dilek cindoglu


dilek cindoglu
Abdullah Gul University
Professor of Sociology
Faculty of Humanities, Dean
Kayseri, TURKEY
90 532 218 4924 (mobile)
Inter University Board of Turkey;
“Associate Professor” Title in Sociology; October 1996
State University of New York - Buffalo;
Ph.D., Sociology, February 1991
Boğaziçi University - Istanbul, Turkey;
M.A., Sociology, June 1986
Boğaziçi University - Istanbul, Turkey;
B.A., Sociology, June 1983
Membership in Professional Associations
International Sociological Association (elected Executive Board Member 2010-2018)
Turkish Sociological Association (elected Executive Board Member 2006-2015)
American Sociological Association
European Sociological Association
Middle Eastern Studies Association
Academic Appointments
Abdullah Gul University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015 Sep-today
Mardin Artuklu University, 2015 Feb- 2015 May
Acting Dean,
Mardin Artuklu University, Faculty of Administrative and Economics, 2013 Nov -2015 May
Professor of Sociology and Chair
Mardin Artuklu University, Department of Sociology, 2012 Sep-2015 August
Associate Professor of Sociology,
Bilkent University, Department of Political Science, 1996-2012
Visiting Senior Scholar,
Columbia University at New York, IRWAG (Institute for Research on Women and Gender),
2010-2011 (sabbatical leave)
Visiting Scholar,
New York University, CSGS (Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality), New York,
summer 2003
Visiting Scholar and Senior Associate Member,
St. Anthony's College, Oxford University, AUB and Oxford Program on Sexuality in the
Middle East, sponsored by the Ford Foundation, summer 2001
Honorary Fellow,
Women’s Studies Research Center, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA, Fall 1998
sponsored by Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Madison Women's
Studies Research Center Honorary Fellow USA, 1999- 1998
Assistant Professor of Sociology,
Bilkent University, Department of Political Science, 1991-1996
Millard Fillmore College, SUNY at Buffalo, 1988-1989
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Sociology, SUNY at Buffalo, 1987-89
Teaching Interests
Introduction to Sociology
Research Methods
Gender and Politics
Sociology of Work
Introduction to Social Psychology
Medical Sociology
Sociology of Internet
Research Interests
Gender and Migration
Gender and Labor Markets
Sociology of Internet
Democracy and Everyday Life
Gender Stratification
Sociology of Sexuality
Medical Sociology
Project Evaluation and Consultancy Experience
2015-2016, Project Consultant, World Bank Project, “Women’s Entrepreneurship and Law in
Turkey”, Turkey
2006-today, Project Evaluation Consultant, TUBITAK, The Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey, Ankara.
2012, A2F, Project Consultant, World Bank Project, “Social Mobility in Turkey”, Turkey
2012, National Consultant to İŞKUR, “Gender Equality and Labor Market”, Ankara
2010, AGMIN, Project Consultant, National Expert from Turkey under the project of
European Training Foundation, SBA Indicators for Women’s Entrepreneurship, Turkey
2007, Project Consultant, “Women’s Sexuality in Turkey” for CETAD, sponsored by an EU
grant on the sexual and reproductive health, Istanbul
2007, Project Evaluation Consultant, Fulbright Institute, Ankara
2006, Project Evaluation Consultant, “Sexual Education For Young Couples: An Evaluation
Research for First Step For Couples Project in Contemporary Turkey”, research report
conducted for a Turkish NGO, OZEV, sponsored by an EU grant on the sexual and
reproductive health, Ankara
2004, ILO, Project Evaluation Consultant, “International Labour Organization, International
Program on Elimination of Child Labour: Izmir Case, 2004”, Turkey
2003, World Bank, Consultant, “Women’s MICROENTERPRIZE ACTIVITY in 2002
Turkey”, published in Bridging the Gender Gap in Turkey: A Milestone Towards Faster
Socio-Economic Development and Poverty Reduction, World Bank Publications
2002, Consultant, Co-Investigator, “Social Assessment of Health Reform Project in
Contemporary Turkey” sponsored by the Ministry of Health and the World Bank
1996, Consultant, Co-Investigator, "Supporting Women Owned Business in Turkey: A
Discussion of Needs, Problems, Opportunities, and Strategies " Development Alternatives
Inc. and SAV, sponsored by the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Directorate General on
the Status and Problems of Women
Unal, Didem and Dilek Cindoglu, “Authoritarian Discursive Strategies on Women’s
