IGRS-2009, Second Announcement - International Geo


IGRS-2009, Second Announcement - International Geo
International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium
Organized by the International Geo-Hazards Research Society (IGRS)
Istanbul (TURKEY), March 9- 11 , 2009
2nd Announcement
The location of the Symposium has been designated as İstanbul Technical University
(ITU) – Taşkışla Building – Istanbul, Turkey for reducing risk of time-wasting due to
daily traffic of Istanbul Megacity. Moreover, the historic building of the Taşkışla
(housing the Department of Architecture of the ITU) is very close to Taksim square (5
minute walking distance) and thus it is the best suited for this occasion. In Figure 1.
general map showing the Taksim Square with respect to the Atatürk Airport is shown.
In Figure 2, Taksim Square, Taşkışla Building (Symposium Building) and the
Symposium Hotels are shown. In Figure 3, pictures of the symposum building are
Figure 1. Map showing the Taksim Square with respect to the Atatürk Airport
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Figure 2. Map Showing Taksim Square, Taşkışla Building (Symposium Building) and
the Symposium Hotels
Figure 3. Pictures of the ITU Taşkışla Building where the Symposium will be held
Natural as well as man-made hazards are phenomena unfortunately from which
people suffer. The range of hazards in consideration varies from earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, land slides to tsunamis. The main aim of this meeting is to bring
together, experts working in science, organizations and authorities dealing with topics
as risk mitigation related to natural hazards. The organizers want to stimulate the
contacts and the exchange of knowledge to understand and improve multidisciplinary researches in natural hazards.
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The official language of the 1st IGRS Symposium will be English; translation will not
be provided.
Active participants
Payment until January 30, 2009 ; Euro 150
Payment after January 30, 2009 ; Euro 200
Payment until January 30, 2009 ;Euro 100
Payment after January 30, 2009 ;Euro 150
Accompanying persons
Payment until January 30, 2009 ;Euro 50
Payment after January 30, 2009 ;Euro 75
Reimbursement in case of cancellation
until February 15 2009: 90 %
until February 28 2009: 50 %
Later than February 28 2009: non-refundable
• The fee will cover:
- All scientific sessions and exhibitions
- Symposium programme
- Symposium proceedings
- Coffee / tea during the breaks
- Conference dinner
The Travel Agency of the Symposium is Figür Travel. All hotel bookings, payments
of symposum participation fee will be handled by the Figür Travel
Figür Travel
Address: Ayazmaderesi Cad. Kardut Sok. No:7 34394 Dikilitaş – İstanbul / TURKEY
Phone: +90 (212) 381 46 00
Fax: +90 (212) 258 60 78
Contact. Ms. Mine Cuca and Ms. Pınar Ceyhun
Email: igrs@figur.net ; minecuca@figur.net ; pinarceyhun@figur.net
For payments
Account Holder: Figür Travel
Bank: Garanti Bank Branch: Vali Konagi (183) Account Name: Figur Congress Org. Serv.
IGRS Account Number: 9090128 SWIFT Code: TGBATRIS Reference: Name of delegate
Iban code: TR46 0006 2000 1830 0009 0899 15
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Symposium will focus on the following topics.
• Earthquakes
• Landslides
• Volcanoes
• Tsunami
• Anthropogenic activities
• Radiation exposure
• Dam instability
• Man-induced geohazards (subsidence, induced seismicity etc.)
• Analytical Developments in research of the above
A certain number of rooms have been pre-reserved in hotels (5*, 4*, and 3* hotels) in
Istanbul (Taksim Square). Detailed information on the meeting-special room rates for
different class hotels are available in the Registration Form which could be accessed
from the web-site (www.igrs.mam.gov.tr) or by contacting the Travel Agency. We
hope you will consider spending extra time in the beautiful city of Istanbul before and
after the symposium.
