Curriculum Vitae Asst. Prof. Dr. Günil Özlem AYAYDIN CEBE


Curriculum Vitae Asst. Prof. Dr. Günil Özlem AYAYDIN CEBE
Curriculum Vitae
Asst. Prof. Dr. Günil Özlem AYAYDIN CEBE
Work address: Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University
Faculty of Science and Letters
Department of Turkish Language and Literature
2000 Evler Mah. Zübeyde Hanım Cad.
Merkez 50300 Nevşehir, Turkey
+90 384 2153900 / 1302
Research Interests
19th century Ottoman literature and literary theory, autobiography and novel, literary non-fiction,
contemporary Turkish novel and short story, book history, sociology of literature, ecocriticism and
related approaches (ecofeminism, ecopsychology, Deep Ecology, ecoculturalism), Evliya Çelebi
and Seyahatname.
September 2009
PhD Degree CGPA 3,96 / 4,00
Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, Ankara, Turkey.
Dissertation: “19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Toplumu ve Basılı Türkçe Edebiyat:
Etkileşimler, Değişimler, Çeşitlilik”[19th Century Ottoman Society and
Printed Turkish Literature: Interactions, Exchanges, and Diversity] Supervisor:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Laurent Mignon
June 2003
MA Degree CGPA 4,00 / 4,00
Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, Ankara, Turkey.
Thesis: “Yaşar Kemal’in İstanbul’una Çevreci Bir Yolculuk”
[An Ecocritical Journey to Yaşar Kemal’s Istanbul]
Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Süha Oğuzertem
August 1999
Certificate for Pedagogic Formation
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
June 1999
BA Degree CGPA 3,25 / 4,00
Hacettepe University, Department of English Language and Literature, Ankara,
Academic Positions
September 2010
Assistant Professor Doctor, Modern Turkish Literature
Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Nevşehir University
September 2010
April 2006
Board of Trustees, Bilkent University
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 2
Administrative Positions
February 2013
September 2012
September 2011
February 2011
December 2010
July 2012
May 2011
Associate Dean
Faculty of Science and Letters, Nevşehir University
Member of Administrative Board
Research Center for Language Teaching (NEDIM), Nevşehir University
Member of Administrative Board
Faculty of Science and Letters, Nevşehir University
Department of Western Languages and Literatures, Nevşehir University
Member of Administrative Board
Institute of Social Sciences, Nevşehir University
Department of Foreign Languages, Nevşehir University
Recent Courses
2013-2014 Spring
Name of the Course
Level, hours/week, # of students
Literary Non-Fiction II
PhD , 3 , 1
Turkish Literary Criticism
PhD , 3 , 1
Literary Theory and Criticism II
MA , 3 , 7
Modern Turkish Literature VIII
BA , 3+3 , 91
Research on Modern Turkish Literature II
BA , 5 , 5
World Literature II
BA , 5 , 20
ERASMUS Staff Mobility April 7-11, 2014
Short Story in Turkish Literature
BA , 5 , 30
in Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria
2013-2014 Autumn
Name of the Course
Level, hours/week, # of students
Literary Non-Fiction I
PhD , 3 , 1
Literature and Society
PhD , 3 , 1
19th Century Turkish Literature
MA , 3 , 7
Modern Turkish Literature VII
BA , 3+3 , 91
Research on Modern Turkish Literature I
BA , 5 , 5
Graduate Level (MA)
Undergraduate Level (BA)
19th Century Turkish Literature
Introduction to Modern Turkish Literature I-II
Contemporary Turkish Literature
Modern Literary Theory and Criticism I-II
Introduction to Modern Turkish Literature I-II Modern Turkish Literature I (Tanzimat Period)
Introduction to Textual Analysis
Modern Turkish Literature II (Servet-i Funun Period)
Textual Analysis
Modern Turkish Literature III (National Literature Period)
Literary Terms and Theories I-II
Modern Turkish Literature IV (Republican Period)
Research Methods
Modern Turkish Literature V (Contemporary Poetry)
Department Seminar
Modern Turkish Literature VI (Contemporary Fiction)
Thesis Seminar
World Literature I-II
Thesis Studies
Poetic Analysis
Research Project I-II
Supervised Theses
July 2013
Gür, Murat. “Metinlerarası İlişkilerle Çok Sesli Bir Peyami Safa Romanı: Yalnızız”.
