6 December


6 December
ICT LEIT in H2020 Info Day & International Brokerage Event
Koc University, Rumeli Fener Campus – Istanbul
5 – 6 December 2013 – Founders Hall
Organized by Koc University with TUBITAK EU FP7 National Coordination Office
5 December 2013
19:00 – 21.00
Event Dinner
6 December 2013
09:00 – 09:15
09:15 – 09:30
Opening Remarks
- Prof.Dr. Umran İnan – President, Koç University
Keynote Speech
Nikolaos ISARIS
CT in Enabling and Industrial Technologies H2020
Deputy Head of Unit - European Commission
Keynote Speech
Ebru Başak Aköz
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) - Excellent Science
ICT National Expert - TÜBİTAK
Coffee Break
Project exhibitions and networking
Theme: i. Future Internet,
ii. Content technologies and information management,
iii. Robotics
09:30 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 13.30
Chair: Prof. Dr. Murat Tekalp - Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
Speakers ( up to 15 minutes each):
1 – The challenges of Internet of Nano Things
Prof. Dr. Sasitharan Balasubramaniam - Nano Communication Center Tampere University of
Technology Tampere, Finland
2- Affective Information & Communication Technology
Prof. Dr. Bjöern Schuller - University of Technology Munich, Germany
3 - Software Defined Networking at Koc University
Prof. Dr. Murat Tekalp - Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
4 - Soft robotics, unconvent materials for robotics, 3D-printing and digital fabrication for
robotics - Bio-inspired robot design and control for human-friendly environment Unconventional design and control for rehabilitation and medical robotics applications
Prof. Dr. Fumiya Iida - Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems ETH Zurich
5 - Role Exchange and Negotiation for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Assoc.Prof. Çağatay Başdoğan - Mechanical Engineering, Koc Univeristy
6 – TeraFive: Terahertz (THz) Femtocell towards Convergence of Smart 5G Mobile Wireless
Systems and Internet of Things
Prof.Dr. Özgür B. Akan – Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
13:30 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
7 – Complex networked systems
Prof. Dr. Mario Di Francesco - Communications Software Research Group Aalto University
Lunch Break
Chair: Prof. Dr. Murat Tekalp - Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
Speakers ( up to 15 minutes each):
8 – Adaptive and cognitive systems for human learning -- Advanced digital
gaming/gamification Technologies - Multimodal and Natural computer interaction
Asst. Prof. Metin Sezgin - Computer Engineering, Koc University
9 – Software-defined networking - information-centric topics
Prof. Dr. Torsten Braun - Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics,
University of Bern
10 - High Performance Manufacturing with Industrial Robots via Precise Virtual Model
Prof. Dr. İsmail Lazoğlu - Mechanical Engineering, Koc University
11 - Towards Energy Efficient and Robust Cyber-Physical Systems
Asst. Prof. Sinem Çöleri Ergen - Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
12 - MEMS, Optics, and Displays Technologies for Future of Human Computer Interaction
Dr. Fehmi Çivitçi - Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Koc University
16:00 – 17.30
13 - Data Analytics and Optimization in Supply Chain and Logistics
Prof. Dr. Metin Türkay - Industrial Engineering, Koc University
One-to-one partnering meetings available between 16:00-17.30