Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY


Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY
Prof. Dr. Ugur DEMIRAY
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Sciences
26470 Eskisehir-TURKEY
Tel: +90 (222) 335 05 80 ext.2521
Fax:+90 (222) 320 45 20
MSN addresse:
Skype addresse: ugurum7780
Doctorate (Ph.D.)
Anadolu University
Social Sciences Graduate Institution
Department of Educational Communication
September 1982-May 1986
Undergraduate (B.A.)
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Sciences
Department of Cinema and Television
December 1977-June 1981
1984 Europe of Council Human Rights Departmant "İnsan Hakları Açısından Türkiye'de
Videonun Kullanımı [Using Video From poin of Human Rights in Turkey]", Ninemonths research Scholarship.
1991 The British Council Research Technical Scholarship, Nine-month Research
1993, 3rd Prize Colour Photography Compitetion on “Child” subject, held by Universal
Cultural House, Sweeden.
1996, 1st Prize, One minute short film on “City” subject, held by cooperation of Habitat
Istanbul Meeting Committee TURSAK and Cumhuriyet Daily.
1997 Honoured letter from director of the Turkish Higher Council on 7. 4. 1997.
1999 Golden Award of International Association of Webmaster Design (IAWD)
2004 The Association of Learned and Professional Soicety Publishers-ALPSP Awards
2004, ALPSP/Charlesworth Awards Best New journal, Special Mention.
2006 James W. 2006 Brown Publication Award by the Educational Communications and
Technology (ECT) Foundation and the Association for Educational Communications
and Technology (AECT) Publications, USA. Book is awarded which is titled as
Trends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspectives, (I have a
chapter in it) Published by Information Age publishing, 2006, Greenwich, USA.
2006 Golden Award of International Association of Webmaster Design (IAWD)
ICDE (1988-1991) International Council for Distance Education), Oslo-NORWAY
ELRA (1987-1992) European Leisure and Creation Assocation), London-UK
WICE (1991-2000) World International Center for Excellence)
TUBITAK (2005-) Sosyal Bilimler Projeler Juri Uyeligi
[Panel Member of Social Sciences Projects].
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Sciences
May 1995-.....
Associate Professor
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Sciences
October 1989-May 1995
Assistant Professor
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Sciences
March 1986-October 1989
Research Assistant
Anadolu University
Faculty of Communication Science
November 1981-March 1986
Uzaktan Öğretim Modelleri [Models of Distance Education], Anadolu University.
İletişim Modelleri [Models of Communication], Anadolu University.
Araştırma I [Reseach I], Anadolu University.
Araştırma II [Reseach II], Anadolu University.
İletişime Giriş [Introduction to Communication], Anadolu University.
Kitle İletişiminde Çözümleme Yöntemleri [Methods of Mass Media Analysis], Anadolu
İletişimötesi İletişim,[Meta-Communication], Anadolu University.
İletişimötesi İletişim,[Meta-Communication], Kocaeli University.
Uzaktan eğitimi Temelleri [Foundation of Distance Education], Anadolu University.
Uzaktan eğitimi Temelleri [Foundations of Distance Education], Kocaeli University.
Ugur DEMIRAY et al. (1985) The Examination of Video As Mass Media in Turkish Society,
Edited by LEEK, W.R. and McISAAC M.S., Anadolu University Open Education
Faculty Publications, Number: 119, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1987)
Ogrencilerinin Bos
Degerlendirme Egilimleri [Evaluation of The Leisure Activities Trends of Open
Education Faculty's Students], Anadolu University Open Education Faculty
Publications, Number: 252, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY et. al. (1987) Turkiye'de Uygulanan Uzaktan Ogretim Sisteminde Video
ile Egitim Merkezi Proje Onerisi [VEC in Turkey’s Distance Education System],
Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation
Publications, Number: 001, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (Ed.), (1988) Kitle Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman[Mass Communication
and Leisure Time], Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance
Education Foundation Publications, Number: 006, Eskisehir Turkey.(In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) Acikogretim Fakultesi Ilk Mezunlari: Iktisat/Is Idaresi [The First
Graduates of The Open Education Faculty: Economics And Business
Administration], Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance
Education Foundation Publications, Number: 008, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) Some Charecteristics of the First Senior Students of The Anadolu
University in 1985-86 Educational Year Turkish Case, Anadolu University
Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publications, Number:
010, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Ugur DEMIRAY. et. al. (1988) Anadolu University Open Education Faculty, First Edition
July 1988 and Second Edition in September 1988, Anadolu University, Eskisehir,
A. Haluk YUKSEL and Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) Basinin Toplumsal Iletisimdeki Islevi
[Function of the Press in Societal Communication], Anadolu University Educational
Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publications, Number: 002,
Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) Findings of a Research on the Students' Use of Time: (A Case
Study of the Anadolu University Open Education Faculty in Turkey), Anadolu
University Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation
Publications, Number: 001, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Cengiz TEKIN. and Ugur DEMIRAY. (1989) A Short Profile of The First Graduates of The
Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University in Turkey, Anadolu University
Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publications, Number:
015, January, 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Ugur DEMIRAY. et. al. (1989) Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Fakultesi ile Iligili Olarak
Yapilan Calismalar Kaynakcasi (1982-1990)[A Review of The Literature on the
Open Education (1982-1990), Anadolu University Open Education Faculty
Publications, Number: 454/207, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) A Review of The Literature on the Open Education Faculty (19821990), Anadolu University Publications, Number: 455/208, 1994, Eskisehir,
DEMIRAY. (1990) Undergraduates of the Open Education Faculty, Anadolu
University Publications, Number: 452/205, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Cengiz TEKIN. Murat, BARKAN. and Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) Video Education Centers; A
Model Proposal to improve the Video Education Project AU/OEF, Anadolu
University Publications, Number: 453/206, 1990, Eskisehir,Turkey.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1993) Acikogretim Fakultesi Yetiskin Yasli Mezunlari [Older Graduates
in Distance Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty], Anadolu
University Publications, Number: 629/338, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1994) Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Fakultesi ile Ilgili Olarak
Yapilan Calismalar Kaynakcasi (1982-1992) gozden gecirilmis ve genisletilmis 2.
Basim [A Review Literature On The Open Education Faculty (1982-1992): A
Revised Second Edition], Anadolu University Publications, Number: 767/389,
1994, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1994) A Review of The Literature on the Open Education Faculty (19821992) A Revised Second Edition, Anadolu University Publications, Number:
767/390, 1994, Eskisehir, Turkey.
DEMIRAY. (1994) Iletisim Otesi Iletisim [Meta Communication], Turkuaz
Publication, Science and Research Series Number: 94-3, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In
DEMIRAY. (1994) Anadolu Universitesinin Ocaktan Iletisimcileri "IBF"liler
[Graduates of Communication Sciences Faculty at Anadolu University: IBFs],
Turkuaz Publications, Science and Research Series Number: 1-95-4, Eskisehir,
Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1995) Ilkeleri, Isleyisi ve Ornekleriyle DUNYADA ACIKOGRETIM
[Principles, Procedures and Sampels OPEN EDUCATION IN THE WORLD], Turkuaz
Publications, Science and Rese arch Series Number: 95-5, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In
DEMIRAY. (1995) Close Encounters to The Fourth Kind: DISTANCE EDUCATION
VERSUS CLASSROOM, Turkuaz Publications, Science and Research Series Number:
95/2-6, Eskisehir, Turkey.
DEMIRAY. (1998) A Rewiev Of The Litrature On The Open Education Faculty In
Turkey (1982-1997). A revised and expanded third edition, Anadolu University
Publications, Number: 1015/558, 1998, Eskisehir, Turkey.
DEMIRAY. (1999) Kurulusunun Besinci Yilinda Acikogretim Lisesi Ile Ilgili Calismalar
Kaynakcasi (1982-1997) [At The 5th Anniversary A Review Literature On The Open
High School (1982-1997)], Ministry of Education Educational Technologies General
Directory Publications Number 2, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY ve Digerleri. (2002) A Review of The Literature on The Open High School
in Turkey At Its Tenth Anniversery Between The Years 1992-2002, Turkish
Republic Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Educational
Technologies (EğiTek), No: 7, 90p., Ankara, Turkey. (Turkish and English)
DEMIRAY ve Digerleri. (2002) Anadolu Universitesi Acıkogretim Fakultesi Sinava
Hazirlik Canli Yayinlari: Izlenme-Yararlanma ve Bu Programlardan Yararlanma
Boyutlarına Ilisikin Pilot Bir Calisma [Live TV for Support of Student Exam
Preparation: A Pilot Study at Anadolu University's Distance Education System],
Cizgi kitabevi, Konya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Edited Books
Ilkeleri, Isleyisi ve Ornekleriyle DUNYADA ACIKOGRETIM [Principles, Procedures and
Publications, Science and Rese arch Series Number: 95-5, Eskisehir, Turkey, 1995.
Close Encounters to The Fourth Kind: DISTANCE EDUCATION VERSUS CLASSROOM, Ugur.
DEMIRAY. (Ed.), Turkuaz Publications, Science and Research Series Number: 95/26, Eskisehir, Turkey, 1995.
Kitle Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman [Mass Communication and Leisure Time], Ugur.
DEMIRAY. (Ed.), Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance
Education Foundation Publications, No: 006, Eskisehir, Turkey, 1988.
Kurulusunun 10. Yilinda Acıkogretim Lisesi Ile Ilgili Calismalar Kaynakcasi (1992-2002)
[A Review of the Literature on The Open High School In Turkey At Its Tenth
Anniversary Between The Years 1992-2002], Ugur. DEMIRAY and et al Milli Egitim
Bakanligi, EğiTek Genel Mudurulugu Yayinlari, No: 7, Ankara, Ekim 2002,
İBF’nin Bir ‘’Yetiştirme’’Girişimi Olarak ‘’İletişim 82 Toplu Çalışımı’’ Denemesi[As Being
Cultivation of IBF: Communication 82 Working Group], (Ed: Uğur Demiray) Anaolu
Üniversitesi İletişim Bilimleri Fakültesi yayını ayayı anoa. 1433-49, 2002, 140 sf.,
Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Genel Iletisim [General Communication], (Editor: Ugur. DEMIRAY). PegemA Yayincilik,
Ankara, Turkey, Eylul 2003.
