CV - Department of English Language and Literature


CV - Department of English Language and Literature
Curriculum Vitae
Lecturer Sena Şahini PhD
Ege University, Faculty of Letters
Department of English Language and Literature
Phone Number: +90232 3115083
e-mail: -
Education, Degrees:
PhD. Ege University, Graduate School of Social Sciences İzmir, 2014. Thesis Title:
"Comedy of Manners and the Politics of British Drama" (PhD)
M.A. Ege University, Graduate School of Social Sciences İzmir, 2005. Thesis Title:
“Shakespearean Carnivalesque: Challenging The Authoriy” (MA)
B.A. Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and
Literature İzmir, 2002.
Positions Held:
 Lecturer at Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and
Literature (2004- Present)
Organizing Committee Member:
 3rd International IDEA Conference, Studies in English.(2008)
 14th International Cultural Studies Symposium. (2013)
Conference Papers:
"'Am I Approximately an I. Magnin Transplant?': The Bonds of Self, Body and
Womanhood in Anne Sexton's Poetry" 32nd Annual American Studies Conference,
Hacettepe University, November 7-9, 2007.
"Shakespearean Solution for the Problem of Justice in Agatha Christie's
Curtain:Poirot's Last Case" 3rd International IDEA Conference, Studies in English,
Ege University, April 16-18, 2008
“The Visionary Vanguards: Language in Modernist Avant-Garde Dram" 5th
International IDEA Conference, Studies in English, Atılım University, April 14-16
“The Garden of Evil: Beauty and Ambiguity in The Innocents”. Read on Screen:Film
Adaptations of Literature in English. Metropolitan University, Prague, Czech
Republic, October 17-18, 2014)
Courses Taught Undergraduate (2015-2015):
Introduction to Renaissance Literature – Introduction to Shakespeare
Introduction to Poetry I – Introduction to Poetry II
Shakespeare and Critical Theory I – Shakespeare and Critical Theory II
Seminars in Drama Studies I – Seminars in Drama Studies II
Studies in American Prose – Contemporary American Literature