Placement Director: Robert Pollin, Ph


Placement Director: Robert Pollin, Ph
Curriculum Vitae: Hasan Tekgüç
January, 2016
Hasan Tekgüç
 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2005 – May 2010
(Major Fields: Development Economics, Political Economy)
 M.A. in Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2003-2005
 B.A. in Economics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1995-2000; with honors
Current Employment
Assistant Prof. of Economics at Kadir Has University Department of Economics (September
2015 - current).
Previous Employments
Assistant Prof. of Economics at Mardin Artuklu University Department of Economics (April
2011 – August 2015).
Instructor at İzmir University of Economics Department of Economics (September 2010January 2011).
Primary Fields
 Development Economics
 Price Transmission in Agricultural Products
 Labor Economics
Title: Three Essays on the Political Economy of the Livestock Sector in Turkey
Committee: James K. Boyce (chair), Mwangi wa Gĩthĩnji (member), and Bernard J. Morzuch
(outside member)
Publications (SSCI Journals)
Tekgüç, H. & Atalay-Güneş, Z.N. (2015) “Sağlıkta Bireysel Sorumluluk ve Rekabet Toplam
Maliyetleri Neden Düşürmez?” [Why Personal Responsibility and Competition Does not Reduce
Total Spending in Healthcare?] Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 48(1): 141-171.
Eryar, D. & Tekgüç, H. (2014) “Gender Effect in Explaining Mobility Patterns in the Labor
Market: A Case Study of Turkey” The Developing Economies, 52(4): 322-350.
Tekgüç, H. (2013). “Oligopoly and Price Transmission in Turkey’s Fluid Milk Market”,
Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(3): 293 – 305. DOI: 10.1002/agr.21333
Tekgüç, H. (2012). Separability between own food production and consumption in Turkey.
Review of Economics of the Household. 10(3) 423-439.
Curriculum Vitae: Hasan Tekgüç
January, 2016
Area Journals
Özertan, G., Saghaian, S. & Tekgüç, H. (2015) “Dynamics of Price Transmission and Market
Power in the Turkish Beef Sector” İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 30 (349): 53-76. DOI:
Özertan, G., Saghaian, S. & Tekgüç, H. (2014) “Market Power in the Poultry Sector in Turkey”
Bogazici Journal Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies, Volume 28(2):19-32.
Sayed H Saghaian and Gökhan Ozertan and Hasan Tekguc, (2013) ''Beef and milk price links in
Turkey'', Economics Bulletin, 33(4): 2607-2616.
Tekgüç, H. (2013). “Self-produced food and vulnerability to poverty in Turkey”, METU Studies
in Development, 40(3): 493 – 524.
Book Chapters
Atalay-Güneş, Z.N. & Tekgüç, H. (2016). Türkiye’de Refah Devleti’nin Dönüşümü: Yeniden
Dağıtım Ve Sınıfların Değişimi [Transformation of Welfare State in Turkey: Redistribution and
Transition of Classes] in Türkiye’de Toplumsal Tabakalaşma ve Eşitsizlik [Social Stratification
and Inequality in Turkey] edited by Lütfi Sunar, Matbu Yayınları, Ankara.
Atalay-Güneş, Z.N. & Tekgüç, H. (2016). Türkiye’de Sağlık ve Tabakalaşma: Eşitsizliklerinin
Sağlıkta Tabakalaşmaya Etkisi [Health and Stratification in Turkey: Effects of Inequalities on
Health Stratification] in Türkiye’de Toplumsal Tabakalaşma ve Eşitsizlik [Social Stratification and
Inequality in Turkey] edited by Lütfi Sunar. Matbu Yayınları, Ankara.
Other Publications
İzmir İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması [İzmir Labor Market Review]. İzmir Ekonomi Ü. Yayınları
(2011: No:46) (O. Esen, A. Oğuş-Binatlı, A. Duman, D. Eryar, ,M. Karacal, E. Postalcı, B.
Dindaroğlu, İ Göksel, İ. Daştan, G. Ertan Özgüzer, R. Yaka, B. Yalvaç, A. Dalgalı, A. A. Bilir,
A. Kabadayı, M. Topal ile birlikte)
Tahıl Borsaları Çıldırmış Olmalı [Grain Markets have gone Mad], Birikim, 229, May 2008
Under Review
Gender Role Attitude and Female Labor Force Participation: A Case Study of Izmir (with Değer
Women’s Tertiary Education Masks Labor Market Discrimination; the Gender Wage Gap in
Turkey (with Değer Eryar and Dilek Cindoğlu)
Working Papers
Land Inequality, Conflict and Education: The Case of Eastern and Southeastern Turkey (with
Cem Oyvat)
Convergence of Health Outcomes for Different Insurance Schemes in Turkey, (with Nurdan
Curriculum Vitae: Hasan Tekgüç
January, 2016
Aligning Local Incentives to Regional Goals: Water Conservation in the Upper Tigris-Euphrates
River System
Research Interests
 Food security, poverty and vulnerability to poverty in Turkey
 Price transmission and oligopolies in agricultural product markets
 Access to public health services and consequences of rationed access
 Labor market participation, mobility and gender wage gap
Referee Experience
Agriculture and Human Values, Review of Economics of the Household, Agribusiness: An
International Journal, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar
Dergisi, Mukaddime, Toplum ve Bilim
Teaching Experience
Assist. Prof. at Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin Turkey:
Courses: Calculus I (Fall 2012 & 2013) and Calculus II (Spring 2013 & 2014), Intermediate
Microeconomics I (Fall 2013 & 2014), Intermediate Microeconomics II (Spring 2014 & 2015),
Statistics I (Spring 2014 & 2015), Statistics II (Fall 2014), Introduction to Econometrics (Spring
Instructor at the Department of Economics at İzmir University of Economics:
Courses: Principles of Economics and Managerial Economics (Fall 2010).