MA thesis. Nevşehir University Institute of Social Sciences.
[A Polyphonic Peyami Safa Novel through Intertexuality: Yalnızız]
Feb. 2013
Sağdıç, Damla. “Tasavvufun Derinliklerinden Modernist Romana Açılan Kapı:
A’mâk-ı Hayâl”. MA thesis. Nevşehir University Institute of Social Sciences.
[From Depths of Mysticism to the Gateway of Modernist Novel: A’mâk-ı Hayâl]
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 3
August 2012 Arpa, Serbar Sevgi. “Gençliğin O Yakıcı Mevsimi’nde Bir Özne Olarak Kadın”. MA
thesis. Nevşehir University Institute of Social Sciences.
[Woman as Subject in Gençliğin O Yakıcı Mevsimi]
Akbaş, Gamze. “Arzunun Üçgeninde Yunus Emre ve Mevlana Konulu Romanlar”. MA thesis.
Nevşehir University Institute of Social Sciences. In progress.
Arıç, Reyhan. “Gülten Dayıoğlu’nun Gezi Yazıları Bağlamında Ekolojik Bilinç ve Çocuk
Edebiyatı”. MA thesis. Nevşehir University Institute of Social Sciences. In progress.
Academic Grants
September 2010
August 2009
September 2003
June 2003
September 2000
Grant for Participation in International Scientific Activities
PhD Education Grant
Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, Ankara, Turkey.
MA Education Honors Grant
Bilkent University, Department of Turkish Literature, Ankara, Turkey.
Work Experience
September 2010
April 2006
August 2009
September 2000
January 2005
January 2001
November 2000
January 1998
September 1999
June 1999
May 1996
October 1995
Translation and Turkish Specialist of Board of Trustees,
Bilkent University
Editing, proofreading, translating and archiving material related to the Board’s
publications, projects and the biography of Prof. Ihsan Doğramacı, the late
founder of the University.
Teaching and Research Assistant, Bilkent University
Teaching assistantship: Working with tutors in realization of courses and
arrangement of course material, reading exam papers. Active work in Center
for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University: organization of symposiums and
meetings; creation and updating of the department’s address database in MS
Access; printing labels for Kanat; updating the department’s website.
Official Bibliographer of MLA (Voluntary)
Indexing articles from the three major literary magazines of Turkey: Edebiyat
ve Eleştiri, kitap-lık, and Varlık.
Office Manager and Assistant Coordinator of Ankara Jazz Society
Concert and workshop organizations. Office management. Establishing
relationships with the press, the musicians, and state offices. Preparation of
introductory-informative files, press files, posters, reports, budget. Developed
familiarity with the PC; Windows, especially Word, Access and Excel.
English Teacher
Camp Club, Ören, Balıkesir, Turkey: intermediate level English language
teaching, 6 hours a day, including weekends.
English Teacher
English Present, a private English language teaching school: intermediate level
teaching, ten hours a week, Ankara, Turkey.
Pedagogic Internship
June 1999
September 1998
Intern English Teacher
Gazi Anadolu College, Ankara, Turkey.
