

 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul COLLABORATION November 7-­‐8, 2014 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul EVENT PROGRAM Theme: Collaboration Friday 7 November 09:00-­‐09:30 09:30-­‐09:45 09:45-­‐10:00 10:00-­‐11:00 11:00-­‐11:30 11:30-­‐12:00 12:05-­‐12:35 12:35-­‐13:45 Registration Room: Auditorium II Welcoming Remarks İlke Büyükduman, Manager, School of Languages, İstanbul Şehir University Meltem Akbulut Yıldırmış, PDU Head, İstanbul Şehir University Room: Auditorium II T-­‐PLUS Presentation Bahar Gün, T-­‐PLUS Event Coordinator, İzmir University of Economics Room: Auditorium II Keynote Speaker Deniz Kurtoğlu Eken, Sabancı University Our Eternal Homework: Me-­‐laboration and Col-­‐laboration Room: Auditorium II Tea/Coffee Break Concurrent Session 1 Sub-­‐theme: Setting up and Sustaining Continuous Professional Development Aslı Yılmaz Ercan & Utku Kara, Marmara University Who can star as a TDU member? Room: 106 Beril Ayman Yücel, Başkent University Achieving a common goal together through team teaching Room: 107 Fatoş Uğur Eskiçırak, Bahçeşehir University A tale of a teacher development initiative Room: 108 Yasemin Yelbay, Hacettepe University The CMC model – A possible cure for teacher resistance? Room: 109 Concurrent Session 2 Sub-­‐theme: Research in Continuous Professional Development Ahu Burcu Hayır, İstanbul Şehir University Research and professional development: A teacher’s perspective Room: 106 Kenan Dikilitaş, Gediz University Collaborative teacher research Room: Auditorium II LUNCH 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul 13:45-­‐14:15 14:20-­‐14:50 14:50-­‐15:30 15:30-­‐16:30 18:00 Concurrent Session 3 Sub-­‐theme: The Use of Technology in Training Emrah Akkurt, İstanbul Şehir University Sharing the workload with technology Room: 106 Mehtap Yavuzdoğan, İstanbul Şehir University What my colleagues think I do vs. what I really do Room: 107 Nezaket Özgirin, Sabancı University CPD, Collaboration & Technology Room: 108 Concurrent Session 4 Sub-­‐theme: Trainer Development Elif Uzel Şen & Barbara Clark, Bilkent University Do sessions inspire DELTA partipants? We asked them to tell Room: 106 Rebecca Güreci & Kübra Saygılı, İstanbul Şehir University On the path to professional perfection Room: 108 Turgut Turunç, Oxford University Press Four Cs in Trainer Development: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity. Room: 109 Tea/Coffee Break Plenary Speaker Simon Phipps, ATI Trainer development: How to obtain and enhance the necessary skills Room: Auditorium II Group Dinner Bridge Restaurant Buses will leave at 17:00 from the South Campus Parking Area. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul Saturday 8 November 09:30-­‐09:50 10:00-­‐10:45 10:45-­‐11:00 11:00-­‐11:30 11:30-­‐11:45 11:45-­‐12:00 12:00-­‐13:00 13:00-­‐13:15 Forming Round Table Groups Room: Auditorium II Round Table Discussions Group 1: Room 106 Group 2: Room 107 Group 3: Room 108 Group 4: Room 109 Break Round Table Discussions Group 1: Room 106 Group 2: Room 107 Group 3: Room 108 Group 4: Room 109 Tea/Coffee Break Preparation for Presentations/Group Reports of Action Plans Group 1: Room 106 Group 2: Room 107 Group 3: Room 108 Group 4: Room 109 Presenting Action Plans Room: Auditorium II Closing Remarks: Round-­‐up and Reflection Room: Auditorium II 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul Theme Sub-­‐themes “COLLABORATION” Research in CPD Trainer development The use of technology in training Setting up and sustaining CPD CONCURRENT SESSION 1: SUB-­‐THEME: SETTING UP AND SUSTAINING CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WHO CAN STAR AS A TDU MEMBER? with Aslı Yılmaz Ercan & Utku Kara (Marmara University) (in room 106, from 11:30-­‐12:00) Although School of Foreign Languages has a history of only a couple of decades, Teacher Development Units have now started to come onto the scene. Thus, TDUs have become an important part of these schools. TDUs help to put forward the experience of practitioners within these schools where thereby giving an opportunity for instructors to learn from and improve their own practices. TDUs aim to equip and empower all the instructors of the foreign language school. This presentation is an example of the process of setting up a TDU and the engagement of the instructors during the first year. It focuses on the selection of the prospective members and specifically the initial project implemented by the TDU. The steps of the project consist of (a) a questionnaire that analyzes the needs and clarifies the profile of the lecturers, (b) the results of the needs analysis that identifies the topics that the teachers think are the most important to consider when teaching a foreign language, (c) volunteer pairing of instructors,(d) pre-­‐ and post-­‐observation meetings for each observation,(e) the