Sexuality in “New Turkey” (under review)
Tekgüç, Hasan, D. S Eryar and Dilek Cindoğlu, “Women's Tertiary Education
Masks Labor Market Discrimination; the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey” (under review)
Cindoglu, Dilek and Didem Ünal, (2015) “Gender in Political Sex Scandals in
Contemporary Turkey: Women’s Agency and the Public Sphere” (4) in Journal of Women,
Politics and Policy
Unal, Didem and Dilek Cindoglu (2013), “Reproductive Citizenship in Turkey; Abortion
Chronicles” in Women Studies International Forum, Vol 38, May-June 2013, 21-31
Sirkeci Ibrahim and Dilek Cindoglu (2012) “Space, Agency and Withdrawal: Birth Control
Choices of Women in Turkey” in Health Care for Women International, vol 33, issue 7: pp
Cindoglu, Dilek and Saime Ozcurumez “Religion, Gender and Migration; The Case of
Turkey”, GEMIC National Report (2011)
Yuksel, Sahika and Dilek Cindoglu and Ufuk Sezgin “Women’s Bodies, Sexualities and
Human Rights” in (ed) Michael Dudley, Derrick Silove and Fran Gale, Mental Health and
Human Rights, Oxford University Press,(2012)
Cindoglu, Dilek Headscarf Ban and Discrimination: Professional Headscarved Women in
the Labor Market, TESEV Publications, November 2010 (Turkish) and March 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek “Headscarf Issue in Turkey”, in Reader on Turkey (ed) Senel Simsek,
University of Oxford Press, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, (2010) 'book reviews', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 12: 2
Cindoglu, Dilek and Feyda Sayan (2010) “Medicalization Discourse and Modernity:
Contested Meanings over Childbirth in Contemporary Turkey”, Health Care for Women
International, vol. 31, no. 3, pp: 221–243
Cindoglu, Dilek and Ibrahim Sirkeci, Rukiye Sirkeci (2008) "Determinants of Choosing
Withdrawal over Modern Contraceptive Methods in Turkey”, The European Journal of
Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 13 (4): 412-421
Cindoglu, Dilek, (2008) 'book reviews', International Feminist Journal of Politics, 10:4,563
— 580
Cindoglu, Dilek, Murat Cemrek, Sule Toktas, Gizem Zencirci, (2008) “The Family in Turkey:
The Battleground of the Modern and the Traditional" (ed) Charles B.Hennon and Stephan
M. Wilson, in Families in a Global Context, Routledge Press
Cindoglu, Dilek and Gizem Zencirci, (2008)“Withering the Counter Hegemonic Potential of
the Headscarf: Public Sphere, State Sphere and the Headscarf Question in Turkey“, Middle
Eastern Studies,(Vol 44) No 5, 791-806
Cindoglu, Dilek, Selin Akyuz, Edip Bekaroglu Adnan Boynukara, (2007) “Does Eros Contour
the Demos: Rising Democracy Discourse in 2000s Turkey, Women’s Studies International
Forum” (Vol 30) issue 6, 465-473
Toktas, Sule and Dilek Cindoglu, (2006) “Modernization and Gender: A Study of Girl’s
Technical Education in Turkey since 1927”, Women’s History Review . Vol 15, No.5, pp 737749
Cindoglu, Dilek, (2003) “Women’s Micro Enterprise Activity”, in Bridging the Gender Gap in
Turkey: A Milestone Towards Faster Socio-Economic Development and Poverty
Reduction, World Bank Publications
Durakbasa, Ayse and Dilek Cindoglu, (2001 and 2003) “Tezgah Ustu Karsilasmalar” (ed)
Deniz Kandiyoti and Ayse Saktanber, Kultur Fragmanlari: Turkiye’de Gundelik Hayat, Metis
Cindoglu, Dilek, "Turkish Women Writers in the 20th century" ( 2002) IKO - Verlag für
Interkulturelle Kommunikation ,Frauen In Der Einen Welt, V 2, Zeitschrift für interkulturelle
Frauenalltagsforschung, Frankfurt
Cindoglu, Dilek and Sule Toktas, (2002) "Empowerment and Resistance Strategies of
Working Women in Turkey: The Case of 1960-1970 Graduates of the Girl's Institutes",
European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol 9 (1): 31-49
Durakbasa, Ayse and Dilek Cindoglu, (2002) "Encounters at the Counter: The Gender
Dimension of the Shopping Experience in Contemporary Turkey" (ed) Deniz Kandiyoti,
Fragments of Culture: The Everyday Life in Modern Turkey, I.B.Tauris
Cindoglu, Dilek, Ibrahim Sirkeci, (2001) “Variables That Explain Variation in Prenatal Care
in Turkey: Social Class, Education and Ethnicity Re-Visited”, Journal of Biosocial Science,
33, 261-270
Esim, Simel, Dilek Cindoglu, (1998) “Women's Organizations In 1990's Turkey:
Predicaments and Prospects", Middle Eastern Studies. January 1999.vol 35 no 1 pp. 178188. (Winning essay in the "Competition on Girls and Young Women and the Women's
Movement" of Women in Society Research Committee -International Sociological