Inceelli & et. al. (2004) A Review of the Litrature on the Open Education Faculty in
Turkey (1982-2002). A revised and expanded fourth edition, (Edited by: Ugur.
DEMIRAY), TOJET Electronic
ISBN 98590-2-5, Sakarya University, Turkey. (E-Book)
Inceelli & et. al. Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Fakultesi ile Ilgili Olarak Yapilan
Calismalar Kaynakcasi (1982-2002) gozden gecirilmis ve genisletilmis 4. Basim [A
Review Literature on the Open Education Faculty (1982-2002): A revised and
expanded fourth edition], (Editor: Ugur. DEMIRAY), TOJET
Electronic ISBN 98590-3-3, Sakarya University, Turkey. 2004. (E-Book)
Terörün Görüntüleri-Görüntülerin Terörü [Images of Teror-Teror of Images]. Orhan
Gökçe-Uğur DEMIRAY. (Ed), Cizgi Kitabevi, Konya Temmuz 2004.
Türkiyenin ABD ve AB Denklemi [Equation of Turkey With USA and EU], (Editors: Orhan
Gokce-Ugur DEMIRAY-Edibe Sozen), Cizgi Kitabevi, Konya Temmuz 2006.
Etkili Iletisim (Editor: Ugur. DEMİRAY). PegemA Yayincilik, Ankara, Turkey, 1. Edition
Şubat 2008, 281p.
Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning, (Editors: Ugur Demiray and
Ramesh Sharma), IDEA Group Inc, USA-India, 2008, 391p. USA.
The 25th Anniversary of OEF A Review of The Literature on The Open Education Faculty in
Turkey 1982–2007 (A Revised And Expanded The Fifth Edition), DEMIRAY, Ugur, Ayse
INCEELLI and Ozden CANDEMIR, (Editors), print ISBN 978-975-06-0577-2, Electronic
ISBN 978-975-98590-5-3, Anadolu University The Open Education Publications No:
1884/990, pp. Xii+373, December, 2008,
AÖF’ün 25. Yılında Anadolu Üniversitesi Açiköğretim Fakültesi İle İlgili Olarak Yapilan
Çalişmalar Kaynakçasi 1982-2007 (Genişletilmiş ve Gözden Geçirilmiş Beşinci Baskı),
Derleyenler: Uğur DEMİRAY, Özden CANDEMİR, Ayşe İNCEELLİ, Basılı ISBN 978-97506-05-0576-5, Elektronik ISBN 975-98590-4-6, Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yayın No:
1883/989, Aralık-2008, Eskişehir.
The Challenges For Marketing Distance Education In Online Environment: An Integrated
Approach, Demiray, U and N. Serdar Sever, (2009). Anadolu University Publications
No: 1904/72, Print ISBN 978-975-06-0596-3, Electronic ISBN 978-975-98590-6-0,
Anadolu University, pp.762, Eskisehir-Turkey. Available from ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. ED505126 or
Cases On Challenges Facing E-Learning And National Development:Institutional Studies
and Practices VOLUME I - VOLUME II, Demiray U. with co-editors (2010). Electronic
ISBN 978-975-98590-8-4 (1.c), 978-975-98590-7-7 (tk.), Electronic ISBN 978-97598590-9-1 (2.c), eBook.
Chapters in Book
Ugur DEMIRAY; McIsaac, M.S. & Yangin, G. (1993). Distance education for primary and
secondary teacher training in Turkey. In P. Farkas, R. Cornell, C. Saar & J.
Armstrong. (Eds). An International Survey of Distance Education and Teacher
Training: From smoke signals to satellite. (pp. 76–83) Paris: International Council
for Educational Media.
Ugur DEMIRAY and Aytekin, ISMAN. (2000). "History of Distance Education", chapter 1
Distance Education: The Winds of Change in Distance Education, (Editors: A.
Isman, M. Barkan and U. Demiray), TOJET Elektronik ISBN:
975–98590-0-9, Sakarya, 2002.
DEMIRAY. (2000) "Defining of Distance Education", 2. chapter of Distance
Education: The Winds of Change in Distance Education, (Editors: A. Isman, M.
Barkan and U. Demiray), TOJET ISBN 975-82792-88-1,
Elektronik ISBN: 975–98590–0-9, Sakarya, 2002.
DEMIRAY and Funda Erzurum KILICCIOGLU. (2004) “15 Kasım 2003 Sinagoglar–20
Kasim HSBC ve Ingiliz Konsoloslugu Saldirilarinin Teror Baglaminda Irdelenmesi”
[Investigation of 15th November Sinagogs-20th November HSCB and English
Consulate Attacks in the Contex of Terorism]”, Terörün Görüntüleri-Görüntülerin
Terörü. (Ed: Orhan Gokce-Ugur DEMIRAY), pp. 129–144, Cizgi Kitabevi, Konya
Temmuz 2004. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY (2004) “Trends and Issues in The Development of Distance Education in
Turkey”, 14. Chapter of Trends and Issues in Distance Education: An International
Perspective, (Eds: Yusra Laila Visser, Lya Visser and Michael Simonson),
Information Age Publishing, Paperback ISBN; 1–59311-212-2, Hardcover ISBN;159311-213-0, USA.
DEMIRAY (2005) “Development of Distance Education in Turkey”, 10th chapter (in
Chinese, pages 124-136 and English on pages 310-325, Global pespectives:
Philosopy and Practice in Distance Education, (Edited byWeiyuan Zhang), Volume
Three, China Radio Central and Television Press, ISBN 7-304-03438-6, China,
DEMIRAY (2006) “Turk Medyasinin-Turk Halkinin Batiya Bakisi ve Beklentileri
[Gazing and Expectatios of Turkish Society–Turkish Media]”, Turkiye’nin ABD ve
AB Denklemi[Equation of Turkey With USA and EU], (Editors: Orhan Gokce-Ugur
Demiray-Edibe Sozen), Cizgi Kitabevi, Konya, Temmuz 2006.
DEMIRAY (2007) “Orchestrating Ethics for Distance Education and Online”, in
Online Learning Communities: Perspectives in Instructional Technology and
Distance Education (Edited by Rocci Luppicini), Chapter 16, Information Age
Publishing, ISBN–10: 1.593.116.780 and ISBN–13: 978–1.593.116.781, pp. 277–
285, USA, July 2007.
DEMIRAY & Ramesh C. Sharma (2009). “Ethical Practices and Implications in
Distance Learning: An Introduction”, in: Demiray, Ugur and Sharma, Ramesh C.
(eds.) Ethical practices and implications in distance learning. Information Science
Reference (IGI Global), Hershey PA, USA, Chapter I, pp. 1–12. ISBN 978–1–
59904–867–3, 2009, USA.
DEMIRAY, Ramesh C. Sharma & J. S. Dorothy, Ashwini Kumar. (2009). “Ethics in
the Ambit of Distance Education in Ethical Practices and Implications”, Chapter IV,
in Distance Learning”, in Demiray, Ugur and Sharma, Ramesh C. (eds.) Ethical
practices and implications in distance learning. Information Science Reference
(IGI Global), Hershey PA, USA, Chapther IV, pp. 36–49. ISBN 978–1–59904–867–
3, 2009, USA.
DEMIRAY & Ramesh C. Sharma (2009). "Ethical Practies and Implications in
Distance Education: Lesson Learned", Chapter XXI, in: Demiray, Ugur and Sharma,
Ramesh C. (eds.) Ethical practices and implications in distance learning.
Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey PA, USA, pp. 328-332. ISBN
978–1–59904–867–3, 2009, USA.
DEMIRAY. (2010). “Meta Communication Concept And Knowledge Building Process
in Distance Education: From Point of Meta Cognitive Structural Collaborated
Model”, Chapter V, in T. Volkan Yuzer Gulsun Kurubacak (eds) inTransformative
Learning and Online Education: Aesthetics, Dimensions and Concepts, Information
Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey PA, USA, pp. 65–88, ISBN13:
9.781.615.209.859, ISBN10: 1.615.209.859, SBN13: 9.781.615.209.866, DOI:
10.4018/978–1–61520–985–9, 2010, USA.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1987) "Acikogretim Fakultesi Ogrencilerinin Bos Zamanlarini
Degerlendirme Egilimleri[Evaluation of The Leisure Activities Trends of Open
Education Faculty's Students"], Cagdas Egitim[Journal of Cotemporary Education],
August, Number: 124, pp. 9-16, 1987 Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1987) "Ve Acikogretim Fakultesi Onlisans Egitim Uygulamasi [An
Application of Pre-Bachelor Teacher Training in Open Education Faculty"], Milli
Egitim [Journal of Ministry of Education], Vol: 74, Ministry of Education Number:
764 October-December, pp: 34-40, 1987, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY and et. al. (1988) "Yeni Bir Kitle Iletisim Araci Olarak Videonun Turk
Toplumunda Kullanim Bicimiyle Insan Haklari Acisindan incelenmesi"[Using video
as mass Communication too in Turkey from poin of human Rights], (Editor Cengiz
Tekin), Cagdas Bir Egitim Araci Video: Arastirma-Kuram-Uygulama[Video as A
Contemporary Educational Tool: Research, Theory, An Application], Anadolu
University Open Education Faculty Publications, Number: 004, pp. 29-49, 1988,
Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) "Bos Zaman Kavrami ve Etkileri Konusunda Yapilan Calismalar
Uzerine Notlar-I [Notes on Leisure Time Concept and Effect of Studies-I"], (Editor
U. DEMIRAY) Kitle Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman[Mass Media And Leisure Time],
Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Publications, Number: 006, pp.1-26,
1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY ve Murat, BARKAN. (1988) "Acikogretim Fakultesi Ogrencilerine Yeni Bir
Hizmet Sunuyor: Video ile Egitim[Open Education Faculty is Presenting a New
Service For its Students: Education With Video"], (Editor Cengiz Tekin), Cagdas Bir
Egitim Araci Video: Arastirma-Kuram-Uygulama [Video as A Contemporary
Educational Tool: Research, Theory, An Application], Anadolu University Open
Education Faculty Publications, Number: 004, pp. 29-49, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) "Acikogretim Fakultesi Mezunlarinin Bazi Nitelikleri Uzerine Bir
Calisma[A Study Some Characteristics of The Graduates of Open Education
Faculty"], Milli Egitim[Journal of Ministry of Education], Vol: 75, Ministry of
Education Publications Number: 765, Jan.-Feb.1988, pp.44-53, Ankara, Turkey. (In
Ugur DEMIRAY and et al. (1988) "Video Education Centers to Meet Students Needs in
Turkish Distance Education Programs", Educational Communication and
Technology A Journal of Theory, Research and Development, Published by AECT,
pp.182-185, Fall 1988, USA.