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 4
December 2011
August 1999
October 1998
October 1998
December 1997
December 1997
“Certificate for Developing Speaking Strategies in English Language
Teaching”, In-Service Training, Nevşehir University, Nevşehir, Turkey
Certificate for Pedagogic Formation, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
“Media Studies”, British Council, Ankara, Turkey
“Film Studies”, British Council, Ankara, Turkey
“Literature into Music”, British Council, Ankara, Turkey
“Popular Culture”, British Council, Ankara, Turkey
Symposia and Meetings: Taken Part in Organization
May 26-27, 2014
Symposium Coordinator
“Türk Dili ve Edebiyatına Genç Yaklaşımlar” 3. Öğrenci Sempozyumu
[“Young Approaches to Turkish Language and Literature” 3rd Graduate
Student Symposium]
Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Institute of Social Sciences &
Department of Turkish Language and Literature
May 13-14, 2013
Symposium Coordinator
“Türk Dili ve Edebiyatına Genç Yaklaşımlar” 2. Öğrenci Sempozyumu
[“Young Approaches to Turkish Language and Literature” 2nd Graduate
Student Symposium]
Nevşehir University, Institute of Social Sciences & Department of Turkish
Language and Literature
May 27, 2011
Session Chair
An International Symposium on “Azerbaijan in World Literature”, Khazar
University, Baku, Azerbaijan
April 12, 2011
Symposium Coordinator
“Yeni Türk Edebiyatına Genç Yaklaşımlar” 1. Öğrenci Sempozyumu
[“Young Approaches to Modern Turkish Literature” 1st Graduate Student
Nevşehir University, Institute of Social Sciences& Department of Turkish
Language and Literature
Sept. 27, 2008
Session Chair
“History of Printing and Publishing in the Languages and Countries of the
Middle East” 3rd International Symposium, Leipzig, Germany
December 2005
March 2001
Assistant, Translator and Performer
in various academic activities organized by Bilkent University’s Center for
Turkish Literature (8 symposia and 3 World Poetry Day).
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 5
“Yazmadan Basmaya, Gösterimden Romana: 19. Yüzyılda Osmanlı’da Folklor” [Manuscript
into Print, Performance into Novel: Ottoman-Turkish Folklore in the 19th Century]. Millî Folklor
99 (Autumn 2013): 27-40.
“The Phantom Author of an Unfathomable Land: Ali and Nino”. Khazar Journal of
Humanities and Social Sciences 15.4 (2012): 50-55. DOI: 10.5782/2223-2621.2012.15.4.50
“İskâna Direnen Kimlik: Dadaloğlu’nun Coğrafyası” [The Identity that Resists
Sedentarization: The Geography of Dadaloghlu]. Millî Folklor 90 (Summer 2011): 60-69.
“Küçük Şeyler’de Saklı Beyitler” [Hidden Couplets in Küçük Şeyler]. Kebikeç 30 (2010):
“Bir Anlatı Ustası Seyyahla Asırlar Arası Seyahat” [Accompanying a Master of Narrative in
His Travel over Centuries]. Çağının Sıradışı Yazarı: Evliya Çelebi. Ed. Nuran Tezcan.
Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2009. 55-80.
“‘Han Duvarları’nı Bir Yol Anlatısı Olarak Okumak” [Reading “Han Duvarları” as a Road
Narrative]. Varlık 112479 (June 2008): 15-20.
“Aşk Acısından Varoluşa: Nâbizâde Nâzım’ın Zehra Romanı Üzerine Psikanalitik Bir
Çözümleme” [From Love Pangs to Existence: A Psychoanalytic Examination of Nâbizâde
Nâzım’s Novel, Zehra]. Pasaj 4-5 (August 2006-November 2007): 61-78.
“Tuhaf Bir Kadın’da Olmayan Aşkın Tutkusu” [The Passion of Absent Love in A Weird
Woman]. Leylâ Erbil’de Etik ve Estetik. Ed. Süha Oğuzertem. Istanbul: Kanat Kitap, 2007.
“Kent Küsüyor: Önce Kadınlar ve Yunuslar” [The City is Sinking: Women and Dolphins
First]. kitap-lık 101 (January 2007): 77-82.
“Perdedeki Aşk: Karagöz ile Hacivat” [Love on the Screen: Karagoz and Hacivat]. Somut
Olmayan Kültürel Miras: Yaşayan Karagöz Sempozyumu Sempozyum Bildirileri. Ankara:
Gazi Üniversitesi Türk Halkbilimi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Yayınları, 2006. 18498.
