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Agonist-Antagonist protocol / AgonistAntagonist protokol, 187
Allogeneic / Allojenik, 99
Amniocentesis / Amniyosentez, 145, 228
Anesthesia / Anestezi, 178
Aneuploidy / Anöploidi, 145
Angiomyxoma / Anjiyomiksoma, 58
Antenatal betamethasone therapy /
Antenatal betametazon tedavisi, 38
Anti-mullerian hormone / Anti-mülleryan
hormon, 212
Antioxidant / Antioksidan, 86
Antral follicle count / Antral folikül
sayısı, 212
Assisted hatching / Parsiyel zona disseksiyonu, 55
Associated abnormalities / Eşlik eden
anomaliler, 8
Atrioventricular septal defects / Atrioventriküler septal defekt, 8
Attitude / Tutum, 16
Atypical eclampsia / Atipik eklampsi, 115
Atypical preeclampsia / Atipik preeklampsi, 115
Autologous / Otolog, 99
Awareness / Farkındalık, 16
Benign / Benign, 22
Bicornate uterus / Bikornuat uterus, 165
Blind hemivagina / Kör hemivajen, 107
Breast cancer / Meme kanseri, 152
Breastfeeding / Emzirme, 141
Calcification / Kalsifikasyon, 113
Cell proliferation / Hücre proliferasyonu, 131
Cerclage / Serklaj, 44
Ceruloplasmin / Seruloplasmin, 86
Cervical cancer / Servikal kanser, 27
Cervical insufficiency / Servikal yetersizlik, 44
Cervicopexy / Servikopeksi, 158
Chinese population / Çin populasyonu, 73
Claudin / Klaudin, 48
Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin /
Clostridium perfiringens endotoksini, 48
Coculture / Kokültür, 121
Collection, / Toplama, 99
Combined test / Kombine test, 194
Common aneuploidies / Anöploidi, 199
Compliance / Uyum, 141
Conjoined twins / Yapışık ikizler, 174
Contraception / Kontrasepsiyon, 78
Cornuostomy / Kornuostomi, 102
Cumulus cells / Kumulus hücreleri, 121
Digital infrared thermal imaging / Dijital
infrared termal görüntüleme, 152
Digital mammography / Dijital mamografi, 152
Down syndrome / Down sendromu, 194
Ductus venosus / Ductus venozus, 194
Early pregnancy failure / Erken gebelik
kaybı, 61
Echinococcosis / Echinococcosis, 63
Ectopic pregnancy / Ektopik gebelik, 220
Embryo thawing / Embryo çözme, 55
Emergency contraception / Acil kontrasepsiyon, 168
Endometrial cancer / Endometriyal kanser, 131
Endometrial thickness / Endometrial
kalınlık, 149
Enterocoele / Enterosel, 69
Etonogestrel / Etonogestrel, 141
Extrauterine pregnancy / Ekstrauterin
gebelik, 168
Family planning / Aile planlaması, 78
Fertilization / Fertilizasyon, 182
Fetal anomaly / Fetal anomali, 1
Fetal DNA / Fetal DNA, 82
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) /
İnce iğne aspirasyon sitolojisi (İİAS), 127
Fundal pressure / Fundal bas, 95
Gestational diabetes mellitus / Gestasyonel diyabetes mellitus, 89
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues / Gonadotropin-releasing hor-
mone analogları, 131
Granulomatous mastitis / Granulomatöz
mastit, 127
Healthcare providers / Sağlık çalışanları, 16
Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome /
Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich sendromu, 107
Hip pain / Kalça ağrısı, 163
HPV / HPV, 16
Hydatid cyst / Hidatik kist, 63
Hysterectomy / Histerektomi, 208
Iatrogenic vesicovaginal fistula /
İatrojenik vezikovajinal fistül, 137
ICSI-embryo transfer / ICSI-embryo
transfer, 121
Implanon / İmplanon, 141
Interstitial (cornual) pregnancy /
İntertisyel (kornual) gebelik, 102
Interstitial pregnancy / İnterstisyel gebelik, 165
IVF / IVF, 55
Knowledge / Bilgi, 78
Knowledge level / Bilgi düzeyi, 16
Laparoscopic hysterectomy / Laparoskopik histerektomi, 208
Laparoscopic surgery / Laparoskopik
cerrahi, 220
Laparoscopy / Laparoskopi, 102, 208
Levonorgestrel / Levonorgestrel, 168
Lidocaine / Lidokain, 178
Lipoma / Lipoma, 113
Malignant / Malign, 22
Mammography / Mamografi, 152