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1998) “Namus, Nikah, Bekaret: 1990 lar Turkiyesinde Cinsellige Iliskin
Paradoxlar” [Virtue, Purity and Marriage: The Paradoxes of Sexuality in 1990’s Turkey], (ed)
Oya Citci. 20.Yuzyilin Sonunda Kadinlar ve Gelecek Konferansi Bildirileri Turkiye Amme
Idaresi Enstitusu, Yayin No. 285
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1997) "Virginity Tests and Artificial Virginity in Modern Turkish
Medicine",Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 20. No.2, pp. 253-261; and reprinted in
Women and Sexuality in Muslim Societies, (with the permission of the journal] in (ed) Pinar
Ilkkaracan, Women for Women's Rights Publications, Istanbul 2000
Cindoglu, Dilek, Gulnur Muradoglu, (1996) "Muhasebe ve Finans Dalinda Bilim Kadinlarinin
Is ve Aile Rolleri Ile Basetme Stratejileri [The Coping Strategies of Women in Academia]"
(ed) Dr Hasan Coskun, Akademik Yasamda Kadin : Turk ve Alman Universitelerinde Kadin
Kariyerlerinin Karsilastirilmasi, Turk-Alman Kultur Isleri Kuruli Yayin Dizisi No:9, Ankara
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1994) "Dogumun Medikalizasyonu ve Kadin Acisindan Hastahaneler
[Medicalization of Childbirth and Women's Perspectives on Hospitals]" May-June 9, 61,
Toplum ve Hekim
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1994) "Turk Hekimlerinin Mesleki Prestijlerine Sosyolojik Bir Yaklasim
[Turkish Physican's Status Examined: A Sociological Analysis]", May-June:9, 61, Toplum ve
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1994) "Bekaretin Yeniden Uretiminde Modern Turk Tibbi: Bekaret
Muayeneleri ve Bekareti Onarma Mudahalelerine Sosyolojik Bir Yaklasim [Modern Turkish
Medicine in the Reproduction of Virginity]",in Dunyada ve Turkiyede Guncel Sosyolojik
Gelismeler, Sosyoloji Dernegi Yayinlari III, Ankara
Cindoglu, Dilek, (1994) "Modern Turk Sinemasinda Kadin [Women in Turkish Cinema]",
published in the Istanbul Universitesi Kadin Sorunlari Arastirma Merkezi Dergisi, 1994:2
Muradoglu Gulnur, Can Mugan and Dilek Cindoglu, (1994) "Do Women Accounting Students
Outperform Men: A Quest for Universal Traits" Hacettepe Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari
Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, cilt 12: 159-172
Culpan Oya, Fusun Akdag and Dilek Cindoglu, (1992) "Women in Banking Integration Myth:
A Comparative Perspective", published in International Journal of Manpower, Vol 13, Issue 1
Training Experience
Emotional Intelligence -Six Seconds Associate Trainer Certificate-, San Francisco, July
Conducting Focus Groups, American Sociological Association Workshops, Miami, 1992
and Pittsburgh 1993
Conducted Workshops
Grant Writing Workshops
Interpersonal Communication Workshops
Search Conferences
Focus Groups
EQ Workshops
“Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace”,
“Emotional Intelligence in Close Relationships”
“Emotional Intelligence in Problem Solving”
Awards and Grants
Research Grant, TUBİTAK, “Reflections of the Syrian Crisis on Turkey”, researcher, 20152017
Research Grant, TUBİTAK, “New Capital and Conservatism: Anatolian Tigers from the
Perspective of Everyday Life Sociology”, principle investigator, 2014-2016
Research Grant, TUBİTAK, “Gender in Local Politics: Women’s Representation at Local
Level”, principle investigator, 2009-2011
Research Grant, TESEV, “Young, Professional Veiled Pious Women in Changing Turkey”,
principle investigator, 2010
Research Grant, TUBITAK, “Gender in Political Thinking: A Research on the Question of
Equality of Men and Women in the 23rd Period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly” ,
co-investigator, 2008-2009
Research Grant, TUBITAK, “The “turban” in the Market Place: Exploring Patriarchal
Bargains through Veiled Saleswomen”, co-investigator, 2008-2009
Collaborative Research Grant Partner, Coordinator, EU 7th Framework Program, SSH-20073, 3-01, “Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South
East Europe: An Interdisciplinary Perspective”,principle investigator, 2007-2010
Research Grant, TUBITAK, “Internet and Democracy: A Comparative Research on the
Prospects of Democracy”, principle investigator , 2006-2007
Research Grant, TUBITAK “The European MEP’s Attitudes on Turkey’ and Turkey’s
Accession to EU”, principle investigator , June-December 2006
Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program
“Direct Access to the Muslim World” Award, Miami University at Ohio, Jan-Feb 2006
“Let’s Resarch [Arastiralim]” Project Competition, First Winner of Arastirmacilar Dernegi,
January 2006
