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Ege University ADİKAM & EKAM
II. Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Languages, Cultures and Gender
Wednesday 11 May 2016
Hall A (Nuri Bilgin Conference Hall)
Registration and Morning Coffee
Welcoming Speeches & Keynote Lecture
Kimberly Hart “Considering Gender and Culture in Turkey Today”
Chair: Dilek Direnç
Coffee Break
Esra Sahtiyancı Öztarhan “Neither a Man, nor a Woman, But Both:
Jeffrey Eugenides‟ Middlesex”
Merve Kansız “Feminist Narratology in Adrienne Kennedy‟s A Movie Star
has to Star in Black and White”
Klára Kolinská “Unnatural and Accidental Women:” Enacting Gendered
Violence in the Works of Native Canadian Playwrights”
Chair: Carlos A. Sanz Mingo
Mustafa Demirel “Revising Mythical Women: The Penelopiad and Margaret
Atwood‟s Obscure Female Characters”
Erkin Kıryaman “Body, Language and Narrative in Margaret Atwood‟s
The Penelopiad”
Canan Şavkay “Maternal Virtues and Political Resistance in Margaret
Atwood‟s Oryx and Crake”
Chair: Nilsen Gökçen
Coffee Break
Biray Anıl Birer Gender Roles Reversed of Reproduced? Dating and
Hookup Culture within Tinder: The Case of Istanbul”
Egemen Kepekçi “Analysis of the Usage of Dating App Hornet Among
Gay Men: Istanbul Case”
Chair: Önder Çetin
Conference Reception:
Cocktail Prolongé at Ege University’s Ethnography Museum Garden
Hall B (Ahmet Arslan Conference Hall)
Hatice Yurttaş “Representation of Women in George Eliot‟s Middlemarch”
Begüm Tuğlu “Gender Representations and Animal Imagery in D. H.
Lawrence‟s „The Prussian Officer‟”
Nilsen Gökçen “Stains, Humans and Fauns”
Chair: Nevin Yıldırım Koyuncu
Devrim Burcu Eğilmez “Karagöz‟s Zenne or Ottoman Women”
Petek Onur “Articulation of Orientalist Biases in Two Ethnographies on
Turkish Women and Islam: The Seed and the Soil and A World of Difference”
Veysel Mehmet Elgin “Intersection of Culture and Literature: Examining
Three Well-Known Novels within the Framework of Honor Culture”
Chair: Adelina Hasani
Adelina Hasani “Cultural Hegemony: Culture of Gender (In)Equality”
Pınar Ezgi Burç “To Look at LGBTI from Youth Perspective”
Chair: Maria Paraschiv
Ege University ADİKAM & EKAM
II. Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Languages, Cultures and Gender
Thursday 12 May 2016
Hall A (Nuri Bilgin Conference Hall)
Keynote Lecture
Slobodan Dan Paich “Lives and Texts: Oral Traditions, Text Fragments,
Legible Poems and Personal Narratives”
Chair: Züleyha Çetiner-Öktem
Coffee Break
Carlos A. Sanz Mingo “Coward Knights and Brave Damsels in Arthurian
Feryal Çubukçu “The Interface between the Disneyfication of Mulan and
the Chinese Reconstruction of the Story „Hua Mulan‟”
Züleyha Çetiner-Öktem “Creating a Space of One‟s Own: Dialogues of
Gender in Terry Pratchett‟s Discworld”
Chair: Klára Kolinská
PANEL SESSION: Manifestoes of Gender Crises in Woolf and
Ufuk Gündoğan “Outside the Gender Binary: Constructing Sexual
Identity in Virginia Woolf‟s Orlando”
Devrim Çetin Güven “National and Sexual Identity Crises of a Sociopath
in Yukio Mishima‟s The Temple of the Golden Pavilion”
Chair: Şebnem Toplu
Coffee Break
Film Screening and Commentary/Discussion
Invited Speaker: Zeynep Kılıç “Tables of Istanbul: Food as Migrant
Language and Cultural Signifier”
Chair: Rezzan Silkü
Hall B (Ahmet Arslan Conference Hall)
Zeynep Şahintürk “„You tried to cut off my tongue, but it didn‟t work:‟
Motherhood and the Violence of Language in Maxine Hong Kingston‟s
The Woman Warrior”
Gönül Bakay “Gendered Language in Jean Rhys‟ Wide Sargasso Sea”
Yamen Rahwan “Angela Carter and Postmodernist Allegory”
Chair: Esra Sahtiyancı Öztarhan
Nazife Aydınoğlu “The Language of Woman War Poets of WWI”
Fahriye Dinçer “Translating Between Languages and Cultures: The
Experience of Translating Joan Scott‟s Work into Turkish”
Chair: Slobodan Dan Paich
Ege University ADİKAM & EKAM
II. Literature & Cultural Studies Conference
Languages, Cultures and Gender
Friday 13 May 2016
Hall A (Nuri Bilgin Conference Hall)
PANEL SESSION: Gender Plasticity: Gender Roles from Neurons
to Society
Zeynep Başgöze “The Sculpture of Gender: A Highly Flexible Brain”
Nilay Pekel Uludağlı “Fairy Tales and Cartoons as a Method for Passing
Down Gender Roles”
Dilay Eldoğan “Gender Roles and Psychological Disorders: Anxious
Women, Aggressive Men”
Leman Korkmaz “I am not Sexist: Gender-based Prejudices at Implicit
Zuhal Yeniçeri “(R)evolution of Women: From Lucy to Katrina”
Chair: Konca Yumlu
Coffee Break
Yusuf Gürhan Topçu “Representations of Women in Dogme 95 Films”
Şirin Dilli and Berrin Avcı “Beyond the Camera: Women Screenwriters
in Turkish Cinema”
Meriem Ouahidi and Farida Mokhtari “Women‟s Body in Moroccan
Print Ads”
Chair: Funda Civelekoğlu
Ansı Sev Ateş“ A Doll‟s Homely Death: Ideology and the Uncanny in
„The Doll‟ by Vernon Lee”
Şanal Güven “Gender and Language in Suddenly, Last Summer”
Maria Paraschiv “„Ileana,‟ the Feminine Character, Symbol of the Magic
in The Forbidden Forest”
Chair: Aylin Atilla
Izmir City Tour
Hall B (Ahmet Arslan Conference Hall)
Hediye Özkan “Does Patriarchy only Oppress the Female: Gender
Dynamics and Identity Politics in My Father and My Son”
Işın Sacır “The Veiled Womanhood and the Differences of Gender
Perception in Persepolis”
Asma Abdi “The Possibility of Representation of the „Female Subject‟
through Cinematic Techniques and Narratives”
Chair: Şirin Dilli
Merve Dikiciler “„And the Phoenix rises perfect and renewed from its
own ashes‟: A Dystopian Reading of C.L. Moore‟s No Woman Born”
Hazal Çomak “(Dis)Embodiment in Neuromancer: Male Transcendence,
Female Physicality”
Ramazan Saral “Gender Shaping Culture: Androgeniety in The Left Hand
of Darkness”
Chair: Sena Şahini
Violetta Trofimova “Images of „other‟ Women in Aphra Behn‟s Drama
and Prose Fiction”
Imtiaz Hasnain and Marzieh Bashirpour “Investigating Interruption
across Gender in Conversation, Is it a Violation of Social Politeness? The
Case of Persian and Urdu Speakers”
Chair: Begüm Tuğlu