,
Seminar für Soziologie, 1985
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Philosophische Fakultät,
Seminar für Soziologie, 1993
University of Bonn majoring in Sociology, minoring in Political Sciences and
Spanish Philology 1979 October-1985 July. M.A.-Degree with a thesis entitled
“Zum Strukturwandel in der türkischen Familie im 20. Jahrhundert” [Structural
Change in the 20th Century Turkish Family”]
Ph. D.-Degree from the University of Bonn Department of Sociology. Ph. D.Thesis entitled “Über die Reislamisierung in der Türkei als sozial-religiöse
Bewegung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der zwei Jahrzehnte 1970-1990“
[On Reislamization in Turkey as a socio-religious Movement] under the
supervision of Prof. Dr. R. Martinus Emge completed in December 1993.
1983–1985 Student Assistant (studentische Hilfskraft), Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Department of Sociology.
1985–1988 Research Assistant (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) Rheinische
Friedrich- Wilhelms Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Department of
1995–1999 Assistant Professor, Ankara University, Faculty of Letters,
Department of Sociology
1999- Assistant Professor, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Sciences and Letters,
Department of Sociology
2007- Associate Professor, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters, Department
of Sociology
2013- Professor, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Letters, Department of
Teaching Turkish migrant workers’ children English and German 1981-1983.
Employment as an interviewer for INFAS = Institut für Angewandte
Sozialwissenschaften in Bonn (Institute for Applied Social Sciences) 1982.
German/Turkish in various courthouses for Turkish migrant workers 19831984.
University of Granada/Spain participation in a course of Hispanic Studies for
Foreigners Autumn 1983.
University of Bonn, Department of Sociology working as an assistant student
University of Tunis/Tunisia participation in Arabic Language courses
summer 1986 and 1987.
University of Bonn Department of Sociology employment as assistant and
participation in classical Arabic courses 1985-1988.
Working for the DSE = Deutsche Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung
(German Foundation for International Development) as a counsellor on
Turkey 1990-1991.
Teaching German post-graduate students Turkish and Spanish from 19891994.
July 1995 Appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Sociology of the Faculty of Letters at the Ankara University
October 1999 Appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Sociology of the Faculty of Sciences and Arts at the Akdeniz University.
October 2007 Appointment as an Associate Professor in the Department of
Sociology of the Faculty of Letters at the Akdeniz University.
July-September 2007 Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg/ Germany
(Research/ ERASMUS )
January 2008 Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg and Stiftungs
Universität Hildesheim/ Germany, teaching in the framework of the
ERASMUS Exchange Program.
14 March-24 April 2010 Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program: Direct Access
to the Muslim World:
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, USA.
Winston-Salem State University, North Carolina, USA.
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, North Carolina, USA.
Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
September 2013 Appointment as Professor in the Department of Sociology of
the Faculty of Letters at the Akdeniz University.
March 1998-October 1999 Assistant Chair of the Department of Sociology of
the Faculty of Letters at the Ankara University
May 1996-May 1999 Director of the Social Structure and Change Division of
the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Letters at the Ankara University
2000-2002 Member of the Administrative Commision of the Center for
Education, Research and Administration of Social Work of the Akdeniz
January 2002-November 2003 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters
of the Akdeniz University
2006- ERASMUS Coordinator of the Sociology Department of the Faculty of
Letters of Akdeniz University
2010- Director of the Social Structure and Change Division of the Department
of Sociology of the Faculty of Letters at the Akdeniz University
September 2013- Head of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of
Letters, Akdeniz University
September 2013- Member of the Faculty Academic Board
Über die Reislamisierung in der Türkei als sozial-religiöse Bewegung unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung der zwei Jahrzehnte 1970-1990 [On the
Reislamization in Turkey as a Social-Religious Movement under Special
Consideration of the Two Decades 1970-1990], Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am
Main, 1995.
“Küreselleşme ve Toplumlar” [Globalization and Societies], Sezal, Ihsan (Ed.),
Sosyolojiye Giriş [Introduction to Sociology], Martı Kitap ve Yayınevi, Ankara,
2002, pp. 751-779.