Conference Dinner will be held at prestigous PORTAXE restaurant on the
Bosphorous on 10 March 2009. For details: http://www.portaxe.net/
For Applications, fees, travel, accommodation and related issues PLEASE
CONTACT: Figür Tourism
For Technical and other matters PLEASE CONTACT:
Research Center
Attn. Dr. Sedat Inan
Dr. Zeki Acar Cad. No. 1, 41470, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey
Phone: + 90 (262) 677 2850, (262) 677 2851, Fax: + 90 (262) 641 2309
E-Mail: sedat.inan@mam.gov.tr
Further information, application forms: URL: http://www.igrs.mam.gov.tr/meeting/
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Dr. Sedat İnan (Turkey)
Dr. Thomas Streil (Germany)
Dr. Constantin Papastefanou (Greece)
Dr. Rakesh C. Ramola (India)
Dr. Antonio Caprai (Italy)
Mr. Cemil Seyis (Turkey)
Sedat İnan, Turkey (Chairman )
Anthony Baratta, USA
John Carter, USA
David Diamond, USA
Eckhard Faber, Germany
Wolf-Joachim Fischer, Germany
Kenzo Fujimoto, Japan
Antonio Caprai, Italy
Senlin Liu, China
Manuel Ogena, Philippines
Frank T. Yang, Taiwan
Vijay Panday, India
Rakesh C. Ramola, India
Eleftheria Papadimitriou, Greece
Constantin Papastefanou, Greece
Anselmo Paschoa, Brazil
Thierry Pelletier, France
Nemesio Perez, Tenrife / Spain
Luis Santiago Quindos, Spain
Wolfgang Raskob, Germany
Valentina Safarowa, Russia
Andrej Simakov, Russia
Friedrich Steinhäusler, Austria
Thomas Streil , Germany
Yuri Taran, Mexico
Janja Vaupotic, Slovenia
Ilan Yaar, Israel
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Istanbul is a cosmopolitan city built on two continents. The most recent population
census shows that it has a population of about 12 million people, from which almost
65% are inhabitants of the Asian side. Fulfilling the residential role of the city, it
doesn't present a lot to see historically. In contrast, the European side is the
commercial and cultural center, further divided into two districts (the Old City and the
modern downtown) by a narrow channel of water called 'the Golden Horn'. Below you
will find some helpful details to make your stay easier when you are in Istanbul. More
info at http://www.istanbultravelguide.net/facts.htm
The Symposium technical program as below will start on Monday March 9th and will
be completed on March 11th. Posters will be displayed throughout the three days of
the Symposium; however, on the mornings of the March 10th and 11th, special
Posters hours have been allocated in order to enable the participants to view the
posters freely and engage into communications with poster presenters.
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International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium,
Gebze-Kocaeli / Istanbul (TURKEY), March 9-11, 2009
09 March 2009, Monday
Sedat İnan, Constantin Papastefanou
09:30 -10:00
Opening Remarks
10:00 -10:45
Towards a Unified Theory for Pre-Earthquake Signals- Friedemann T. Freund
10:45 -11:30
Earthquake Loss Estimation For Istanbul, Hazturk - Muhammed Şahin
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee Break
12:00 -12:45
Rapid Earthquake Shaking and Loss Estimation - Mustafa Erdik
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch and Coffee Break
Haluk Eyidoğan, Semih Ergintav
14:00 - 14:20
Strong Earthquake Clustering Revealing from Interaction of Normal Fault Segments Eleftheria Papadimitriou
14:20 - 14:40
Episodic Variation of Seismic Activity and Probable Future Earthquake Hazard in
Western Nepal Himalaya & its Adjoining Indian Region - Daya Shanker, Harihar
14:40 - 15:00
Microseismicity and Seismotectonic Properties in the area of Central Ionian Islands Vassilis Karakostas
15:00 - 15:20
An EU Project on Tsunami Risks and Strategies for the European Region
(TRANSFER) and Contribution by the Istanbul University - Yıldız Altınok, Bedri Alpar,
Naşide Özer, Selma Ünlü, Hande Aykurt
15:20 – 15:40 Coffee Break
Strachimir Cht. Mavrodiev, Yıldız Altınok
15:40 - 16:00
Eight Years of Post-Seismic Deformation for the 1999, M=7.4, and M=7.1, Izmit/Düzce,
Turkey Earthquake Sequence - Rahsan Cakmak, Semih Ergintav, Simon McClusky,
Elizabeth Hearn, Robert Reilinger, Haluk Ozener, Ergin Tari
16:00 - 16:20
A Search for the İonospheric Precursors of Seismic Activity on GPS Data - Vladimir M.
