Accepted Paper Presentations - Atılım University


Accepted Paper Presentations - Atılım University
Accepted Paper Presentations
Paper Title
A Statistical Evaluation of Civil Engineering Education in Turkey in terms
of Value Engineering Concepts,
A Study on Analysis of Prerequisites and Laboratory Activities in Circuit
Analysis Course,
A Study on Antennas and Propagation Course’s Project Collaborated
with Department of Management,
A Team-based Undergraduate Research Program,
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of English-Medium Civil Engineering
Education in Turkey
An Integrated e-Learning System for Engineering Education,
Gülçağ Albayrak, İlker Özdemir, Uğur
Sultan Can, Hakan Tora
Sultan Can, Elif Aydın, Elif Kalaycı
Hasan U. Akay, Abdulkadir Erden
Oguz Gunes, Burcu Gunes, Seda
Abdullah ÇAVUŞOĞLU, Fatih Vehbi
An Interdisciplinary Trend in Engineering Education: Optimization,
Şaziye Balku,
Application of Learning Management System (LMS) in Engineering Muhammet Yorulmaz, Mehmet
Education: MOODLE Experience at School of Engineering of Baskent,
Applied-Interactive Learning in Food and Bioprocess Engineering: Ferruh Erdogdu, R. Paul Singh
Computer-Assisted Food Processing Experiments,
Balancing lab types in curriculum mix for optimal education,
Thomas Fuhrmann
Best Practices of research and development projects through “R&D Hüsniye Güler, Mücahit Kaplan,
Innovation and Industrial Implementation Support Programme” of Abdulkadir Vardar, Serhat Apak
CFD Aided Design of Hydraulic Turbines through University-Industry Ece Ozkaya, Hasan Akin, Berat Cagri
Kavurmaci, Kutay Celebioglu, Selin
Changes in The Experiences of Instructors on the Use of a Learning Ceyhan Çiğdemoğlu, Hasan U. Akay
Channeling Student Attitudes Towards Language Learning,
Nalan Fizen Liman, Feride Guven
Competencies of New IT Graduates in Terms of Employer’s Sector and
Çiğdem Turhan, İbrahim Akman
Expectations: An Empirical Investigation,
Computer Software Packages Usage in Civil Engineering Education,
Ugur Albayrak, Esref Unluoglu
Conducting Empirical Studies within the Scope of a Software Viljan Mahnic
Engineering Capstone Course,
Contribution of Courses to Environmental Awareness in Chemical Suna Ertunç, Aslı Akay, Murat Erol,
Engineering Education: An Example at the Department of Chemical
Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Ankara University,
Cooperative Problem Solving as a Learning Approach in Heteregenous Kamil Yavuz KAPUSUZ, Ali KARA
Classes: A Preliminary Study,
Correlation among Engineering Students’ Perceived Computer Self- Hakan Karatas, Bulent Alci, Ilyas İstif,
Efficacy, Attitudes towards Technology and Academic Achievement,
Seyyid Gani
Deducing the Effectiveness of Course and Instructor Evaluations,
S.R. Subramanya, Mudasser Wyne
Designing an interactive application to support collaborative open- Farshid Marbouti, Johannes Strobel
ended problem solving for precollege students,
Designing Contextual Problems for Making it Relevant: A Study for Ceyhan Çiğdemoğlu, Şeniz Özalp
Freshman Chemistry Course,
Development of a Desktop Design Setup for Mechatronics Engineering Zühal Erden, Macit Araz
Education at Sophomore Level,
Discretionary level evaluation in financial sheets,
Mohammad Hadi Zohdi
Drawing distinctions: drawing assessments to measure student Chris Gordon
perceptions of diverse fields in an engineering school,
Ebooks for Engineering Education beyond Post PC Revolution,
Education as a Cloud Service,
Effectiveness and Usability of Multimedia Materials on Biomedical
Instrumentation Education,
Encouraging Engineering Students in Collaborative Research Projects,
Engineering Curricula Basics According to ABET: The Paradigm for
Becoming an Engineer,
Engineering Education in Sustainable Use of Water Resources,
Engineering Students' Perspective on their Learning Experience in
Higher Education: Findings from a Pilot Study,
Engineering Students’ Causal Attributions of Their Performance on
General Chemistry Course,
English as the Teaching Medium in Higher Education in Turkey,
Enhancement of Student Learning in Antennas and Propagation Area
via Real-Life Projects,
Enhancing Civil Engineering Education at Atilim University
Enhancing Usability of Educational Adaptive Hypermedia
Environments: Development of Intelligent Authoring Tools,
Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety In Engineering,
Example of Tofaş Academy About Learning All Employees and Suppliers
Work for Industry,
Facilitating the transfer of ABET 2000: Developing an Outcomes-Based
Skills Program for L2 engineering students in their home environment,
Filling the Gap Between Theory and Practice in Engineering Education:
A Case Study in Computer Science Courses,
Finding Similarities and Similarity Rate Between Programming
Gender gap in engineering: a statistical and survey study in Turkey,
Erdem Özyurt, Alparslan Çağrı Yapıcı
Alper Ozpinar
Elif AYDIN, Besim Baranoğlu,
Haldun Abdullah, Nükhet Sazak,
Murat Yıldız
Emin Taş, Ayşe Mollamahmutoğlu
Eurico Seabra, Paulo Flores
Harika Özge ARSLAN,
Sultan Can, Elif Aydın