“Berci Kız’dan Kristin’e Yoksulluğun Sosyolojisi” [The Sociology of Poverty from ‘Berci
Kız’ to Kristin]. Pasaj 1 (May-August 2005): 101-15.
“Tanzimat Hareketinin Motoru ve Ürünü: ‘Bilinçli İnsan’” [The Engine and Product of
Tanzimat: ‘Conscious Human’]. Edebiyat Buluşması Sempozyumu Bildirileri: 30 Eylül-2
Ekim 2002, Prizren-Priştine. Ed. Tacida Zubçeviç-Hafız. Prizren: Balkan Türkoloji
Araştırmaları Merkezi Yayınları, 2005. 50-61.
“A Weird Woman in a Weird City: Leyla Erbil’s ‘İstanbul’ ”. Women and Environments 6263 (Spring-Summer 2004): 18-19.
“Eine seltsame Frau in einer seltsamen Stadt”. Trans. Fatma Sağır. Unionverslag. Internet.
July 25, 2006.
“Yaşamöyküsü Olarak Seyahatnâme” [Seyahat-nameh as Biography]. Kebikeç 18 (2004):
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 6
“Yaşar Kemal’in İstanbul Coğrafyası: Deniz Küstü” [Yaşar Kemal’s Geography of Istanbul:
The Sea-Crossed Fisherman]. Geçmişten Geleceğe Yaşar Kemal. Ed. Süha Oğuzertem.
Istanbul: Adam Yayınları, 2003. 192-210.
“Masalla Ölüme Meydan Okuyan İnsan: Alkestis, Dumrul, İnanna ve Savitri Anlatılarının
Karşılaştırmalı İncelemesi” [Human Challenging Death through Tales: Comparative
Analysis of the Narratives of Alcestis, Dumrul, İnanna, and Savitri]. Millî Folklor 55
(Autumn 2002): 15-24.
“Jacques Derrida ile Edebiyat Oyunu” [Gaming Literature with Jacques Derrida]. Varlık
1141 (October 2002): 35-41.
1998 “A Cultural Analysis of Metin Kaçan’s Ağır Roman”. Published on British Council’s web
page. October 1998.
Book Chapter
“‘Aşk Defteri’nden Aşk Romanlarına Osmanlı-Türk Anlatılarının Sergüzeşti” [The Autography of
Ottoman-Turkish Narratives from “The Book of Love” to Love Novels]. Türk Edebiyatına
Açılan Pencere: İnci Enginün Armağanı. Ed. Hülya Argunşah. Ankara: Türk Kültürünü
Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, 2014. 109-24.
Article in Dictionary
“Leylâ Erbil”. Dictionary of Literary Biography (DLB). Volume on Turkish novelists. Columbia,
South Carolina: Bruccoli Clark Layman, in print.
Presentations: International
2012 “The Four Fishermen of Literature: Hemingway, Yaşar Kemal, Kabaağaçlı, Karasu”. IV
International Comparative Literature Congress (November 1-3, 2012). Kırıkkale University,
Kırıkkale, Turkey.
2011 “Basılı Metinlerin Sayısal Analizi Yoluyla Karamanlı Halkını Tanımak” [Recognizing
Karamanli People through A Statistical Analysis of Printed Texts]. 1st International
Symposium on History and Culture of Nevşehir (November 16-18, 2011), Nevşehir
University, Nevşehir, Turkey. Published in symposium proceedings.
2011 “The Phantom Author of an Unfathomable Land: Ali and Nino”. An International
Symposium on “Azerbaijan in World Literature” (May 27-29, 2011), Khazar University,
Baku. Article version published in Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
2010 “Building A Nation-State on Borders of Faith: Turkish National Anthem”. “The Turks and
Islam” International Conference (September 11-12, 2010). Indiana University Bloomington,
Indiana, USA. Article version forthcoming in an edited volume on the same theme.