“Etnosantrizm”, [Ethnocentrism], Felsefe Ansiklopedisi [Encyclopedia of
Philosophy], Cilt 5, Ahmet Cevizci (Ed.), Ebabil Yayıncılık, Ankara, 2007, S.
“Turkey: Afro-Turks”, in: Encyclopedia of the African Diaspora: Origins,
Experiences, and Culture, Carole Boyce Davies (Ed.), ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara,
CA, 2008, S. 611.
“Turks of African Origin and Citizenship“, in: Rasim Özgür Dönmez and Pinar
Enneli, Societal Peace and Ideal Citizenship for Turkey, Lexington Books, Lanham,
MD, 2011, S. 159-177.
“Construction of identity and integration of Turks of African descent”, in:
Toledano, Ehud R. (Ed.), African Communities in Asia and the Mediterranean.
Identities between Integration and Conflict, African World Press, Trenton NJ,
2012, pp. 285-299.
“Küreselleşme ve Göç”[Globalization and Migration], in: Bozkurt, Veysel
(Editör), Küreselleşme Teorileri {Globalization Theories], Atatürk Üniversitesi AÖF
Yayınları, 2013.
“Reislamizasyon Hareketlerinin Kuramsal Bir Çözümlemesi” [A Theoretical
Analysis of the Reislamization Movements], A.Ü. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi
Sosyoloji Dergisi. [Ankara University, Faculty of Letters, "Journal of Sociology" of
the Department of Sociology], 1 (1996), pp. 79-103.
“Sosyal Değişme, Göç ve Sosyal Hareketler” [Social Change, Migration and
Social Movements], II. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi: Toplum ve Göç [II. National
Congress of Sociology: Society and Migration], Ankara: DİE, 1997, pp. 95-100.
“Re-Islamisierungstendenzen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft
und Politik am Beispiel der Türkei” [Tendencies of Reislamization and its Impact
on Society and Politics and the Example of Turkey], A.Ü. Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya
Fakültesi Dergisi [Journal of the Ankara University, Faculty of Letters] 367, Vol.
39, No: 1-2, Ankara, 1999, pp. 281-297.
“Die Funktion der Konstruktion von ethnischen Minderheiten am Beispiel der
türkischen Migranten in Deutschland” [The Function of Constructing Ethnic
Minorities and the Example of Turkish Migrants in Germany] in: Elçin KürşatAhlers/Dursun Tan/Hans-Peter Waldhoff (Ed.) Globalisierung, Migration
und Multikulturalität [Globalization, Migration and Multiculturality], IKOVerlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Frankfurt/Main 1999, pp. 139-147.
Opp, K.-D., (trans by. Esma Durugönül), “‘Rasyonel Seçim’-Yaklaşımı ve
Sosyal Hareketler Sosyolojisi” [The Rational Choice Approach and the Sociology of
Social Movements], Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi [Journal of Sociological
Research], Vol.: 3, No.: 1-2, Fall 2000, pp. 83-100.
“Göç Yolları” [Roads of Migration], Görüş (Periodical of the Turkish Industrialists
and Businessmen’s Association TÜSİAD), May-June 2002, No: 51, pp. 38-47.
“The Invisibility of Turks of African Origin and the Construction of Turkish
Cultural Identity: The Need for a New Historiography”, Journal of Black
Studies, Vol. 33, Number 3, January 2003, pp. 281-294.
“Yaşlılık ve Engellilik Kimliği” [Identity of the Aged and the Disabled], Ufkun
Ötesi Bilim Dergisi, 3. Vol., Nr. 1-2. May-November 2003, pp. 31-37.
“Sosyal Hareket ve Engellilik” [Social Movement and Disability], Ufkun Ötesi
Bilim Dergisi, 4. Vol., Nr. 1, May 2004, pp. 39-45.