Marina McISAAC. Karen L. MURPHY. and Ugur DEMIRAY. (1988) "Examining Distance
Education in Turkey", Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 9, Number: 1, pp. 106119, 1988, Australia.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1989) "Graduates of the Open Education Faculty in Turkey", Journal of
Educational Television, Vo:.15, No 3, pp.155-161, October 1989, Oxfordshire, UK.
Ugur DEMIRAY and Murat. BARKAN, (1989) "Uzaktan Ogrenim Modelinde Video
Kullaniminin Verimlilige ve Ogrenmede Basariya Katkisinin Olcumlenmesi Icin Bir
Ornek Uygulama: AOF Video Ile Egitim Merkezleri[Using Video and Its Effects or
Efficiency in Distance Education Model"], Kurgu, Anadolu University Open
Education Faculty Publications, Number: 6: pp. 241-271, Yayin No: 354/144,
Haziran 1989, Eskisehir, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) "Turkey's Open Education Faculty", Journal of Industry and
Higher Education, Vol: 4, No:1, pp. 53-54, Butterworth Scientific Publication LTD,
March, London, The United Kingdom.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) "An Overview of the Open Education Faculty Anadolu UniversityTurkey", Research in Distance Education, Vol. 2, Number: 3, p.12, July, Athabasca,
DEMIRAY. and Murat, BARKAN. (1990) "Video Education Center (VEC) Pilot
Project-the Use of Video Education in Turkish Open Education Faculty", Research
in Distance Education, Vol: 2, Number: 3, p. 11, Athabasca, Canada.
Additionally this publication is appeared in:
Journal of Distance Education, spring, Vol. V, pp.71-72, Athabasca, Canada.
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) "Egitim Iletisimi Surecinde Bir Kitle iletigim Araci Olarak
Televizyonun Islevleri ve Egitim Iletisimi Boyutu[Dimension of Television Function
and Educational Communication Tool As Being Mass Media"], Kurgu, Anadolu
University Open Education Faculty Publications, Number: 8, pp. 425-434, June,
Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1990) "Ucuncu Yas universitesi Kavrami, Uygulama Ornekleri ve Bir
Onerı [Concept of Third Age University: Application Sampels and a Suggestion"],
Kurgu, Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Publications, Number: 8, pp.
435-469, June, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
BARKAN and Ugur DEMIRAY. (1990) "New Dimensions System With Advanced
Distance Education Support", Never Too Far, STOU University Press, Number: 14
pp. 3-6, March 1990, Bangkok, Thailand.
In additional this publication is appeared in:
Pakistan Journal of Distance Education, Vol: II,1993, pp.59-76, Islamabad,
DEMIRAY. (1990) "Some Aspect of Teacher Training in Turkey by Using a Distance
Education System", Journal of International Council of Distance Education (ICDE)
Bulletin, Vol: 24, pp.47–51, 1990, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
DEMIRAY. (1991) "Identification of the Distance Education Students in Turkey: A
Case Study Open Education Faculty", Indian Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 4,
pp.83-91, Chandigarh, India.
DEMIRAY. (1991) "Older Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of the
Open Education Faculty", Media Technology For Human Resource Development,
Vol: 5, Number: 2, pp.137–146, January 1993, New Delhi, India.
In additional this publication is appeared in:
a- Kakatiya Journal of Distance Education, Vol: 2, No: 2, July- December,
1993, pp.13–29, Andhra Pradesh, India,
b- Journal of International Council of Distance Education (ICDE) Bulletin,
Vol. 28, pp.62-67, January, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.,
c- Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Assessing Quality
in Higher Education, Ed. by T.W. Banta, M.W. Bense, A. M. Pits, R.
Matlock-Published by Center for
Assessment Research and
Development, Tennessee University, Knoxville Tennessee, USA.
DEMIRAY. (1992) "Istruzione a Distanza in Turchia Concetti generali e Sviluppi",
Istruzione A Distanza, Anno iV, No 2, 53–56, Lugio Rome, Italy.
DEMIRAY and Marina. McISAAC S. (1993) "After Ten Years of Distance Education
in Turkey", in Distance Education For Twenty Century, Edited by, B. Scriven, R.
Linda, Y. Ryan, Proceedings of 16th ICDE World Conference, Bangkok, pp.403-407,
1993, Thailand.
In addition this publication is appeared in:
Istruzione A Distanza, Anno V, Number: 8-9, 53-56, 1993, Rome, Italy.
DEMIRAY and et al. (1993) "Distance Education for Primary and Secondary
Teacher Training in Turkey", An International Survey of Distance Education and
Teacher Training: From Smoke Signals To Satellite, Edited by P. Farkas, R. Cornell,
C. Saar, J. Armstrong University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, pp.76-83,
Nov., USA.
In additional this publication is appeared in:
a- Istruzione A Distanza, Anno V, No 8-9, pp. 53-56, 1993, Rome, Italy.
b- European Journal of Teacher Education, 1994, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.231-239
Carfax Publishing Company, Abington, Oxforshire, The United Kingdom.
DEMIRAY. (1996) "Iletisim Ozgurlugu ve Medya Etigi[Freedom of Communication
and Ethic of Media"], Yeni Turkiye, Vol: 2, Number: 11, Sept.-Oct.1996, pp. 265271, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. ve Adnan, YILMAZ. (1996) "Turk Uzaktan Ogretim Uygulamalarini
Iceren Bilimsel Etkinliklerini Uluslararasi Literaturde Yeralmasi Sorunu uzerine
Bazi Dusunceler[Some Notes and Suggestions About indexing Problem of the
Scientific Activities Which Are Conducted on Distance Education"], Proceedings of
the First Turkish Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of Education, FRTEB, 1215 Nov. 1996, pp. 159-164, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1996) "Uzaktan Ogretim Sistemlerinde Gorev Alanlara Yonelik Surekli
Hizmet-ici Egitim Gerekliligi: AOF Ornegi Uzerine Bir Arastirma[Countinuing in-
Service Training For the Staff Who Are Working in Distance Education Systems"],
Proceedings of the First Turkish Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of
Education, FRTEB, 12-15 Nov. 1996, pp. 147-158, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY and Cuneyt BINATLI. (1997) "Televizyonla Egitim[Education via
Television"], Ekonomik Isbirligi Teskilati (ECO) 1. Kitle Iletisim Semineri Bildirileri
[Proceedings of the First Seminar of Economic Cooperation Mass Media, (2526.10.1995 Sepetciler Kasri/Istanbul Turkish Preministry Press and Information
Directory], pp. 8-13, March, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1997) "Turki Cumhuriyetlerle Iletisimin Baslangici[Beginning of
Communication with Turkic Republics"], Ekonomik Isbirligi Teskilati (ECO) 1. Kitle
Iletisim Semineri Bildirileri[Proceedings of the First Seminar of Economic
Cooperation Mass Media, (25-26.10.1995 Sepetciler Kasri/Istanbul Turkish
Preministry Press and Information Directory, pp.13-20, March, Ankara, Turkey.
DEMIRAY. (1997) "Yeni Basin Yasasi Duzenlemesi Karsisinda 'Aydin'[Intellectual'
Accross of New Press Regulation"], Turk Henkel[Journal of Henkel Co.], March
1997, pp. 17–22, Istanbul. Uzaktan Ogretim Sistemlerinde Gorev Alanlara Yonelik
Arastirma[Countinuing in-Service Training For the Staff Who Are Working in
Distance Education Systems], Turkiye 1. Uluslararasi Uzaktan Egitim
Sempozyumu[First Turkish Distance Education Symposium], Ministry of Education,
FRTEB, 12-15 Nov. 1996, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY-Adnan YILMAZ. Turk Uzaktan Ogretim Uygulamalarini Iceren Bilimsel
Etkinliklerinin Uluslararasi Literaturde Yeralmasi Sorunu Uzerine Bazi
Dusunceler[Some Notes and Suggestions About Indexing Problem of the Scientific
Activities Which Are Conducted on Distance Education], Turkiye 1. Uluslararasi
Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu[First Turkish Distance Education Symposium],
Ministry of Education, FRTEB, 12-15 Nov. 1996, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1997) Kuresellesme Karsisinda Yerellesmenin Onemi[Importance of
Localization across to the Globalization, Seminar on Problems of Local Press],
Organized by Antakya Gazeteciler Cemiyeti[Association Antakya Journalists,
11.4.1997, Antakya], Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY-Bekir OZER. (1997) "Distance Education for Primary and Secondary
Teacher Training in Turkey", Indian Journal of Distance Education, Silver Jubilee
issue, Vol. 5, pp.57–64, Punjab University, Chandigarh, February 1997, India.