arrangement of putting peer observation forms into a box,(f) sharing the results of the peer observation project with the instructors. It can be argued that the peer observation project stands out with its ‘self-­‐reflectivity’ aspect and enables a closer insight into our own teaching methods. ACHIEVING A COMMON GOAL TOGETHER THROUGH TEAM TEACHING with Beril Yücel (Başkent University) (in room 107, from 11:30-­‐12:00) The role of collaboration, cooperation and reflection is emphasised continuously in many teacher education programmes. Teachers are encouraged to become more efficient and reflective in their teaching by means of various developmental activities such as peer observations, action research, portfolio, self-­‐observation, etc. The “team teaching” approach 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul could be included in this category as it has all the characteristics mentioned above. It is one of the developmental activities which encourages teachers to bring their talents together and work towards a common goal. In this session, primarily, the team teaching process will be presented. Secondly, the pros and cons of this reflective approach will be discussed. Finally, the idea of using “collaborative diary” will be shared. A TALE OF A TEACHER DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE with Fatoş Uğur Eskiçırak (Bahçeşehir University) (in room 108, from 11:30-­‐12:00) This presentation aims to have a closer look at one of our teacher development projects at Bahcesehir University English Preparatory Program. It will be focussing on the school’s “Professional Development Unit” (PDU) and its activities. The first part of the presentation will discuss factors which made such an endeavour necessary and our motivational reasons to establish such a unit 8 years ago. Next, it will answer questions like “what”, “why”, “how” and “so what” about some PDU activities to give a clearer picture of the unit and its functions. The presentation will end by answering the question to what extent PDU has served its dual purpose in facilitating both individual teacher and institutional growth. I believe the ideas to be discussed here will inspire some potential change agents or trainers considering to take similar initiatives in their own settings and will have some practical value for them before they start a similar journey. The CMC Model – A POSSIBLE CURE FOR TEACHER RESISTANCE? with Yasemin Yelbay (Hacettepe University) (in room 109, from 11:30-­‐12:00) This talk will build on the “Needs Analysis” presentation at the Girne event. I will very briefly summarize the overall negative/indifferent attitude of our teaching staff towards CPD activities and present a model for dealing with teacher resistance at schools. The model that we devised is called the CMC Model (Core-­‐Mantel-­‐Crust) that will be implemented this academic year. The CMC Model is based on choice and variety and enables the teachers to take control of their own professional development. It fosters teacher autonomy whereby teachers are free to set their own professional goals and pursue them. It also takes into account the needs of the institution and is flexible enough for the institution to set minimum standards for their staff members. A teacher in the CMC Model is like a college student choosing courses in their academic program. There are must courses in the ‘Core’ and the ‘Mantle’ and optional courses in the ‘Crust’. More information will be available through a publication soon. I will finish the presentation discussing the possible advantages and disadvantages of the proposed model. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 2: SUB-­‐THEME: RESEARCH IN CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A TEACHER’S PERSPECTIVE with Ahu Burcu Hayır (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 106, from 12:05-­‐12:35) In this session a research in progress will be presented. The topic of the research is the perceptions of students of native and non-­‐native English speaking teachers. Specifically related to their ways of teaching speaking and listening skills. Data collected through focus groups and the preliminary results will be discussed. In addition, the implications of these results on the teaching strategies of teachers will be explained. Any problems raised by students and possible solutions to these problems will also be touched on. Furthermore, the contributions of conducting research to professional development will be discussed. The issues considered will be the steps and process of conducting research, how conducting research can influence a teacher’s professional development, how the institution can help and support teachers during their research, and the things that have been learnt throughout the research process. COLLABORATIVE TEACHER RESEARCH with Kenan Dikilitaş (Gediz University) (in Auditorium II, from 12:05-­‐12:35) This presentation will provide an overview of collaboration process of teacher researchers who do joint research for professional development. The content will include challenges encountered and benefits gained from the process of collaborating during the planning, doing, presenting and writing up stages. Each stage will be depicted with the critical analysis of data collected in the form of written reports collected from 11 participants. The findings will offer insight into understanding the process of collaborative engagement in teacher research for those who plan to conduct a professional development activity based on teacher research. Finally the presentation will highlight the major points to follow and not to follow when supporting collaborative teacher research groups. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 3: SUB-­‐THEME: THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN TRAINING SHARING THE WORKLOAD WITH TECHNOLOGY with Emrah Akkurt (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 106, from 13:45-­‐14:15) Teachers who care are very busy and so are teacher trainers. Wouldn't it be great if some weight was lifted off their shoulders? No, It ain't a friend, it ain't a hero, it is the good old fellow "technology" that comes to the rescue. Some helpful tools will be introduced to help ease workload of teacher trainers and maintain the sustainability during years. WHAT MY COLLEAGUES THINK I DO VS. "WHAT I REALLY DO with Mehtap Yavuzdoğan (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 107, from 13:45-­‐14:15) Can we deny the necessity of technology in ELT classes? No! But, does it always create the expected outcomes for the teachers? Do we really get the best out of it all the time? Let’s discuss these questions putting ourselves into the classroom teachers’ shoes through a case study which includes “Wikis” to boost motivation toward paper-­‐pen vocabulary log practice. CPD, COLLABORATION & TECHNOLOGY with Nezaket Özgirin (Sabancı University) (in room 108, from 13:45-­‐14:15) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the systematic enhancement of skills, knowledge and competence which takes place throughout working life. With the advances in technology, web2 tools and online learning environments and opportunities, CPD is now both more individualized and collaborative due to easier accessibility of ideas, articles, materials and even lessons. Mobile technologies provide instant and constant access not only to shared communication spaces, but also to professional learning networks which enables individuals to originate learning points, sharing them in various settings that facilitates collaborative learning experiences. Professional development is not restricted to formal classroom tutoring anymore. There are many available tools that help store, share and deliver input or lessons and this session will cover some of them: livebinders, padlet, blandedspace, pearltrees and kahoot as examples to collaborative learning/teaching/training environments. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 4: SUB-­‐THEME: TRAINER DEVELOPMENT DO SESSIONS INSPIRE DELTA PARTIPANTS? WE ASKED THEM TO TELL with Elif Uzel Şen & Barbara Jean Clark (Bilkent University) (in room 106, from 14:20-­‐14:50) In this presentation we will summarize the details of a small scale research study we conducted last year. Our starting point was an attempt to evaluate how effective our input sessions were. With this in mind we conducted a small scale research through a questionnaire and follow up interviews into how the different techniques and procedures used during the input sessions on the Delta course (all modules) are regarded in terms of their usefulness by the course participants. We also looked into what the tutors working on these courses (including ourselves) also felt about the different techniques and procedures to provide a source of comparison between participants’ and tutors’ perceptions. We wanted to find out to what extent the participants and the tutors feel the techniques and procedures used during sessions are useful. Indeed, we were investigating the preferences for the types of activities as well as ways of giving input. Inevitably the results of this study contributed towards our course evaluation and provided valuable feedback on our practice. In this presentation we will give a brief background of the context and the courses, summarise the research design, report on the results and discuss future implications. We hope to be able to come up with some concrete ideas to help the trainers at work. ON THE PATH TO PROFESSIONAL PERFECTION with Kübra Saygılı & Rebecca Güreci (Istanbul Sehir University) (in room 108, from 14:20-­‐14:50) The presentation will be divided into two sections. Firstly, we will