assı şeref doğuşcan akbaş


assı şeref doğuşcan akbaş
Addres: Bursa Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, 152 Evler Mahallesi
Eğitim Caddesi 1.Damla Sok.No:2/10 16330 Yıldırım/BURSA, TURKEY.
- B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, 2008
- M.Sc., Yıldız Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering,
Structural Mechanics Division 2009
- Ph.D., Yıldız Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering,
Structural Mechanics Division 2012
2009 -2012
Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Civil
Assit. Prof. Dr., Bursa Technical University, Department of Civil
SAP-2000, Structural Analysis Program
Sta4 Cad, Structural Analysis Program
MS Office
Non-Linear Mechanics
Mechanics of Composite Materials
Finite Element Analysis
Fracture and Crack Mechanics
The Best Ph.D. Thesis Award for Mechanics between 2011-2013, The Turkish
National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013.
Encouragement Award for Academic Publishing, The Scientific And Technological
Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,2014.
Encouragement Award for Academic Publishing, Yıldız Technical University, 2011,
1. Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2010). "Geometrically non-linear static analysis of a simply
supported beam made of hyperelastic material", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An
International Journal, 35(6):677-697.
2. Kocatürk, T., Akbaş, Ş.D. and Şimşek, M., (2010). "Large deflection static analysis of a cantilever
beam subjected to a point load", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS),
3. Akbaş, Ş.D. and Kocatürk, T., (2011). "Post-buckling analysis of a simply supported beam under
uniform thermal loading", Scientific Research and Essays, 6(4):1135-1142.
4. Kocatürk, T., Eskin, A. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2011). "Wave propagation in a piecewise homegenous
cantilever beam under impact force", International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 6(16):4013-4020.
5. Kocatürk, T., Şimşek, M. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2011). "Large displacement static analysis of a
cantilever Timoshenko beam composed of functionally graded material", Science and Engineering of
Composite Materials, 18:21–34.
6. Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2011). "Post-buckling analysis of Timoshenko beams with various
boundary conditions under non-uniform thermal loading", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An
International Journal, 40(3):347-371.
7. Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2012). "Post-buckling analysis of Timoshenko beams made of
functionally graded material under thermal loading", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An
International Journal, 41(6): 775-789.
8. Şimşek, M., Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2012), "Dynamic behavior of an axially functionally
graded beam under action of a moving harmonic load", Composite Structures, 94(8):2258-2364.
9. Akbaş, Ş.D. and Kocatürk, T., (2012). " Post-Buckling Analysis of Timoshenko Beams with
Temperature-Dependent Physical Properties under Uniform Thermal Loading", Structural
Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 44(1):109-125.
10. Şimşek, M., Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013), “Static bending of a functionally graded
microscale Timoshenko beam based on the modified couple stress theory", Composite Structures,
11. Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013). “Wave propagation in a microbeam based on the modified
couple stress theory”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 46(3),417431.
12. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013). “Geometrically nonlinear static analysis of edge cracked Timoshenko beams
composed of functionally graded material”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol:2013.
13. Akbaş, Ş.D. and Kocatürk, T., (2013). “Post-buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded ThreeDimensional Beams Under the Influence of Temperature”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 36(12), 12331254.
14. Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013). "Thermal post-buckling analysis of functionally graded
beams with temperature-dependent physical properties”, Steel and Composite Structures, 15(5), 481505.
15. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013), "Free vibration characteristics of edge cracked functionally graded beams by
using finite element method", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology,4(10),
16. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013), "Free vibration characteristics of edge cracked piles with circular crosssection", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ,3(6), 363-371.
17. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2013), "Large thermal deflections of a simple supported beam with temperaturedependent physical properties", International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology, 3(10),1924.
18. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Wave propagation analysıs of edge cracked beams resting on elastic
foundation”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS), 6(1):40-52.
19. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Wave Propagation Analysis of Edge Cracked Circular Beams under Impact
Force”, Plos One, 9(6), 1-8, e100496.
20. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Large Post-Buckling Behavior of Timoshenko Beams Under Axial
Compression Loads”, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 51(6), In
21. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Wave Propagation in Edge Cracked Functionally Graded Beams Under
Impact Force”, Journal of Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/1077546314547531.
22. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Free vibration of axially functionally graded beams in thermal
environment”, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS), 6(3):In Press.
23. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2015), “On Post-Buckling Behavior of Edge Cracked Functionally Graded Beams
Under Axial Loads”, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 15(4), In Press.
1. Akbaş, Ş.D. and Kocatürk, T., (2009), "Hiperelastik Malzemeden Yapılmış Basit Kirişlerin
Geometrik Lineer Olmayan Statik Analizi", XVI. Turkish National Mechanic Congress, Kayseri,
Turkey, pp.115-125.
2. Akbaş, Ş.D., Kocatürk, T. and Şimşek, M., (2011), "Large deflection of a cantilever beam made of
functionally graded material", 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto,
3. Şimşek, M., Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2011), "Dynamics of an Axially Functionally Graded
Beam Carrying a Moving Harmonic Load", 16th International Conference on Composite Structures,
Porto, Portugal.
4. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2011), “Static analysis of a functionally graded beam with edge cracks on elastic
foundation”, 9 th International Fracture Conference, 70-80.
5. Akbaş, Ş.D. and Kocatürk, T. (2011) “Eksenel Doğrultuda Fonksiyonel derecelendirilmiş
Timoshenko kirişinin sıcaklık etkisi altındaki burkulma sonrası davranışının incelenmesi (Postbuckling behavior of axially functionally graded Timoshenko beam under the influence of
temperature)”, XVII. Turkish National Mechanic Congress, Elazığ, Turkey.
6. Akbaş, Ş.D., Şimşek M. and Kocatürk, T., (2011), "Eksenel doğrultuda fonksiyonel
derecelendirilmiş bir kirişin hareketli bir kütle altında dinamik davranışının incelenmesi", ("Dynamics
of an Axially Functionally Graded Beam Carrying a Moving Mass Load"), XVII. Turkish National
Mechanic Congress, Elazığ, Turkey.
7. Şimşek, M., Kocatürk, T. and Akbaş, Ş.D., (2012), "Static bending of a functionally graded
microscale timoshenko beam based on the modified couple stress theory", 1th International
Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino, 1820 June.
8. Akbaş, Ş.D., Kocatürk, T. and Şimşek, M., (2012), "Thermal post-buckling analysis of 2-D beams
made of functionally graded material", 1th International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro
and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino, 18-20 June.
9. Akbaş, Ş.D., Kocatürk, T. and Şimşek, M., (2012), "Free vibration analysis of a micro beam on
elastic foundation", 1th International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite
Structures, Politecnico di Torino, 18-20 June.
10. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Large Deflection Behavior of Functionally Graded Beams Under
Temperature Rising”, International Conference on Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of
Advanced Materials, Çeşme-İzmir/TURKEY, 12-15 June.
11. Akbaş, Ş.D., (2014), “Static Behavior of Functionally Graded Structures at Elevated temperature
with Temperature-Dependent Physical Properties”, International Conference on Thermophysical and
Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials, Çeşme-İzmir/TURKEY, 12-15 June.
M.Sc.Thesis “Geometrically Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam", Civil
Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, 2009.
Ph.D. Thesis: “Post-buckling behaviour of functionally graded beams under the influence of
temperature”, Civil Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, 2012.
Editorial Board Member
1. American Journal of Civil Engineering
2. Applied and Computational Mathematics
3. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
4. American Journal of Mechanics and Applications
1. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
2. Journal of Vibration and Control
3. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials
4. American Journal of Civil Engineering
5. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology
6. Advancement in Scientific and Engineering Research
7. Applied and Computational Mathematics
8. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
9. International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics
- Chamber of Civil Engineers, (Istanbul/Turkey)