Canan and Ulaş get married - Kalkan Turkish Local News


Canan and Ulaş get married - Kalkan Turkish Local News
Canan and Ulaş get married · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Information · Kalkan Map · Kalkan T
Sunday, 11 October 2009 - Last Updated Sunday, 11 October 2009
Two lovely people have just got married. Canan Kalkanlı and Ulaş Akbaş were married this
weekend, (9th, 10th and 11th October).
Canan works in Deniz Bank, Kalkan, where she deals with agricultural customers.
Ulaş is the chairman of the youth branch of the CHP in Kalkan, (the same party as the current
Mayor of Kalkan). He is also a businessman, involved in Fotos Pizza restaurant, and the
excellent Turkish news website, Kalkan Haber.
The wedding was on Friday, with celebrations continuing on Saturday and Sunday. On
Saturday evening hundreds of family and friends came together to wish the couple well, at a
party held in their honour.
The venue was the grounds of Yeşilköy First School. There was live music, much dancing and
a firework display. There was also the traditional ceremony where the couple are given gifts of gold, jewellery and
cash. Some was pinned or otherwise attached to Canan and Ulaş, with a significant amount of
Turkish lira collected in a supermarket carrier bag. Every little helps.
We think they make a great couple, and we wish them well in their married life together.
Below: Canan looks beautiful, dancing in her wedding dress.
Canan and Ulaş get married · Kalkan Turkey · Kalkan Weather · Kalkan Information · Kalkan Map · Kalkan T
Sunday, 11 October 2009 - Last Updated Sunday, 11 October 2009
Below: Canan and Ulaş listen, as the Mayor of Kalkan, Saim Karakurt, congratulates the happy
Below: the crowd form a scrum around Canan and Ulaş as they offer gifts.