talk about the induction programme. We will present the general structure of the induction programme, and state the parts which were really beneficial for all of us as instructors. We will also refer to the experience of other new teachers, as we all had different reactions to it. To conclude this part we will highlight the elements of the induction that other institutions could include in their own programmes. Secondly, we will talk about our own experiences of the teacher training programme so far. This will include an overview of the observation process, and our impressions on each stage. We will sum up by stating which aspects of this process led to self-­‐reflection, self – questioning and self -­‐contemplation in a more detailed and organized way. We also believe that this self-­‐ reflection, over the last few weeks recalled this quote to our minds: 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul “It is necessary ... for a man to go away by himself ... to sit on a rock ... and ask, 'Who am I, where have I been, and where am I going?” Carl Sandburg As a conclusion, the importance of professional competency, personal attributes and the pedagogical bases of the lessons, which SEPP made us become more aware of will be discussed in the presentation as well. Truth be told the fact most teachers tend to ‘react’ rather than ‘reflect’ has nothing to do with SEPP. FOUR Cs IN TRAINER DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, CRITICAL THINKING AND CREATIVITY with Turgut Turunç (Oxford University Press) (in room 109, from 14:20-­‐14:50) In this rapidly-­‐changing and developing era, continuous development has been one of the key issues for both teachers and teacher trainers. Both parties may have challenges in keeping a track of the new changes. Those challenges could be with a focus on: • current and new trends in ELT/FLT pedagogy in that methodological changes and/or innovations may invite them to develop; • advanced and innovative technologies in that new technological devices may offer development for both parties, • newly-­‐described features of teacher trainers, which match with those of the trainee teachers. This session therefore attempts to highlight what features teacher trainers should be equipped with in terms of helping teachers develop in: • FLT/ELT pedagogy, • 21st century skills, • and current needs for both parties. Participants will have opportunity in both discussing and sharing their own experiences as well as their ideas. The below figure gives an overall picture of what the session will be focusing on. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul PLENARY TRAINER DEVELOPMENT: HOW TO OBTAIN AND ENHANCE THE NECESSARY SKILLS with Simon Phipps (ATI) (in Auditorium II, from 15:30-­‐16:30) This talk will focus on what it means to be a 'trainer' in today's ELT world, and will consider the requisite skills, knowledge and personal characteristics needed to be an effective educator of teachers. The first part will look at the concept of teacher learning and explore ways in which teachers can be helped and guided in their journey from 'novice' to 'expert'. The second part will outline key issues in the process of becoming a 'teacher trainer' and will offer suggestions which can help novice or budding trainers to endure a smoother transition. The third part will consider ways in which trainers can sustain and further enhance their training skills. The last part of the talk will discuss ways in which Tplus can contribute to the development of training skills and expertise among its different members. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 1: SUB-­‐THEME: SETTING UP AND SUSTAINING CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WHO CAN STAR AS A TDU MEMBER? with Aslı Yılmaz Ercan & Utku Kara (Marmara University) (in room 106, from 11:30-­‐12:00) ASLI YILMAZ ERCAN has extensive experience in English language teaching, assessment and IELTS preparation. She is licensed to evaluate and proctor TELC Language Tests. She has been rewarded as the best Faculty Member of Marmara University, School of Foreign Languages. She is currently the Coordinator of Teacher Development Unit at Marmara University. Her research interests include the teacher development and mentoring the novice colleagues. She is recently involved in “Action Research Project” held by five universities nationwide. UTKU KARA an instructor of the English language, is currently Teacher Development Unit Coordinator at Marmara University, School of Foreign Languages. He is writing his master’s thesis on the Effects of Teacher Development programs on Teacher Development at Marmara University, English Language Education Department. His research areas include teacher development, classroom management, addressing different learning styles and syllabus design. He is recently involved in