DEMIRAY. (1997) "Iletisim Bilimlerinde Tartisilan Yeni Bir Kavram: Iletisim Otesi
Iletisim[A New Concept Which is Discussing in Communication Sciences: Meta
Communication"], Edebiyat Guncesi, Vol:1, Number: 9 and 10, , pp 7-9, Ankara,
Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY and et. al. (1997) "Use of Satellites in Distance Education in Turkey and
Japan", ED at a Distance, Vol.11, November 1997, pp.11-23, USA.
DEMIRAY. (1998) "Kuresellesme Karsisinda Yerellesmenin Onemi[Importance of
the Localization Across to the Globalization"], Yerel Basinda Arayislar ve Antakya
Duragi[ Looking For in Local Press: Antakya Station, (Editor: A. Murat Vural), pp.36, January 1998, Baski: ETAM A.S., Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1998) "Cumhuriyeti Kuran Yazili Basindan Gunumuz Cok Sesli
Medyasina: Gunumuz Medyasinin Hedefledigi Bir Sonuc Olarak Arabesk
Aydin[From The Press which Established Turkish Republic to Today’s Multi-voice
Media: Arabesque Intellectual Personality and Aimed Result of the Media"], Yeni
Turkiye, Cumhuriyet Ozel Sayisi iV, C. 23-24, pp.2738-2745, Ankara, Turkey. (In
DEMIRAY ve Halil I. Gurcan. (1998) Uzaktan Ogretimde Bir Ogrenci Destek Hizmeti
Olarak Gazetenin Onemi ve Rolu: Geleneksel Gazeteden Sanal Gazeteye Dogru Bir
Yaklasim[The Role and importance of Newspaper in Distance Education
Institutions as Being a Student Support Service: An Approach From Traditional
Newspaper To Virtual Journal For OEF], Proceedings of the Second Turkish
Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of Education, FRTEB, pp.197-208, Ankara,
Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1999) "Bir Cagdas Egitim Modeli Olarak Uzaktan Egitim Uygulamasi[An
Application of the Distance Education as Being Contemporary Educational Model"],
Jandarma Dergisi, Sayi: 85, pp.46-52, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY. (1999) "Acıkogretim Fakultesi Mezunlarinin Sektordeki Konumlari
[Positions Of the Open Education Faculty Graduates in the Job Market"], Uzaktan
Egitim Dergisi[Journal of Distance Education], 1999 Yaz/Summer, Uzaktan Egitim
Vakfi Yayin Organi[Publication of Distance Education Foundation], p.3-22, Ankara,
Turkey. (In Turkish)
DEMIRAY. (1999) "Cagdas Egitim Modeli Olarak Uzaktan Egitim[Distance
Education as Being Contemporary Educational Model"], Mudafaa-i Hukuk Dergisi,
Sayi: 15, pp.55-58, Antalya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
Ugur DEMIRAY et. al. (2000) TGC-KAV Yerel Medya Projesi Meslek İci Egitim
Seminerlerinin Icerik Çozumlemesi [A Content Analyses of In-service Educational
Seminars of local Media Project], (Demiray, U., Kaya, A.Y., Yüksel, E., Gürcan, H.İ.,
Vural, A.M., Bodur, F.), Yerel Gazetecilikte Meslek İçi Eğitim 20-21 Temmuz 2000,
Muğla, Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti ve Konrad Adenauer Vakfı Yerel Basın Eğitim
Seminerleri Dizisi: 17, Erdini Basım ve Yayınevi, İstanbul, Turkey. (In Turkish)
In addition this publication is appeared in:
“Yerel Basın Seminerlerinin Değerlendirmesi [An Evaluation of Local Press
Seminars]” başlığı ile Bizim Gazete 13 Eylül– 23 Eylül 2000 günleri arasında
dizi yazı olarak yayınlanmıştır.
DEMIRAY et. al. (2001) “Distance Education On The Net: A Model For Developing
Countries”, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, TOJDE, Vol: 2,
Number: 2, Eskisehir, Turkey.
DEMIRAY. et. al. (2002) “Live TV for Support of Student Exam Preparation: A Pilot
Study at Anadolu University's Distance Education System”, TechKnowlogia
(International Journal of Technologies For the Advancement of Knowledge and
Learning), Vol: 4, Issue 2, Published by Knowledge Enterprise, Inc., USA.
In addition this publication is appeared in:
Malaysian Journal of Distance Eduacation, Vol: 3 No: 1, June 2001, ISSN 15116433, pp. 37-44.
DEMIRAY. (2003) Electronic Publishing and Academic Dialogue between
Academicians via Online Journals in the New Millenium: A Case of TOJDE, TOJET,
Vol: 2, Number: 2, Sakarya University, Adapazari, Turkey.
DEMIRAY and Mediha SAĞLIK. (2003) “Açıköğretim Fakültesi ve Açıköğretim
Uygulamalarını Içeren Araştırmalara İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme [An
Evaluation of the researches dealt with OEF and OHL]”, TOJET, Vol: 2, Number: 4,
Sakarya University, Adapazari, Turkey. (In Turkish).
Demiray (2005). “Yayın Etiği Bağlamında Elektronik Yayınlarda Karşılaşılan
Sorunlar Ve Çözüm Önerileri "Acıkogretim Fakultesi Mezunlarinin Sektordeki
Konumlari [Problems And Solution Ways of Electronic Publicationin The Contex Of
Publishing Ethics"], (with Halil İbrahim Gürcan), İletişim[Journal of
Communication], Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 2005.
Demiray. et al. (2007). “Strategies For The Marketing Of Higher Education With
Comparative Contextual References Between Australia And Turkey”, With J. NAGY
and R. A. YILMAZ, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, April 2007
ISSN 1302–6488, Volume: 8 Number: 2 Article: 14, pp. 157-173, Eskisehir, Turkey,
Demiray. (2008). Dancing With Meta-Communication For Distance Educaton:
Functions and Role of Meta-communication Concept For Knowledge Building
Process in Distance Education, FormaMente, Anno III, No. 3-4, 2008, pp.111-140,
Rome, Italy. 2008.
Demiray. (2010). The same old challenges will exist in the world of education. We
sadly realize…in Lisa Neal Gualtieri, Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine, Predictions
for 2010, January 7, 2010, USA.
Published papers
Acikogretim Fakultesi Ogrencilerinin Bos Zamanlarini Degerlendirme Egilimleri
[Evaluation of The Leisure Activities Trends of Open EducationFaculty's Students],
Seminar in Anadolu Universitesi, 12 March 1986, Eskisehir, Turkey. (In Turkish),
Yeni Bir Kitle Iletisim Araci Olarak Videonun Turk Toplumunda Insan Haklari Acisindan
Incelenmesi[The Examination of Video As Mass Media in Turkish Society], Seminar
on Cultural Change and Communication, Organized by UNESCO Turkey National
Committee, 4–5 April 1986, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish). 1986.
Universitelerde Bos Zaman Etkinliklerinin Dogal Hayati Korumaya Yonlendirilmesi
[Motivating of the Leisure Time activities in University], The Third Bandirma Kus
Cenneti Symposium, Bandirma, 3-5 June 1988. (In Turkish). 1988.
Identification of The Distance Education Students in Turkey: A Case Study on Open
Education Faculty presented at The International Conference Interaction and
Independence: Student Support in Distance Education and Open Learning,to be
held by The Council of Distance Education (ICDE) and The British Open University
Regional Academic Services at Downing Colledge, on September l9th-22 nd, 1989,
Cambridge, U.K. 1989
Older Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty, 9th
International Conference on New Concepts in Higher Education, June 17-20 1991,
Organized by The International Council For Innovation in Higher Education (ICIE),
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. 1991.
"Older Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of the Open Education Faculty",
Conference on Quality and Access in Distance Education, September 1991, Bath,
The United Kingdom. 1991.
After Ten Years of Distance Education in Turkey, What Lies Ahead, 16th ICDE World
Conference, 9-13 November 1992, Bangkok, Thailand. 1992.
Orta Asya Turki Cumhuriyetler ile Iletisimin Baslangici[Beginning of Communication in
Central Asian Turkic Republics, Economic Co-operation Organization Seminar on
Mass Media, Organized by Office of Priminister Directorate General of Press And
Information, 25-26.10.1995, Istanbul, Turkey. 1995.
Televizyonla Egitim-Education Via Television, (with Prof. Dr. Cuneyt BINATLI) Economic
Co-operation Organization Seminar on Mass Media, Organized by Office of
Priminister Directorate General of Press And information, 25-26.10.1995, Istanbul,
Turkey. (in Turkish). 1995.
Uzaktan Ogretim Sistemlerinde Gorev Alanlara Yonelik Surekli Hizmet-ici Egitim
Gerekliligi: AOF Ornegi Uzerine Bir Arastirma[Countinuing in-Service Training For
the Staff Who Are Working in Distance Education Systems], Turkiye 1. Uluslararasi
Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu[First Turkish Distance Education Symposium],
Ministry of Education, FRTEB, 12-15 Nov. 1996, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish).1996.
Turk Uzaktan Ogretim Uygulamalarini Iceren Bilimsel Etkinliklerinin Uluslararasi
Literaturde Yeralmasi Sorunu Uzerine Bazi Dusunceler[Some Notes and
Suggestions About Indexing Problem of the Scientific Activities Which Are
Conducted on Distance Education], Turkiye 1. Uluslararasi Uzaktan Egitim
Sempozyumu[First Turkish Distance Education Symposium], Ministry of Education,
FRTEB, 12-15 Nov. 1996, Ankara, Turkey. (In Turkish)1996.
Kuresellesme Karsisinda Yerellesmenin Onemi[Importance of Localization across
to the Globalization, Seminar on Problems of Local Press], Organized by Antakya
Gazeteciler Cemiyeti[Association Antakya Journalists, 11.4.1997, Antakya],
Turkey. (In Turkish). 1997.