Research Grant, TUBITAK, “A Sociological Analysis of the Rising Democracy Discourse in
the Process of EU Accession of Turkey: Bottlenecks and Common Denominators among the
Political Actors”, principle investigator , July 2005- March 2006
Research Development Grant, Bilkent University, Ankara, Summer 2003.
Affiliated scholar at the New York University, the Center for the Study of Gender and
Sexuality, New York, Summer 2003
Visiting Scholarship and Senior Associate Membership,
St. Anthony's College, Oxford, AUB and Oxford Program on Sexuality in the Middle East,
sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Summer 2001
Honorary Fellowship, Women’s Studies Research Center, University of Wisconsin at
Madison, USA, Fall 1998
Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Madison Women's Studies
Research Center Honorary Fellow Women's Studies Program, USA, September-December
Incentive Award for Publications, Turkish Academy of Sciences, (TUBA) 1998
Research Award, Principle Investigator, “Forms of Resistance: Sexual Purity and Artificial
Virginities in Contemporary Turkey", MEAwards, Population Council, 1997 August
Resarch Grant, Co-Investigator (with Prof. Ayse Durakbasa) "Isyerlerinde Cinsiyete Dayali
Ayrimcilik ve Isverenlerin Kadin Calisanlara Karsi Tutumu: Buro ve Magaza Calisanlarina
Derinlemesine Bir Bakis [Discrimination at the Workplace]", Kadının Statüsü ve Sorunları
Genel Müdürlüğü, April-December 1995
Research Grant, Principle Investigator, "Gender and Health: Women as Health Care
Recipients in Turkish Society". International Development and Research Center (IDRC), May
1995- May 1996
Research Project Grant, Co-Investigator, "Calisan Kadinlarin Cocuk Bakimi ve Aile
Sorumluluklari: Tip Alaninda Calisan Kadinlar [Childcare and Household Responsibilities of
Working Women], Institute of Family- Turkish Republic, 1992
Travel Award, American Sociological Association, 1992
ME Awards-Population Council - Project Development Award for " Gender and Medicine: A
Close-Up Look to the Power Relations in Turkish Medicine", 1992
Public Health Research Grants, Turkish Medical Association, 1992
Dissertation Writing Grant, Institute of Turkish Studies, 1990
Travel Grant, Graduate Student Association, State University of New York at Buffalo,
December 1989 and 1988
STEP Award, Institute of International Education, American Sociological Association, August
Travel Grant, Rutgers University Women Studies Department, March 1988
Graduate Assistantship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1986-1989
Invited Talks (since 2000)
Cindoglu, Dilek “War, Migration and Intimacies”, Universiteit Gent, Center for Research on
Culture and Gender, May 17, 2016
Cindoglu, Dilek “Yeni Sermaye, Yeni Erkeklik (New Capital and New Masculinities)”,
METU Department of Political Science Talks, May 12, 2015
Cindoglu, Dilek “Wars and Brides”, Invited Speaker, Sabancı University, May 11, 2015
Cindoglu, Dilek “Women Entrepreneurship; The Role of Academia” , Regional Strategic
Conference and Workshop, Women Entrepreneurship: A Job Creation Engine for South
East Europe WE Perspectives 2015 – 2020, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
November 9-11, 2014
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Gendered Labor Market Processes: Happy Alliance of Neoliberalism and
Islamic World View in Contemporary Turkey", Humboldt University, Berlin, Graduate
School for Social Sciences Institute of Social Sciences, November 1, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Headscarf Ban and Labor Market Discrimination in Turkey”, SETA
Foundation at Washington DC, April 26, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “ Local Politics and Gender: Paradoxes of Secularism in Contemporary
Turkey”, Seminar Series at the Department of Sociology, University of British Columbia,
Green College, April 19, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “ Local Politics and Gender: Paradoxes of Secularism in Contemporary
Turkey”, Seminar Series at the Department of Sociology, University of Victoria,
Vancouver, April 18, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek , “Care Drain” Revisited: Labor Market and Mothering Experiences of the
Migrant Women from the Former Soviet Union Countries in Turkey”, Women's Studies
The College of William and Mary, April 5, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “When Labor Market Met Headscarved Women: The Spillover Effect of
the Headscarf Ban in Contemporary Turkey”, Near Eastern Studies Brown Bag Seminar