Action Research studies as a result of observation sessions at Marmara University, School of Foreign Languages. ACHIEVING A COMMON GOAL TOGETHER THROUGH TEAM TEACHING with Beril Yücel (Başkent University) (in room 107, from 11:30-­‐12:00) BERİL AYMAN YÜCEL has been involved in English language teaching for 23 years as an instructor, textbook writer and teacher trainer. Currently, she works as the Head of Teacher Training and Development Unit at the English Language Department of Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey. She holds a BA in ELT and MSc in Educational Sciences from METU. She was the coordinator of IATEFL Teacher Training and Education Special Interest Group between 2006-­‐2010. Beril is mainly interested in teacher education, educational administration, research and materials design. A TALE OF A TEACHER DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE with Fatoş Uğur Eskiçırak (Bahçeşehir University) 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul (in room 108, from 11:30-­‐12:00) FATOŞ UĞUR ESKİÇIRAK holds a BA in American Philology from Ankara University and an MA in Educational Administration from Bahcesehir University, the CEELT, the COTE & the DELTA from Bilkent University and currently pursues her PhD studies in ELT at Istanbul University. She has been designing & implementing professional development activities for ELT teachers in and outside of her institution for more than 7 years. She is an ICELT trainer with ITI and works as the Teaching and Training Operations Coordinator at Bahcesehir University English Preparatory Program. The CMC Model – A POSSIBLE CURE FOR TEACHER RESISTANCE? with Yasemin Yelbay (Hacettepe University) (in room 109, from 11:30-­‐12:00) YASEMİN YELBAY YILMAZ has 20 years of combined experience as English teacher, trainer and administrator. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and her main interests are CPD, teacher Cognition and Neurolinguistics. She worked at several public and state schools and universities. She worked as part time trainer at Pilgrims Teacher Training in the UK. She is currently assistant director at the School of Foreign Languages at Hacettepe University and Coordınator of the CPD unit. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 2: SUB-­‐THEME: RESEARCH IN CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A TEACHER’S PERSPECTIVE with Ahu Burcu Hayır (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 106, from 12:05-­‐12:35) AHU BURCU HAYIR completed her undergraduate at the University of Canberra, Australia, majoring in English Language and Literature and TESOL in 2009. She then continued on to complete her Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education at the same university in 2010. Then in 2013 she completed her Masters in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Bilkent University. COLLABORATIVE TEACHER RESEARCH with Kenan Dikilitaş (Gediz University) (in Auditorium II, from 12:05-­‐12:35) KENAN DİKİLİTAŞ is a lecturer and teacher trainer in the School of Foreign Language at Gediz University, Turkey. Dr. Cikilitaş holds a Ph.D. in English Language Teaching from Yeditepe University, Turkey. Dr. Dikilitaş’s current professional interests include research in language learning and teaching, in-­‐service language teacher education and supervising in-­‐service teachers to do teacher research for professional development. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul CONCURRENT SESSION 3: SUB-­‐THEME: THE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN TRAINING SHARING THE WORKLOAD WITH TECHNOLOGY with Emrah Akkurt (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 106, from 13:45-­‐14:15) EMRAK AKKURT holds a degree in English Language Teaching and has been teaching since 2000. He continued his study on use of IT in ELT and completed his MA in IT Aided Educational Technologies. Emrah has taken part in curriculum development, teacher training and research as well as in the organization of many ELT conferences. He writes about his educational technology ideas in his blog and also is busy with creating projects and giving talks in conferences. He has applications he co-­‐developed in Android platform focusing on pronunciation. Sehir Corpus project, he was involved to be used by İstanbul Şehir University students and faculty, was shortlisted in British Council ELTons Award in Local Innovation Category. WHAT MY COLLEAGUES THINK I DO VS. "WHAT I REALLY DO with Mehtap Yavuzdoğan (İstanbul Şehir University) (in room 107, from 13:45-­‐14:15) MEHTAP YAVUZDOĞAN holds BA and MA degrees in English Teacher Education from Bilkent University (between 2004-­‐2009). During her education at Bilkent, she was awarded with scholarships by the Fulbright Academy and National Agency. She worked as a full-­‐time English teacher in the USA (as part of