“Antalya Siyahileri”, Antalya Kent Müzesi Projesi, Kent-Müze-Tarih
Söyleşileri Dizisi-10, 2008. [“The Blacks of Antalya”, Antalya City Museum
Project, City-Museum-History Conferences-10]
“‘Anne’ ve ‘baba’ sözcüklerine yüklenilen anlamların bir incelemesi” [A Study
of the words attributed to “mothers” and “fathers”], Contemporary Online Language
Education Journal, 2011, 1(2), 25-34, (with Zeybekoğlu Dündar, Ö. and Arıkan,
“Çokkültürlülüğü Yeniden Tanımlamak: Almanya Örneği” [Redefining
Multiculturalism: The Case of Germany], Contemporary Online Language Education
Journal, 2012, 2 (2), 17-28.
“Antalya’da Afrika Kökenli Türkler Üzerine Çalışmanın Sorunları” [The
Problems of Working on Turks of African Origin in Antalya], International Journal of
Human Sciences, 2013, (10)1, 1401-1411.
“Turkish Return Migration from Europe”, European Review, Vol. 21, No. 3,
412–421, 2013, Cambridge University Press.
“Almanya’da Bir Türk Alman Sentezinden Sözedilebilir mi?”, “Almanya ve
Türkiye Örneğinde Küreselleşmenin Kültürel Boyutu”, Sempozyum, 16-17
Mayıs 1997, Ankara. Düzenleyen: Alman Kültür Merkezi ve Ankara
Üniversitesi S.B.F. Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezi (GETA) [“Is there a TurkishGerman Cultural Synthesis?”, paper presented at the Symposium “The Cultural
Dimension of Globalization and the Example Of Germany and Turkey” 16-17 May
1997, Ankara, German Culture Institute and The Ankara University Faculty of
Political Sciences, Center for Social Research].
“Türk Kültürel Kimliğinin Kurgulanması ve Sorunlar”, III. Ulusal Sosyoloji
Kongresi: “Yeni Sosyolojik Arayışlar: Dünyada ve Türkiye'de Farklılaşma
Çatışma Bütünleşme”, 2-4 Kasım 2000, Eskişehir. Düzenleyen: Sosyoloji
Derneği/Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü [“The Construction of Turkish
Cultural Identity and Problems”, paper presented at the III. National Congress of
Sociology: “New Sociological Trends: Differentiation, Conflict and Integration in
Turkey and in the World” 2-4 November 2000, Eskişehir. Organized by the
Sociological Association/Anadolu University Department of Sociology].
“Kültürel Küreselleşme ve Almanya’daki Türk Kültürü”, “Almanya’ya Türk
İşgücü Göçünün 40 Yılı, Gelişmeler, Sorunlar, Perspektifler”, Sempozyum, 910 Mayıs 2001 Antalya. Düzenleyen: Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari
Bilimler Fakültesi; Ankara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Araştırma ve
Uygulama Merkezi; T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı Avrupa Birliği
Koordinasyon Dairesi Başkanlığı; Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti Türkiye
Büyükelçiliği. [“Cultural Globalization and the Turkish Culture in Germany” paper
presented at the Symposium “The 40 Years of Turkish Labor Migration to GermanyDevelopments, Problems, Perspectives” 9-10 May 2001 organized by the Akdeniz
University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Ankara University
Center for EU Research, the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkey]
“Afro-Turks in the Region of Antalya”, “International Conference on the
Siddis of India and the African Diasporas in Asia”, 9-20 January 2006, The
International Centre Goa, India
“Bridge between East and West? Socio-Cultural Change in Turkey 1980–2000”,
Casa Asia, Barcelona/Spain, 8 June 2006.
“Observations and Thoughts Concerning Homosexuality in Turkey” (with
Res. Assis. Cihan Ertan), International Conference Migration, Islam and
Masculinities: Transforming Emigration and Immigration Societies, 12-14
April 2007, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.
“African Turks in the Region of Antalya - Their Past and Their Present”,
International Symposium on the Cultural Interactions Resulting from the
Slave Trade and Slavery in the Arab-Islamic World, 17–19 May 2007,
Rabat/Marrakech, Morocco.