Series , Princeton University, New Jersey, March 25, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Care Drain” Revisited: Labor Market and Mothering Experiences of the
Migrant Women from the Former Soviet Union Countries in Turkey, Buffett Center for
International and Comparative Studies – Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Program,
Northwestern University, Chicago, Feb 23, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “"Headscarf and Discrimination: Labor Market Discrimination in
Contemporary Turkey", Center of the Study of Democracy, Toleration and Religion of
Columbia University in New York City, Feb 15, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Headscarves and Modernity Revisited: Work and Fıtrat in the Age of
Neo-Liberalism”, SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Sociology Seminar Series, Feb 7, 2011
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Women and Secularism: the Headscarf Ban in Turkey,” SETA-DC,
Insight Turkey Annual Conference: “Debating New Turkey,” December 3, 2010
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Headscarves and Modernity Revisited: Work and Fıtrat in the Age of
Neo-Liberalism”, Sabancı University, İstanbul, November 2009
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Being a Woman in the Private Sphere: Reconsidering the Violence
against Women”, Fatih University, İstanbul, April 2009
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Trajectories of Dress in the Modern Turkish Republic: From Swimsuits to
Headscarves”, University of Exeter, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, Seminar Series,
Exeter, UK, December 2008
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Gender and Democracy: Gender Inequality as a Bottleneck in the
Turkey’s Accession Process”, EU Enlargement: Lessons Learnt and Future Prospects
Conference, İstanbul, June 2008
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Women and Democracy in Local Governments”, International Local
Governments and Women Conference: We are Re-Writing the Future, Diyarbakır, May
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Woman as a Sex Object in the Print Media [Yazılı Basında Cinsel Obje
Olarak Kadın]”, 8.Alman-Türk Yerel Gazetecilik Semineri, Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti,
October, Antalya, 2007
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Medicalization of Sexuality: Youth Promising Drugs, Youth Promising
Surgeries”, CETAD VI National Meetings, İstanbul, November 2006
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Towards a Better Understanding of the Physicians Status in Turkey”, 11th
Pratisyen Hekimlik Kongresi, Antalya, November 2006
Cindoglu, Dilek, Keynote Speaker, “Fourth Summer Institute of Towson University”,
Institute for Teaching and Research on Women, Bodrum, June 2005
Cindoglu, Dilek, "Cyberspace Encounters: Intimacy and Internet", Sabanci University,
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Social and Political Science Seminars, İstanbul,
December 2004
Cindoglu, Dilek, “The Battleground of the Modern and the Traditional in Contemporary
Turkey: Family as a Gendered Institution”, University of Create, Crete, Greece, November,
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Cyberspace Encounters: The Prospects for Intimacy in the 21st century”,
NYU The Centre for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Fall 2003 Lunch Series, New
York, USA, September 2003
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Women’s Bodies and Sexuality in Age of Hegemonic Masculinities:
Resistance and Negotiation Strategies in Contemporary Middle East and North Africa”,
Fez Conference on Women, Ministry and the University of Fez, April 2003
Cindoglu, Dilek “Virginity Surgeries in the Age of Hegemonic Masculinities: Resistance and
Negotiations in Sexuality” Workshop on “Negotiating Power, Contesting Violence and
Assessing Perspectives for Transcultural Approaches: Gender and Nation State in Muslim
Societies”, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women and Gender, Carl Von
Ossietzyky Universitat, Oldenburg, Germany, December 2001
Cindoglu, Dilek, "Forms of Coercion and Control over Sexual Bodies in the Middle East"
Sexuality in the Middle East Conference, St Anthony’s College, Oxford University, England,
Oxford, UK, June, 2000
Cindoglu, Dilek, Discussant, International Conflict Resolution Workshop, Sabanci University,
Istanbul, May 2000.
Papers Presented (since 2000)