Martius flap / Martius flep, 137
Mature oocytes / Matür oositler, 187
Medical abortion / Tıbbi abortus, 204
Methotrexate / Metotreksat, 102
Microdose flare-up protocol / Mikrodoz
flare-up protokol, 187
Mifepristone / Mifepriston, 204
Misoprostol / Misoprostol, 65, 204
MLPA / MLPA, 199
Muscular ventricular septal defects /
Müsküler ventriküler septal defekt, 8
Müllerian duct anomaly / Müllerian kanal
anomalisi, 107
Myoma uteri / Myoma uteri, 160
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy / Neoadjuvant kemoterapi, 27
Neu- laxova syndrome / Neu- laxova
sendromu, 225
Neural tube defect / Nöral tüp defekti, 86
Obesity / Obezite, 149
Occludin / Okludin, 48
Octreotide / Octreotide, 131
Omental flap / Omental flep, 137
Omphalocele / Omfalosel, 228
Osteoporosis / Osteoporoz, 163
Ovarian cancer / Over kanseri, 22, 48
Ovarian reserve / Over reservi, 212
Ovary / Over, 63
Pain / Ağrı, 178
Partial Trisomy 3q / Kısmi Trizomi 3q, 228
Perimembranous ventricular septal
defects / Perimembranöz ventriküler
septal defekt, 8
Perineal injuries / Perineal yaralanma, 95
Periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage / Periventriküler-intraventriküler
hemoraji, 73
Poor responder / Zayıf over cevaplı, 187
Posterior reversible encephalopathy
syndrome (PRES) / Posterior reverzibl
ensefalopati sendromu (PRES), 216
Post-menopause / Post-menopoz, 149
Postpartum / Postpartum, 89
Postpartum contraception / Postpartum
korunma, 141
Practice / Uygulama, 78
Preeclampsia / Preeklampsi, 216
Pregnancy / Gebelik, 105, 160, 163, 216
Pregnancy outcomes / Gebelik sonucu, 44
Pregnancy rate / Gebelik oranı, 121
Pregnancy termination / Gebelik
sonlandırması, 1
Preimplantation development /
İmplantasyon öncesi gelişim, 182
Premature infant / Prematur infant, 73
Prenatal diagnosis / Prenatal tanı, 1
Prenatal diagnosis / Prenatal tanı, 174
Prenatal screening / Prenatal tanı, 199
Preterm delivery / Erken doğum, 44
Preterm delivery / Prematüre bebek, 38
Primary abdominal pregnancy / Primer
abdominal gebelik, 220
Primary infertility / Primer infertilite, 158
Prognosis / Prognoz, 8
Puerperium / Lohusalık, 160
Pulmonary embolus / Pulmoner emboli,
Pyocolpos / Pyokolpos, 107
Ultrasonography / Ultrasonografi, 22, 61
Ultrasound findings / Ultrason bulguları, 145
Umbilical cord / Umbilikal kord, 58
Umbilical cord blood / Umbilikal kord
kan, 99
Uncultured amniocytes / kültüre
edilmemiş amniyositler, 199
Uterine prolapse / Uterin prolapsus, 105,
Uterus / Uterus, 113
Uterus didelphys / Uterin didelfus, 107
Radical hysterectomy / Radikal histerektomi, 27
Radiotherapy / Radyoterapi, 27
Real-time PCR / Gerçek zamanlı PZR, 82
Rectus fascia / Rektus fasyas, 69
Reifenstein syndrome / Reifenstein sendromu, 110
Removal / Çıkarma, 141
Respiratory distress syndrome / Respiratuar distres sendromu, 38
RhD gene / RhD gen, 82
Risk of malignancy index / Malignite risk
endeksi, 22
Rrisk factors / Risk faktörleri, 73
Rudimentary horn / Rudimenter
boynuz, 165
Sacrospinous ligament / Sakrospinöz
ligament, 223
Second stage / İkinci evre, 95
Seizure / Epilepsi, 65
Sepsis / Sepsis, 160
Serum androgene / Serum androjen, 149
Side effect / Yan etki, 141
Sperm DNA damage / Sperm DNA
hasarı, 182
Stem cell / Kök hücre, 99
Termination of pregnancy / Gebelik terminasyonu, 65
Testicular malignancy / Testiküler malignite, 110
Tight junction / Konnekson, 48
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy / Total
laparoscopik histerektomi, 208
Transplantation / Transplantasyon, 99
Trisomy 7 / Trizomi 7, 61
Turkish population / Türk toplumu,194
Vaccine / Aşı, 16
Vaginal pessary / Vajinal pesser, 105
Vaginoplasty / Vajinoplasti, 223
Vault Prolapse / Vajinal apikal prolapsus, 69