Atkins Nutritionals, Inc


Atkins Nutritionals, Inc
Information Systems Applications in Türk Telekom
Mehmet Ali Karataş
Data Center Planning and Architecture Manager
Open to all IE students and faculty
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Time and Place:
09:40 – 10:30, A201
Mehmet Ali Karataş will talk about the Information Systems applications and
various information technologies in Türk Telekom, its relationship with the
industrial engineering discipline, and his 12 years experience in the IT sector.
Brief Bio:
Mehmet Ali Karataş received his B.Sc in Computer Engineering from Eastern
Mediterranean University. He worked for four years as an application developer
in several companies. Then, he started to work in Türk Telekom IT department
in 2003 as a database manager. He led several IT projects including an invoice
application. He is currently working as the Data Center Planning and
Architecture Manager, responsible from eight people reporting to him.