TSTIP “Turkish Student Teaching Internship Project” sponsored by Iowa State University and Bilkent University) and worked as a part-­‐time English teacher in Sweden (as part of Erasmus program). She worked at Bilkent High School from 2009 to 2010; and at Bahçeşehir University from 2010 to 2012. Mehtap completed her CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) at Bilkent in July 2009 and DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) in İstanbul in December, 2013. CPD, COLLABORATION & TECHNOLOGY with Nezaket Özgirin (Sabancı University) (in room 108, from 13:45-­‐14:15) NEZAKET ÖZGİRİN did her MA and RSA/DOTE courses at Bilkent University. She is currently teaching at Sabancı university and coordinating a task group called ‘podcasts and e-­‐
documentaries’ and working as a part of ‘Team Development’ task group. She is interested in using online resources and Web 2.0 Tools to organize and share information with her 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul students or colleagues, and for her own professional development. She also does research into motivational factors that affect both learners and teachers. CONCURRENT SESSION 4: SUB-­‐THEME: TRAINER DEVELOPMENT DO SESSIONS INSPIRE DELTA PARTIPANTS? WE ASKED THEM TO TELL with Elif Uzel Şen & Barbara Jean Clark (Bilkent University) (in room 106, from 14:20-­‐14:50) DR. ELİF UZEL ŞEN is a teacher and a teacher trainer at Bilkent University School of English Language, working as tutor and course director on Cambridge English Delta programme. She is also a Delta Module 2 assessor. Her interests include teacher training and development as well as reflective teaching. BARBARA JEAN CLARK has recently retired from being a teacher trainer at Bilkent University School of English Language. She is a Cambridge English Delta assessor and, while currently enjoying a life of leisure, is hoping to continue to work as a Delta trainer on a freelance basis in the near future. She holds an M.Ed in Teacher Training for English Language Teaching. She is interested in Teacher Development. ON THE PATH TO PROFESSIONAL PERFECTION with Kübra Saygılı & Rebecca Güreci (Istanbul Sehir University) (in room 108, from 14:20-­‐14:50) KÜBRA SAYGILI got her BA degree in English Language Teaching from European University of Lefke in 2009 and has taught English at Hasan Kalyoncu University. She completed her MA degree in English Language Teaching at Çağ University in 2014. Among her areas of interest are teaching English to adult learners, ESP, drama, speaking abilities and classroom motivation as well as communicative activities. REBECCA GÜRECİ gained her RSA TEFL Certificate in 1990. In 1997 she completed her BA in Communication at Bournemouth University. She got her PGCE in English education from the University of Southampton in 2000. Rebecca has taught in Turkey, at language schools and universities, since 2007. Before coming to Turkey she worked as an English teacher in England and South Korea. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul FOUR Cs IN TRAINER DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION, CRITICAL THINKING AND CREATIVITY with Turgut Turunç (Oxford University Press) (in room 109, from 14:20-­‐14:50) TURGUT TURUNÇ has been involved in teaching English and teacher training for more than 25 years. He is currently affiliated with Oxford University Press – Turkey, where he works as a teacher trainer and the Higher Education Coordinator. After his graduation from Foreign Languages Academy of Gazi University Education Faculty, he completed his BA in teaching English as a foreign language at Anadolu University. He obtained his MSc degree in TEFL at Aston University, Birmingham, U.K. While he worked as an English teacher and as head of English departments at different public schools in Turkey, he ran teacher training seminars and workshops for EFL teachers around the country, organized by the In-­‐Service Teacher Training Department of Turkish Ministry of National Education (MoNE). He worked as an educational consultant for Oxford University Press – Turkey for five years. He functioned as the director of education and a teacher trainer responsible for foreign language studies at Bahçeşehir -­‐ Uğur Educational Institutions, which include a chain of more than fifty K-­‐12 schools located in different cities of Turkey. At the MA Programme in TEFL at Bahçeşehir University -­‐ Istanbul, Turkey, he taught courses titled: Approaches & Methods in ELT, TEFL Theory into Practice, Course & Materials Design, Language Testing, and ICT in ELT. Before he joined the Oxford family for the second time, he held the position as a teacher trainer for Bahçeşehir University English Preparatory Program, where he contributed teacher training seminars and workshops. He was also involved in observing the instructors in their actual teaching