of the Polish Academy of Sciences


of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Regulations on Doctorate Studies
the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK)
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
1. Legal Basis
The Doctorate Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Astronomic Center thereon referred to as
‘Studies’ have the following legal basis:
1. The Law on Polish Academy of Sciences of 25 April 1996 (Dz. U. No. 75, pos. 469 with later
2. The Law on Polish scientific degrees and scientific title, and on degrees and title in Arts (Dz. U.
No. 65, pos. 595);
3. The Minister of National Education and Sports’ ordinance on the requirements and organization,
conduct and participation in doctorate studies, and on granting and refunding the doctorate scholarships (Dz. U. No. 115, pos. 694).
4. The Law amending the law on higher education, scientific degrees and scientific title (Dz. U. No.
84, pos. 455)
5. Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 5 October 2011 (Dz. U. No. 225,
pos. 1351)
2. General regulations
2.1 The area of Doctorate Studies in CAMK is astronomy. The graduates receive the PhD degree in
2.2 The duration of Studies is 4 years with the possibility of prolongation for one year on a case-by-case
basis. The duration can be also prolonged for the duration of a maternity leave.
2.3 The duration of Studies may be extended in the cases specified in Sect. 11, item 2 of the Minister of
Science and Higher Education Regulation of 5 October 2011.
2.4 The academic year starts on 1st of October and ends on 30th of September.
2.5 The overall supervision of the Studies is a responsibility of the Center’s Scientific Council.
2.6 The Studies’ supervisor is appointed and dismissed by the Center’s director upon the recommendation
of the Scientific Council. The supervisor’s term ends with the end of a term of the Center’s Scientific
2.7 The Studies’ supervisor appointment and dismissing follows the opinion by the students’ union.
2.8 Every semester the scientific or thesis adviser provides the Studies’ supervisor with an assessment of
developments with regards to the scientific work of his/her students.
2.9 The Studies’ supervisor arranges the studies program, oversees its implementation, and assess the
completion of the year of studies.
2.10 Negative opinion on the student scientific advances and a failure to complete a year constitute a
reason for the Studies’ supervisor to delete his/her name from the list of the Studies participants. This
decision may be contested at the director of the Center within 14 days from its receipt.
2.11 The Center’s director evaluates student objections to the supervisors opinions referred to in item
2.12 Upon conclusion of the academic year, the Studies’ supervisor presents to the Scientific Council the
report on Studies’ activities.
2.13 Duties of scientific or thesis ad visors’ are scrutinized by the Center’s director.
3. Recruitment
3.1 The Studies’ recruitment conditions and requirements are formulated by the Center’s Scientific Council
in a form of a Decision as in Annex 1 to this Regulations.
4. The curriculum
4.1 The curriculum is prescribed by the Center’s Scientific Council in a form of a Decision as in Annex
2 to this Regulations.
5. Scholarships
5.1 Scholarships are granted by the Center’s director upon the opinion of the scholarship committee.
5.2 Eligible for scholarships are students who flawlessly realize the Studies’ program. During the first year
the scholarship may be granted for students who received highest marks in the recruitment procedure.
5.3 Students whose Studies were prolonged for reasons other than maternity leave do not receive the
scholarships in the fifth year of the Studies.
5.4 The amount of scholarships is set by a decision of Center’s director upon the opinion scholarship
committee of the each time prior to the beginning of the academic year.
5.5 The scholarship committee is appointed by the Center’s director.
5.6 The senior students may receive a scholarships increased on the average by 20 % in comparison to the
scholarships granted to the students of the first year. A decision on granting the increased scholarship
depends on the assessment of the scientific work and personal scientific development of a student based
• The results of student’s interview with the Center’s director, the Studies supervisor, and the scientific adviser,
• The number of screened scientific publications,
• The publication and general science activities,
• The number of scientific seminars delivered.
5.7 The Center’s director may decide not to grant or to revoke the scholarship. In particular, the revocation of the scholarship may follow the 22 days period of a student’s absence due to the prolonged foreign
5.8 The general regulations for the Center’s faculty apply to students’ travels for conferences and workshops and for the observations.
5.9 Decisions referred to items 5.4, 5.6, and 5.7, with a relevant explanation are presented to a student
in writing.
5.10 Rules put forward in paragraphs 5.1 through 5.9 do not pertain to these students, who are not
citizens of the Republic of Poland and whose studies fees are covered by separate regulations.
6. Welfare
6.1 A student has a right to 8 weeks of a break during an academic year. The duration of the break is
equivalent to normal academic holidays. The schedule of breaks is decided upon by the Center’s director
in a form of a directive.
6.2 A student has the same access to medical services as Center’s faculty member. A student is also
eligible for a partial refund of eye glasses, under the following conditions:
– The glasses are prescribed by ophthalmologist. The refund cannot exceed 150 zł,
– The refund may be granted only once,
– To obtain a refund a student should: provide a certificate that the eye glasses are required because of
the work at the computer monitor, fill the special form (in Polish) and enclose the invoice issued for the
Copernicus Center.
6.3 A student has a right to participate in the Center’s social fund.
6.4 A student living outside of Warsaw may apply for an accommodation in ‘Centrum’ hotel.
6.5 The duration of the Doctorate Studies, regardless the date of their completion but not exceeding the
period of four years, does count towards a period of work with the employee benefits, assuming that the
PhD dissertation is presented for approval not later than a year after completion of the Studies.
6.6 The duration of the Doctorate Studies does not count in the retirement benefits.
6.7 The documentation of each student’s studies is carried by the secretary’s office of CAMK.
7. Final statements
7.1 Any changes to these Regulations made by the Center’s Scientific Council require the approval by the
Center’s director.
7.2 The Regulations are valid from the date of their passage and the approval by the Center’s director.