Smirnov, E.V. Smirnova
16:20 - 16:40
Earthquake Precursory and Fault Delineation Studies in NW Himalayas, India with
special emphasis on Radon and Helium emission - Surinder Singh, Arvind Kumar,
Sandeep Mahajan, Bikramjit Singh Bajwa, Sunil Dhar
16:40 - 17:00
On the Complex Program for Researching the Possibility for When, Where and How
Earthquake’s Prediction as Well as Estimation of Natural Risks - Some Preliminary
Results - Strachimir Cht. Mavrodiev, L. Pekevski, G. Melikadze, V.D. Rusov,
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International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium,
Gebze-Kocaeli / Istanbul (TURKEY), March 9-11, 2009
10 March 2009, Tuesday
09:30 - 10:10
Posters Session (I)
Antonio Caprai, Orlando Vaselli
10:10 -10:30
Geochemical Surveillance in Pozzuoli Solfatara (Naples, Italy) Research, Outreach
and Communication in Volcanic Activities Monitoring - Antonio Caprai, P. Scarsi
10:30 - 10:50
Coastal Geo-Hazard in the Campania Region (Southern Italy): An İnterplay Between
Land-Born Erosional Processes and Volcano-Tectonic Activity - Crescenzo Violante,
Eliana Esposito
10:50 - 11:10
Visual and Geochemical Modifications at the Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica) in the
Last Decade - Orlando Vaselli, F. Tassi, E. Duarte, E. Fernandez
11:10 – 11:30 Coffee Break
Mustafa Erdik, Andrei Bala
11:30 - 11:50
Method for Site Nonlinear Response Analysis of Tulcea Zone, Romania - Balan Stefan
Florin, Bratosin Dinu
11:50 - 12:10
Seismotectonic Zones Demarcation in the Shillong Plateau using the Microeathquakes
and Radon Emanation - Devesh Walia, A.C. Lyngdoh, A. Saxena
12:10 - 12:30
3 September 2008 (Mw=5.0) Earthquake and Triggered Earthquake History of Atatürk
Dam (eastern Turkey) - Haluk Eyidoğan, Veli Geçgel, Zümer Pabuçcu
12:30 - 12:50
Source Effect vs. Site Effect of Vrancea Earthquakes in Bucharest City, Romania Andrei Bala, Mircea Radulian, Bogdan Grecu, Emilia Popescu
12:50 – 14:20 Lunch and Coffee Break
Mahmut Baş, Eckhard Faber
14:20 - 14:40
Critical Description of Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses Shaghayegh Ameli Zamani
14:40 - 15:00
Monitoring of Near Surface Gases for the Observation of CO2 Sequestration Sites,
Volcanoes and Earth Quake Areas - Eckhard Faber, M. Teschner, J. Poggenburg, K.
Spickenbom, S. Schlömer, I. Dumke
15:00 - 15:20
Hydrological Behaviour of Umshing River, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya - Devesh
Walia, B. S. Mipun, Kalyanjit Sharma
15:20 – 15:40 Coffee Break
Devesh Walia, Bekir Tüzel
15:40 - 16:00
Risks and Risk Factors Related to Salt Ore Deposits from Transylvanian Depression
(Romania) - Nicoleta Bican Brişan, Ovidiu Mera, Nicoleta Pop
16:00 - 16:20
Geothermal Energy: Potentials and Effects on the Environment - Antonio Caprai,
Paolo Scarsi
16:20 - 16:40
Risk Reduction Due To Mitigation Of Wastes Containing Technologically Enhanced
Radioactivity - Friedrich Steinhäusler
16:40 - 17:00
The Problem of Risk-Monitoring at Kazan Subway - Renat Apkin, Liudmila Plotnikova
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International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium,
Gebze-Kocaeli / Istanbul (TURKEY), March 9-11, 2009
11 March 2009, Wednesday
09:30 - 10:10
Posters Session (II)
Luis Santiago Quindós-Poncela, Constantin Cosma
10:10 -10:30
Radon Decay Product Aerosols in Ambient Air - Constantin Papastefanou
10:30 - 10:50
Measurement of İndoor Radon, Thoron and Their Progeny in Some Indian Dwellings of
U.P., India using Twin Chamber Dosimeter Cups with SSNTDs - Ajay Kumar Mahur,
Rajesh Kumar, R. G. Sonkawade, Ameer Azam, Rajendra Prasad
10:50 - 11:10
Analysis of the Contribution of Natural Sources of Radiation to the Total Dose
Received by Workers - Luis Santiago Quindós, Carlos Sainz, Ismael Fuente, Luis
Quindós, Jose Luis Gutierrez, Jose Luis Arteche
11:10 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 11:50
Radon Potential from Soil Measurement using a Special Method of Sampling Constantin Cosma, Botond Papp, Mircea Moldovan, Victor Cosma,
Ciprian Cindea, Liviu Suciu
11:50 - 12:10
Studies on Radon and Thoron Levels in Some Granite Regions of Karnataka State - J.
