Julia Strutz


Julia Strutz
Julia Strutz
Current position
Post-doctoral researcher in research group funded by the German Research Foundation
(DFG): “Urban Ethics. Conflicts about the Good Conduct of Life in 20th and 21st Century
October 2010 – December 2014
PhD in Geography, KU Leuven, Belgium, economic and
social geography, thesis title “The Invisible meydan. The
discourse on public space in Istanbul and Brussels, 18302010.”
September 2007 – March 2010
Istanbul Bilgi University, MA History, thesis title
“Süleymaniye Mahallesi – a Case-Study of nineteenthcentury neighborhood in intra-mural Istanbul.“
September 2007 - November 2008
European Master in Comparative Urban Studies, thesis
title “The Human Face of the ‘Space of Flows’ -The
production of Public Space by Expatriates in Brussels
and Istanbul.“
October 2004 – April 2007
Bachelor of Arts, Humboldt University Berlin, Social
German (native), English (excellent), Turkish (excellent), French (good knowledge), Dutch
(basic knowledge), Russian (basic knowledge), Arabic (basic knowledge), Latin (Latinum),
Ottoman-Turkish (good knowledge)
February 2013-August 2013
Fellowship for a stay abroad by the Research
Foundation Flanders (FWO)
October 2010-October 2014
PhD fellowship by the Research Foundation Flanders
October 2008 – July 2009
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service
September 2006 – February 2007
Scholarship for an exchange to Istanbul Bilgi University
and corporatism in Turkey. City 18 (2), pp.
– tactics of Istanbul’s street
vendors. in: Dilek Özhan Koçak and Orhan Kemal Koçak (eds.), Whose City is That? Culture,
Art, Spectacle and Capital in Istanbul, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
sh your house. The Role of
Spatial (Re)production for the Neoliberal Hegemonic Politics of Turkey. In: Ahmet Bekmen,
Turkey Reframed: Constitution of Neoliberal
Hegemony, Pluto Press.
projesi. Toplum ve Bilim
Philipp Misselwitz, Julia Strutz (2012), Mischwohnen in der Türkei. in: Tilman Harlander and
Gerd Kuhn (eds.), Soziale Mischung in der Stadt - Case Studies – Wohnungspolitik in Europa –
Historische Analyse, Stuttgart: Karl Krämer Verlag.
Bilim Toplum
Participation at Conferences and Workshops
People’s-based organisations in Düzce, Turkey: moving from disaster recovery to building
METU, Ankara.
Conference "Space and Culture", 08.-10.09.2011, Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
International Planning History Society, 12.Transformation in Nineteenth-century Süleymaniye Mahalle, Istanbul.”