“Construction of Identity and Integration of Turks of African Descent”,
International Workshop Integration and Conflict Among The African
Diaspora in the Orient, 8-9 November 2007, Halle/Saale, Germany, Max
Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
”Afrikalı Türkler”[African Turks], Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Düşünceler
Topluluğu Etkinliği [Activity of the Akdeniz University Social Thought Group],
Olbia Hall A, 21 November 2007 .
“Homosexualität als Identität in der türkischen Gesellschaft“ [Homosexuality
as Identity in the Turkish Society], Stiftungs Universität Hildesheim, Institut für
Sozialwissenschaften/Germany, 8 January 2008.
“Antalya Bölgesindeki Afrikalı Türkler” [African Turks in the Region of Antalya],
“Tarih Vakfı Afrika Kökenli ‘Türkler’ Üzerine Çalışmalar Atölyesi” [History
Foundation Workshop on Research on Turks of African Origin], 9 July 2008, İzmir.
“African Turks in the Region of Antalya”, Georgetown University, McGhee
Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Alanya, 16 January 2009.
“Afro-Turks in Turkish Society”, International Symposium on "Cultural
Interactions Related to the Slave Trade and Slavery in the Arab-Muslim
World”, 1-3 May 2009, Tozeur/Tunisia.
“Zorunlu Göç Olarak Köle Ticareti ve Sonuçları - Antalya Bölgesinde AfroTürkler” [Slave Trade as Forced Migration and its Consequences – Afro-Turks in the
Antalya Region], 4. Tarih İçinde Mersin Kolokyumu, 20-22 Ekim 2011 Mersin
[Mersin in History Colloquium, 20-22 October 2011, Mersin/Turkey].
“A Study on the meanings attributed to the words ‘mother’ and ‘father’ by
Students. The Case of Akdeniz University”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences 70 ( 2013 ), 1180 – 1185 (Akdeniz Language Studies Conference. 9-12
May 2012, Antalya) with Res. Assis. Ö. D. ZEYBEKOĞLU.
13.07.1998 – 13.08.1998 consulter on identity and ethnicity and field
coordinator of the project on "Şanlıurfa and Harran Plains On-Farm and
Village Development Project" funded by the World Bank.
2001-2003 Conductor of the project on “Turks of African Ancestry in The
Region of Antalya and the Question of Identity” funded by the Akdeniz
University Scientific Research Projects Administration Unit, 2001-2004.
Symposium Coordinator: “Body and Masculinity in the Globalizing World”
International Symposium: 15-17 October 2009, Antalya.
International Scientific Board Member: Akdeniz Language
Conference, 9-12 May 2012 – Antalya (
Editorial Board Member: Masculinities- A Journal of Identity and Culture
Sibel Mansuroğlu, Osman Karagüzel, Esma Durugönül, Reyhan Erdoğan,
Pınar Kınıklı, Bihter Saatcı: “Antalya'da Kentsel Gelişimin Ekolojik ve
Sosyolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi ve Sürdürülebilirlik Kapsamında
Öneriler Geliştirilmesi” [The Ecological and Sociological Evaluation of the Urban
Development in Antalya and Suggestions Concerning Sustainability], Akdeniz
Üniversitesi B.A.P.Y.B. Proje No.: 2008.01.0104.001, Sociologist.
ISA-International Sociological Association
IIS-International Institute of Sociology
DGS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Deutsch-Türkische Vereinigung zum Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaftlichen
Sosyoloji Derneği [Sociological Association]
TADIA (The Society for Research, Culture, Education and Development of the
African Diaspora in Asia, associated with UNESCO “Slave Route Project)
Culture, cultural globalization, identity, migration
African Diaspora
Racism, Nationalism, Ethnocentrism
Social Movements
Social and Cultural Change
Turkish, German, English (Advanced)
Spanish, Arabic (Intermediate)
Akdeniz University
Faculty of Letters
Department of Sociology
Campus, 07058 Antalya
Tel.: +90- (242) 3106154

Benzer belgeler

Complete File ()

Complete File () Strabon, Geographika, 8. 7.5; 14.3.3; 14. 5.8; A. A Boyce, The Foundation Year of Pompeiopolis in Cilicia. Collection Latomus. Band 103. Hommage a Marcel Renard I,


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