Sannappa, C. Ningappa
12:10 - 12:30
Continuous Measurement of Geo-chemical Parameters in Aggressive Environment Thomas Streil, V. Oeser, M. Ogena
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch and Coffee Break
Thomas Streil, Rakesh C. Ramola
14:00 - 14:20
Radon Studies in Relation to Seismic Activities in Garhwal Himalaya - Rakesh C.
14:20 - 14:40
Ground water and Soil-gas Radon in Relation to Earthquake Predication in Garhwal
Himalaya - Ganesh Prasad, G.P.S. Gusain, Rakesh C. Ramola
14:40 - 15:00
Organizing a Medium and Short Term Seismic Monitoring System with a View of
Issuing Precursory Warning - Arun Bapat
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee Break
15:20 - 15:40
Multi-Disciplinary Earthquake Researches in Turkey: Geochemical Precursors of
Earthquakes Occurring in Different Tectonic Regimes - Sedat İnan, Semih Ergintav,
Bekir Tüzel, Yıldız İravul, Ruhi Saatçılar, Cemil Seyis, Rahşan Çakmak, Onur Tan,
Şakir Şimşek, Kadriye Ertekin, Aynur Dikbaş, Ahmet Yörük, Hakan Yakan, Furkan
15:40 - 16:10
Closing Remarks
16:10 - 16:50
IGRS Present & Future – Discussion
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International Geo-Hazards Research Symposium,
Gebze-Kocaeli / Istanbul (TURKEY), March 9-11, 2009
Evidence for Tidal Triggering on The Shallow Earthquakes of The Seismic Area of
Mygdonia Basin, North Greece - Michael E. Contadakis, D.N. Arabelos, S. Spatalas
Microzonation and Disaster Risk Mitigation Studies of İstanbul Metropolitan
Municipality - Mahmut Baş, Hikmet Karaoğlu, Ahmet Emre Basmacı
General Directorate of Disaster Affairs Earthquake Research Department Bekir Tüzel, Yıldız İravul, Murat Nurlu, C. Kocaman
National Seismic Network System of Turkey – Sami Zünbül, F.T. Kadirioğlu, N.
Holoğlu, Recai F. Kartal, Tuğbay Kılıç, Kenan Yanık, Yıldız İravul, Bekir Tüzel
A Starting Point for Scientific Evaluations: The Quality Of Results a Method for
Volcanic Gas Analyses - Antonio Caprai
Protection of Water Objects for Decrease the Technogeneous Pollution Risk During a
Flood - I. Shayakhmetov, O. Lazdina, V. Safarova, G. Shaydulina, E. Fatyanova,
A. Magasumova
Decrease of Negative İnfluence of İndustrial Enterprises on Environment due to
Recycling of Waste-off-Energy - Liudmila Plotnikova, Renat Apkin
Monitoring of Urban Land Rivers in Order to Scientific Substantiation of Ecological
Rehabilitation Methods - Natalia Krasnogorskaya, Alexey Elizariev, Ivan Kiyashko,
Eugenia Talalova, Rasul Ahtyamov
Environmental Pollution Risks of Landfilling Waste - Natalia Krasnogorskaya, Alexey
Elizariev, Kiyashko Ivan
River Pollution Risk Assessment by City Transport-Infrastructure - Natalia
Krasnogorskaya, Alexey Elizariev, Elena Sapozhnikova, Rasul Ahtyamov
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