Cindoglu, Dilek, “In-Depth Interviewing and Intersectionality”, 12th International Congress
of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, Champaign, IL, 18-21 May 2016
Tekguc, Hasan and Değer Eryar and Dilek Cindoğlu, “Women’s Tertiary Education Masks
Labor Market Discrimination; the Gender Wage Gap in Turkey” , International Association
for Feminist Economics, 24th Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 July 2015
Cindoglu, Dilek and Didem Ünal, “Authoritarian Discursive Strategies on Women’s
Sexuality in “New Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies Association, Denver, Nov 2015
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Wars and Brides”, Turkish Migration Studies Conference, Prague Check
Republic, June 24-26 2015
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Her-story of democratization in the times of turmoil: Gender Inequalities
in Turkey” will be presented at the “Sociology in the Times of Turmoil”, Third ISA
Conference of the Council of National Associations, Ankara Turkey, May 13-16 2013
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Wars and Women’s Bodies; “Cross-Border Brides” in the Precarious
Times of Syrian Civil War” presented at the “Beyond the Crises; Sociology Facing New
Forms of Risk, Uncertainity and Precarity”, International Sociological Association and the
Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48),
Bilbao, University of the Basque Country, Spain, March 12-13, 2013
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Gender Blind Democratization in the Age of Arab Spring: Possible
Lessons from Turkish Democratization History/Herstory”, presented at the International
Symposium on The Arab Uprisings: Sociological Perspectives and Geographical
Comparisons American University of Beirut, March 20-21 2012
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Contested Modernities and the Power of Agency in the Public Sphere;
Headscarves and Swimsuits of Pious Women in Turkey”, presented at the International
Sociology Association, Gothenburg, July 2010
Cindoglu, Dilek and Saime Ozcurumez, “Care Drain” Revisited: Labor Market and Mothering
Experiences of the Migrant Women from the Former Soviet Union Countries in Turkey”,
presented at the International Sociology Association, Gothenburg, July 2010
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Headscarves and the Modernity Revisited: Discrimination at the Market
Place in Contemporary Turkey” presented at the American Sociological Associations
Meeting, San Francisco, August, 2009
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Politics of Swimsuit in Twenty-First Century Turkey: Herstory of Swimsuit
in Turkish Modernization” presented at the American Sociological Associations Meeting,
August 2008.
Cindoglu, Dilek and Adnan Boynukara, “In Depth Analysis of the Rising Democracy
Discourse in the Process of EU Accession of Turkey”, presented at the XVIth International
Sociological Association Meetings, July 2006
Cindoglu, Dilek, “New Forms of Love: Love in the Age of Fragmentations [Askin yeni
Halleri: Parçalanmalar Cağinda Internet Ortaminda Aşk” presented at the COLLOQUE
FRAGMENTATIONS, İstanbul, May 2005.
Cindoglu, Dilek, “Femicides or Honor Crimes: Does Terminology Matter on Women Killings”,
presented at the American Associations Meetings, San Francisco, August 2004
Cindoglu, Dilek “Modernity, Purity and Sexuality in the Non-Western World: Dynamics of
Sexuality in the Global Age” presented at the American Sociological Associations Meetings,
Atlanta, August 2003
Cindoglu, Dilek and Setenay Dogan “Multiple Meanings of Birth in Contemporary Turkey”,
presented at the American Sociological Associations Meetings, Chicago, August 2002
Cindoglu, Dilek, " Virginity: A Common Theme for Women's Purity in Turkey and the
Middle East", the 42nd Annual Meeting for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, "Sexual
Science: Interdisciplinary Synergy", Orlando, Florida, November 2000
PH.D. Thesis
"Re-Viewing Women: Images of Patriarchy and Power in Modern Turkish Cinema", State
University of New York at Buffalo, 1991
M.A. Thesis
"Women Writers and Women's Fiction in 1970-1985 Period of Turkey”, Boğaziçi University,
Citations in Each Year
Published Items in Each Yea
Results found: 85
Sum of the Times Cited [?] : 560
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations [?] : 495
Citing Articles [?] : 487
Citing Articles without self-citations [?] : 439
Average Citations per Item [?] : 6.59
h-index [?] : 13