Countinuing in-Service Training For The Staff Who Are Working in Distance Education
Systems: A Case Study on in-Service Training Suggestion For OEF Staff, World
Conference on Education in India: The Next Millennium, 12-14 November, 1997,
New Delhi, India. 1997.
Profile of Distance Education Graduates in the Job Market: A Case Study of the Open
Education Faculty Graduates in Turkey, Online EducBerlin 5th International
Conference on Technology Supported Learning Hotel InterContinental, Berlin, 24–
25 November, 1999, Germany. 1999.
Uzaktan Ogretimde Bir Ogrenci Destek Hizmeti olarak Gazetenin Onemi ve Rolu:
Geleneksel Gazeteden Sanal Gazeteye Dogru Bir Yaklasim[The Role and
importance of Newspaper in Distance Education Institutions as Being a Student
Support Service: An Approach From Traditional Newspaper To Virtual Journal For
OEF], Turkiye 2. Uluslararasi Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu[Second Turkish
Distance Education Symposium, Ministry of Education, FRTEB, 1998, Ankara,
Turkey. 1998.
Older Adult Graduates in Distance Education: A Case Study of The Open Education Faculty
in Turkey and Suggestion of TAET Model Project, "Education, Health, and Quality
of Life TALIS 1999 (Third Age Learning International Studies), July 21-24 1999, St.
Cloud University, Minnesota, USA. 1999.
Turkiye'de Uzaktan Egitim Uygulamalarini Konu Alan Arastirmalar Uzerine Bir
Degerlendirme[An Evaluation of the Researches Which are Conducted on Distance
Education Applications in Turkey], Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, 15-16 Kasım
1999, Korg. A Başyurt Seminer Salonu, Balgat Ankara. 1999.
Profile of Distance Education Graduates in the Job Market: A Case Study of the Open
Education Faculty Graduates in Turkey, ICTE South Africa 2000, Crossing the
Digital Divide: Improving the Quality of Life Through Educational Technology, 1619 April, 2000, Potchefstroom, South Africa. 2000.
SYSTEM: Pilot Study on Viewing-Benefits and Expectations Dimensions of Live TV
Programmes, 3rd TET 2001-Telecommunication for Education and Training
Conference, May 23-26, 2001, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 2001.
“The Role of Media in Shaping Intergenerational Communication Patterns: A CrosCultural Comparision”, International Symposium on Communication, April 11-13,
2001, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey. 2001.
AOF İletişim Merkezi, 1. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu, 28-30 Kasım
2001, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey. 2001.
Ethics Dance with Distance Education, (Key speech), V. International Educational
Technologies Conference, September 21-23, 2005, Sakarya, Turkey. 2005
Usage of the Materials and Technologies In Turkish Distance Education Applications, (Zeki
KAYA/Ugur DEMIRAY), ICODL 2005 3rd International Conference on Open and
Distance Learning: 'Applications of Pedagogy and Technology' Hellenic Open
University, Hellenic Network of Open & Distance Education 11-13 November 2005,
Patras, Grecee. 2005.
Dancing With Ethics for Distance Education, (Key speech) ICODL 2005 3rd International
Conference on Open and Distance Learning: 'Applications of Pedagogy and
Technology' Hellenic Open University, Hellenic Network of Open & Distance
Education 11-13 November 2005, Patras, and Grecee. 2005.
ETHICS ORCHESTRATING: The Roles of Universities for Virtual Learning, 2. International
Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium "Lifelong Open & Flexible
Learning in the Globalized World", September 13–15, 2006, Anadolu University
Eskişehir, TURKEY. 2006.
Zihin Engelli Çocuk Babalarının Web Tabanlı Eğitim Uygulaması Hakkındaki Görüşleri[The
Views About Web-Based Education Practice Of The Fathers Having Mentally
Retarded Children]. 2. Uluslararası Gelecek İçin Öğrenme Alanında Yenilikler
Konferansı 2008: e-Öğrenme, Demiray, U. & Fatih B. Meral. (2008). 27–29 Mart
2008, İstanbul, Türkiye. [Mentally dtroted 2nd International Future-Learning
Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future 2008: e-Learning, March 27–
29, 2008], held by Istanbul University Department of Informatics and Turkish
Informatics Foundation Distance Learning Platform (UzEP), Ortakoy, Pricess Hotel,
Istanbul, Turkey. 2008.
Marketing Strategies in Open Distance Learning and Online Education, Demiray, U. & N, S,
Sever. (2008). The 8th IETC-International Educational Technology Conference on
“Staff Deveyopment Matters, May 6th-9th 2008, held by Anadolu University,
published in proceedings book, p. 1318–1319, Eskişehir, Turkey. 2008.
Meta Communication for Knowledge Building Process in Distance Education From Point of
Meta Cognitive Structural Collaborated Model, Demiray, U. (2009). European
Humanities University Centre for Advanced Studies and Education, CASE Visual
CHANGE IN EASTERN EUROPE AFTER 1989”, May 21-22, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Marketing Strategies in Open Distance Learning and Online Education: An Alternative
Paradigm, Sever, N. S., Demiray, U. & Koçak, G. N. (2009). 2009 WASET
International Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education, June 24-26,
2009, Paris, France. 2009.
Education Journals, 3rd International Computer & Instructional Technologies Symposium
[3. Uluslararası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu], Demiray, U.
(2009). 7-9 October 2009 Trabzon, Turkey. 2009
Panel on Distance Education and eLearning Practices in the World. 20th Anniversary
Celebrations of European Universiy of Lefke, Demiray U. (2010). (Panelist).
19.04.2010, Lefke, North Cyprus Turkish Republic. 2010.
Lifelong Learning Through Second Life: Current Trends, Potentials And Limitations,
Canbek, G. N., Mavrommati, M., Makridou-Bousiou, D. & Demiray, U. (2010). IETC
2010, 26-28 April 2010, Bogaici Universiy, Istambul Turkey. 2010.
Learning Vitamins D-E-M-T-U Learning: Drugstore for Learners, Future-Learning2010, 3rd
International Conference on “Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010: eLearning”, Yamamoto, T. G., Ozan, O., & Demiray, U. (2010). May 10-14, 2010,
Istanbul-European Capital of Culture 2010, Istanbul. Turkey. 2010.
Student Motivation, Building Blocks And E-Learning Outcome, First Regional Conference
”E-Learning for Changing World: Global and Local Needs”, Misnevs, B., & Demiray,
U. (2010) on June 11-12, 2010, Hotel Centrum, Vilnius, Lithuania. 2010.
Mobile Learning Technologies & Educational Applications, Yamamoto, T. G., Ozan, O., &
Demiray, U. (2010). IODL & ICEM 2010 Joint Conference and Media, Anadolu
University and The International Council for Educational Media (ICEM-CIME), on
October 6-8, 2010, in Eskisehir Turkey. 2010.
Instructional Systems Design (ISD): Theory and Practice in Second Life, Canbek, G. N.,
Lominadze, T., Manjgaladze, M., & Demiray, U. (2010). IODL & ICEM 2010 Joint
Conference and Media, Anadolu University and The International Council for
Educational Media (ICEM-CIME), on October 6-8, 2010, in Eskisehir Turkey. 2010.
Unpublished papers
International Congress on Youth, Leisure and Physical Activity and Kinanthropometry IV,
held by Vrije Universiteit, on 21-25 May 1990, Brussels, Belqium.
Egitim Teknolojisinde Cagdas Gelismeler isiginda Uzaktan Ogretim, Egitim Teknolojisinde
Cagdas Gelismeler[Contemporary Educational Develepments and Distance
Education Technology, Meeting on For the Memory of Prof. Dr. Alisan Hizal, 22
April 1994, Anadolu University Faculty of Education Eskisehir, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Basin Ozgurlugu[Press Freedom], Konya Selcuk University 20th Anniversary Activities,
1.4.1995, Konya, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Spor Muhabirlerinin Sorunlari[Problems of the sport Journalist], Organized by Turkiye
Spor Yazarlari Dernegi[Assocation of Sports Journalists], 14. 4. 1995, Levent,
Istanbul, Turkey. (in Turkish)
Iletisim Otesi Iletisim[Meta Communication], Mersin University, Anamur, Mersin, Turkey,
22. 4. 1996, Mersin, (in Turkish)
Yerel Basinda Bireyin Kendini Bulmasi Sorunsali[Problematic of the Person and Way of
Find out by Expressing Himself, in Local Press, Cumhuriyetin Kurulusunun 75.
Yilinda Yerel Basin ve Yeni Politika Arayislari[Finding a New Path For Local Press
at the 75. Anniversary of Turkish Republic], Antakya Gazeteciler Cemiyeti-AGC
[Association Antakya Journalists], 08.3.1998, Antakya, Turkey. (In Turkish)
The role of the media in shaping intergenerational communication patterns: A
crosscultural comparison of student responses in Turkey and the U.S. Litterst, J., &
Demiray, U. (April, 2001). Paper presented at the International Symposium on the
Manipulation Power of the Media , Anadolu University, Eskisehir (N=125).
Elektronik Akademik Dergi Yayinciligi: Türk Uzaktan Egitiminde TOJDE Orneği [Electronic
Scholar Journalism: A case Study of TOJDE], Açıköğretim Fakültesi 20. Kuruluş Yılı
Nedeniyle, Uluslararası Katılımlı Açik Ve Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu’unda
Elektronik Yayıncılık Konulu Workshop, 23–25 MAYIS 2002, Anadolu Üniversitesi,
Yayin Etigi Bgğlamında Elektronik Yayinlarda Karsilasilan Sorunlar ve Cozum Onerileri
[Problems on Electronic Journal Publishing Through Scolarly Publishing Ethics and
Suggestions], International Conference in Communication and Media Studies
“Ethics in Communication”, May 5-7, 2004, Faculty of Communication and Media
Studies of Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
(In Turkish)
Elektronik Akademik Dergi Yayinciliginda Karsilastirmali İki Ornek: TOJDE ve
WWW Distance Education [ComperativelyTwo examples: TOJDE and WWW
Distance Education are on Scholarly Electronic Journalism], Elektronik Yayincilik
Sempozyumu, Istanbul Universitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dekanligi, Fakulte Kurul
Odasi, 3. 06. 2004, Istanbul Turkey.