2009 “Ecofeminist Perspectives on Yaşar Kemal’s Memed, My Hawk and Latife Tekin’s
Muinar”. An International Conference on “The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons”
(November 4-6, 2009). Hacettepe and Ankara Universities, held in Kemer, Turkey.
2009 “Literary Display of Ottoman Turkish in the 19th Century: Interaction, Exchange, and
Diversity”. “Beyond Assimilation and Integration: the Theory and Practice of Identity,
Difference and Exchange” Annual Symposium (March 20-21, 2009). Program in Cultures,
Civilizations and Ideas, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
2008 “Different Scripts, Same Language: The Ottoman Empire in Print in the 19th Century”.
“History of Printing and Publishing in the Languages and Countries of the Middle East”
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 7
Third International Symposium (Sept. 24-27, 2008). held in Leipzig, Germany in
conjunction with the 24th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants
(UEAI) and in cooperation with the Oriental Institute of Leipzig University.
“Anlatı Ustası Bir Seyyahla Asırlar Arası Seyahat” [Accompanying a Master of Narrative in
His Travel over Centuries]. International Evliya Çelebi and Seyahatname Symposium (April
3-8, 2008). Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Article
version published in symposium proceedings
“The Literary Activity of Ottoman Greeks in the 19th Century”. “The Greek Experience
under Ottoman Rule” Summer Workshop (June 22-25, 2007). Program in Hellenic Studies,
Princeton University, held in Santorini, Greece.
“Karagözün Karasevdası” [The Passionate Love of Karagoz]. International Living Karagoz
Symposium (April 27-29, 2006). held in Ankara, Turkey by Gazi University in collaboration
with Ministry of Culture and Tourism, UNESCO Turkish National Commission, and
UNIMA National Center. Article version published in symposium proceedings
“Tanzimatın Motoru ve Ürünü: Bilinçli İnsan” [The Engine and Product of Tanzimat:
Conscious Human]. Literature Meeting Symposium (September 30, and October 2, 2002)
held in Skopje, Albania and Pristine, Kosovo by the Universities of Skopje and Pristine.
Article version published in symposium proceedings.
“Yaşar Kemal’in İstanbul Coğrafyası: Deniz Küstü” [Yaşar Kemal’s Geography of Istanbul:
The Sea-Crossed Fisherman]. International Yaşar Kemal Symposium (May 16-18, 2002).
Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Article version published
in symposium proceedings
Presentations: National
2011 “Şefaatten Seyahate Bir Ömür: Evliya Çelebi” [Desire for Intercession into A Lifetime of
Peregrination: Evliya Çelebi]. “Evliya Çelebi is 400 Years Old” Conference (October 19,
2011). Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Nevşehir, Turkey. Invited speaker.
2011 “Evliya Çelebi’yle Metinlerarası Seyahat” [Travelling Intertextually with Evliya Çelebi].
Seminar (February 23, 2011). Department of Turkish Literature, Faculty of Science and
Letters, Nevşehir University, Nevşehir, Turkey.
2007 “Küçük Şeyler’de Saklı Beyitler” [Hidden Couplets in Little Things]. Young Critics
Symposium VIII (May 9, 2007). Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara,
Turkey. Article version published in Kebikeç.
2006 “19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı-Türk Anlatılarında Aşkın İzini Sürerken” [Tracing Love in 19th
Century Ottoman-Turkish Narratives]. Young Critics Symposium VII (May 8-10, 2006).
Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
2006 “Tuhaf Bir Kadın’da Olmayan Aşkın Tutkusu” [The Passion of Absent Love in A Weird
Woman]. Ethics and Aesthetics in Leylâ Erbil Symposium (January 21, 2006). Center for
Turkish Literature, Bilkent University and Turkish Writers Union, Istanbul, Turkey. Article
version published in symposium proceedings
2001 “Kendine Dönen Eleştiri: Nedim Gürsel” [Self-reflexive Criticism: Nedim Gürsel]. Young
Critics Symposium II (May 8-11, 2001). Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University,
Ankara, Turkey.