Halit Cenan Mertol
Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN, Seref
Kemal Tuşat Yücel, Ömer Rahat
İsmail DURGUN, Mahide Sondikme
Murat Koyuncu, Atila Bostan
Uğur Şimşek, M. İskefiyeli
İsmail C. Yılmaz, Açelya Sazak, Deniz
How Scratch Programming may Enrich Engineering Education?,
Mehmet Can Fal, Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay
Impact of Education on Security Practices in ICT,
Atila Bostan, İbrahim Akman,
Implementation of a Teaching on Innovation Module for Engineering Tolga Inal
Programs in Turkish Aerospace Industries Internal Education Program,
Implementation of Competent Approach to Formation of Structural- Volodymyr Buzylo, Volodymyr Salov
logical Scheme for Designing the higher Engineering Education
Implementation of Topic Study Activities in Engineering Education,
Damla Topalli, Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay
Industry Funded Undergraduate Research Projects as a new method for Besim Baranoğlu, Muhammed Emin
Industry-University cooperation: The example of TOFAS-Atılım,
Tamer, Ali Sakin, İsmail Durgun,
Omer Music,
Integrate Educational Management Module into Moodle,
Ling Zhao, Jianhua Zhang, Jinwu Qian
Integration of Social Network Services into Engineering Courses,
Alparslan Çağrı Yapıcı, Erdem Özyurt
Interdisciplinary Analysis of Biomedical Engineering Departments in Onur Kocak, Baran I. Uslu
Lessons Learned in Building a Comprehensive Assessment Process: SIUE S. Cem Karacal, Hasan Sevim, Vicki
Case Study,
Scott, Denise P. Cobb
Marriage alamode: Best of the best worlds,
Christopher Serkan,
Measuring Innovative Characteristics of Students in Higher Education,
Tuna Hacaloglu, Oya Deniz Beyan
Mechanical Engineering Education at the University of Minho,
Paulo Flores, Eurico Seabra
Nanotechnology Safety-Its Importance in Engineering Education,
Nader Nabhani
On the Requirements of Industry on RF and Comminication Graduates:
Comparison of Local/National and International Market,
Physics Course Assessment in Engineering Education,
Preparing engineering students for globalization - experiences with
international project teams,
Professional Foreign Language for Mining Engineers in the National
Mining University of Ukraine for Integration into the World Society,
Program Outcomes as the Pillar of Program Accreditation: MÜDEK
Project oriented digital engineering course for activating students,
Projected Summer Interships in Engineering Education : Tofaş Case,
Small Screen of Multimedia, Pardeep Mehta, Pallavi Mehta, Sakshi
Status of Higher Education in Nuclear Engineering in Türkiye and
Research Activities at the ATILIM University,
Success Trends of Engineering Students in Science Courses: 3 years
Sustainable Progress Road Map of the Faculty of Engineering at
Anadolu University
The Effect of Evaluation System on Student Performances: a case study
in data communication and networks course
The Effect of Evaluation System on Student Performances: A Case Study
in Data Communication and Networks Course
Training Methods for Engineering Drawing Course,
User Interface Design of Oscilloscopes for Use in Virtual and Remote
Using Scratch in Introduction to programming Course for Engineering
Virtualization of Physical Education for Engineering Laboratory
Woman Students Situation in Engineering Faculties in Turkey,
Yaser Dalveren, Ali Kara
Filiz Korkmaz
Anna Friesel
Kovalevska, Kostiantyn Ganushevych
A. Bülent Özgüler, M. Yavuz Erçil, A.
Erbil Payzın, Bülent E. Platin
Thomas Fuhrmann, Franz Graf
İsmail Durgun, Mahide Sondikme
Sümer Şahin, Ekin Bingöl
Belgin Isgor, Yasemin Isgor, Filiz
Korkmaz, Ö. Özgen, S.Ertan
Gürsoy Arslan, Öznur Oğuzoğlu,
Tuncay Döğeroğlu
Seda Çamalan, Atila Bostan
Seda Çamalan, Atila Bostan
Erdem Özyurt, Koray N. Kılıç, Ali Kara
Dinçer Özoran, Nergiz Ercil Çağıltay,
Damla Topallı
Alper Ozpinar, Bedir Yılmaz, Can
Sultan Can, Elif Aydın, Gülsüm
Nurdan Can
Accepted Poster Presentations
Poster Title
A Software Tool For Presenting Two Mutually Referring Information in
One Screen for Education
Networking and Collaborations in Mining Engineering Education
New Educational Technologies and Their Effect on Students
Performance Theories of Architecture Lectures in the Departments of
Architectural Engineering as a model
Korhan Levent Ertürk, Gökhan
Şengül, Erol Özçelik
Gülhan Özbayoğlu
Rana M. Hamed, Niam. B. Mannona,
Ali H. Al-Jameel
Participative Management And Need Analysis
Quality Management, Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Applications in Civil Engineering
Relationship between organization climate with mental health
Safety Engineering Education
Technoparks and Engineering Education
The Implementation Strategies of Business Management in Extension
Program as Continuing Education of Higher Learning Institutions in
Seyes masood Seyedi
Kemal Tuşat YÜCEL, Kübra DOĞAN
Mohammad Reza Dalvand
Kemal Tuşat YÜCEL, Kübra DOĞAN
H.Selçuk Geçim
Yulianti Hakim, Savitri Galih
Accepted Workshop Organizations
Workshop Title
Engineering Student Projects,
Dr. Belgin İşgör
Geleneksel Yazılım Mühendisliğinden Küresel Yazılım Dr. Mehmet Koç