Elektronik Akademik Uzaktan Egitim Dergisi Tojde: Icerik Analizine Dayali Bir
Degerlendirme [TOJDE as Being Journal of Distance Education as an Electronic
Scholarly: Evaluation Based on to Content Analysis]. IV. International Educational
Technology Symposium and Fair [IV. Uluslararasi Egitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum
ve Fuari], November 24–26, 2004, Sakarya, Turkey. (In Turkish).
Online Journals (Online Dergiler), 22.09.2005, 12.00–13.00, Katılımcılar-Participients:
Ugur DEMİRAY-TOJDE, Aytekin ISMAN-TOJET, Arif ALTUN–Ilköğretim Online,
Fahme DABAJ-TOJET, Gulsevil TURAN– e-Journal, V. International Educational
Technologies Conference[V. Uluslararasi Egitim Teknolojileri Sempozyum ve
Fuari], September 21–23, 2005, Sakarya, Turkey.
Distance Education in Turkey, Workshop On Global Unıversıty System & E-Learning, 19
October 2006, Thursday, TOBB Economics and Technology University, Red Hall,
Ankara, Turkey.
Dancıng Wıth Meta-Communıcatıon For Dıstance Educaton: Functions and Role of Metacommunication Concept For Knowledge Building Process in Distance Education,
Demiray, U. (2008), ACS 2008 Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, July 3–7,
2008, Kingston, The University of the West Indies (UWI), Jamaica. In addition this
presentation is published in FormaMante, Anno III, No. 3-4, 2008, pp.111-140,
Rome, Italy.
Knowledge Building and Meta Communication at a Distance and Open Learning
Environtments, UNAK'08 "Bilgi: Farklılık ve Farkındalık, 9-11 Ekim 2008, Durmuş
Yaşar Konferans Salonu, Yaşar Üniversitesi, Izmir, Türkiye.
İletişim Fakülteleri Akademik Dergilerinin Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceğe Bir Bakış, Demiray
U. (2010). Istanbul Universitesi Iletişim Fakültesi 60. Yıl Etkinlikleri, 27 Nisan
2010, rektörlük Binası Beyazıt, Istanbul. 2010.
Panel on“Faculty Attitudes Towards e-Learning: Experiences from Turkey and USA”,
Demiray U. Panelist). May 12, 2010- 15:00-17:00, Istanbul Universitesi Iletişim
Fakültesi 60. Yıl Etkinlikleri Istanbul University, Doctoral Hall, Istanbul University,
Istanbul, Turkey. 2010.
Türkiye’de Uzaktan Eğitim Ve Kullanılan Teknolojiler, Bilgi Çağında Eğitim ve Malatya
Sempozyumları-I, Demiray U. (2010). (Panelist). 16-18 Mayıs, 2010, Malatya
Sempozyumları-I ,Belediye Konferans Salonu, BİLSAM (Bilgi Yolu Eğitim, Kültür ve
Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi),, Malatya.
Translated Articles
"Bir Egitim Teknolojisi Araci Olarak Video", Tranlated by: Ugur DEMIRAY, Milli
Egitim[Journal of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education Publications: 763,
Ankara, Temmuz-August-September, pp. 49-53, 1987, Ankara, Turkey. (Original
Source: Allex, DIEL. "Videotape As a Tool of Educational Technology", Paper
presented at iN international Seminar on Educational Technology 31. 5. 1978'de
Eskisehir I.T.I.A. Eskisehir, Turkey.)
"Video Sahiplerinin Kablo Servislerinden Yararlanmalari", Translated by: Ugur DEMIRAY,
Cagdas Bir Egitim Araci: VIDEO, Arastirma-Kuram-Uygulama[Video as A
Contemporary Educational Tool: Research, Theory, An Application, (Editor Cengiz
TEKIN), Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance Education
Foundation Publications, Number: 004, pp. 65-73, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Original
Source: Michael, J. MURRAY-Sylvia, E. WHITE. "VCR Owners' Use of Pay Cable
Services", Journalism Quarterly, Spring Leisure, pp.193-195, 1987.)
"Ingilizce Ogretiminde Video Kullanimi", Tranlated by: Ugur DEMIRAY, Cagdas Bir Egitim
Araci: VIDEO, Arastirma- Kuram-Uygulama[Video as A Con temporary Educational
Tool: Research, Theory, An Application, (Editor Cengiz TEKIN), Anadolu University
Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publications, Number:
004, s.189-206, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Original Source: John McGOVERN "Video
in English Language Teaching", Educational Broadcast ing international, September,
pp. 126–128, 1980, USA.)
"Ogretim Srecinde Videogramlar", Tranlated by: Ugur DEMIRAY, Cagdas Bir Egitim Araci:
VIDEO, Arastirma- Kuram-Uygulama[Video as A Contemporary Educational Tool:
Research, Theory, An Application, (Editor Cengiz TEKIN), Anadolu University
Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation Publications, Number:
004, pp. 137–148, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Original Source: Margareta INGELSTAM,
"Videograms in Teaching", Whiter Video Communication Community or Public
Property, pp. 38–45, 1977, Stockholm, Sweden.)
"Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman Kavrami", Translated by: Ugur DEMIRAY and Ergul HAN,
Kitle Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman[Mass Media and Leisure Time, (Editor: Ugur
DEMIRAY) Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance Education
Foundation Publications, Number: 006, pp. 27–49, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Original
Source: Karl NESSMANN, "Freitzeit-Mechienzeit" Sehen Horen Bilden, SeptemberOctober, pp.5–9, 1985 Vien -Austria.)
"Bos Zamanlarda Kitle Iletisim Araclarinin Egitim Ortaminda Kullanimi", Tranlated by:
Ugur DEMIRAY, Kitle Iletisim Araclari ve Bos Zaman[Mass Media and Leisure Time,
(Editor: Ugur DEMIRAY) Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance
Education Foundation Publications, Number: 006, pp.51–69, 1988, Eskisehir,
Turkey. (Original Source: Karl NESSMANN, "Media Education in Leisure Time",
Journalof Educational Television, Britain, pp.1-16, 1985.)
"Televizyon ve Bos Zaman: Yeni Bir Senaryo", Tranlated by: Ugur DEMIRAY, Kitle Iletisim
Araclari ve Bos Zaman[ Mass Media and Leisure Time, (Editor: Ugur DEMIRAY),
Anadolu University Educational Technology and Distance Education Foundation
Publications, Number: 006, pp. 115–142, 1988, Eskisehir, Turkey. (Original Source:
John P. ROBINSON, "Television and Leisure Time: A New Scenario", Journal of
Communication, Summer, Volume 28, Number 3, pp. 137–141, 1975, USA.)
Kitle Iletisiminde Cozumleme Yontemleri, (Edited by Nazmi Ulutak, Asli Tunc), Anadolu
University Education Health and Science Foundation Publications, Number: 91,
1993, Eskisehir, (Tranlated by: Ugur DEMIRAY, pp. 67–88). (Original Source: Asa
Arthur BERGER, Media Analysis Techniques, Sage Publications, 1982, USA.)
Film Dilinin Grameri 1–2-3, (Edited by: Yalcin Demir), Anadolu University Publications,
Publication Numbers: 727/12, 723/13, 724/14, 1993, Eskisehir, (Tranlated by: Ugur
DEMIRAY, pp. 339–435). second edititon of this translation published by Kavram
Publishing House, Istanbul, 1995. (Original Source: Daniel ARIJON, Grammar of the
Film Language, Focal Press Limited, A Wheaton and Co., first Ed. 1976, Exeter, Great
Iletisim Modelleri, (Ed: Ugur DEMIRAY and Banu DAGTAS), Anadolu University Education
Health and Science Foundation Publications, Number: 92, January 1994, Eskisehir.
(Original Source: Denis McQUIL ve Sven WHINDAL. Communication Models For the
Study of Mass Communications, Longman inc. New York, 1981, USA.)
Baskalariyla Yasayabilmek, (Edited by: Sezen UNLU and Ugur DEMIRAY), Pyschological
and Guiding Center of Anadolu University Publications, 1993, Eskisehir. (Original
Source: Ronald G. Cave v D.A.F. Conochie , Living With The Other People, Ward Lock
Educational Company LTD., 1965, London, Melbourne.)
Jury memberships
Cengiz CICEK. (March-1992)Toplumsal Iletisim Acisindan Siyasal Iktidar ve Turk Basini
Iliskiler [Relationships of Government and Turkish Press From Point of Societal
CommunicationWiev], (MA Thesis-Member-Success), Anadolu University, Graduate
Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Gulriz YMER. (1990) Fen Bilgisi Ogretiminde Gosteri (Demonstration) ve Radyo ile
Ogretim Yonteminin Ogrenci Basarisina Etkisi [The Effect of Student Success of the
DemonstrationTechnique in Science Education via Radio Teaching Method], (MA
Thesis-Member-Success), Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social
Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
M. Tarkan OGUZ, (Sept., 1995) Turkiye'deki Spor Gazetelerinin Toplumsal Islevleri
[Societal Functions of Sport Press in Turkey], (MA Thesis-Member-Success),
Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Rusen YILMAZ. (Sept., 1995) Bilgisayar Destekli Egitimde Basili Destek Materyaller
[Printed Materials in Computer Assisted Education], (MA Thesis-Member-Success),
Anadolu University, GraduateInstitution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
M. Nazan ARSLANER. (Dec., 1995) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-chair-success),
Selcuk University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Konya, Turkey.