Benzer belgeler

Citation Index Makaleleri2011

Citation Index Makaleleri2011 Author(s): Simsek, OF (Simsek, Omer Faruk) Title: An Intentional Model of Emotional Well-Being: The Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Subjective Well-Being Source: JOURNAL OF HAPPI...


Record 1 of 55 Author(s): Cardullo, B (Cardullo, Bert) Title

Record 1 of 55 Author(s): Cardullo, B (Cardullo, Bert) Title Author(s): Simsek, OF (Simsek, Omer Faruk) Title: An Intentional Model of Emotional Well-Being: The Development and Initial Validation of a Measure of Subjective Well-Being Source: JOURNAL OF HAPPI...


özgeçmiş - Genetik ve Biyomühendislik

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Prof. Dr. Fikrettin ŞAHİN Yeditepe Üniversitesi Genetik ve

Prof. Dr. Fikrettin ŞAHİN Yeditepe Üniversitesi Genetik ve PERSONEL DETAILS Name Sex Date of Birth Marital Status Nationality Current Address


özgeçmiş - Yeditepe Sağlık

özgeçmiş - Yeditepe Sağlık 17. Özkan, H. 2009. Isolation, characterization and identification of bacteria that have biodeteriorative effect on cultural heritage in the vicinity of Erzurum, Turkey, Ataturk University (Ph.D. T...


proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi

proffessor şule toktaş - Kadir Has Üniversitesi Travel Award, American Sociological Association, 1992 ME Awards-Population Council - Project Development Award for " Gender and Medicine: A Close-Up Look to the Power Relations in Turkish Medicine"...
