17,2013 d) Agenda and minutes of various meetings of the Board of


17,2013 d) Agenda and minutes of various meetings of the Board of
January 29, 2013
The Written Correspondence Listing is established to act as a report of materials
received by the Board as a whole but may also include items requested for inclusion by
individual Supervisors. Upon completion of any actions deemed necessary (Le.,
acknowledgement, referral, etc.), these items are included in the Written
Correspondence Listing under the appropriate heading. While these items are not part
of the official record of meetings of the Board of Supervisors, they will be maintained by
the Clerk of the Board for a period of two years, after which time they may be destroyed
after the County's Historic Resources Commission has been provided an opportunity for
i. The Board of Supervisors has received agendas and minutes from the following
County advisory bodies (to be filed):
Civil Service Commission
Mental Health Advisory Board
Mobile and Manufactured Home Commission
Santa Cruz-Monterey-Merced Managed Medical Care Commission
Seniors Commission
II. The Board of Supervisors has received applications from the following persons for
appointment to County advisory bodies (to be filed):
Wendy Aman, Human Services Commission
John Faraola, Arts Commission
Matt Natale, Human Services Commission
Alan Schlenger, Commission on the Environment
III. The Board of Supervisors has received the following items of correspondence
which require no official action by the Board at this time:
a) Copy of application related to the off-sale beer and wine wholesale alcoholic
beverage license for SER, 13 Mesa Way, Watsonvile (copies to
Environmental Health, Planning, and Sanitation Engineering)
b) Notice of meeting of the Capitola Planning Commission to be held January
c) Notice of regular meeting of the Capitola City Council to be held January 24,
d) Agenda and minutes of various meetings of the Board of Directors of Area
Agency on Aging Advisory Council
e) 2012 Attendance Report for the Housing Advisory Commission
f) 2012 Attendance Report for the Human Services Commission
g) 2012 Attendance Report for the Hazardous Materials Advisory Commission
January 29, 2013
h) Copy of a Notice of Determination of the University of California at Santa
Cruz to the State Office of Planning and Research regarding the Merrill
Residence Halls Capital Renewal Project
i) Copy of correspondence of Charlie Peters relating to automobile emission
j) Copy of letter of John Doane, President, Vista Prieta Homeowners'
Association, to Christopher Johns, Chief Executive Officer, PG&E, regarding
the decision of the Vista Prieta Homeowners' Association to opt out of the
Smart Meter Program
k) Proclamation issued by Supervisor Friend honoring Brian King
i) Proclamation issued by Supervisor McPherson honoring Barbara Palmer
m) Proclamation issued by Supervisor Caput honoring Danielle Obinger
n) Proclamation issued by Chairperson Coonerty proclaiming February 27
through March 27, 2013, as The Big Read Month
0) Letter of Nanette Mickiewicz, M.D., President, Dominican Hospital,
conveying notification regarding the closure of the Anticoagulation Clinic
located at the Dominican Rehabilitation Services Campus on Frederick
Street effective March 11,2013 (copy to Health Services Agency)
p) Letter of Sherrie Fonbuena, Associate Governmental Program Analyst,
State, Fish and Game Commission, conveying a copy of a notice of
proposed regulatory action relative to sport fishing report cards
q) Letter of Luis Rodriguez, P.E., Chief, Engineering Management Branch,
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, conveying a Letter of Map Revision Floodway
Determination Document (Removal) for property located at 363 North Street
in Ben Lomond