Rıfat KARAMAN. (Dec., 1995) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-Member-Success), Selcuk
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Turkey.
Oguz UNLUER. (Sept., 1995) Televizyon Yayinciliginin Iletisim Ortami, Duzen ve
Politikalari ile Turkiye'deki Uygulamanin Gelisim Boyutlari [Developing Aspects of
Television Broadcastingin Turkey: Perspectives onf Communicational Environment,
Its Politics and Application Wiev], (Ph.D. Thesis-Member-Success), Anadolu Univ.,
Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
SULEYMAN KARACOR. (June, 1996) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-Member-Success),
Selcuk University, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitsu, Konya, Turkey.
Mehmet FIDAN. (June, 1996) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-Member-Success), Selcuk
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Turkey.
Aysel GUNAY. (July, 1996) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-Member-Success), Selcuk
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Turkey.
Goksel SIMSEK. (July, 1996) (Doktora Yeterlilik/approphondy-Chair-Success), Selcuk
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Turkey.
Ilknur ULUTAK. Magdi Rufer=Biographic Documentary of Magdi RUFER, (MA Fine ArtsMember-Success), Marmara University, Graduate Institution Fine Arts, 17 Sept.,
1996,Istanbul, Turkey.
Ozden CANDEMIR. (Sept. 1996) Kinik Koyu -COMLEK=Kinik Village and Ceramic, (MA Fine
Arts-Member-Success), Marmara University, Graduate Institution Fine Arts,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Nejdet ATABEK. (March, 1997) Gundem Belirleme Modeli ve Enflasyon, Trafik ve Sosyal
Guvenlik Konularindaki Gerceklerle Medya ve Kamu Gundemlerinin Karsilastirilmasi
[Comperations of Realities on Traffic-Inflation-Social Security in Media and Public
Actual From Point of Agenda-Setting Approach], (Ph.D. Thesis-Member-Success),
Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Arzu CELEN. (May 1997) Kitle Iletisim Cozumleme Yontemlerinden Toplumbilimsel
Cozumleme yontemi acisindan Reality Show Programlarinin Incelenmesi: Sicagi
Sicagina ProgramiOrnegi [A Research of Reality Show Programs on TV From Point of
Social Science Analyzing Method As Being One of Media Analyzing Method: A Case
Study on Sicagi Sicagina], (MA Thesis-Member-Success), Anadolu University,
Graduate Institution of SocialSciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Aytug SENTURK. (August, 1997) Basin ve Siyaset Iliskilerinin Kamuoyu Olusturma
Baglaminda Yapisal Incelemesi ve Turkiye'de Susurluk Olayindaki Uygulamali
Konumu Karsisinda YenidenDuzenlenmesi [Relationships of Press and Politic for
Occuring Public Opinion Content: A New Restuctring across the SUSURLUK Event],
(MA Thesis-Member-Success), Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social
Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Soner CAVKAYTAR. (August, 1997) Magazin Basini ve Basinda Magazine Yonelis Nedenleri
[Magazine Press and Causes of Magazining in the Press, (MA Thesis-Memberunsuccess), AnadoluUniversity, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir,
Erhan ARSLAN. (Nov., 1997) Turkiye'de Yerel Basinin Kentlesme Sureci Icindeki Yeri ve
Onemi=Role and Importance of Local Press in Urbanization Period, (MA ThesisMember-Success),Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences,
Senay BUYUKCAN. Ulusal Gazetelerde Yer Alan Haber Fotograflarinda Kadin
Profili=Women Profile in News Photos at Turkish Dailies, (MA Thesis-MemberSuccess),Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, 10 Jan., 1998,
Erkan YUKSEL. (1996) Turkiyede Ekonomi Basini ve Siyasal Gundem Iliskileri
(Ozellestirme Konusu Orneginde Bir Gundem Belileme Calismasi)=Relationshps of
the Economy PressandPolitical Agenda in Turkey: A Search on Privazatation Issue
by Agenda-Setting Approach, Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social
Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Coskun HALICI, (2007) Gazete Haberlerinde Kadına Yönelik Şiddet: Posta ve Takvim
Gazetelerinde Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Haberleri Üzerine ir Araştırma, Anadolu
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey
Filiz SECIM. (1998) (Associate Professor Jury Member), Anadolu University, 1998,
Eskisehir, Turkey
Sermin TEKINALP. (1998) (Professor Jury Member), Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yasemin INCEOGLU. (1999) (Professor Jury Member), Marmara University, Istanbul,
Cuneyt BINATLI. (1999) (Professor Jury Member), Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Veysel BATMAZ. (1999) (Professor Jury Member), Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yavuz AKPINAR. (2008) (Professor Jury Member), Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Committee Membership
Anadolu Universitesi Akademik Danışma Kurulu Uyeligi [Committee member of Academic
Advosary, Anadolu University], Eskişehir, (February 1998-2003).
Anadolu Universitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi Yeniden Yapılanma Komisyon Uyeligi
[Committee member of reorganization of Open Education Faculty], Eskişehir,
(February 1998-2002).
Memberships of Program/Advisory Committee and
Scientific at the Inernational Symposiums and Conferences
Turkiye 1. Uluslararasi Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu [First Turkish Distance
Education Symposium], Ministry of Education, FRTEB, November 12-15, 1996,
Ankara, Turkey.
Turkiye 2. Uluslararasi Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu [Second Turkish Distance
Education Symposium], Ministry of Education, FRTEB, May 4-8, 1998, Ankara,
1st International Educational Technology Symposium and Fair [I. Uluslararası
Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Fuarı], November 28-30, 2001, Sakarya,
Açıköğretim Fakültesi 20. Kuruluş Yılı Nedeniyle, Uluslararası Katılımlı Açık ve
Uzaktan Eğitim Sempozyumu, 23-25 Mayıs 2002, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir.
2nd International Educational Technology Symposium and Fair [II. Uluslararası
Eğitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Fuarı], November 24-26, 2002, Sakarya,
3rd International Educational Technology Symposium and Fair [III. Uluslararasi
Egitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Fuarı], 28-30 May, 2003, Gazimağusa,
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
1st International Symposium in the Millenium: A Dialoge Betwen Turkish and
American Scholars [Birinci Uluslararası İletişim Sempozyumu: Türk ve Amerikalı
İletişimcilerle Buluşma], Cooperation with Texas-Austin University, İstanbul
University and Anadolu University, February 19-21, 2003, Texas, Austin, USA.
2nd International Symposium in the Millenium: A Dialoge Betwen Turkish and
American Scholars [İkinci Uluslararası İletişim Sempozyumu: Türk ve Amerikalı
İletişimcilerle Buluşma], Cooperation with Texas-Austin University, İstanbul
University and Anadolu University, May 17–19, 2004, İstanbul Üniversitesi,
4th International Educational Technology Symposium and Fair [4. Uluslararasi
Egitim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu ve Fuari], November 24-26, 2004, Sakarya
University, Sakarya, Turkey.
ICCE 2004 International Conference on Computers in Education, November 30 December 3, 2004, Melbourne, Australia.
Birinci uluslararası Gelecek Icin Ogrenme Alaninda Yenilikler Konferansi: Eogrenme [First International Conferece on Innovation in Learning Area for
Future: E-Learning], 26-27 October, 2004, Istanbul University, Istanbul.
IETC – 2005 V. Internatıonal Educatıonal Technologıes Conference 21–23
September, 2005, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey.
IETC – 2005 VI. Internatıonal Educatıonal Technologıes Conference 19–21 April
2006, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.
2nd International Open and Distance Learning (IODL) Symposium "Lifelong
Open & Flexible Learning in the Globalized World", September 13–15, 2006,
Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey.
IETC – 2005 VII. Internatıonal Educatıonal Technologıes Conference 03–05 May
2007, Near East University, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.
4th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning-Forms of Democracy
in Education: Open Access and Distance Education, 23–25 November 2007,
Organized by the Ηellenic Open University Open University of Cyprus Hellenic
Network of Open & Distance Education Athens, Greece.
The first International Computer and Educational Technology Symposium, on 16–
18 May 2007, Canakkale University in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of
Education General Directorate for Educational Technology, Canakkale, Turkey.
3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity: Creating a Culture of
Integrity, University of South Australia, 6-7 December 2007.
The 5th. International Symposium Communication in the Millennium. May 16-18,
2007 In Cooperation with University of Texas at Austin (USA), Anadolu
University (Turkey), Istanbul University (Turkey), Hosted by Indiana UniversityBloomington School of Journalism.
Halkla İlişkiler Eğitimi Eğilimleri Arama Konferansı[Trend of Public Relation
Education], 24-26 Ekim 2007-Kocaeli, Kocaeli University.
The 8th IETC-International Educational Technology Conference on May 6th - 9th
2008, at Anadolu University in Eskisehir, Turkey.
The 6th. International Symposium Communication in the Millennium. May 2008
In Cooperation with University of Texas at Austin (USA), Anadolu University
(Turkey), Istanbul University (Turkey), Hosted by Indiana UniversityBloomington School of Journalism.
The WCCI 13th World Conference (2nd Biennial World Conference), September
2-6, 2008, at the Maritim Pine Beach Resort in Antalya, Turkey.
7th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, May 18– 20,
2009, University of Texas at Austin (USA), The Association of Turkish and
American Communication Scholars (ATACS) 2008-2009 Board Member.
3. Uluslararası Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 7–9 Ekim
2009 Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi-Trabzon, Türkiye. Bilim Kurulu üyesi.