2000 “Jacques Derrida ile Oyuna Başlarken” [At the Beginning of Gaming with Jacques Derrida].
Symposium of Theories and Research (December 19-21, 2000). Center for Turkish
Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Article version published in Varlık.
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 8
Review Articles
2005 “Siz Orada mısınız?” [Are You There?]. Kanat 17-18 (Spring 2005): 9-10. Book review of
Ecevit, Yıldız. “Ben Buradayım…” Oğuz Atay’ın Biyografik ve Kurmaca Dünyası. Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları,
2004 “Usta Şair Yine Gündemdeydi: ‘Edip Cansever 75 Yaşında’” [The Master Poet Was Again
on the Agenda: ‘Edip Cansever is 75 Years of Age’]. Kanat 14 (Winter 2004): 2-3. Activity
review of “Edip Cansever 75 Yaşında” Symposium held by Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University.
2001 “Nedim Gürsel’in Yaşar Kemal Yolculuğu” [The Yaşar Kemal Journey of Nedim Gürsel].
Virgül 42 (June-August 2001): 48-49. Book review of Gürsel, Nedim. Yaşar Kemal: Bir Geçiş Dönemi
Romancısı. Istanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2000.
Translations (from English)
2009 Strauss, Johann. “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Kimler, Neleri Okurdu (19.-20. Yüzyıllar)?”
Trans. Günil Ayaydın Cebe. Kritik 3 (Spring 2009): 205-65. (“Who Read What in the
Ottoman Empire [19th-20th Centuries]?”)
2004 Burian, Orhan. “Modern Türk Şiiri”. Trans. Günil Özlem Ayaydın Cebe. Denemeler,
Eleştiriler. Ankara: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Yayınları, 2004. 350-70. (“Modern Turkish
2004 Karmiloff, Kyra and Anette Karmiloff-Smith. Bak Şu Konuşana: Konuşmayı Öğrenene
Kadar Bebeğinizin Aklından Neler Geçer? Trans. Günil Özlem Ayaydın. Istanbul: Alfa
Yayınları, 2004. (Everything Your Baby Would Ask If Only He or She Could Talk).
2002 Rahibe Nivedita (Margaret E. Noble). Hindu Söylenceleri. Trans. Günil Özlem Ayaydın.
Ankara: İmge Yayıncılık, 2002. (Cradle Tales of Hinduism).
June 2013
June 2011
Autumn 2001
November 2000
January 1998
Editor, Language and Literature Section
Nevşehir University Journal of Social Sciences
Assistant Editor, Kanat
bulletin of Center for Turkish Literature, Bilkent University (issue 7)
Publication Manager, Cazete
bulletin of Ankara Jazz Society (various issues)
2011 Lepon Erdoğan, Phyllis. Bir Kütüphanenin Hikâyesi: Bilkent Üniversitesi Kütüphanesinin
İlk Yirmi Yılı (1986-2005) Kurumsal ve Kişisel Anılar [The Story of A Library: First Twenty
Years of Bilkent University Library (1986-2005) Institutional and Personal Memoirs].
Istanbul: Hyperlink Yayınları, 2011.
2010 Bilkent News İhsan Doğramacı Special Issue. (February 26, 2010).
2007 Doğramacı, İhsan. Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim Yönetimi [Management of Higher
Education in Turkey and the World]. 2nd edition. Ankara: Meteksan AŞ, 2007. (Editorship
and redaction).
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 9
2007 Okyay, Erdoğan. İhsan Doğramacı ve Çağdaş Üniversite [İhsan Doğramacı and Modern
University]. 2nd edition. Ankara: Sevda Cenap And Müzik Vakfı Yayınları, 2007.
(Editorship and redaction).
2006 Halman, Talât Sait ve diğer, ed. Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi [History of Turkish Literature]. 4
vols. Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 2006. (Partial redaction).