setting giving them constructive feedback aligned with his responsibilities in the professional development unit (PDU) within a developmental teacher observation program (DOP). His research interests include teaching methodology, professional development, curriculum & materials development and ICT in ELT. Email: – 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul PLENARY TRAINER DEVELOPMENT: HOW TO OBTAIN AND ENHANCE THE NECESSARY SKILLS with Simon Phipps (ATI) (in Auditorium II, from 15:30-­‐16:30) DR. SIMON PHIPPS is Director of ATI (Anatolia Training Institute) in Ankara, and also a freelance teacher training and educational consultant. He worked as Deputy Director of Bilkent University School of English Language in Ankara for 20 years, where he was responsible for in-­‐service teacher training and development. He designed and directed an in-­‐
house MA programme (Management in Education in ELT), and taught MA courses on linguistics, lexis and educational management. He set up and ran the Centre for Instructor Development, Education and Research (CIDER), and also helped establish a group of ‘English Language Teacher Education Researchers’ (ELTER) in Turkey. He has worked in ELT in the UK, Germany and Turkey since 1985, and has been involved in teacher education since 1989. He has worked on Cambridge ESOL courses (such as CELTA and DELTA) since 1993, and has been an External Assessor for the DELTA course since 1997 as well as Principal Examiner for Module 3 since 2008. He has a PhD in Education, from the University of Leeds, UK, with a focus on teacher beliefs. His current professional interests include teacher cognition, teacher learning, teacher education research, and educational management. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul T-­‐PLUS VENUE İSTANBUL ŞEHİR UNIVERSITY Address: English Prep Program, School of Languages, South Campus, Kuşbakışı Caddesi No: 2 34662, Altunizade – Üsküdar – İstanbul Telephone: (+90) 44 44 0 34 Fax: (+90) 216 474 53 53 Website: VENUE MAP 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul HOW TO GET THERE 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul We can suggest Mercure Hotel and Validebağ Adile Sultan Kasrı Öğretmenevi. Reservations should be made directly by the attendants. If you wish to book your reservation at Mercure Hotel or at Validebağ Adile Sultan Kasrı Öğretmenevi, you should contact them directly and indicate that you are a T-­‐PLUS participant. MERCURE HOTEL It is relatively close to the South Campus (5 minutes walking). The room prices are: Rate for single room: 85 Euro per room and day Rate for double room: 105 Euro per room and day These prices include breakfast for double and single rooms. Altunizade Mah. Kisikli Cad -­‐ Oymaci Sok No 9 Altunizade -­‐ Uskudar 34662 ISTANBUL -­‐ TURKEY Tel : (+90)216/3330000 -­‐ Fax : (+90)216/3330033­‐8973-­‐mercure-­‐istanbul-­‐altunizade/index.shtml Contact Person: Merve Sert VALİDEBAĞ ADİLE SULTAN KASRI ÖĞRETMENEVİ It is relatively close to the South Campus (5-­‐10 minutes by taxi). The room prices are: Rate for single room: 110 TL per room and day with faculty ID card Rate for double room: 55 TL per room and day with faculty ID card Rate for single room: 150 TL per room and day without faculty ID card Rate for double room: 75 TL per room and day without faculty ID card These prices include breakfast for double and single rooms. 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul Tophanelioğlu Cad. No:39 Koşuyolu, Üsküdar / İstanbul Tel: (+90) 216 340 07 36 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul LUNCH On the 7th of November, lunch will be provided at the cafeteria in the South Campus (no fee). INTERNET ACCESS Wifi is available within the South Campus building. Please use the following information to access the Internet. Q: I am a visitor in Sehir University and I would like to access the Internet. Please tell me how? A: In our organization, visitors can connect to the Internet by selecting Sehir-­‐Misafir network. After you get connected, please open your browser (Explorer or Chrome). Your browser will redirect you to the page for registration. Here you will need to enter your TR ID Number/Passport Number and Mobile phone number. After you complete the registration, you will receive a passcode to your mobile phone. Please use that code to access the Internet. T-­‐PLUS GROUP DINNER The dinner will be at Bridge Restaurant in Nakkaştepe. There is NO FEE for the dinner. Please visit their website for further information: 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul Buses will leave at 17:00pm from the South Campus Parking Area. Address: Nakkaştepe Yolu, Baba Nakkaş Sokak, No: 62, Nakkaştepe, 34674, İstanbul 5th T-­‐PLUS EVENT İstanbul Şehir University, School of Languages, English Preparatory Program, South Campus, Altunizade, İstanbul