A- MA Thesis
Erkan YÜKSEL (1996). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Basının Gelişimi ve Basında Ekonomiden
Ekonomi Basınına: Kavram ve Kapsam Açısından Uygulamalı Bir Çalışma, Anadolu
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eylül 1996, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Yalçın KAYA. (1996). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Basının Gelişimi ve Türk Basınında Spor
Haberlerinin Haber Öğeleri Açısından İncelenmesi: Kavram ve Kapsam Acısından
Uygulamalı Bir Çalışma, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eylül, 1996,
Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Deniz KILIÇ (1998). “Kaynak-Muhabir İlişkisi Modeli Açısından: Parlamento Muhabiri”,
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eylül, 1998, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Saffet PAMUK (2002) “Kitle İletişim Çözümleme Yöntemleri ve Bu Yöntemlerden
Toplumbilimsel Çözümleme Yöntemi İle ‘Zübük’ Filminin İncelenmesi”, Anadolu
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mayıs, 2002, Eskişehir, Türkiye. Yükseklisans.
(2005). “Belgesel Fotoğrafın Propagandacı Tavrı: AFSAD Fotoğraf
Dergisindeki İşçi Fotoğraflarının İncelenmesi (1978-1979)”, Anadolu Üniversitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Aralık, 2005, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Bekir Fatih MERAL (2006). “Zihin Engelli Çocuk Babalarının Bir İletişim Sunumu Olarak
Web Tabanlı Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulaması Hakkındaki Görüşleri”, Anadolu Üniversitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eylül, 2006, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
Banu O. ARSLANYILMAZ (2008) ‘’ Yerel Kamuoyunun Oluşununda Yerel Bsının Önemi:
Amasya Örneği, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eylül, 2008,
Eskisehir, Türkiye.
Melis Pınar ODACIOĞLU (2012). “Uzaktan Eğitim Programlarının Tasarımı: UZEM
Yöneticilerinin Görüşleri” [Desinging of The Distance Education Programs: Wiev of
the UZEM Administers’], Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mayıs, 2012,
Eskiehir, Türkiye.
Fatma Nur DEMİR (2012). Televizyonda Kamuoyu Bilgilendirme Amaçlı Mesaj Oluşturma
ve Yönlendirme Sürecinde Sunucu/Yorumcunun İşlevsel Rolü [The Fuctional Role
Commentators Throughout the Process of Orienting Public Opinion and Message in
Television], Anadolu universitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mayıs, 2012, Eskisehir,
Ph.D. Dissertations
Ali Murat VURAL. (1998) Bir Iletisim Kurumu Olarak Yerel Basinin Kamuoyu Olusumu
Surecindeki Islevi Ve Yerel Basin-Kamuoyu Ilisikileri: Eskisehir Basini Orneginde
birUygulama[Role and Function of the Local Press Occuring Public Opinion Period As
Being One of Communicational Institution: Case Study of Eskisehir Press Case],
(Ph.D.), Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, 6June 1997,
Eskisehir, Turkey.
Erkan YUKSEL. (1999) Türkiye’de Yazılı Ekonomi Basının Devletin Ekonomi Politikasını
Etkilemede Kamuoyu Gücü: Özelleştirme Konusu Açısından Uygulamalı Bir
Çalışma[Public opininon power of economic press and its effects at government
economic policy], (Ph.D.), Anadolu University, Social Science Institute, Eskisehir,
Aysel GUNAY. (2001) Uzaktan Egitim Kurumlarinin Pazarlama Etkinlikleri [Marketing
Activities of Distance Education Institutions, (PhD.) Selcuk University, Graduate
Institution of Social Sciences, Konya, Turkey.
Ahmet Yalcın KAYA. (2002). Turkiye'de Spor Basinin Politik Islevleri [Political Functions of
the Sport Press in Turkey], (Ph.D.), Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of
Social Sciences, Eskisehir,Turkey.
Secil BANAR. (2002) Turk Basininda Elestiri ve Yorum Hakki: Sevki Yilmaz Ornegi[An
Applied Research of the Turkish Dailies Critics and Interpretation Right: A Case
Study of Sevki Yilmaz], (Ph.D.), Anadolu University, Graduate Institution of Social
Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Berrin Avcı ÇÖLGEÇEN (2008) Türkiye’de Kültür ve Sanat Sponsorluğu: Türkiye İş
Bankası, Efes Pilsen ve TÜRSAK Örneğuinde Sorunlar-Çözüm Önerileri, Anadolu
Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Eskişehir, Türkiye.
ÖZGÜRLÜĞÜNÜN KULLANIMI: Coşkun Ak Davası Örneği[Expression Freedom From
Poin of Broadcasting wiew in Internet: A Case of Coskun Ak], (Ph.D.), Anadolu
University, Graduate Institution of Social Sciences, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Editorial Board
The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), Editor-in-Chief, ISSN 13026488, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskisehir, Turkey (2000-). Only Electronic Journal.
Quarterly Review of Distance Education (QRDE), Editor, ISSN 1528-3518, Association for
Educational Communication and Technology, Information Age Publishing, Miami,
USA. (2000-). Printed and Electronic Journal.
The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET), Editor, ISSN 13303–6521,
Sakarya Universitesi, Adapazari, Turkey. (2002-), Only Electronic Journal.
Universite ve Toplum, Editor, Ankara, Turkey. (2002-). Only Electronic Journal.
Asian Journal of Distance Education (AsianJDE), Editor, Fukuoka 839-8508, ISSN 1347–
9008. Japan. (2003-), Printed and Electronic Journal.
Open Education-The Journal for Open and Distance Education and Educational
Technology, Editor, Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education, Patra,
Greece. (2004-), Printed and Electronic Journal.
Sınırsız Öğrenme Dergisi [Journal of Learning Witout Frontiers], (2004-). Editor, ISSN
1303-7625, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Eğitek, Ankara, Turkey, Only Electronic Journal.
The e-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology (e-JIST), (2004-), Editor, ISSN
1324-0781,,University of Southern Queensland, Only Electronic Journal,
Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development, (2004-). Only Electronic
Journal, LEID Centre and by the Faculty of Informatics and Communication,
Central Queensland University, Australia. ISSN: 1832-2050,
The International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and
Communication Technology (IJEDICT), (2004-) Only Electronic Journal, The University of the West Indies, Bridgetown,
Barbados, West Indies.
Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology (MOJIT) (2004-), Editor, ISSN
1823-1144, Only Electronic Journal, Malaysian
Educational Technology Association (META), Malaysia.
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Anadolu University Journal of Social
Sciences], Anadolu University, Eskisehir, (2005 April-), Printed Journal.
EGITIM ARASTIRMALARI DERGISI (Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, EJER), Ani
Yayincilik, Ankara, Turkey. (2005 April-). Printed and Electronic Journal.,
The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (ISSN 18129129), Printed Journal Reviewer (2006)
Education and Progress eJournal-EPeJ (2006-), Associate Editor, Only Electronic Journal,, Syria.
E-Journal of Yaşar University (2006-), Editorial Board,, ISSN
1305-970X, Yaşar University, Izmir Turkey
FormaMente, official journal of GUIDE Association-Global Universities in Distance
Education, (2007), ISSN 1970-7118, Printed and Electronic Journal, Rome Italy,
Educational Research and Reviews (2007-), Associate Editor, Only Electronic Journal,
(ISSN 1990-3839),
Ilorin Journal of Education, (2007-), University of Ilorin, Conusulting Editor, Only
Electronic Journal, Nigeria,
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning-IJ-SoTL, (2007-),
Editorial Review Board, ISSN 1931-4744, Electronic Journal, Center for Excellence
in Teaching at Georgia Southern University,
Journal of Educational Research (JER), (2009-), Dept of Education IUB, Pakistan,
advisoryl Board ISSN 1027-9776
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, (2009-), ISSN : 1306-3111,
International Journal of Education Economics and Development (IJEED), (2009-), ISSN
(Online): 1759-5681, ISSN (Print): 1759-5673
The Open Education Journal (OEJ), (2009 November),
Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies (JEAPS), (2009- ), monthly
Printed and Online journal,
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (IJECS) referee/hakem (2009
January- ) ISSN 2073-9729 ISSN 2073-9729,
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJONTE), Editorial
Board, (2010- ),
eInternational Journal of Educational Research (eIJER), (2010 July- ), Alan Editorü/Field
Editor, ISSN 1309-6265,
Advisory, Scientific Board and Refree
ANATOLIA An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Advisory Board,
ISSN 1303-2917, Ankara, Turkey. since 1999, Printed and Electronic Journal.
Uzaktan Egitim Dergisi, Advisory Board, Uzaktan Eğitim Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara, Turkey,
(1998-2000). Printed Journal.
Mugla Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Advisory Board, Mugla Universitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Mugla, since 2001, Printed Journal.
Sosyal ve Ekonomik Aratirmalar Dergisi, Advisory Board, Selcuk Universitesi Iktisadi ve
Idari Bilimler Fakultesi, Konya, since 2002, Printed Journal.
Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, Advisory Board, Selcuk Universitesi
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu, Konya, since 2004, Printed Journal.
International Journal on E-Learning, AACE (Association for the Advancement of Compiting
in Education),, Nortfolk, VA,23514, USA, Electronic Journal,
since 2004.
Journal of Osmangazi University Social Science Institute, since, 2003, Eskisehir, Turkey.
Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Comunication (İletişim), since 2002 , Istanbul,
Journal of Kocaeli University Faculty of Comunication (KILAD), since, 2003, Kocaeli,
Journal of Gazi University Faculty of Communication (Gazi Iletisim), since 2000, Ankara,
Journal of Selcuk University Faculty of Communication (Iletisim), since 2000-, Konya,
Journal of Selcuk University Social Science Institute, Issue: 11, since 2004, Konya,
Special issue of the Electronic Journal of Communication (EJC), since 2005,
FormaMente, official journal of GUIDE Association-Global Universities in Distance
Education, ISSN 1970-7118, Printed and Electronic Journal, Rome Italy, 2007,, since 2005.
Educational Quest (EQ), Academic Advisors Board, New Delhi Publishers,
http:/, since 2012, Print: ISSN No. 0976-725, Online: ISSN No.
2230-7311, India.