2006 Doğramacı, İhsan. “Doksan Yıllık Yaşamımdan Anılar” [Memories of My 90 Years of
Life]. Bütün Dünya 2006/04 (April 2006): 21-35.
2006 Ölçer Özünel, Evrim. Masal Mekânında Kadın Olmak: Masallarda Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve
Mekân İlişkisi [Being Woman in the Abode of Tales: The Relationship between Gender and
Space in Folk Tales]. Ankara: Geleneksel Yayınevi, 2006.
2006 The South African Story: Chapter 2. Ankara: South African Embassy, 2006. (Redaction of
2006 The South African Story. Ankara: South African Embassy, 2006. (Redaction of translation).
2005 İnalcık, Halil. “The Poet and the Patron: A Sociological Treatise upon the Patrimonial State
and the Arts”. Trans. Arif Nat Riley. Journal of Turkish Literature 2 (2005): 9-70.
(Redaction of references, endnotes and bibliography).
Peer Reviewer
Civil Academy
Gazi University Journal of Faculty of Education (GEFAD)
JTL (Journal of Turkish Literature)
Millî Folklor
Polyvocia, The SOAS Journal of Graduate Research, University of London
Cited in
Solak, Caner. “Bir Ekoeleştiri Denemesi: Behiç Ak’ın Tek Kişilik Şehir Oyununda Birey,
Toplum ve Çevre İlişkileri” (An Essay on Ecocriticism: Interrelations Among Persons,
Society and Environment in Behiç Ak’s Play, Tek Kişilik Şehir). A. Ü. Türkiyat
Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi [TAED] 47 (2012): 211-24.
2011 Akan, Mertcan. “Evliya Çelebi’nin İzmir’inden Dikkat Çekici Unsurlar”. Türk Dünyası
İncelemeleri Dergisi / Journal of Turkish World Studies XI/2 (Winter 2011): 195-214.
2011 Şavk, Ülkü Çelik. Sorularla Evliya Çelebi: İnsanlık Tarihine Yön Veren 20 Kişiden Biri.
Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, 2011.
Temur, Nezir. “Folklor-İdeoloji-Edebiyat Üçgeninde Suat Taşer’in Deli Dumrul’u”. Turkish
Studies 6.4 (2011): 305-15.
Sultanzade, Vügar. “Domrul Adının Kökeni ve Deli Domrul Boyunda Bazı Motiflerin
Kaynağı üzerine”. VI Uluslararası Folklor Konfransı (November 25-26, 2010) Materialları
[Symposium Proceedings]. Baku: 2010. 480-83.
Kara Düzgün, Ülkü. “Başkurt Destanlarının Tipolojisi”. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Türk
Halk Edebiyatı Bilim Dalı, 2007. 235. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Güneş, Aslı. “İnsanlığın Altın Çağı Nostaljisinden Feodalizm Övgüsüne: Yaşar Kemal’in
İstanbul Romanları”. kitap-lık 101 (January 2007): 107-10.
Özmakas, Utku. “Derrida Üzerine Bir Yapıçözüm Denemesi (İkinci Bölüm)”. Anlam 2
(2005/2006-1): 24. Hacettepe University Journal of Philosophy Community
Kaya, Muharrem. “Türk Halk Edebiyatında Deli Dumrul ve Dünya Kültüründeki
Benzerleri”. Folklor/Edebiyat 37 (2004/1): 235-38.
Curriculum Vitae AYAYDIN CEBE 10
Native speaker
Full fluency (KPDS 2012: 96,25/100)
Born in 1978, Ankara, Turkey
Married with three children (b. 2002, 2008, 2012)

Benzer belgeler

Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY

Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY Publications, Number: 252, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish) Ugur DEMIRAY et. al. (1987) Turkiye'de Uygulanan Uzaktan Ogretim Sisteminde Video ile Egitim Merkezi Proje Onerisi [VEC in Turkey’s Distan...