Teaching Instructor at the Department of Economics at the UMass Amherst:
Courses: Intermediate Macroeconomics (Summer 2008), and Political Economy of Environment
(Fall 2008 and Spring 2009).
Administrative Experience
Economics Department Chair (April 2011- December 2013; April – August 2015).
Teaching Interests
Economic Development, Environmental Economics, Health Economics, Introductory
Macroeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Statistics, Econometrics
The American University in Cairo, Essay Competition for Young Scholars: (Winter 2011)
The politics of climate change and population movement/displacement in the Middle East and North
Africa: $500.
Political Economy Research Institute Dissertation Writing Fellowship, Fall 2009.
Cyprus America Scholarship Program Fellowship for Masters Degree from Cyprus Fulbright
Commission, September 2003 – May 2005.
Recent Seminars, Workshops and Conferences
Türkiye Dördüncü Nüfusbilim Konferansı [Turkey 4th National Population Conference] 5-6
Kasım 2015, Ankara Kalkınmaya Çifte Kıskaç: Toprak Eşitsizliği ve Etnik Çatışma [Double
Squeeze on Development: Land Inequality and Ethnic Conflict in Southeastern Turkey]
Curriculum Vitae: Hasan Tekgüç
January, 2016
(with Cem Oyvat)
International Association for Feminist Economics 24th Annual Conference 16-18 July Berlin,
Germany. Paper: Women’s Tertiary Education Masks Labor Market Discrimination; the Gender
Wage Gap in Turkey (with Değer Eryar and Dilek Cindoğlu)
Türkiye Ekonomisi ve Kalkınma İktisadı Çalıştayı Fikret Şenses’e Armağan 2-4 Nisan 2015
ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampusu. Paper: Land Inequality, Conflict, Ethnicity and Education: The
Case of Southeastern Turkey (with Cem Oyvat)
18th Conference of the Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies
(FMM), Inequality and Future of Capitalism. 30th October – 1st November 2014 Berlin. Paper:
Land Inequality, Conflict and Education: The Case of Eastern and Southeastern Turkey (with
Cem Oyvat)
ESPE 2014, 28th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE),
Braga, Portugal 18-21 June 2014. Paper: The Gender Wage Gap in Turkey: Disaggregated by
Eduction Level (with Değer Eryar and Dilek Cindoğlu)
ESPE 2013, 27th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE),
Aarhus, Denmark 12-15 June 2013. Paper: Gender Role Attitude and Female Labor Force
Participation: A case study of İzmir (with Değer Eryar).
Sosyal Adalet İçin İnsan Hakları: Sosyal Haklar [Human Rights for Social Justice: Social Rights]
TODAİE Ankara, April 2013. Paper: Sağlıkta Bireysel Sorumluluk Maliyetleri Neden
Düşürmez? Teorik ve Ampirik Dayanağı Olmayan bir Tartışma [Why co-payments do not
Reduce Total Health Spending? A Debate without Theoretical and Empirical Base] (with Nurdan
ICEOS 2012, 13th International Conference on Econometrics, Operations Research, and
Statistics, Famagusta Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 24-26 May 2012. Papers: The
Determinants of Job Mobility and Labor Market Participation: Izmir as a Case Study (with Değer
Workshop on ‘Healthcare systems: change and outcomes. Ideas, institutions, actors, and reforms.
11-12 November, 2011, Amsterdam University. Paper: Health Consequences of an Eclectic
Social Security Regime: The Case of Turkey (with Nurdan Atalay-Güneş).
3rd ICOPEC Conference on ‘Labor Markets and Employment’ Kocaeli 15-17 September, 2011
Paper: Determinants of Job Mobility in İzmir (with Değer Eryar).
9th ESEE Conference on ‘Advancing Ecological Economics: Theory and Practice’ 14-17 June
2011 in Istanbul at Boğaziçi University. Paper: Aligning Local Incentives to Regional Goals:
Water Conservation in the Upper Euphrates-Tigris River Basin.
9th International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association, Istanbul 24-26 June,
2010. Paper: The Implications of Food Self-provisioning for Poverty Measurement in Turkey.
Curriculum Vitae: Hasan Tekgüç
January, 2016
Non-Academic Work History
Treasurer of Graduate Student Senate, June 2006 – May 2007 at University of
Massachusetts Amherst
Auditor Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, September 2000 – May 2003, Istanbul, Turkey

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